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Course Plan

Course plan.

Week - 1:

  1. Installation
  2. Introduction to cargo
  3. Introduction to Rust Syntax:
    • Variables: let, mut
    • Functions: fn
    • String, str, format!, println!
    • Arrays: Vec, slice
    • HashMap (or Dictionary): HashMap
    • Ownership, Borrowing
    • Control Flow: if, if let, match
    • Loops: loop, while, while let, for, iterators


  1. Write fn hello(name:&str) -> String
    • will return: "Hello -name-!"
  2. Write fn make_it_double(num:i32) -> i32
    • will return: 4 when given 2
  3. Write fn multiply_pi(num:f32) -> f32
    • will multiply the num with Pi(π) and return the result.

Week - 2:

  1. Introduction to:
    • Enum
    • Result
    • Option
    • Struct
    • Traits
    • Macro


  1. Write fn to_letter_grade(num:u8) -> String
    • will return "AA" for 100, "BA" for 89 etc.
  2. Write fn log(level:LogLevel, msg:&str) -> String
    • LogLevel is an enum. Prints logs with level tag: [WARN]: This is warning log.
  3. Write Person {name:String, age: u8, gender: Gender}
    • Gender is an enum. Also implement Display trait for Person with format: {name}({age}) ex: Emin(24).
  4. Write display!(Person, "{}({})", name, gender)
    • This macro will implement Display trait for Person with format you provide.

Week - 3:

  1. Crates, Tests
    • Crates: use, mod, pub mod, create your own crate
    • Usage of an example crate: serde
    • Writing Tests


  1. Make Person { name:String, age:u8, gender:Gender::Male } struct transformable to JSON string with serde & serde_json crate:
    • Example: {"name":"Emin","age":24,"gender":"Male"}
  2. Write 3 test cases for first task.
  3. Write jsonified output of the Person struct to person.json file.

Week - 4:

  1. Closure
  2. Iterator
    • filter
    • map
    • nth
    • count
    • enumerate
    • Fibonacci series with Iterator trait
  3. Generics
  4. Lifetimes


  1. Filter even numbers on a list
  2. Multiply all numbers with 2 on a list
  3. Implement an iterator which implements this algorithm: f(n) = f(n-1) * f(n-2) and n > 0

Week - 5:

  1. Thread, Mutex, Atomic, Channel
    • Fearless Concurrency
    • thread
    • thread w/ mutex
    • thread w/ atomic
    • thread w/ channel


  1. Calculate nth prime number with threads.
    • Find every given prime number on an array &[u32] with spawning a thread for each of it, and send the result with std::sync::mpsc::Sender.

Week - 6:

  1. Introduction to asynchronous programming:
    • async-std. async, Future
    • Example: async TCP server


  1. Write tcp chat server with async-std
    • Send each message to other connections.
    • Use Arc<Mutex<>> to share "user list" between the tasks.
    • Use 22222 port to make us test it easily.