This is a POC of Postgres active-active replication using Vaxine.
Docker and Elixir 1.13.
docker-compose -f databases.yaml up
mix run --no-halt
For now, manually issue some SQL statements, e.g.:
psql -h localhost -p 54321 -U electric -d electric
electric=# INSERT INTO entries (content) VALUES ('a');
electric=# select * from entries;
electric=# update entries set content = 'b';
Then view the app logs, should look a bit like:
acknowledger: {Electric.Replication, :ack_id, {#PID<0.218.0>, {0, 24336352}}},
batch_key: :default,
batch_mode: :bulk,
batcher: :default,
data: %Electric.Replication.Changes.Transaction{
changes: [
record: %{
"content" => "a",
"id" => "9be3b616-17e9-4264-9f33-5bdb36c48443"
relation: {"public", "entries"}
commit_timestamp: ~U[2022-06-01 14:07:56Z]
metadata: %{},
status: :ok
{:ack, {0, 24336352}}
acknowledger: {Electric.Replication, :ack_id, {#PID<0.218.0>, {0, 24336568}}},
batch_key: :default,
batch_mode: :bulk,
batcher: :default,
data: %Electric.Replication.Changes.Transaction{
changes: [
old_record: %{
"content" => "a",
"id" => "9be3b616-17e9-4264-9f33-5bdb36c48443"
record: %{
"content" => "b",
"id" => "9be3b616-17e9-4264-9f33-5bdb36c48443"
relation: {"public", "entries"}
commit_timestamp: ~U[2022-06-01 14:08:39Z]
metadata: %{},
status: :ok
Note the old_record
as well as the new_record