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LunarSim Demo

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This folder containts three ROS2 packages for to enable simulation in a lunar environment, including a lunar gazebo world using a Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and a plugin for a dynamic sun model based on Ephemeris data.

Space ROS Lunar Sim Demo Docker Image

The Space ROS Lunar Sim Demo docker image uses the spaceros docker image (osrf/space-ros:latest) as its base image. The Dockerfile installs all of the prerequisite system dependencies along with the demo source code, then builds the Space ROS Lunar Sim Demo.

This demo includes a Gazebo simulation of the lunar environment (specfically around the Shackleton crater near the south pole). It uses Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) from the Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter (LOLA) to accurately simulate the lunar surface in a specific region. It also contains a dynamic model of the Sun that moves according to Ephemeris data.

Building the Demo Docker

The demo image builds on top of the spaceros image. To build the docker image, first ensure the spaceros base image is available either by building it locally or pulling it.

Then build lunar_sim demo images:

cd lunarsim_demo

Running the Demo Docker

run the following to allow GUI passthrough:

xhost +local:docker

Then run:


Depending on the host computer, you might need to remove the --gpus all flag in, which uses your GPUs.

Running the Demo

Launch the demo:

source install/setup.bash
ros2 launch lunarsim_gz_bringup

This will launch the gazebo lunar world, spawn the rover and start teleop. This will be a new terminal window which enables you to control the rover as per the instructions in the terminal window.


This package contains a gazebo plugin to move an actor and create a light source at the location of the actor. The plugin must be added to an actor named animated_sun, which can be done as follows:

<actor name="animated_sun">
    <plugin name="LunarSun" filename=""/>
    Other tags ...

The suns trajectory is based on the horizons_az_el.csv file. Detailed documentation on updating this can be found on the space-ros lunarsim docs page.

You can adjust the sun’s position update frequency, which currently occurs every hour, by modifying the waypoint_duration variable in lunar_sun.cpp:

  std::chrono::_V2::steady_clock::duration waypointDuration =


This package contains the lunarsim world files, including the world sdf, DEM files, textures and tools for creating textures. It also contains the launch file, which launches gazebo with the lunarsim world by default (but does not spawn the rover). For detailed documentation on updating DEM model and textures see the space-ros lunarsim docs page.


This package contains launch and configuration files to launch the lunarsim world and spawn leo_rover with keyboard controls. The spawns the leo model, startsgz_bridge and key_teleop. The gz_bridge parameters can be modified in the leo_ros_gz_bridge.yaml file in the config directory.

Challenge Name: NASA Space ROS Sim Summer Sprint Challenge
Team Lead Freelancer Username: elementrobotics
Submission Title: LunarSim