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stdio buffer exception #299

AHBruns opened this issue Oct 23, 2023 · 16 comments

stdio buffer exception #299

AHBruns opened this issue Oct 23, 2023 · 16 comments


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AHBruns commented Oct 23, 2023

17:45:12.329 [error] Task #PID<0.355.0> started from NextLS.Buffer terminating
** (MatchError) no match of right hand side value: [",\\n    \\\"address\\\",\\n    \\\"street_address_line_2\\\",\\n    \\\"city\\\",\\n    \\\"state\\\",\\n    \\\"zip\\\"\\n  ]\\n\\n  @impl Oban.Worker\\n  def perform(%Oban.Job{args", " %{\\\"portal_id\\\" => _portal_id, \\\"contact_id\\\" => contact_id}}) do\\n    case Contact.get_contact_properties(", "lead_ranking, contact_id, @lead_ranking_properties) do\\n      {", "ok, ", "archived} ->\\n        ", "ok\\n\\n      {", "ok, properties} ->\\n        plan_for(\\n          rankability(properties[\\\"hs_lead_status\\\"]),\\n          nillify(properties[\\\"lead_rank\\\"]),\\n          nillify(properties[\\\"zip\\\"])\\n        ).(contact_id, properties)\\n\\n      error ->\\n        error\\n    end\\n  end\\n\\n  defp plan_for(_status, nil, nil), do", " &nothing/2\\n  defp plan_for(", "rankable, nil, _zip), do", " &create_lead_rank/2\\n  defp plan_for(", "unrankable, nil, _zip), do", " &nothing/2\\n  defp plan_for(_status, _lead_rank, nil), do", " &clear_lead_rank/2\\n  defp plan_for(", "rankable, _lead_rank, _zip), do", " &update_lead_rank/2\\n  defp plan_for(", "unrankable, _lead_rank, _zip), do", " &clear_lead_rank/2\\n\\n  defp nothing(_contact_id, _properties), do", " ", "ok\\n\\n  defp create_lead_rank(contact_id, properties) do\\n    set_lead_rank(contact_id, rank_for(properties))\\n  end\\n\\n  defp update_lead_rank(contact_id, %{\\\"lead_rank\\\" => lead_rank} = properties) do\\n    case rank_for(properties) do\\n      ^lead_rank -> ", "ok\\n      new_lead_rank -> set_lead_rank(contact_id, new_lead_rank)\\n    end\\n  end\\n\\n  defp clear_lead_rank(contact_id, _properties) do\\n    set_lead_rank(contact_id, \\\"\\\")\\n  end\\n\\n  defp rank_for(%{\\n         \\\"address\\\" => address,\\n         \\\"street_address_line_2\\\" => street_address_line_2,\\n         \\\"city\\\" => city,\\n         \\\"state\\\" => state,\\n         \\\"zip\\\" => zip\\n       }) do\\n    {", "ok, %{\\\"total_available_therapists\\\" => total_available_therapists}} =\\n      Serviceability.available_therapists(%{\\n        address_text", "\\n          [\\n            address,\\n            street_address_line_2,\\n            city,\\n            state,\\n            zip\\n          ]\\n          |> Enum.filter(fn\\n            nil -> false\\n            \\\"\\\" -> false\\n            _otherwise -> true\\n          end)\\n          |> Enum.join(\\\", \\\")\\n      })\\n\\n    Integer.to_string(total_available_therapists)\\n  end\\n\\n  defp set_lead_rank(contact_id, value) do\\n    Contact.set_contact_properties(", "lead_ranking, contact_id, %{\\\"lead_rank\\\" => value})\\n  end\\n\\n  defp nillify(\\\"\\\"), do", " nil\\n  defp nillify(nil), do", " nil\\n  defp nillify(value), do", " value\\n\\n  defp rankability(\\\"Patient - Suspect\\\"), do", " ", "rankable\\n  defp rankability(\\\"Patient - Qualified", " Ready to book\\\"), do", " ", "rankable\\n  defp rankability(_value), do", " ", "unrankable\\nend\\n\"}}}Content-Length", " 201"]
    (gen_lsp 0.6.0) lib/gen_lsp/communication/stdio.ex:73: GenLSP.Communication.Stdio.read_header/1
    (gen_lsp 0.6.0) lib/gen_lsp/communication/stdio.ex:40:
    (gen_lsp 0.6.0) lib/gen_lsp/buffer.ex:128: anonymous fn/4 in
    (elixir 1.15.5) lib/stream.ex:1626: Stream.do_resource/5
    (elixir 1.15.5) lib/enum.ex:4387: Enum.reverse/1
    (elixir 1.15.5) lib/enum.ex:3704: Enum.to_list/1
    (elixir 1.15.5) lib/task/supervised.ex:101: Task.Supervised.invoke_mfa/2
Function: #Function<0.64901786/0 in>
    Args: []

This is the error in the logs. It seems to be specific to files using Oban.

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AHBruns commented Oct 23, 2023

I take it back, it's not just Oban related files.

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Can you give me the exact contents of the file that causes this?

You can email it to me if it's sensitive, but it's already error you pasted.

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AHBruns commented Oct 24, 2023

defmodule Grimoire.PatientCentricSearch.LiteHubspotContactsSyncChunkWorker do
  @moduledoc false

  use Oban.Pro.Workers.Chunk,
    queue: :hubspot_requesters,
    by: [args: :profile],
    size: 100,
    timeout: 1000

  alias Grimoire.Bridges.Hubspot.Api.Contact
  alias Grimoire.PatientCentricSearch.LiteHubspotContact
  alias Grimoire.Repo

  require Logger

  @impl true
  def process([%{args: %{"profile" => profile}} | _] = jobs) do
    results =
      |> String.to_existing_atom()
      |> Contact.batch_get_contact_properties(
        |> job ->
          Map.fetch!(job.args, "hs_object_id")
        |> Stream.uniq(),

    Enum.each(results, fn
      {hs_object_id, {:ok, :archived}} ->
          %LiteHubspotContact{hs_object_id: hs_object_id},
          stale_error_field: :hs_object_id,
          stale_error_message: "is already deleted"

      {hs_object_id, {:ok, contact}} ->
        properties = [
          first_name: contact["firstname"],
          middle_name: contact["middle_name"],
          last_name: contact["lastname"],
          date_of_birth: contact["date_of_birth"],
          email: contact["email"],
          address: contact["address"],
          phone: contact["phone"],
          hs_object_id: hs_object_id

        # upsert
          struct!(LiteHubspotContact, properties),
          on_conflict: [set: properties],
          conflict_target: :hs_object_id

      {hs_object_id, {:error, reason}} ->
        Logger.error("an error was returned when attempting to read hubspot contact #{hs_object_id}: #{inspect(reason)}")

    failed_jobs =
      Enum.filter(jobs, fn %{args: %{"hs_object_id" => hs_object_id}} ->
        case results[hs_object_id] do
          {:ok, _} -> false
          _ -> true

    if Enum.empty?(failed_jobs) do
      {:error, "failed to sync", failed_jobs}

It's not particularly sensitive. Blowing away _build and .elixir-tools does seems to have fixed the issue fwiw.

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Also what is your elixir and otp versions and what is your OS

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Are there any files that might have strange Unicode characters in them?

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AHBruns commented Oct 24, 2023

Nothing comes to mind with strange unicode characters. Also, after blowing everything away it did start happening again, thought this time with a different error (different file, btw):

19:47:39.727 [error] GenServer NextLS.Buffer terminating
** (Jason.DecodeError) unexpected end of input at position 2988
    (jason 1.4.1) lib/jason.ex:92: Jason.decode!/2
    (gen_lsp 0.6.0) lib/gen_lsp/buffer.ex:82: GenLSP.Buffer.handle_cast/2
    (stdlib 5.0.2) gen_server.erl:1103: :gen_server.try_handle_cast/3
    (stdlib 5.0.2) gen_server.erl:1165: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
    (stdlib 5.0.2) proc_lib.erl:241: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: {:"$gen_cast", {:incoming, "\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"textDocument/didSave\",\"params\":{\"textDocument\":{\"uri\":\"file:///Users/alexbruns/code/luna/grimoire/lib/grimoire_web/live/patient_centric_search/search_bar.ex\"},\"text\":\"defmodule GrimoireWeb.PatientCentricSearchLive.SearchBar do\\n  @moduledoc false\\n\\n  use GrimoireWeb, :live_component\\n\\n  alias Grimoire.PatientCentricSearch\\n  alias GrimoireWeb.OmniUI\\n\\n  def search_bar(assigns) do\\n    ~H\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n    <.live_component module={__MODULE__} {assigns} />\\n    \\\"\\\"\\\"\\n  end\\n\\n  @impl true\\n  def render(assigns) do\\n    ~H\\\"\\\"\\\"\\n    <div>\\n      <.form for={@form} phx-target={@myself} phx-change=\\\"search\\\" phx-debounce={300}>\\n        <OmniUI.text_input field={{@form, :query}} placeholder=\\\"Search for a patient...\\\" />\\n      </.form>\\n    </div>\\n    \\\"\\\"\\\"\\n  end\\n\\n  @impl true\\n  def mount(socket) do\\n    {:ok, initialize_assigns(socket)}\\n  end\\n\\n  @impl true\\n  def update(assigns, socket) do\\n    {\\n      :ok,\\n      socket\\n      |> update_params(assigns.params)\\n      |> update_id(\\n    }\\n  end\\n\\n  @impl true\\n  def handle_event(\\\"search\\\", params, socket) do\\n    {:noreply, update_query(socket, params[\\\"form\\\"][\\\"query\\\"])}\\n  end\\n\\n  defp update_id(socket, new_id) do\\n    if != new_id do\\n      socket\\n      |> assign(:id, new_id)\\n      |> update_query(Map.get(socket.assigns.params, new_id, \\\"\\\"))\\n    else\\n      socket\\n    end\\n  end\\n\\n  defp initialize_assigns(socket) do\\n    socket\\n    |> assign(:id, nil)\\n    |> assign(:params, %{})\\n    |> assign(:query, \\\"\\\")\\n    |> assign(:form, form_from_query(\\\"\\\"))\\n  end\\n\\n  defp form_from_query(query) do\\n    to_form(%{\\\"query\\\" => query}, as: :form)\\n  end\\n\\n  defp update_params(socket, params) do\\n    if socket.assigns.params != params do\\n      socket\\n      |> assign(:params, params)\\n      |> update_query(Map.get(params,, \\\"\\\"))\\n    else\\n      socket\\n    end\\n  end\\n\\n  defp update_query(socket, query) do\\n    if socket.assigns.query != query do\\n      query\\n      |>\\n      |> emit_search_results()\\n\\n      socket\\n      |> assign(:query, query)\\n      |> update_form(form_from_query(query))\\n      |> sync_to_url()\\n    else\\n      socket\\n    end\\n  end\\n\\n  defp emit_search_results(search_results) do\\n    topic = \\\"patient_centric_search_live:\#{inspect(self())}\\\"\\n    Phoenix.PubSub.broadcast(Grimoire.PubSub, topic, {topic, :search_results, search_results})\\n  end\\n\\n  defp update_form(socket, new_form) do\\n    if socket.assigns.form != new_form do\\n      assign(socket, :form, new_form)\\n    else\\n      socket\\n    end\\n  end\\n\\n  defp sync_to_url(socket) do\\n    if Map.get(socket.assigns.params,, \\\"\\\") != socket.assigns.query do\\n      new_params = Map.put(socket.assigns.params,, socket.assigns.query)\\n      push_patch(socket, to: ~p\\\"/patient-centric-search?\#{new_params}\\\")\\n    else\\n      socket\\n    end\\n  end\\nend\\n\"}"}}
State: %{lsp: #PID<0.193.0>, comm: GenLSP.Communication.Stdio, comm_data: nil, awaiting_response: %{}}

Wrt versions:

Erlang/OTP 26 [erts-14.0.2] [source] [64-bit] [smp:10:10] [ds:10:10:10] [async-threads:1] [jit] [dtrace]

Elixir 1.15.7 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 26)

I'm on a mac.

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What editor?

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I'm finishing up some better debugging tools so hopefully after I release that you can update and this will become easier to track down.

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Assuming I don't figure it out earlier

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AHBruns commented Oct 24, 2023

vs code

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I've been noticing this from time to time as well. Didn't open an issue yet because I cannot find a reliable way of reproducing it as it gets fixed when deleting the .elixir-tools folder and restarting the editor as @AHBruns says.

Will keep an eye on it and post a comment if I see it happening again.

@mhanberg mhanberg changed the title When I save a file formatting hangs stdio buffer exception Oct 24, 2023
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mhanberg commented Oct 24, 2023

Since this is a GenLSP issue, I opened an issue over there. Will leave this one open tho as well to track it until I fix and update


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mhanberg commented Nov 4, 2023

I am having trouble reproducing this with a property test, but @fhunleth says he was seeing similar errors after seeing another error that he submitted a patch (#331) for.

I will keep this open, but after I release this patch on v0.15, please let me know if you continue to see errors like this.


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Hey folks, just wanted to note that I'm running into this issue maybe every 2 hours now. It happens when NextLS compiles my dependencies (I don't know why it does that though because I haven't changed my dependencies in a few days). This prevents my editor (VSCode) from saving the file, which is blocking me from coding. I usually just restart my VSCode and then the error goes away.

I'll just drop the full output here in the hope that you find an error.

[NextLS] Unchecked dependencies for environment dev:
* bcrypt_elixir (Hex package)
[NextLS]   the dependency is not available, run "mix deps.get"
# </------ 50 other dependencies with the same error message ---------->
[Warn  - 20:03:56] [NextLS] Unexpected compiler response: {:error, %{message: "Can't continue due to errors on dependencies", __struct__: Mix.Error, __exception__: true, mix: 1}}
[Error - 20:05:10] ** (SyntaxError) nofile:44:7: keyword argument must be followed by space after: https:
 44 |       some compile error here # <- I forgot a comma after a field in a map
    |       ^

[NextLS] Unchecked dependencies for environment dev:
* bcrypt_elixir (Hex package)
[NextLS]   the dependency is not available, run "mix deps.get"
# </------ 50 other dependencies with the same error message ---------->
[Warn  - 20:05:16] [NextLS] Unexpected compiler response: {:error, %{message: "Can't continue due to errors on dependencies", __struct__: Mix.Error, __exception__: true, mix: 1}}

[NextLS]   the dependency is not available, run "mix deps.get"
# </------ 50 other dependencies with the same error message ---------->
[Warn  - 20:05:25] [NextLS] Unexpected compiler response: {:error, %{message: "Can't continue due to errors on dependencies", __struct__: Mix.Error, __exception__: true, mix: 1}}

20:05:43.117 [error] GenServer NextLS.Buffer terminating
** (Jason.DecodeError) unexpected end of input at position 258
    (jason 1.4.1) lib/jason.ex:92: Jason.decode!/2
    (gen_lsp 0.6.2) lib/gen_lsp/buffer.ex:82: GenLSP.Buffer.handle_cast/2
    (stdlib 5.1.1) gen_server.erl:1103: :gen_server.try_handle_cast/3
    (stdlib 5.1.1) gen_server.erl:1165: :gen_server.handle_msg/6
    (stdlib 5.1.1) proc_lib.erl:241: :proc_lib.init_p_do_apply/3
Last message: {:"$gen_cast", {:incoming, "\n{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"id\":2296,\"method\":\"textDocument/completion\",\"params\":{\"textDocument\":{\"uri\":\"file:///Users/peterullrich/Development/vcp/lib/app_web/live/some_path_and_live_view.ex\"},\"position\":{\"line\":39,\"character\":23},\"context\":{\"triggerKind\":1}}"}}
State: %{lsp: #PID<0.193.0>, comm: GenLSP.Communication.Stdio, comm_data: nil, awaiting_response: %{}}

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mhanberg commented Dec 8, 2023

@PJUllrich thank you! And sorry it's happening so frequently.

I'm starting to think this might be a VScode thing, as I haven't ever run into this personally (in neovim).

I'll have to run VSCode for a day to see if I can reproduce.

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No worries :) all the more reason to finally switch to Neovim maybe 😬

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