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22 Oct 13:21
+ 2429 HttpClient backpressure improved + 3558 Error notifications can be received after a successful websocket + 3787 Jetty client sometimes returns EOFException instead of SSLHandshakeException on certificate errors. + 3913 Clustered HttpSession IllegalStateException: Invalid for read + 3989 Inform custom ManagedSelector of dead selector via optional onFailedSelect() + 4096 Thread in ReservedThreadExecutor does not exit when stopped + 4104 Frames are sent through ExtensionStack even if WebSocket Session is closed + 4105 QueuedThreadPool increased thread usage and no idle thread decay + 4115 Drop HTTP/2 pseudo headers + 4121 QueuedThreadPool should support ThreadFactory behaviors + 4122 QueuedThreadPool should reset thread interrupted on failed run + 4128 OpenIdCredetials can't decode JWT ID token + 4132 Should be possible to use OIDC without metadata + 4141 ClassCastException with non-async Servlet + async Filter + HttpServletRequestWrapper + 4142 Configurable HTTP/2 RateControl + 4144 Naked cast to Request should be avoided + 4156 IllegalStateException when forwarding to jsp with new session + 4158 Behaviour change in session handling in 9.4.21.v20190926 + 4170 Client-side alias selection based on SSLEngine + 4174 ConcurrentModificationException when stopping jetty:run-war + 4176 Should not set header if sendError has been called + 4177 Configure HTTP proxy with SslContextFactory + 4179 Improve HttpChannel$SendCallback references for GC + 4183 Jetty considers bootstrap injected class to be a "server class" + 4188 Spin in HttpOutput.close + 4190 Jetty hangs after thread blocked in SharedBlockingCallback.block() called by HttpOutput.close + 4191 Increase GzipHandler minGzipSize default size + 4193 InetAccessHandler - new includeConnectors/excludeConnectors not quite correct anymore + 4201 Throw SSLHandshakeException in case of TLS handshake failures + 4203 Some Transfer-Encoding and Content-Length combinations do not result in expected 400 Bad Request + 4204 Transfer-Encoding behavior does not follow RFC7230 + 4208 Regression in Jetty 9.4.21: 304 response with Content-Length fails + 4209 Unused TLS connection is not closed in Java 11 + 4217 SslConnection.DecryptedEnpoint.flush eternal busy loop + 4227 First authorization request produced by OIDC module fails due to inclusion of sessionid