All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- .NET 9.0
- CSharp 12
- .NET Core Detection
- .NET Standar Detection
- Debug Information
- Logic Simplification
- Examples Enhancements
- NuGet Packages Definition
- Missing Files
- Critical missing targets files
- Critical missing targets files
- Xamarin
- iOS
- Android
- Framework 4.6.2
- Framework 4.7
- Framework detection optimized
- Mono integration
- Xamarin build bug.
- .NET Profiles
- Mono detection
- Install/Uninstall scripts due a bug
- Install/Uninstall scripts
- Xamarin build bug.
- File format to targets.
- PORTABLE definition
- File format to props.
- XML missing header.
- NETFX_462 error.
- Read me update.
- Nuspec title fix.
- Start following SemVer properly.
- Start following Changelog properly.
- Nuspec generation.
- Initial commit.