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File metadata and controls

388 lines (352 loc) · 15.6 KB


Example solution that demonstrates the use of the EDK npm package to integrate with GitHub.


The solution can be built using the following command edk build.


The project will involve creating an application containing a rest datasource.

Adding datasource

The rest datasource can be created with the following command edk add datasource rest --name Rest --def_dir src/datasource. This will create an empty rest datasource:

import * as ELARA from "@elaraai/edk/lib"

export default ELARA.RestApiSourceSchema({
    name: "Rest"

Adding authentication

The Github rest api uses OAuth2.0 authentication, using a github app we will configure the datasource to manage this as a scalable solution:

import * as ELARA from "@elaraai/edk/lib"

const rest_authorise_response_body_type = ELARA.StructType({
    code: 'string',
const rest_token_response_body_type = ELARA.StructType({
    access_token: 'string',
    token_type: 'string',
    scope: 'string',

export default ELARA.RestApiSourceSchema({
    name: "Rest",
    authorisation: {
        success_uri: ELARA.Const(""),
        authorise_request: {
            url: ELARA.Const(""),
            method: 'GET',
            accept: 'application/json',
            body: ELARA.Struct({
                client_id: ELARA.Environment("GITHUB_CLIENT_ID"),
                redirect_uri: ELARA.Variable("redirect_uri", 'string'),
                scope: ELARA.Const("repo"),
            content: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        authorise_response: {
            status_code_variable: ELARA.Variable("status_code", 'integer'),
            status_text_variable: ELARA.Variable("status_text", 'string'),
            body: ELARA.Parse(ELARA.Variable("body", rest_authorise_response_body_type)),
            body_variable: ELARA.Variable("body", rest_authorise_response_body_type),
            value: ELARA.Parse(ELARA.Variable("body", rest_authorise_response_body_type)),
        redirect_variable: ELARA.Variable("redirect_uri", 'string'),
        authorise_variable: ELARA.Variable("authorise", rest_authorise_response_body_type),
        token_request: {
            url: ELARA.Const(""),
            method: 'POST',
            accept: 'application/json',
            body: ELARA.Struct({
                client_id: ELARA.Environment("GITHUB_CLIENT_ID"),
                client_secret: ELARA.Environment("GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET"),
                code: ELARA.GetField(ELARA.Variable("authorise", rest_authorise_response_body_type), "code"),
                redirect_uri: ELARA.Variable("redirect_uri", 'string'),
            content: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
        token_response: {
            status_code_variable: ELARA.Variable("status_code", 'integer'),
            status_text_variable: ELARA.Variable("status_text", 'string'),
            body: ELARA.Parse(ELARA.Variable("body", rest_token_response_body_type)),
            body_variable: ELARA.Variable("body", rest_token_response_body_type),
            value: ELARA.Parse(ELARA.Variable("body", rest_token_response_body_type)),
        token_variable: ELARA.Variable("token", rest_token_response_body_type),

Now the the authentication is defined, app setup has been completed and the appropriate environment variable values for GITHUB_CLIENT_ID and GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET have been set, we can define some queries.

Adding request

We will first add a query to retreive the repos associated with a partiular github user (as defined within the GITHUB_USER environment variable). We can do this by adding a request to an endpoint to query, which uses the access_token field in the authorisation token:

import * as ELARA from "@elaraai/edk/lib"


export default ELARA.RestApiSourceSchema({
    name: "Rest",
    authorisation: {
        // ...
    endpoints: {
        Repos: {
            request: {
                url: ELARA.StringJoin`${ELARA.Environment("GITHUB_USER")}/repos`,
                method: 'GET',
                accept: 'application/json',
                headers: ELARA.Struct({
                    Accept: ELARA.Const("application/vnd.github.v3+json"),
                    Authorization: ELARA.StringJoin`token ${ELARA.GetField(ELARA.Variable("token", rest_token_response_body_type), "access_token")}`
                content: 'application/json',

Detecting response

Now that we have a query we can use the edk detection to infer the authenticated request response, with the following command edk-io detect rest --asset rest.source --defaults. This will specify a temporary callback url, as well as a temporary app authorisation url to click on to generate an access token, to detect the Repos endpoitn response:

ℹ Datasource Rest register callback: http://localhost:8080/auth/callback/rest.source
ℹ Datasource Rest use authorisation url:
ℹ Detected expression body in endpoint Repos for Rest
│ (index) │    id    │              node_id               │     name      │         full_name          │ private │
│   ...   │   ...    │                ...                 │      ...      │            ...             │   ...   │
✔ detect datasource succeeded

Following the success of the detection we now have a detected response header and body:

import * as ELARA from "@elaraai/edk/lib"


const rest_repos_response_headers_type = ELARA.StructType({
    'x-ratelimit-limit': 'float',
    'x-ratelimit-remaining': 'float',
    'x-ratelimit-reset': 'float',
    'x-ratelimit-resource': 'string',
    'x-ratelimit-used': 'float',
    'x-xss-protection': 'float',

const rest_repos_response_body_type = ELARA.ArrayType(ELARA.StructType({
    id: 'float',
    node_id: 'string',
    name: 'string',
    full_name: 'string',
    'private': 'boolean',
    owner: ELARA.StructType({
        login: 'string',
        id: 'float',
        node_id: 'string',
        avatar_url: 'string',
        gravatar_id: 'string',
        url: 'string',
        html_url: 'string',
        followers_url: 'string',
        following_url: 'string',
        gists_url: 'string',
        starred_url: 'string',
        subscriptions_url: 'string',
        organizations_url: 'string',
        repos_url: 'string',
        events_url: 'string',
        received_events_url: 'string',
        type: 'string',
        site_admin: 'boolean',
    html_url: 'string',
    description: 'string',
    fork: 'boolean',
    url: 'string',
    forks_url: 'string',
    keys_url: 'string',
    collaborators_url: 'string',
    teams_url: 'string',
    hooks_url: 'string',
    issue_events_url: 'string',
    events_url: 'string',
    assignees_url: 'string',
    branches_url: 'string',
    tags_url: 'string',
    blobs_url: 'string',
    git_tags_url: 'string',
    git_refs_url: 'string',
    trees_url: 'string',
    statuses_url: 'string',
    languages_url: 'string',
    stargazers_url: 'string',
    contributors_url: 'string',
    subscribers_url: 'string',
    subscription_url: 'string',
    commits_url: 'string',
    git_commits_url: 'string',
    comments_url: 'string',
    issue_comment_url: 'string',
    contents_url: 'string',
    compare_url: 'string',
    merges_url: 'string',
    archive_url: 'string',
    downloads_url: 'string',
    issues_url: 'string',
    pulls_url: 'string',
    milestones_url: 'string',
    notifications_url: 'string',
    labels_url: 'string',
    releases_url: 'string',
    deployments_url: 'string',
    created_at: 'datetime',
    updated_at: 'datetime',
    pushed_at: 'datetime',
    git_url: 'string',
    ssh_url: 'string',
    clone_url: 'string',
    svn_url: 'string',
    homepage: 'string',
    size: 'float',
    stargazers_count: 'float',
    watchers_count: 'float',
    language: 'string',
    has_issues: 'boolean',
    has_projects: 'boolean',
    has_downloads: 'boolean',
    has_wiki: 'boolean',
    has_pages: 'boolean',
    forks_count: 'float',
    mirror_url: 'string',
    archived: 'boolean',
    disabled: 'boolean',
    open_issues_count: 'float',
    license: ELARA.StructType({
        key: 'string',
        name: 'string',
        spdx_id: 'string',
        url: 'string',
        node_id: 'string',
    forks: 'float',
    open_issues: 'float',
    watchers: 'float',
    default_branch: 'string',
    permissions: ELARA.StructType({
        admin: 'boolean',
        maintain: 'boolean',
        push: 'boolean',
        triage: 'boolean',
        pull: 'boolean',

// ...

export default ELARA.RestApiSourceSchema({
    name: "Rest",
    authorisation: {
        // ...
    endpoints: {
        Repos: {
            request: {
                url: ELARA.StringJoin`${ELARA.Environment("GITHUB_USER")}/repos`,
                method: 'GET',
                accept: 'application/json',
                headers: ELARA.Struct({
                    Accept: ELARA.Const("application/vnd.github.v3+json"),
                    Authorization: ELARA.StringJoin`token ${ELARA.GetField(ELARA.Variable("token", rest_token_response_body_type), "access_token")}`
                content: 'application/json',
            response: {
                status_code_variable: ELARA.Variable("status_code", 'integer'),
                status_text_variable: ELARA.Variable("status_text", 'string'),
                headers: ELARA.Parse(ELARA.Variable("headers", rest_repos_response_headers_type)),
                headers_variable: ELARA.Variable("headers", rest_repos_response_headers_type),
                body: ELARA.Parse(ELARA.Variable("body", rest_repos_response_body_type)),
                body_variable: ELARA.Variable("body", rest_repos_response_body_type),
                value: ELARA.Variable("body", rest_repos_response_body_type),

Adding sub-queries

Further to the above, we can add sub queries to the Repos query which will be requested for each row returned. We will add queries for the repository detail, contributors and tags as functions of the Repos response fields:

import * as ELARA from "@elaraai/edk/lib"


export default ELARA.RestApiSourceSchema({
    name: "Rest",
    authorisation: {
        // ...
    endpoints: {
        Repos: {
            // ...
            elements: {
                detail: {
                    request: {
                        url: ELARA.StringJoin`${ELARA.Environment("GITHUB_USER")}/${ELARA.Variable("name", 'string')}`,
                        method: 'GET',
                        accept: 'application/json',
                        headers: ELARA.Struct({
                            Accept: ELARA.Const("application/vnd.github.v3+json"),
                            Authorization: ELARA.StringJoin`token ${ELARA.GetField(ELARA.Variable("token", rest_token_response_body_type), "access_token")}`
                        content: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                contributors: {
                    request: {
                        url: ELARA.StringJoin`${ELARA.Environment("GITHUB_USER")}/${ELARA.Variable("name", 'string')}/contributors`,
                        method: 'GET',
                        accept: 'application/json',
                        headers: ELARA.Struct({
                            Accept: ELARA.Const("application/vnd.github.v3+json"),
                            Authorization: ELARA.StringJoin`token ${ELARA.GetField(ELARA.Variable("token", rest_token_response_body_type), "access_token")}`
                        content: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',
                tags: {
                    request: {
                        url: ELARA.StringJoin`${ELARA.Environment("GITHUB_USER")}/${ELARA.Variable("name", 'string')}/tags`,
                        method: 'GET',
                        accept: 'application/json',
                        headers: ELARA.Struct({
                            Accept: ELARA.Const("application/vnd.github.v3+json"),
                            Authorization: ELARA.StringJoin`token ${ELARA.GetField(ELARA.Variable("token", rest_token_response_body_type), "access_token")}`
                        content: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded',

Using the same process as earlier we can use the edk detection to infer the authenticated request responses for the sub-queries, with the following command edk-io detect rest --asset rest.source --defaults.

Adding application

Now that we have a complete datasource, the application can be added with the following command edk add plugin --name "Application" --def_dir src/plugin. The plugin, a SuperUser and related environment variables are added as:

import * as ELARA from "@elaraai/edk/lib"
import { ApplicationPlugin, Const, DataSourcePlugin, EnvironmentVariable, SuperUser } from "@elaraai/edk/lib"

import rest from "../../gen/rest.source"

export default ELARA.Schema(
        name: "Rest Datasource",
        schemas: {
            "Datasources": DataSourcePlugin({
                datasources: [rest]
        users: [
                email: '[email protected]',
                name: 'Admin',
                password: Const('admin'),
        environments: [
            EnvironmentVariable({ name: 'GITHUB_CLIENT_ID' }),
            EnvironmentVariable({ name: 'GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET' }),
            EnvironmentVariable({ name: 'GITHUB_USER' }),


General reference documentation for EDK usage is available in the following links:

  • EDK CLI: detailed CLI usage reference and examples
  • EDK API: programmatic api for the cli functionality