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Releases: elixir-lang/elixir


17 Jan 18:45
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Official announcement:

1. Enhancements


  • [EEx] Allow markers / and | to be used in a custom EEx engine


  • [Calendar] Add truncate to Time, DateTime and NaiveDateTime to facilitate microsecond precision pruning
  • [Code] Add format_string!/2 and format_file!/2 for automatic code formatting
  • [Code] Support column annotations in quoted expressions with columns: true in Code.string_to_quoted/2
  • [DynamicSupervisor] Add DynamicSupervisor designed to manage children that are added and removed dynamically
  • [Exception] Make Exception.blame/3 extensible by adding an optional blame/2 callback to exceptions
  • [Exception] Improve the printing of guards on blamed exceptions
  • [Enumerable] Add Enumerable.slice/1 and optimize many Enum operations with the new protocol. This allows data-structures with index-based random access to provide a non-linear implementation
  • [Inspect] Show UTF-8 BOM on inspected strings
  • [Inspect.Algebra] Add :strict and :flex breaks - this gives more control over the document fitting
  • [Inspect.Algebra] Allow a group to inherit the parent group break
  • [Inspect.Algebra] Add force_unfit/1 and next_break_fits/2 which give more control over document fitting
  • [Inspect.Algebra] Add collapse_lines/1 for collapsing multiple lines to a maximum value
  • [Inspect.Algebra] Allow nest/2 to be :reset or be set to the current :cursor position
  • [Kernel] Prefix variables with V when emitting Erlang code. This improves the integration with tools such as Erlang code formatters and the GUI debugger
  • [Kernel] Warn on the use of length(x) == 0 in guards
  • [Kernel] Warn if catch comes before rescue in try
  • [Kernel] Warn if heredoc is outdented compared to its closing quotes
  • [Kernel] Add defguard/1 and defguardp/1 to make it easier to build guard-safe macros
  • [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] Add compile/2, compile_to_path/3 and require/2 which provide detailed information about warnings and errors
  • [Kernel.SpecialForms] Support the uniq: true flag in for comprehensions
  • [Module] Introduce @deprecated and @since attributes
  • [List] Rearrange equals and inserts for shorter diff scripts in List.myers_difference/2
  • [Record] Allow :macros and :includes to be given to Record.extract/2
  • [Stream] Add Stream.intersperse/2
  • [String] Update to Unicode 10
  • [String] Allow passing empty string match to String.replace/4
  • [String] Support context and language sensitive operations in String.upcase/2 and String.downcase/2. Currently only the :greek context is supported
  • [String] Support :ascii conversion in String.upcase/2 and String.downcase/2
  • [Time] Add Time.add/3


  • [ExUnit.Assertions] Perform inclusive checks in assert_in_delta
  • [ExUnit.Callbacks] Add ExUnit.Callbacks.start_supervised!/2
  • [ExUnit.Case] Generate a random seed per test based on the test suite seed


  • [IEx.Autocomplete] Provide contextual autocompletion: t Enum. will autocomplete types, b Enum will autocomplete callbacks
  • [IEx.CLI] Provide hints for developers when a bad host name is given to --remsh
  • [IEx.Helpers] Automatically include specs when showing documentation for functions/macros
  • [IEx.Helpers] Improve formatting of behaviours and typespecs by using the formatter
  • [IEx.Helpers] Allow pattern matching and guard expressions when on IEx.break!


  • [Logger] Add :discard_threshold to Logger to help with message queue overflow


  • [mix app.start] Add --preload-modules to mix app.start
  • [mix] Allow mix to bundle dot files via an option
  • [mix compile] Define a behavior for Mix compiler tasks and return diagnostics from compiler tasks
  • [mix compile] Track struct dependencies between files and recompile them only if the struct changes
  • [mix deps] Support :system_env option when specifying dependencies
  • [mix format] Add a mix format task that formats the given files (or the files specified in a .formatter.exs file)
  • [mix profile.eprof] Add a new task for time-based profiling with eprof
  • [mix test] Run all functions in a describe block by giving the file:line the describe block starts
  • [mix test] Report the top N slowest tests with the --slowest N flag
  • [mix test] Report the number of doctests and tests separately
  • [mix xref] Support --include-siblings in reports for umbrella support
  • [mix xref] Add mix xref graph --format stats
  • [mix xref] Add --only-nodes and --label filters to mix xref graph
  • [mix xref] Add mix xref deprecated that shows the callsite of deprecated functions

2. Bug fixes


  • [CLI] Support path with spaces as argument to elixir.bat
  • [Inspect] Properly handle minus signal for non-decimal negative integers
  • [Integer] Do not raise on non-integer values in is_odd/is_even
  • [Kernel] Solve a precedence issue between & and |, such as [& | &Baz.bat/2]
  • [Kernel] Do not load dynamic Elixir modules as :in_memory as this value is not officially supported by the code server. Instead, use an empty list, which is the same value used by Erlang.
  • [Kernel] Validate variable struct name is atom when used in pattern matching
  • [Kernel] No longer generate documentation for defdelegate functions automatically to avoid overriding previously specified @doc
  • [Macro] Fix Macro.to_string/2 for tuple calls, such as alias Foo.{Bar, Baz}
  • [MapSet] Return valid MapSet when unioning a legacy MapSet
  • [Regex] Return a leading empty space when splitting on empty pattern. This makes the split operation consistent with the other operations in the Regex module
  • [Stream] Ensure Stream.chunk_while/4 does not emit more elements than necessary when halted
  • [String] Return a leading empty space when splitting on empty string. This makes the split operation consistent with the other operations in the String module
  • [URI] Preserve empty fragments in URI.parse/1


  • [mix app.start] Improve the quality of reports if app fails to boot
  • [mix cmd] Allow mix cmd to be invoked multiple times without marking it as executed
  • [mix deps] Ensure optional dependencies in umbrella applications are loaded
  • [mix deps.update] Ensure transitive new non-Hex dependencies are also fetched when a repo is updated
  • [mix xref] Take compile dependencies with higher priority than runtime ones when building a graph
  • [mix xref] Handle external files for xref callers and warnings

3. Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)


  • [GenServer] Warn if init/1 is not defined in GenServer. This brings GenServer closer to the implementation in OTP and aligns all behaviours to require the init/1 callback
  • [Inspect.Algebra] surround/3 and surround_many/6 are deprecated in favor of container_doc/6
  • [Kernel] Specifying map types with variable keys without defining the type as required/optional is deprecated
  • [Kernel.ParallelCompiler] files/2 and files_to_path/3 are deprecated in favor of compile/2 and compile_to_path/3
  • [Kernel.ParallelRequire] files/2 is deprecated in favor of Kernel.ParallelCompiler.require/2
  • [Supervisor] The :simple_one_for_one strategy is deprecated in favor of DynamicSupervisor
  • [Supervisor] Passing a list of args to Supervisor.start_child/2 is deprecated in favor of DynamicSupervisor
  • [Task.Supervisor] Passing :restart and :shutdown to Task.Supervisor.start_link/2 is deprecated (it should be passed on start child instead)


  • [ExUnit.Formatter] :case_started and :case_finished events are deprecated in favor of :module_started and :module_finished


  • [Mix.Compilers.Erlang] Returning {:ok, val} | :error from custom Erlang compilers is deprecated in favor of {:ok, val, warnings} | {:error, errors, warnings}

4. Deprecations


  • [Enum] Enum.partition/2 is deprecated in favor of Enum.split_with/2
  • [Keyword] Keyword.replace/3 is deprecated in favor of Keyword.fetch/2 and Keyword.put/3
  • [Map] Map.replace/3 is deprecated in favor of Map.fetch/2 and Map.put/3
  • [Macro] Macro.unescape_tokens/1 and Macro.unescape_tokens/2 are deprecated in favor of
  • [Range] Deprecate Range.range?/1 in favor of pattern matching on _ .. _


11 Jan 09:33
Choose a tag to compare
v1.6.0-rc.1 Pre-release
Release v1.6.0-rc.1


24 Dec 11:40
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v1.6.0-rc.0 Pre-release
Release v1.6.0-rc.0


19 Dec 17:20
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1. Bug fixes


  • [Calendar] Consider microseconds in maximum possible Calendar.ISO datetime
  • [Enum] Fix chunk_every/4 when step > count
  • [Kernel] Warn duplicate definitions in macros
  • [Kernel] Remove dialyzer warnings from else in with clauses
  • [Kernel] Do not warning on upcoming @deprecated and @since attributes for v1.6
  • [MapSet] Return valid MapSet when union-ing a legacy MapSet


  • [ExUnit] Fix compiler warnings in assert_receive/3


29 Sep 12:10
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1. Enhancements


  • [Kernel] Optimize function definition with multiple clauses by not traversing the internal clauses table
  • [Kernel] Warn if unary operators are followed by new lines
  • [Registry] Use the name of the Registry as its :id in the child_spec/1 function

2. Bug fixes


  • [DateTime] Fix negative microsecond result when passing negative Unix epochs to from_unix/2
  • [Kernel] Improve error message for oversized atoms
  • [Kernel] Ensure @impl attribute also propagates to clauses from default arguments
  • [Kernel] Emit proper error for unknown vars inside binary pattern in match


  • [IEx] Do not crash IEx unexpectedly on System.stop/0
  • [IEx.Helpers] Ensure exiting a breakpoint set inside a breakpoint does not terminate the shell unexpectedly


  • [mix local.hex] Ensure --if-missing flag works as advertised
  • [mix test] Do not trigger additional error reports when there is a failure when loading test files
  • [Mix.SCM.Git] Ensure errors when invoking git propagate correctly


01 Aug 15:47
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1. Enhancements


  • [EEx.Engine] Add handle_begin and handle_end to EEx


  • [Kernel] Do not use references on function/macro definitions - this provides large improvements in compilation times in some rare corner cases
  • [Supervisor] Support mixing old and new typespecs in Supervisor.init/2 and Supevisor.start_link/2


  • [mix profile.*] Allow profile tasks to run without a project

2. Bug fixes


  • [EEx.Engine] Do not re-use the value of the init/1 callback throughout the compilation stack


  • [Kernel] Ensure dialyzer does not emit warnings in some uses of with
  • [Kernel] Fix dialyzer warnings when defmacrop is used in modules
  • [Kernel] Ensure Elixir modules can be dialyzed without starting the Elixir application
  • [Kernel] Do not serialize references in quoted expressions
  • [Kernel] Make sure structs expansion use the latest definition available when struct modules are recompiled
  • [Task] Support :infinity timeout on Task streams
  • [Typespec] Ensure typespecs allow tuple to be used as variable names


25 Jul 07:27
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Official announcement:

1. Enhancements


  • [Access] Optimize Access.get/2
  • [Base] Optimize Base encode/decode
  • [Calendar] Implement Inspect for DateTime with Calendar.ISO
  • [Calendar] Add "ISO days" format for conversions between Calendars and Date.convert/2, Time.convert/2, NaiveDateTime.convert/2 and DateTime.convert/2 (as well as bang variants)
  • [Calendar] Add :calendar field to Time struct
  • [Calendar] Add Time.diff/3, Date.add/2, Date.diff/2, DateTime.diff/3
  • [Calendar] Add Date.range/2
  • [Calendar] Add, DateTime.utc_now/1, and that allow specifing calendar
  • [Enum] Add Enum.chunk_by/4 and Stream.chunk_by/4
  • [Enum] Add Enum.chunk_every/2 and Enum.chunk_every/4 with a more explicit API than Enum.chunk/2 and Enum.chunk/4
  • [Exception] Add Exception.blame/3 that adds metadata to exceptions
  • [File] Add File.read_link/1 and File.read_link!/1
  • [File] Introduce :trim_bom option for!/2
  • [Inspect] Add :printable_limit to control the limit of printable structures
  • [Integer] Add Integer.gcd/2
  • [Kernel] Add left not in right to check that the left side is not in the enumerable on the right
  • [Kernel] Use the new debug_info chunk in OTP 20. This provides a mechanism for tools to retrieve the Elixir AST from beam files
  • [Kernel] defoverridable/1 accepts a module name as argument and marks all callbacks as overridable
  • [Kernel] Allow non-quoted Unicode atoms and variables according to Unicode Annex #31 (see Unicode Syntax document)
  • [Kernel] Warn when a :__struct__ key is used when building/updating structs
  • [Kernel] Cache the AST on definitions. This speeds up the compilation time from 10% to 15% measured across different projects
  • [Kernel] Improve compiler error message on invalid patterns and guards
  • [Keyword] Add replace/3 and replace!/3 for replacing an existing key
  • [List] List.starts_with?/2
  • [Macro] Introduce Macro.generate_arguments/2
  • [Map] Optimize Map.merge/3 by choosing merging direction
  • [Map] Add replace/3 and replace!/3 for replacing an existing key
  • [Map] Raise BadMapError in Map.equal?/2 when either of the two arguments is not a map
  • [MapSet] Reduce MapSet size when serialized to approximately half
  • [Process] Add Process.cancel_timer/2
  • [Protocol] Show available implementations on Protocol.UndefinedError if the protocol has been consolidated
  • [Registry] Support ETS guard conditions in Registry.match/3
  • [Registry] Support parallel: true in Registry.dispatch/3
  • [Registry] Introduce Registry.unregister_match/4
  • [Stream] Add Stream.chunk_every/2 and Stream.chunk_every/4 with a more explicit API than Stream.chunk/2 and Stream.chunk/4
  • [String] Optimise binary pattern matching in String.split/1 and String.trim_*/1
  • [Supervisor] Add Supervisor.init/2 and Supervisor.child_spec/2
  • [Supervisor] Allow module and {module, arg} to be given to Supervisor.start_link/2 and invoke module.child_spec(arg) on each argument
  • [Task] Support :on_timeout in Task.async_stream to control how tasks are terminated
  • [Task] Add ordered: false support to Task.async_stream


  • [ExUnit] Show code snippet from test source file in case of test errors
  • [ExUnit] Use Exception.blame/3 when formatting test errors
  • [ExUnit] Make assert_raise/2 fail if the underlying exception has a broken message/1 implementation
  • [ExUnit] Add start_supervised/2 and stop_supervised/1 to ExUnit. Processes started by this function are automatically shut down when the test exits


  • [IEx.Autocomplete] Support autocompletion of variable names
  • [IEx.Autocomplete] Support autocompletion of functions imported using import Mod, only: [...]
  • [IEx.Evaluator] Use Exception.blame/3 when showing errors in the terminal
  • [IEx.Helpers] Add exports/1 IEx helper to list all exports in a module
  • [IEx.Helpers] Add break!/2, break!/4, breaks/0, continue/0, open/0, remove_breaks/0, remove_breaks/1, reset_break/1, reset_break/3 and whereami/1 for code debugging
  • [IEx.Helpers] No longer emit warnings for IEx commands without parentheses
  • [IEx.Helpers] Add runtime_info/0 for printing runtime system information
  • [IEx.Helpers] Add open/1 to open the source of a given module/function in your editor
  • [IEx.Info] Implement IEx.Info protocol for calendar types


  • [Logger] Add metadata: :all configuration to log all metadata


  • [mix compile.elixir] Add --all-warnings option to Elixir compiler that shows all warnings from the previous compilation (instead of just of the files being compiled)
  • [mix] Strip debug information from escripts by default and add option :strip_beam which defaults to true
  • [mix loadpaths] Ensure --no-deps-check do not trigger SCM callbacks (such as git)
  • [mix local.hex] Add --if-missing flag to local.hex mix task
  • [mix profile.cprof] Add Mix.Tasks.Profile.Cprof for count-based profiling
  • [mix new] New styling for generated applications

2. Bug fixes


  • [Calendar] Ensure Calendar.ISO raises a readable error when reaching up the year 10000 restriction
  • [Calendar] Return {:error, :invalid_time} for wrong precision instead of crashing when parsing ISO dates
  • [Enumerable] Raise Protocol.UndefinedError on bad functions in Enumerable implementation
  • [File] Ensure recursive file operations raise on paths with null bytes (security issue reported by Griffin Byatt)
  • [File] Support :ram/:raw files in File.copy/2
  • [Inspect] Do not use colors when inspecting error messages
  • [Kernel] Support guards on anonymous functions of zero arity
  • [Kernel] Fix compilation of maps used as maps keys inside matches
  • [Kernel] Ensure do clause in with is tail call optimizable
  • [Module] on_definition/6 callback receives body wrapped in a keyword list, such as [do: body]. This solves a bug where it was impossible to distinguish between a bodyless clause and a function that returns nil.
  • [Path] Ensure recursive path operations raise on paths with null bytes (security issue reported by Griffin Byatt)
  • [Protocol] Do not lose source compile info on protocol consolidation
  • [Record] Properly escape quoted expressions passed to defrecord
  • [Regex] Fix inspect/2 for regexes with / terminator in them
  • [Registry] Ensure Registry.match/4 works with :_ as key
  • [Stream] Fix stream cycle over empty enumerable
  • [String] Consider Unicode non-characters valid according to the specification in String.valid?/1
  • [StringIO] Fix encoding and performance issues in StringIO.get_until
  • [System] Raise on paths with null bytes in System.cmd/2 and in System.find_executable/1 (security issue reported by Griffin Byatt)
  • [System] Raise on ill-formed environment variables (security issue reported by Griffin Byatt)


  • [ExUnit] Properly account failed tests when setup_all fails


  • [IEx] Skip autocompletion of module names that are invalid without being quoted
  • [IEx] Skip autocompletion of functions with default arguments with @doc false
  • [IEx] Do not start oldshell alongside IEx


  • [mix compile.elixir] Store multiple sources in case of module conflicts. This solves an issue where _build would get corrupted when compiling Elixir projects with module conflicts
  • [mix compile.erlang] Do not silently discard Erlang compile errors
  • [mix compile.erlang] Properly track -compile module attribute when specified as a list
  • [mix compile.protocols] Ensure protocol implementations do not "disappear" when switching between applications in umbrella projects by having separate consolidation paths per project
  • [mix compile.protocols] Do not raise when consolidating a protocol that was converted into a module

3. Soft deprecations (no warnings emitted)


  • [Kernel] not left in right is soft-deprecated in favor of left not in right

4. Deprecations


  • Atom.to_char_list/1, Float.to_char_list/1, Integer.to_char_list/1, Integer.to_char_list/2, Kernel.to_char_list/1, List.Chars.to_char_list/1, String.to_char_list/1 have been deprecated in favor of their to_charlist version. This aligns with the naming conventions in both Erlang and Elixir
  • [Enum] Deprecate Enum.filter_map/3 in favor of Enum.filter/2 + or for-comprehensions
  • [GenEvent] Deprecate GenEvent and provide alternatives in its docs
  • [Kernel] Using () to mean nil is deprecated
  • [Kernel] :as_char_lists value in Inspect.Opts.t/0 type, in favor of :as_charlists
  • [Kernel] :char_lists key in Inspect.Opts.t/0 type, in favor of :charlists
  • [Module] Using Erlang parse transforms via @compile {:parse_transform, _} is deprecated
  • [Stream] Deprecate Stream.filter_map/3 in favor of Stream.filter/2 +
  • [String] String.ljust/3 and String.rjust/3 are deprecated in favor of String.pad_leading/3 and String.pad_trailing/3 with a binary padding
  • [String] String.strip/1 and String.strip/2 are deprecated in favor of String.trim/1 and String.trim/2
  • [String] String.lstrip/1 and String.rstrip/1 are deprecated in favor of String.trim_leading/1 and String.trim_trailing/1
  • [String] String.lstrip/2 and String.rstrip/2 are deprecated in favor of String.trim_leading/2 and String.trim_trailing/2 with a binary as second argument
  • [Typespec] char_list/0 type is deprecated in favor of `...
Read more


20 Jul 09:51
Choose a tag to compare
v1.5.0-rc.2 Pre-release
Release v1.5.0-rc.2


12 Jul 12:54
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v1.5.0-rc.1 Pre-release
Release v1.5.0-rc.1


25 Jun 11:21
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v1.5.0-rc.0 Pre-release
Release v1.5.0-rc.0