Please note this project is no longer maintained.
The goal of this project is to provide a simple way to minify and combine js and css files inside a CodeIgniter application. Currently other systems exists but I wanted the compression to be part of my build process. So on deployments I compress and minify all the js and css. Then push off to s3 but this could also be useful to write them to a single file.
Upload the Minify folder to your libraries folder. This is built using CI2 packages and you must be using CI2.
Below is an overview of different usages:
Minify JS file
$this->load->driver('minify'); $file = 'test/js/test1.js'; echo $this->minify->js->min($file);
Minify CSS file
$this->load->driver('minify'); $file = 'test/css/test1.css'; echo $this->minify->css->min($file);
Minify String
$this->load->driver('minify'); $content = 'body{ padding:0; margin: 0}'; echo $this->minify->css->min($content);
Minify and combine an array of files. Useful if you need files to be in a certain order.
$this->load->driver('minify'); $files = array('test/css/test2.css', 'test/css/test1.css'); echo $this->minify->combine_files($files, [optionalParams]);
Minify and save a physical file
$this->load->driver('minify'); $file = 'test/css/test1.css'; $contents = $this->minify->css->min($file); $this->minify->save_file($contents, 'test/css/all.css');
Minify an entire directory. The second param is an array of ignored files.
$this->load->driver('minify'); echo $this->minify->combine_directory('test/css/, array('all.css'), [optionalParams]);
Optional Params
combine_files($files, [type], [compact], [css_charset]); combine_directory($directory, [ignore], [type], [compact], [css_charset]);
[type]: string ('css' or 'js') [compact] : bool (TRUE, FALSE). TRUE Compact/compress output, FALSE doesn't compress output (only aggregation) [css_charset] : string (default 'utf-8'). If CSS you can force a starting single charset declaration (when aggregate files) due to the charset pre-removal (for stantdars compliance and Webkit bugfix prevention) set to null or leave empty if JS.
Combine dir:
[ignore] : array with files to ignore
fsencinas - ( JS-Min - (