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369 lines (317 loc) · 15.3 KB
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2019-08-05 00:00:00 UTC
2019-10-29 00:00:00 UTC

Provide @model named argument to route templates


Allow route templates to access the route's model with @model in addition to this.model.


{{!-- The model for this route is the current user --}}

  Hi <img src="{{this.model.profileImage}}" alt="{{}}'s profile picture"> {{}},
  this is a valid Ember template!

{{#if this.model.isAdmin}}
  <div>Remember, with great power comes great responsibility!</div>


{{!-- The model for this route is the current user --}}

  Hi <img src="{{@model.profileImage}}" alt="{{}}'s profile picture"> {{}},
  this is a valid Ember template!

{{#if @model.isAdmin}}
  <div>Remember, with great power comes great responsibility!</div>


With the Octane release, templates are taking on a more important role in idomatic Ember apps. As templates become more self-sufficient, many cases where a JavaScript class was needed in the past (e.g. to customize the "wrapper" element) can now be expressed with templates alone. This is a direction we will continue post-Octane.

We would like to update the learning materials (guides) to focus on teaching the template-centric component model. For example, components can be introduced as a way to break up large templates into smaller, named pieces, similar to refactoring a big function into smaller ones. Then, we can layer on making them reusable through passing arguments. Next, we can introduce the idea of passing a block and yielding. Finally, we can introduce the component class when we are ready to discuss adding behavior to the component.

As you can see, we can accomplish quite a lot with template-only components in Octane, and focusing on teaching templates first-and-foremost would provide a gentle learning curve for developers and designers who are comfortable with HTML but perhaps new to Ember (or even JavaScript). With this flow, the concept of a component class, and consequently, the idea of a "this context" in a template comes up quite late.

This presents a problem, as we may want or need to teach route templates before that was introduced. As the model can only be accessed through this.model in a route template, we would be forced to introduce that concept (and the contept of a controller) at an earlier time than would be ideal.

Providing @model to route templates would solve this problem quite elegantly. We will now be able to introduce the concept of arguments (@name) once and it can be applied consistently between component and route templates.

This also aligns with the general mental model that arguments are things that are passed into the template from the outside (which is true in the case of the route model).

This can also be thought of as a small incremental step in the bigger picture of reforming route templates and removing controllers from Ember. Specifically, it moves us a bit closer to the mental model that controllers/route templates are just a "special" kind of component. We expect to continually unify them and remove the remaining differences, and this is a step towards that direction.

Detailed design

Internally, route templates are already modelled as components at the Glimmer VM layer. To implement this, we would "synthesize" a named argument @model containing the resolved route model, i.e. the same value as this.model on the controller instance.

Just like the "reflected" named arguments in classic components, mutating this.model on the controller instance would not change the value of @model. In practice, this seems unlikely to be relied upon and probably considered a bad practice (it does not change the URL, does not affect what is returned by route.modelFor, etc). In any case, this is consistent with the general behavior for named arguments, in that they are immutable and should always reflect what was "passed in" from the caller.

How we teach this

In the guides, we should teach that @names are for things that are "passed in", i.e. arguments to the template.

In the tutorial, basic components concepts (template-only components, invoking a component with args, using the args with the template, etc) should be taught before the model hook is encountered. At that point, explaining that @model is passed into the component from the route, based on the resolution of the async model hook, will be quite natural.

For reference, here is a relevant section from the work-in-progress Octane tutorial. For context, up until this point, we have taught all the basic component concepts above, plus adding a (Glimmer) component class, adding instance variables and getters to the component, accessing those with {{this.*}} in the template, etc.

So far, we've been hard-coding everything into our <Rental> component. But that's probably not very sustainable, since eventually, we want our data to come from a server instead. Let's go ahead and move some of those hard-coded values out of the component in preparation for that.

We want to start working towards a place where we can eventually fetch data from the server, and then render the requested data as dynamic content from the templates. In order to do that, we will need a place where we can write the code for fetching data and loading them into the routes.

In Ember, route files are the place to do that. We haven't needed them yet, because all our routes are essentially just rendering static pages up until this point, but we are about to change that.

Let's start by creating a route file for the index route. We will create a new file at app/routes/index.js with the following content:

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

export default class IndexRoute extends Route {
  async model() {
    return {
      title: 'Grand Old Mansion',
      owner: 'Veruca Salt',
      city: 'San Francisco',
      location: {
        lat: 37.7749,
        lng: -122.4194,
      category: 'Estate',
      type: 'Standalone',
      bedrooms: 15,
      image: '',
      description: 'This grand old mansion sits on over 100 acres of rolling hills and dense redwood forests.',

There's a lot happening here that we haven't seen before, so let's walk through this. First, we're importing the Route class into the file. This class is used as a starting point for adding functionality to a route, such as loading data.

import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

Then, since we are extending the Route class into our own IndexRoute, which we are also exporting so that the rest of the application can use it.

export default class IndexRoute extends Route {
  // ...snip...

So far, so good. But what's happening inside of this route class? We implemented a async method called model(). This method is also known as the model hook.

The model hook is responsible for fetching and preparing any data that you need for your route. Ember will automatically call this hook for when entering a route, so that you can have an opportunity to do what you need to get the data you need. The object returned from this hook is known as the model for the route (surprise!).

Usually, this is where we'd fetch data from a server. Since fetching data is usually an asynchronous operation, the model hook is marked as async. This gives us the option of using the await keyword to wait for the data fetching operations to finish.

We'll get to that bit later on. At the moment, we are just returning the same hard-coding model data, extracted from the <Rental> component, but in a JavaScript object (also known as POJO) format.

So, now that we've prepared some model data for our route, let's use it in our template. In route templates, we can access the model for the route as this.model. In our case, that would contain the POJO returned from our model hook.

To test that this is working, let's modify our template and try to render the title property from our model:


<div class="rentals">
  <ul class="results">
    <li><Rental /></li>
    <li><Rental /></li>
    <li><Rental /></li>

If we look at our page in the browser, we should see our model data reflected as a new header.

Awesome! Looking good.

Zoey says...

The this in this.model does not refer to the route object. You cannot add instance variables or getters on the route class and have access to them here. It's a good idea to keep your route template simple and minimal — if you need to add state or getters, just add a component and call it from your route template!

Ok, now that we know that we have a model to use at our disposal, let's remove some of the hard-coding that we did earlier! Instead of explicitly hard-coding the rental information into our <Rental> component, we can pass the model object to our component instead.

Let's try it out. First, let's pass in our model to our <Rental> component as the @rental argument. We will also remove the extraneous <h1> tag we added earlier, no that we know things are working:

<div class="rentals">
  <ul class="results">
    <li><Rental @rental={{this.model}} /></li>
    <li><Rental @rental={{this.model}} /></li>
    <li><Rental @rental={{this.model}} /></li>


As you can see, there are some awkwardness explaining this.model at this point. Knowing that there is a this context on the template, it is only natural to inquire what is the this we are referring to here.

Up until this point in the tutorial, the only place where we have access to a this object in the template is a component with a class. Since the route class is the only related class we made at this point, and it happens to have a model property (a method) on it, one natural conclusion is to think that this refers to the route instance, and this.model refers to the model hook.

Note: you don't always have a this context in templates. Template-only components do not have a this context. Since template-only components make up roughly half of the components in the tutorials so far, having a this from the template is a notable thing that stands out.

But that completely the wrong mental model! To avoid that, we put in a "Zoey says..." sidebar that explicitly denies that incorrect mental model, stating what it is not, without really explaining what it is.

To fully explain what is going on, we would have to pause and take a detour to explain everyone's least favourite part of the Ember programming model – controllers. This would be extremely disruptive to the teaching flow, to say the least, but also serves no purpose at all.

We opted to avoid going down that rabit hole and just treated it as a boilerplate syntax you have to type.

If we are able to explain this using @model instead, it would make things a lot smoother here.

We wouldn't have to go into the details of how things get invoked internally. At the end of the day, it is still just a piece of syntax you type to get the job done, but at least it is consistent with the general mental model that @names means that thing was passed in, and it does not trigger the questions about what this is.

It is also not inconsistent with the fact that there is, in fact, a this context on the template. The usage and preference of using @names does not preclude the existance of a class (which provides the this context), as in the case of @ember/components.

As for the concrete changes that need to be made in the documentation:

  • We will explain that @model is passed into the component from the route. For example, in the Route class' model hook documentation, we can say something like:

    The model hook is responsible for fetching and preparing any data that you need for your route. Ember will automatically call this hook for when entering a route, so that you can have an opportunity to do what you need to get the data you need. The object returned from this hook is known as the model for the route.

    Note that since this is an async hook, if a promise is returned, it will be automatically awaited by Ember, and the resolved value of the promise, as opposed to the promise object itself, will become the model of the route.

    The model object can be accessed from the route's template as using the @model argument. By default, the controller can also accessed the route's model from this.model. The latter behavior is customizable, see the setupController method for details.

    The model of a route should be treated as read-only. For example, the controller should not mutate its this.model property, as doing so will cause it to get out of sync with the rest of the system. Specifically, doing so will not update the current URL, the @model argument in the template, the router service, etc. Instead, a route transition should be performed.

  • Guides and API docs should be updated to prefer @model in route templates.

  • API docs will still document the model property.

  • We will remove any examples that uses {{this.model}} in templates, or replace them with {{@model}}. i.e. we won’t be documenting using this.model in templates, even thought it would “work”.


In some applications, developers have developed a pattern to override the setupController method to assign the model to a different property on the controller other than the default model naming convention.

Since this RFC does not provide any way to customize the name of the argument, developers using this pattern will have to choose between one of the following two options:

  1. Refactor/revert to the default behavior of setupController and use the default model property. This makes it cognitively easy to understand the @model usages in the route templates.

  2. Stick with the alternative names and avoid using @model in the route templates, until there is a way to customize both names at the same time.

Technically, it is also possible to use one name in the controller and @model in the template. This doesn't cause any issues for the system, but maybe confusing for the developers.

In the future, we expect to generalize the model hook and @model into allowing passing arbitrary arguments into the template, perhaps replacing the model hook with something like an args hook that returns a POJO of arguments to pass.


We can do nothing.

Unresolved questions
