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Kibana API reference documentation

Documentation about our OpenAPI bundling workflow and configuration. See Kibana's hosted stateful and serverless docs.


The final goal of this workflow is to produce an OpenAPI bundle containing all Kibana's public APIs.

Step 0

OAS from Kibana's APIs are continuously extracted and captured in bundle.json and bundle.serverless.json as fully formed OAS documentation. See node scripts/capture_oas_snapshot --help for more info.

These bundles form the basis of our OpenAPI bundles to which we append and layer extra information before publishing.

Step 1

Append pre-existing bundles not extracted from code using kbn-openapi-bundler to produce the final resulting bundles.

To add more files into the final bundle, edit the appropriate oas_docs/scripts/merge*.js files.

Step 2

Apply any final overalys to the document that might include examples or final tweaks (see the "Scripts" section for more details).


The oas_docs/scripts folder contains scripts that point to the source domain-specific OpenAPI bundles and specify additional parameters for producing the final output bundle. Currently, there are the following scripts:

  • merge_ess_oas.js script produces production an output bundle for ESS

  • merge_serverless_oas.js script produces production an output bundle for Serverless

Output Kibana OpenAPI bundles

The oas_docs/output folder contains the final resulting Kibana OpenAPI bundles

  • kibana.yaml production ready ESS OpenAPI bundle
  • kibana.serverless.yaml production ready Serverless OpenAPI bundle

Bundling commands

Besides the scripts in the oas_docs/scripts folder, there is an oas_docs/makefile to simplify the workflow. Use make help to see available commands.