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Releases: elixir-lang/elixir


28 May 15:51
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1. Bug fixes


  • [Code] Make sure Code.format_string!/2 formats multiline expression inside interpolation on the first run
  • [Macro] Revert keeping of underscores between digits in camelize


  • [Mix] Make sure Mix.install/2 expand paths for deps
  • [mix deps.get] Silence false positives on httpc warnings
  • [mix test] Do not run the whole suite when there are no --failed tests as it won't behave as expected inside umbrellas


  • SHA1: 4a1269b95c719e0295cd6b57a1c447e1b91563ef
  • SHA512: 66e877486606f232f36cbe76cdd63bc4ee5e75e27d6292bb602ab2c88b4dd7da6684e6ff9cdb2020e7f916ee2d58016e2d1e2cbd5e579f297ab8eae660cb5dcb
  • SHA1: 32da77e41f28ad5fa08a1c8f166f44fc09b1cbfd
  • SHA512: 260ce9bf8a0d4ddc5b6af67f5b970624cafd5aa1571a97d10573500f5722ab44fb4f49ebfc686003d2cc2b8eaf1e19b1cc176b0b6f121d3e405a3fea052e99f4


19 May 10:22
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1. Enhancements


  • [EEx.Engine] Add c:EEx.Engine.handle_text/3 callback that receives text metadata
  • [EEx.Engine] Emit warnings for unused "do" expression in EEx


  • [Code] Add Code.cursor_context/2 to return the context of a code snippet
  • [Code] Do not add newlines around interpolation on code formatting. Note this means formatted code that has interpolation after the line length on Elixir v1.12 won't be considered as formatted on earlier Elixir versions
  • [Code] Do not add brackets when keywords is used in the access syntax
  • [Calendar] Support basic datetime format in Calendar.ISO parsing functions
  • [Code] Improve evaluation performance on systems running on Erlang/OTP 24+
  • [Date] Support steps via Date.range/3
  • [DateTime] Add offset to DateTime.to_iso8601/2 (now to_iso8601/3)
  • [Enum] Add Enum.count_until/2 and Enum.count_until/3
  • [Enum] Add Enum.product/1
  • [Enum] Add Enum.zip_with/2, Enum.zip_with/3, Enum.zip_reduce/3, and Enum.zip_reduce/4
  • [Enum] Add support for functions as the second argument of Enum.with_index/2
  • [Exception] Show error_info data for exceptions coming from Erlang
  • [Float] Add Float.pow/2
  • [Integer] Add Integer.pow/2 and Integer.extended_gcd/2
  • [IO] Add and IO.binstream/0 which default to STDIO with line orientation
  • [List] Add default value for List.first/1 and List.last/1
  • [Kernel] Add first..last//step as support for stepped ranges
  • [Kernel] Also warn for literal structs on min/2 and max/2
  • [Kernel] Add Kernel.tap/2 and Kernel.then/2
  • [Kernel] Do not add runtime dependencies to remotes in typespecs
  • [Kernel] When there is an unused variable warning and there is a variable with the same name previously defined, suggest the user may have wanted to use the pin operator
  • [Kernel] Improve error messages on invalid character right after a number
  • [Kernel] Show removal and deprecated tips from Erlang/OTP
  • [Macro] Add export dependencies on Macro.struct!/2
  • [Macro] Support :newline to customize newlines escaping in Macro.unescape_string/2
  • [Module] Raise on invalid @dialyzer attributes
  • [Module] Add Module.get_definition/2 and Module.delete_definition/2
  • [Module] Allow @on_load to be a private function
  • [Module] Validate @dialyzer related module attributes
  • [Module] Add Module.reserved_attributes/0 to list all reserved attributes by the language
  • [Range] Add and Range.size/1
  • [Regex] Add offset option to Regex.scan/3 and
  • [Registry] Support :compression on Registry tables
  • [Registry] Support Registry.values/3 for reading values under a given key-pid pair
  • [Stream] Add Stream.zip_with/2 and Stream.zip_with/3
  • [String] Add :turkic mode option to String case functions
  • [String] Update to Unicode 13.0
  • [System] Add System.trap_signal/3 and System.untrap_signal/2
  • [System] Add to invoke a command that is interpreted by the shell
  • [Tuple] Add Tuple.sum/1 and Tuple.product/1
  • [URI] Support RFC3986 compliant encoding and decoding of queries via the :rfc3986 option


  • [ExUnit] Intercept SIGQUIT (via Ctrl+\) and show a list of all aborted tests as well as intermediate test results
  • [ExUnit] Interpolate module attributes in match assertions diffs
  • [ExUnit] Print how much time is spent on async vs sync tests
  • [ExUnit] Improve error messages for doctests
  • [ExUnit] Compile doctests faster (often by two times)
  • [ExUnit] Add ExUnit.async_run/0 and ExUnit.await_run/1


  • [IEx] Make IEx' parser configurable to allow special commands
  • [IEx] Show function signature when pressing tab after the opening parens of a function
  • [IEx] If an IEx expression starts with a binary operator, such as |>, automatically pipe in the result of the last expression


  • [Mix] Add Mix.install/2 for dynamically installing a list of dependencies
  • [Mix] Support :exit_code option in Mix.raise/2
  • [Mix] Discard MIX_ENV and MIX_TARGET values if they are empty strings
  • [Mix] Print the time taken to execute a task with on MIX_DEBUG=1
  • [mix compile.erlang] Compile multiple files in parallel
  • [mix] Deep merge configuration and ensure argv is set when executing config/runtime.exs
  • [mix release] Add RELEASE_PROG to releases with the name of the executable starting the release
  • [mix release] Support remote.vm.args to customize how the connecting VM boots
  • [mix test] Run all available tests if there are no pending --failed tests. This provides a better workflow as you no longer need to toggle the --failed flag between runs

2. Bug fixes


  • [CLI] Ensure -e "" (with an empty string) parses correctly on Windows
  • [Inspect] Do not override user supplied :limit option for derived implementations
  • [Kernel] Allow heredoc inside a heredoc interpolation
  • [Kernel] Preserve CRLF on heredocs
  • [Kernel] Public functions without documentation now appear as an empty map on Code.fetch_docs/1, unless they start with underscore, where they remain as :none. This aligns Elixir's implementation with EEP48
  • [Kernel] Do not crash when complex literals (binaries and maps) are used in guards
  • [Kernel] Properly parse keywords (such as end) followed by the :: operator
  • [Kernel] Do not ignore unimplemented signatures from generated functions
  • [Kernel] Improve error message when an expression follows a keyword list without brackets
  • [Macro] Macro.decompose_call/1 now also consider tuples with more than 2 elements to not be valid calls
  • [Macro] Fix Macro.to_string/1 double-escaping of escape characters in sigils
  • [Macro] Fix Macro.underscore/1 on digits preceded by capitals: "FOO10" now becomes "foo10" instead of "fo_o10"
  • [Macro] Preserve underscores between digits on Macro.underscore/1
  • [OptionParser] Properly parse when numbers follow-up aliases, for example, -ab3 is now parsed as -a -b 3
  • [Path] Fix Path.relative_to/2 when referencing self
  • [Path] Do not crash when a volume is given to Path.absname/1, such as "c:"
  • [Task] Ensure Task.async_stream/2 with ordered: false discard results as they are emitted, instead of needlessly accumulating inside the stream manager
  • [Task] Raise if :max_concurrency is set to 0 on streaming operations
  • [URI] Do not discard empty paths on URI.merge/2


  • [ExUnit.Case] Make @tag tmp_dir an absolute directory, avoiding inconsistencies if the test changes the current working directory
  • [ExUnit.Diff] Fix cases where the diffing algorithm would fail to print a pattern correct


  • [IEx] Fix auto-completion inside remote shells


  • [mix app.config] Do not emit false positive warnings when configured dependencies that have runtime: false set
  • [mix compile.elixir] Ensure that a manifest is generated even with no source code
  • [mix compile.elixir] Make sure export dependencies trigger recompilation when the dependency is removed as well as when the whole file is removed
  • [mix compile.elixir] Do not emit false positive warnings when a path dependency adds a module that is then used by the current application in the same mix compile cycle
  • [mix test] Ensure protocols within the current project are consolidated when --cover is given
  • [mix release] Improve compliance of release scripts with stripped down Linux installations
  • [mix release] Preserve file mode when copying non-beam ebin files
  • [mix xref] Ensure args are passed to the underlying mix compile call

3. Soft-deprecations (no warnings emitted)


  • [Kernel] Using first..last to match on ranges is soft-deprecated and will warn on future Elixir versions. Use first..last//step instead
  • [Kernel] Using first..last to create decreasing ranges is soft-deprecated and will warn on future versions. Use first..last//-1 instead

4. Hard-deprecations


  • [EEx.Engine] use EEx.Engine is deprecated in favor of explicit delegation


  • [Kernel] The binary operator ^^^ is deprecated. If you are using Bitwise.^^^/2, use Bitwise.bxor/2 instead
  • [Kernel] Deprecate @foo() in favor of @foo
  • [System] Deprecate System.stacktrace/0 (it was already deprecated outside of catch/rescue and now it is deprecated everywhere)


  • [mix compile] The :xref compiler is deprecated and it has no effect. Please remove it from your mix.exs file.


  • SHA1: b607b2d0e78e1ae6f9d112ba3e1b617a1ee7580b
  • SHA512: 57e970640f7e273a62fbde60545ed85c18d667e194d0d3483b941ea3164f12664cc0c186968c1f341253f1907157ae88953b5caa413204f93bba08710fdc0b50
  • SHA1: fbf8939ea56f3cdda90ee04680fdc43f7b1d41e2
  • SHA512: c06ee0a72cbb4cc138a11b1acee14efde2cc2c7de5a121ee386c9a9ba583ccc10dd8b5ebc29cbf89bd9da8c091868d8fdd4b148bfa6fa564dc033449700d0b08


24 Apr 16:27
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v1.12.0-rc.1 Pre-release


  • SHA1: a083f0f354ede10cb16088c868706b77bcce2a2b
  • SHA512: d669d3e4dc03fa9204d078aef84d0ed47cd2548f043cc57c677e151e0ba77ce453073e839789bc1336c8aa804cccb33692011c9455d6062e8e996e4c42642d31
  • SHA1: 651b54b0bfa47c8503c3002d880d2e96898e768a
  • SHA512: fb07171da7809c8f074eaddf029a478fdd778e360695de7834584bd4913ed6cb66b8db8c1c81408b3e791973dec56541d5e80e457247eef29bce5659fb25efdf


03 Apr 14:36
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v1.12.0-rc.0 Pre-release


  • SHA1: e6db54961faac708946fa218f2c771dadd9f8bd9
  • SHA512: d9741ba49fe3a45d9418b20ac329d03d96bb1ad32cbb2dca919b424c0051d9edd504490e54e697cacec62750b886f5e9767cd8c17f67134c80eddebdffb3132c
  • SHA1: 9dea071f1a530e3cd14c1da5b8408c6008c2c035
  • SHA512: fd5cf68d8730b3c531b24d84ad6608d1cbef7b070eb0f187c5daa4f9f3d00d85534c9d4f8bd736207d4c7c63214f9243e51d2fe14fece2f93b2061fa442a16d8


16 Mar 12:49
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This release introduces fixes for better support of Erlang/OTP 24+.

1. Enhancements


  • [Kernel] Update formatting when printing warnings and errors from Erlang/OTP 24+
  • [Kernel] Support float-16 on bitstrings


  • [mix local.rebar] This task will now install rebar3 version 3.14.4, compiled with Erlang/OTP 21


  • SHA1: 2b421e7f4b8d62af5c9238f5cf127938d3523f23
  • SHA512: 4d8ead533a7bd35b41669be0d4548b612d5cc17723da67cfdf996ab36522fd0163215915a970675c6ebcba4dbfc7a46e644cb144b16087bc9417b385955a1e79
  • SHA1: 756f7327dc515399dfd93e3f0858cd5295d49f0e
  • SHA512: 93b457592efc19f3305e87156211c938c8648294e8d21fd895c0d12013530fc7f066fb636d08edb784ee8bf4bef6d1cf9cef7a7ed4d18f76cc4087aaa27176ef


04 Jan 15:57
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1. Enhancements


  • [Macro] Add Macro.unique_var/2 and Macro.generate_unique_arguments/2

2. Bug fixes


  • [Code] Do not raise when checking for operator ambiguity when :static_atoms_encoder is set in Code.string_to_quoted
  • [Kernel] Emit undefined function warnings from with
  • [Kernel] Do not fail type checking when literals are used in guards
  • [Module] Do not warn for attributes used in @after_compile
  • [Record] Make sure nested record names do not clobber each other


  • [ExUnit.Assertions] Do not crash if there are macros and module attributes on the left side of ++


  • [IEx.Helpers] Do not use Unicode chars if ANSI is disabled


  • [mix deps.compile] Fix compatibility with rebar v3.14
  • [mix release] Do not use private ram_file:compress/1
  • [mix xref] Do not crash when retrieving calls for modules in memory


  • SHA1: 430735e03d8dfcba3324010d397ab7871b30d87d
  • SHA512: 16cdd30e41737ba9d659e506b4aa79465ede2d93d27a720d6a3649b8100da9f7dee154a913438724651a83aea77ddef33ac1489bb7ae283b39fbfe20dcd77db4
  • SHA1: 57c7e45ca2a3bf6d56c628e46c5e02c96730b35c
  • SHA512: 9bd41d2b26d716fe931a7d16d0f79df1d5dd16384dc8e448dfc07d98409516382072f64bcf443e5ed18e0b36b8e08fc552d78ede611087a49c2dc2e83f196194


03 Nov 14:31
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1. Bug fixes


  • [Code] Do not crash when getting docs for missing erts appdir
  • [Kernel] Raise meaningful error if :erlang.is_record is used in guards
  • [Kernel] Prune tracers when fetching __ENV__ inside functions


  • [mix] Fix regression where aliases could not call themselves recursively
  • [mix compile] Do not discard tracers that are set programmatically


  • SHA1: 1c54c01b5449d631e673e4aaf205522eaeb8dbdc
  • SHA512: 7b6ece70d2db6cf4b02c3e72f0ae2edc68e13a2651876525eab08e3c3c3f1f88d294e3f412c3fb736bc84ba4c2897930101b0ac715e322f1554f29c69e2d1e77
  • SHA1: 6af70fd002e7a636e993f90443f99e2de333a2cd
  • SHA512: 78d5ad489e3788c4c4257de404ee0e09c4f0cf5ba45290e331ddbe1f980796acda54559fba0a1fd55c4ea34d469129b1c4f1d9aac029807fff8e865919b2613a


16 Oct 08:08
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1. Bug fixes


  • [Code] Ignore tracers if lexical tracker is dead or explicitly nil when evaling code with an environment
  • [GenServer] Do not show warning when using super in GenServer.child_spec/1
  • [Kernel] Do not crash when :reduce is set to nil in comprehensions
  • [Kernel] Fix a scenario where undefined function warnings were not being emitted


  • [IEx.Helpers] Properly handle tags inside typespec when showing Erlang docs


  • [Logger] Do not deadlock Logger if handler crashes on sync mode


  • [Mix] Add inet6 fallback to Mix usage of httpc
  • [mix] Do not list apps that do not match the current target


  • SHA1: f03301dd10072f3643a4c1e5f012a49bfc493608
  • SHA512: c70e7d3e338ab2449301c7864a2dd96e8d474f3fee533a66706c67cd733db74c2d529b9887961db9f07530eeed4cce917c480e5e8c4201060c7fa494e8b376da
  • SHA1: b4045584e5dddc01202bcbd0f4ff0623b3a37958
  • SHA512: 9e8d5467b37588c3a885b4745e014fffe91a72194fc076ccaf4abee4bd08c48792d0d89fd3fa16f0d3d10739e0c6d2213e07bfa51bd50ebcad6d74fbad79277b


06 Oct 14:29
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Over the last releases, the Elixir team has been focusing on the compiler, both in terms of catching more mistakes at compilation time and making it faster. Elixir v1.11 has made excellent progress on both fronts. This release also includes many other goodies, such as tighter Erlang integration, support for more guard expressions, built-in datetime formatting, and other calendar enhancements.

Tighter Erlang integration

Following Elixir v1.10, we have further integrated with Erlang's new logger by adding four new log levels: notice, critical, alert, and emergency, matching all log levels found in the Syslog standard. The Logger module now supports structured logging by passing maps and keyword lists to its various functions. It is also possible to specify the log level per module, via the Logger.put_module_level/2 function. Log levels per application will be added in future releases.

IEx also has been improved to show the documentation for Erlang modules directly from your Elixir terminal. This works with Erlang/OTP 23+ and requires Erlang modules to have been compiled with documentation chunks.

Compiler checks: application boundaries

Elixir v1.11 builds on top of the recently added compilation tracers to track application boundaries. From this release, Elixir will warn if you invoke a function from an existing module but this module does not belong to any of your listed dependencies.

These two conditions may seem contradictory. After all, if a module is available, it must have come from a dependency. This is not true in two scenarios:

  • Modules from Elixir and Erlang/OTP are always available - even if their applications are not explicitly listed as a dependency

  • In an umbrella project, because all child applications are compiled within the same VM, you may have a module from a sibling project available, even if you don't depend on said sibling

This new compiler check makes sure that all modules that you invoke are listed as part of your dependencies, emitting a warning like below otherwise:

:ssl.connect/2 defined in application :ssl is used by the current
application but the current application does not directly depend
on :ssl. To fix this, you must do one of:

  1. If :ssl is part of Erlang/Elixir, you must include it under
     :extra_applications inside "def application" in your mix.exs

  2. If :ssl is a dependency, make sure it is listed under "def deps"
     in your mix.exs

  3. In case you don't want to add a requirement to :ssl, you may
     optionally skip this warning by adding [xref: [exclude: :ssl]
     to your "def project" in mix.exs

This comes with extra benefits in umbrella projects, as it requires child applications to explicitly list their dependencies, completely rejecting cyclic dependencies between siblings.

Compiler checks: data constructors

In Elixir v1.11, the compiler also tracks structs and maps fields across a function body. For example, imagine you wanted to write this code:

def drive?(%User{age: age}), do: age >= 18

If there is either a typo on the :age field or the :age field was not yet defined, the compiler will fail accordingly. However, if you wrote this code:

def drive?(%User{} = user), do: user.age >= 18

The compiler would not catch the missing field and an error would only be raised at runtime. With v1.11, Elixir will track the usage of all maps and struct fields within the same function, emitting warnings for cases like above:

warning: undefined field `age` in expression:

    # example.exs:7

expected one of the following fields: name, address

where "user" was given the type %User{} in:

    # example.exs:7
    %User{} = user

Conflict found at

The compiler also checks binary constructors. Consider you have to send a string over the wire with length-based encoding, where the string is prefixed by its length, up to 4MBs. Your initial attempt may be this:

def run_length(string) when is_binary(string) do
  <<byte_size(string)::32, string>>

However, the code above has a bug. Each segment given between <<>> must be an integer, unless specified otherwise. With Elixir v1.11, the compiler will let you know so:

warning: incompatible types:

    binary() !~ integer()

in expression:

    <<byte_size(string)::integer()-size(32), string>>

where "string" was given the type integer() in:

    # foo.exs:4
    <<byte_size(string)::integer()-size(32), string>>

where "string" was given the type binary() in:

    # foo.exs:3

HINT: all expressions given to binaries are assumed to be of type integer()
unless said otherwise. For example, <<expr>> assumes "expr" is an integer.
Pass a modifier, such as <<expr::float>> or <<expr::binary>>, to change the
default behaviour.

Conflict found at
  foo.exs:4: Check.run_length/1

Which can be fixed by adding ::binary to the second component:

def run_length(string) when is_binary(string) do
  <<byte_size(string)::32, string::binary>>

While some of those warnings could be automatically fixed by the compiler, future versions will also perform those checks across functions and potentially across modules, where automatic fixes wouldn't be desired (nor possible).

Compilation time improvements

Elixir v1.11 features many improvements to how the compiler tracks file dependencies, such that touching one file causes less files to be recompiled. In previous versions, Elixir tracked three types of dependencies:

  • compile time dependencies - if A depends on B at compile time, such as by using a macro, whenever B changes, A is recompiled
  • struct dependencies - if A depends on B's struct, whenever B's struct definition changed, A is recompiled
  • runtime dependencies - if A depends on B at runtime, A is never recompiled

However, because dependencies are transitive, if A depends on B at compile time and B depends on C at runtime, A would depend on C at compile time. Therefore, it is very important to reduce the amount of compile time dependencies.

Elixir v1.11 replaces "struct dependencies" by "exports dependencies". In other words, if A depends on B, whenever B public's interface changes, A is recompiled. B's public interface is made by its struct definition and all of its public functions and macros.

This change allows us to mark imports and requires as "exports dependencies" instead of "compile time" dependencies. This simplifies the dependency graph considerably. For example, in the project, changing the user.ex file in Elixir v1.10 would emit this:

$ touch lib/hexpm/accounts/user.ex && mix compile
Compiling 90 files (.ex)

In Elixir v1.11, we now get:

$ touch lib/hexpm/accounts/user.ex && mix compile
Compiling 16 files (.ex)

To make things even better, Elixir v1.11 also introduces a more granular file tracking for path dependencies. In previous versions, a module from a path dependency would always be treated as a compile time dependency. This often meant that if you have an umbrella project, changing an application would cause many modules in sibling applications to recompile. Fortunately, Elixir v1.11 will tag modules from dependencies as exports if appropriate, yielding dramatic improvements to those using path dependencies.

To round up the list of compiler enhancements, the --profile=time option added in Elixir v1.10 now also includes the time to compile each individual file. For example, in the Plug project, one can now get:

[profile] lib/plug/conn.ex compiled in 935ms
[profile] lib/plug/ssl.ex compiled in 147ms (plus 744ms waiting)
[profile] lib/plug/static.ex compiled in 238ms (plus 654ms waiting)
[profile] lib/plug/csrf_protection.ex compiled in 237ms (plus 790ms waiting)
[profile] lib/plug/debugger.ex compiled in 719ms (plus 947ms waiting)
[profile] Finished compilation cycle of 60 modules in 1802ms
[profile] Finished group pass check of 60 modules in 75ms

While implementing those features, we have also made the --long-compilation-threshold flag more precise. In previous versions, --long-compilation-threshold would consider both the time a file spent to compile and the time spent waiting on other files. In Elixir v1.11, it considers only the compilation time. This means less false positives and you can now effectively get all files that take longer than 2s to compile by passing --long-compilation-threshold 2.

mix xref graph improvements

To bring visibility to the compiler tracking improvements described in the previous section, we have also added new features to mix xref. mix xref is a task that describes cross-references between files in your projects. The mix xref graph subsection focuses on the dependency graph between them.

First we have made the existing --label flag to consider transitive dependencies. Using --sink FILE and --label compile can be a powerful combo to find out which files will change whenever the given FILE changes. For example, in the project, we get:

$ mix xref graph --sink lib/hexpm/accounts/user.ex --label compile
└── lib/hexpm/billing/billing.ex (compile)
└── lib/hexpm/billing/billing.ex (compile)
├── lib/hexpm/accounts/email.ex (compile)
└── lib/hexpm/accounts/user.ex (compile)
└── lib/hexpm_web/views/email_view.ex (compile)
└── lib/hexpm_web/controllers/auth_helpers.ex (compile)
└── lib/hexpm_web/controllers/auth_helpers.ex (compile)
└── lib/hexpm...
Read more


14 Sep 07:25
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v1.11.0-rc.0 Pre-release


  • SHA1: 5d70b6254d7a89930e09c85718d99deddd186092
  • SHA512: bc2bb21b5dd8fadc8bbd9b53ba676e31af3b13fcaca776ee0b461acef55964ee453fb7e1e95cc3c4bbfd12d6cd68c02034cc104597e18047a574d484eb64cd52
  • SHA1: df47a509caafa9b99c1d4bdf5fae6bdccce3f32b
  • SHA512: 0372f7a8ed98044c7cce4d5b690373abec81818c3e6790543653675f2359131d6ba485921e8f30cafc660f8849525383a175e1c4eeb7707c47986792e7616e4f