Super shoes is a back-end application exposing REST services and an admin mini site for a shoe store. The purpose of this app was to be tested by the fine people at Growth Acceleration Partners.
This app features CRUD for managing two DB tables: Stores and Articles. It also exposes three REST services that list data from these tables. These REST services are protected by Basic HTTP Authentication.
The admin mini site is very easy to navigate through. From http://localhost:3000/
you'll access the Main menu. From there CRUD management views for Stores and Articles are accesible.
REST services are exposed as listed below:
- http://localhost:3000/services/stores (List all stores)
- http://localhost:3000/services/articles (List all articles)
- http://localhost:3000/services/articles/stores/STORE_ID (List all articles for certain store) These REST services are protected by HTTP Basic Authentication. Make sure your requests are sent with an authorization field in its header and a Base64 encoded string of both username and password separated by a colon (:).
- Example:
Authorization: Basic QWxhZGRpbjpPcGVuU2VzYW1l
(where this string is username:password encoded). The username ismy_user
and passwordmy_password
- Developed with Ruby v.2.2.3
- Rails 4.2.6
- MySQL 5.5.x
- Download to your machine.
- Run
rake db:setup
. Or if you prefer,rake db:create, db:migrate, and db:seed
individually. - Make sure you run
rake db:seed RAILS_ENV=test
because we need that seed data in our test database for Capybara testing purposes. - Start your Rails server and open up
in your browser. Change your port accordingly. - RSPEC tests are located in the following directories:
- /spec/controllers/stores_controller_spec.rb (REST service testing)
- /spec/features/articles_spec.rb (Capybara test for adding articles belonging to a store)
- /spec/features/stores_spec.rb (Capybara test for adding stores)
- /spec/models/store_spec.rb (Form validation testing)