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File metadata and controls

490 lines (373 loc) · 17.8 KB
  • Start Date: 2015-02-27
  • RFC PR:
  • Ember Issue:


Eliminates Controllers.


As Ember has evolved toward a component-centric model, controllers have become redundant and vestigial. This unnecessarily burdens developers with learning an additional concept and forces them to make unnecessary choices.

The goal of this design is to describe how to eliminate Ember.Controller while maintaining sufficiently rich APIs to do all the important things controllers do.


  • Eliminate Controller by designing alternative APIs for routing to a component, maintaining long-lived non-URL state, and using query parameters.

  • Simplify the behavior of Route's model hooks. While this is not strictly needed to achieve the goal of eliminating controllers, it makes sense to address it while we're redesigning the API between routes & components anyway.

  • Consider how routable components relate to asynchronous components, because they may share concepts or implementation.

  • Clarify the distinction between Components and Fragments ("tagless components").


  • routable component - a component whose identity and attributes are determined from the URL at runtime. Routable components are what go inside {{outlet}}s.

  • asynchronous component - a component with built-in support for asynchronously loading data, with a friendly API for reflecting loading and errors states.

Both of the above are conceptual definitions for the purposes of this design document. They are not necessarily actual classes or concepts that would need to be taught to new Ember devs.

Detailed design

Routing to a component

Our current API for letting a Route decide which things to render and where they should go is fairly rich and complex. We can simplify it significantly.

Choosing what component(s) to render

The current Route.render method is where a Route expresses what should actually get rendered. It has a fair bit of complexity that we can deprecate. Today you can say things like:

this.render('post', {
  view: 'special-post',
  controller: 'other-controller' ,
  model: myPost

Which lets you pick and choose which template, view, controller, and model to render. There are fairly rich semantics for choosing defaults for each of those things, and allowing views to choose their own template, etc.

Instead, we can deprecate the use of the view, controller, and model arguments, and accept a name which will be used to lookup a component, not a template. We will also accept arbitrary attributes to set on the component.

this.render('post', attributes)

The current semantics of into and outlet would still be preserved:

this.render('choices', attributes, { into: 'application', outlet: 'sidebar' })

We can maintain transitional compatibility by failing to detect a component and looking for a template instead, using the old behavior for that case.

Nested child routes have names like 'parent-route/child-route'. Their corresponding component would also be named 'parent-route/child-route', implying that we must support component resolution in a non-flat namespace.

Since standalone route templates are going away in favor of components, the current distinction between the templates and templates/components directories becomes unhelpful. We want to put all of them into just templates. Thanks to the introduction of <element> and <fragment> (see the Element and Fragment RFC), we can make this transition gracefully.

  • A template in templates with an <element> or <fragment> tag is defining a Component or Fragment.
  • A template in templates with neither is a legacy standalone template.
  • A template in templates/components with neither is a legacy component.

Specifying component attributes

We will introduce a new route hook named attributes. It receives the route's positional parameters (the same ones that are currently passed to the model hook), plus any query parameters defined for the route, and must return a POJO. The POJO's properties may be promises, which will all be resolved in the same way we currently resolve the model hook (including invoking loading actions as needed). The default attributes implementation is:

attributes: function(params, queryParams) {
    return {
        model: this.model(params)

(Possible variation for this default implementation: any queryParams that are present get stuffed directly into the attributes as well, alongside model.)

Unlike today's model hook, attributes gets called every time your route is entered, whether or not transitionTo was passed a preexisting model. This eliminates the need for beforeModel and afterModel, because you can implement either behavior from within your own attributes or model functions. Therefore, beforeModel and afterModel are deprecated.

This also means we deprecate refresh, because routes essentially always refresh.

When Routes can call render

Today, render is normally called from the renderTemplate hook, but it can also be called from action handlers on the route. Calling render from action handlers -- outside of a route transition -- makes routes unnecessarily stateful and introduces an additional way to do things that are better off done directly from within components and their templates. We will therefore deprecate calling render outside of transitions. See Appendix A below for an example of updating this old behavior.

Today, renderTemplate receives the default controller and the model. But since we don't intend to have controllers anymore, we will deprecate renderTemplate in favor of renderComponents, which would have a default implementation like:

renderComponents: function(attributes) {
    this.render(this.routeName, attributes);

The attributes argument comes from the new attributes hook as described in the previous section. It is resolved with RSVP.hash before passing the result to renderComponents.

We also deprecate setupController, because there is no longer a controller to setup -- all state is passed to the component(s) in renderComponents instead.


Your attributes and renderComponents hooks are required to be idempotent (and therefore model, which is called from the default implementation of attributes, must also be idempotent if you're using it with the default attributes implementation). This keeps routes truly stateless and easy to understand. You should not rely on knowing exactly when or how often a route will be re-invoked, leaving it up to Ember to optimize.

For cases where you really need to do something different on initial render, the existing activate action will still reliably fire only when a route is first entered, after Ember invokes your attributes method.

We will add a complementary update action that fires after your attributes hook only when the route has not been initially entered.

Loading and error states

Routes will still fire the loading and error actions as they do now.

The default handlers for those actions currently look for correspondingly-named templates. We would change them to look for correspondingly-named components instead. For example, if before you had a template named 'people/loading', you would instead have a component named 'people/loading'.

This is actually a fairly small change, since adding a template is sufficient to define a component. But it unifies the API, and gives you the full capability of components for implementing these substates.

Sending actions from component up to route

Components are deliberately isolated and don't send arbitrary actions upward unless you explicitly tell them to. Routable components preserve this same behavior.

Therefore, if you want to send an action from a component up to the Route that rendered it, you should pass an action handler function as one of your component's attributes.

Fragments: "Tagless Components"

Today, when you render a template into an outlet, neither the template nor the outlet introduces extra DOM elements. We want to be able to do the same thing with routable components, which means we need to officially support "tagless components".

But instead of having two flavors of components (tagged and tagless) with subtly different behavior, we will introduce a new concept: Ember.Fragment. A Fragment is a "tagless component". It still receives attributes and can maintain internal state, and it renders a template, but it does not have a top-level element and it may generate zero, one, or more DOM elements.

Fragments have no element property. They do have a $ property, but it represents a DOM range, not a single element.

Everywhere else in this document where I say "component", I really mean Component or Fragment.

To distinguish Component templates from Fragment templates, we will introduce the <element> and <fragment> keywords, which are described in a separate RFC document.

Query Parameters

Today, query parameters live on controllers, which means we need to find them a new home. Neither Routes nor Components are intended to be stateful, so we will not bind the values of queryParams directly to either of those.

queryParams will be declared and configured on Routes, with the same API we currently have on Controllers except for two exceptions. The first exception is default values -- a query parameter like this:

  queryParams: {
    foo: { as: 'bar' }
  bar: 0

would look like this on a Route:

  queryParams: {
    foo: { as: 'bar', default: 0 }

because the Route itself does not have a bar property.

The second difference is that we no longer need a scope option. queryParam stickiness is not managed at the Route level, it's managed inside components using sessions (which have arbitrarily controllable scopes). More on this below under "Stickiness".

Data down

When query parameters are changed, their values will arrive in the queryParams argument to the attributes hook. Note that this implies you will now always be opting in to a "full transition" as described in the current Guides. This should be ok because each layer is supposed to be smart about rerendering only things that really need it -- the change will propagate down through the component hierarchy, triggering diffing at each step.

Actions up

To change queryParams, the Route will call transitionTo. Components will not know anything about queryParams as such -- they are just like any other attributes. A component that needs to change a queryParam will use an action handler to communicate upward to the route as described in the section titled "Sending actions from component to route".

We can provide a default implementation of a mutable attribute that can be passed to the component whose setter will trigger the transitionTo. For example:

attributes: function(params, queryParams) {
  model: this.model(params),
  filterBy: mut(queryParams, 'filterBy')

would give the components a mutable attribute that behaves the same as if the component was invoked directly from a template with:

<the-component model=model filterBy={{mut queryParams.filterBy}}>

Default values

queryParams have default values, which determine when they should appear in the URL and determine what formatting rules will apply (for example, a default integer value will cause future values to be parsed as ints). This behavior can remain the same -- it will just be configured on Routes instead of Controllers.

pushState vs replaceState

This can also remain the same. When a Route sets a queryParam it will use either pushState or replaceState based on the configuration for that parameter.


Sticky query params are a specific case of a more general need for statefulness. Without singleton controllers, this kind of state will be managed by session services.

Components can use session services to store and retrieve arbitrarily-scoped state. They can explicitly push that state upward into the queryParams when they want to.

If you transition into a route that causes a component to render, and that component has session state for the value of a mut attribute, the component is free to set the mut attribute, propagating the change upward. That change may propagate all the way to the route and cause a queryParam to be set.

Idempotent Model Hooks

Today we have beforeModel, model, and afterModel hooks on Route. The distinction between them, and the timing of when they're called, is complicated by the original goal of avoiding unnecessary reloading of models. If you transitionTo('person', 1) (or directly set the corresponding URL), all three hooks will fire. But you can also transitionTo('person', withThisPersonModel), and the model hook will not fire, since a model is already available. beforeModel and afterModel exist mostly to deal with this case.

However, we can simplify all of this by moving the problem of avoiding model reloading into the data layer. ember-data is already capable of sufficiently intelligent caching.

Therefore, we can collapse the three hooks down to a single model hook that always fires regardless of whether the transition references a model or an id. This gives the user full control over whether or not they want their data to be served from cache, refreshed on demand, or a combination of both.

Asynchronous Components

We already have a nice API for dealing with asynchronous data loading during route transitions. But we lack a similarly nice API for loading asynchronous data that does not involve a route transition.

A canonical example of a component that needs this capability is a file hierarchy browser. Each time the user clicks a node to expand it, we may need to retrieve additional data, without involving a route transition.

Today it is relatively straightforward to add this capability to a component on your own, but it requires every dev to think about the problem and put together their own solution. We can make a shared solution that's easier to learn and use.

Once we have asynchronous components, it may be tempting to handle all data loading through them, eliminating traditional Routes, and essentially moving the model hook onto Components. But we think there are still strong architectural reasons for having Routes as a separate concept. Routes orchestrate transitions, and often have important work to do before you even know what components need to be on the page.

The key questions for deciding to load data in a Route vs in an asynchronous Component are:

  1. If you're also changing the URL, use a Route.

  2. If you can't decide exactly where you're going until after looking at the (asynchronously-loaded) data, use a Route.

  3. Otherwise it's probably fine to use an asynchronous Component.


There are clearly upgrade costs, but I've attempted to make it possible to gradually convert a large app.

This is a significant change in mental model that makes the framework somewhat more opinionated about what Routes are allowed to do. For example, they can no longer render into outlets at arbitrary times. I don't think that's a drawback, but it should be considered.

I did not attempt to radically simplify the semantics of the into and outlet arguments to Routes's render method. I think there's an argument to be made for doing so, but we would need more design work to do that.


It may be possible to achieve some of this RFCs goals with something like the Engines RFC, by making it possible to "mount" components into the route hierarchy and then delegate the remainder of the URL for them to internally route to their children.

Unresolved questions

  • Should the default implementation of the attributes hook pass queryParams directly as component attributes automatically?

  • This proposal makes some assumptions about the semantics of mut, a concept that has been discussed and sketched out in the Ember 2.0 RFC but not fully specified.

  • I think implementing sticky query params via component sessions and mutable attributes is a good idea, but we need to confirm that we can make the timing work out such that we don't trigger unnecessary double-renders or URL history entries.

Appendix A: Cross-outlet Communication

The current way to alter another outlet in response to user input is to call render (or its opposite, disconnectOutlet) from an action handler on the Route. For example:

actions: {
  showUploadingStatus: function(status) {
    this.render('upload-status', {
      model: status,
      into: 'application',
      outlet: 'statusbar'

This RFC deprecates calling render outside of route transitions. Instead, you should render what you need into both outlets during the initial transition, and link the two components explicitly via action handlers. Conceptually:

renderComponents: function(attributes) {

  /* This is a hypothetical way to construct a mutable
    attribute. It's intended to reflect the same semantics as as
    the `mut` template helper described in the Ember 2.0 RFC. In
    this case we're just initializing one with an undefined value.
  var uploadStatus = mut();

  // Our main component receives an action in its attributes that
  // it can invoke to set the value of the mutable attribute.
  attributes.setUploadStatus = uploadStatus.setter();
  this.render(this.routeName, attributes);

  // Our upload-status component receives the mutable attribute,
  // which means the component will be invalidated when the
  // attribute changes.
  this.render('upload-status', {
    status: uploadStatus
  }, {
    into: 'application',
    outlet: 'statusbar'