The following is the latest narration/script that will accompany the animation for describing Flux Notes on Voice. The gaps in line spacing represent areas of the animation where there are typically transitions (new picture, callout appears, etc).
Patients want a doctor who spends time and listens.
Above all, patients want good care with good outcomes. One ingredient in determining the best care is data.
Unfortunately, the manual data entry for electronic health records drains doctor’s time.
And what data IS captured can be unstructured or missing, leading to inaccurate pictures of the patient.
Our vision of the future encounter is one where our tools don’t overwhelm us with data, but instead manage and leverage its potential - Where patient engagement, doctor’s expertise, and relevant data inform better plans of care.
We want a future where technology pulls structured data from spoken conversation and generates documentation. Freeing the doctor to focus on the patient and their care.
Flux Notes on Voice is an exploration into the viability of voice capture. We’re building an open source solution with a collaborative open health data standard to engage the whole community. The software will record audio, process it, and infer key data points. The structured data is inserted into the EHR to support clinical research and provide better patient care.
Here’s how a clinician may experience this future. Before meeting with the patient, the doctor opens Flux Notes on Voice to view the patient record.
She starts a clinical note from a template and identifies structured data elements that the Flux Notes on Voice system will listen for during the encounter.
When the clinician greets and interacts with the patient, her ears and eyes are focused on THEM, not on a screen.
The clinician begins the Flux Notes on Voice system.
It records the conversation and listens to everything the patient shares with the provider…
… and everything the provider shares with the patient.
The system extracts from the conversation relevant, structured health data specified in the template. In an oncology visit, 2 key elements would be disease status and toxicity.
The new data is presented in the note for verification by provider and patient.
As the appointment ends, the clinician stops the recording.
The patient leaves, feeling cared for and listened to. When the doctor returns to Flux Notes to finalize the documentation…
most of the note is auto-generated. She verifies accuracy and completeness…
… and signs the note.
Flux Notes on Voice is an exploration into the self-documenting encounter. An assessment of a technology that captures valuable data AND reduces workload of the clinician. This way, the doctor can spend more time doing what is most important--
… listening and engaging with the patient and their needs, using structured health data to drive clinical research and promote better outcomes.