This is a simple single table crud app with some contrived business rules so there is something to unit test. It is a good kickstarter project if you use this stack. It uses the following:
- ASP.Net MVC 5
- Structuremap IOC container
- StackExchange Exceptional error logging handling
- StackExchange MiniProfiler
- Dapper data access
- Dapper SimpleCRUD extensions to Dapper
- SimpleCRUD T4 template for POCO generation
- Automapper
- Bootstrap generic UI
- Microsoft bunding and minification
- AliaSQL database deployment tool
- AliaSQL C# Runner
- Assumes you have SQL Server 2008, 2012, or 2014 Express installed
- Unit tests with XUnit
- UI tests with Selenium
Try out AliaSQL using the following scripts:
- build.bat - compile, update database, and run unit tests
- build_and_package.bat - compile, update database, run unit tests, and package into a zip file
- database-rebuild.bat - drops database and rebuilds it from scripts
- database-testdata.bat - runs any testdata scripts that haven't previously ran
- database-update.bat - runs any create or update scripts that haven't previously ran
- database-diff.bat - runs sqlpackage.exe to compare the database scripts against the current sqlexpress database to generate a schema change script
- open_solution.bat - opens the .sln file in the source folder
- run_in_browser.bat - launches the web app in IIS Express
- default.ps1 - the psake build script
- full-system-tests.bat - compiles, runs unit tests, rebuilds and seeds database, then runs UI tests
- schema-compare.ps1 - runs sqlpackage.exe to compare the database scripts against the current sqlexpress database to generate a schema change - script without a dependency on psake
To run from a build server you can pass parameters into the build_and_package.bat like this:
build_and_package.bat databaseServer = '.\sqlexpress'; version = '1.1.1' ; build_dir = 'c:\test' ; visualstudioversion = '12.0'
Here is a video demo: