From d25651cb52f98bb3160d896a516066d216dc8c01 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Marcelo Trylesinski <>
Date: Sun, 24 Dec 2023 12:01:37 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove deprecated generator function warnings on lifespan

 starlette/       | 53 --------------------------------------
 tests/ | 53 --------------------------------------
 2 files changed, 106 deletions(-)

diff --git a/starlette/ b/starlette/
index 6013ea452..541ea7679 100644
--- a/starlette/
+++ b/starlette/
@@ -1,14 +1,10 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
-import contextlib
 import functools
 import inspect
 import re
 import traceback
-import types
 import typing
-import warnings
-from contextlib import asynccontextmanager
 from enum import Enum
 from starlette._exception_handler import wrap_app_handling_exceptions
@@ -557,36 +553,6 @@ def __repr__(self) -> str:
 _T = typing.TypeVar("_T")
-class _AsyncLiftContextManager(typing.AsyncContextManager[_T]):
-    def __init__(self, cm: typing.ContextManager[_T]):
-        self._cm = cm
-    async def __aenter__(self) -> _T:
-        return self._cm.__enter__()
-    async def __aexit__(
-        self,
-        exc_type: type[BaseException] | None,
-        exc_value: BaseException | None,
-        traceback: types.TracebackType | None,
-    ) -> bool | None:
-        return self._cm.__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
-def _wrap_gen_lifespan_context(
-    lifespan_context: typing.Callable[
-        [typing.Any], typing.Generator[typing.Any, typing.Any, typing.Any]
-    ],
-) -> typing.Callable[[typing.Any], typing.AsyncContextManager[typing.Any]]:
-    cmgr = contextlib.contextmanager(lifespan_context)
-    @functools.wraps(cmgr)
-    def wrapper(app: typing.Any) -> _AsyncLiftContextManager[typing.Any]:
-        return _AsyncLiftContextManager(cmgr(app))
-    return wrapper
 class _DefaultLifespan:
     def __init__(self, router: Router):
         self._router = router
@@ -619,25 +585,6 @@ def __init__(
         if lifespan is None:
             self.lifespan_context: Lifespan[typing.Any] = _DefaultLifespan(self)
-        elif inspect.isasyncgenfunction(lifespan):
-            warnings.warn(
-                "async generator function lifespans are deprecated, "
-                "use an @contextlib.asynccontextmanager function instead",
-                DeprecationWarning,
-            )
-            self.lifespan_context = asynccontextmanager(
-                lifespan,
-            )
-        elif inspect.isgeneratorfunction(lifespan):
-            warnings.warn(
-                "generator function lifespans are deprecated, "
-                "use an @contextlib.asynccontextmanager function instead",
-                DeprecationWarning,
-            )
-            self.lifespan_context = _wrap_gen_lifespan_context(
-                lifespan,
-            )
             self.lifespan_context = lifespan
diff --git a/tests/ b/tests/
index 5ccf4ca61..879f6e69c 100644
--- a/tests/
+++ b/tests/
@@ -359,59 +359,6 @@ async def lifespan(app: ASGIApp) -> AsyncGenerator[None, None]:
     assert cleanup_complete
-deprecated_lifespan = pytest.mark.filterwarnings(
-    r"ignore"
-    r":(async )?generator function lifespans are deprecated, use an "
-    r"@contextlib\.asynccontextmanager function instead"
-    r":DeprecationWarning"
-    r":starlette.routing"
-def test_app_async_gen_lifespan(test_client_factory: TestClientFactory) -> None:
-    startup_complete = False
-    cleanup_complete = False
-    async def lifespan(app: ASGIApp) -> AsyncGenerator[None, None]:
-        nonlocal startup_complete, cleanup_complete
-        startup_complete = True
-        yield
-        cleanup_complete = True
-    app = Starlette(lifespan=lifespan)  # type: ignore
-    assert not startup_complete
-    assert not cleanup_complete
-    with test_client_factory(app):
-        assert startup_complete
-        assert not cleanup_complete
-    assert startup_complete
-    assert cleanup_complete
-def test_app_sync_gen_lifespan(test_client_factory: TestClientFactory) -> None:
-    startup_complete = False
-    cleanup_complete = False
-    def lifespan(app: ASGIApp) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
-        nonlocal startup_complete, cleanup_complete
-        startup_complete = True
-        yield
-        cleanup_complete = True
-    app = Starlette(lifespan=lifespan)  # type: ignore
-    assert not startup_complete
-    assert not cleanup_complete
-    with test_client_factory(app):
-        assert startup_complete
-        assert not cleanup_complete
-    assert startup_complete
-    assert cleanup_complete
 def test_middleware_stack_init(test_client_factory: TestClientFactory) -> None:
     class NoOpMiddleware:
         def __init__(self, app: ASGIApp):