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Notices for Eclipse Lyo

This content is produced and maintained by the Eclipse Lyo project.


Eclipse Lyo, and Lyo are trademarks of the Eclipse Foundation.


All content is the property of the respective authors or their employers. For more information regarding authorship of content, please consult the listed source code repository logs.

Declared Project Licenses

This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License 2.0 which is available at, or the Eclipse Distribution License 1.0 which is available at

SPDX-License-Identifier: EPL-2.0 OR BSD-3-Clause

Source Code

The project maintains the following source code repositories:

Third-party Content

This project leverages the following third party content.

activation-1.1.jar (1.1)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

ANTLR (Runtime only) (3.5.2)

antlr compiler (4.5)

ANTLR Runtime only: (3.2)

  • License: New BSD license

antlr-runtime (3.5)

  • License: New BSD license

antlr4 (4.7.1)

antlr4-runtime (4.7.1)

antlr4-runtime Version: 4.5 (4.5)

  • License: BSD-3-Clause

apache abdera-parser (1.1.2)

Apache Commons Codec (1.3)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons Codec (1.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons codec (1.9)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache Commons Command Line Interface CLI (1.2)

Apache Commons Command Line Interface CLI (1.4)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache Commons CSV (1.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons FileUpload (1.2.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons IO Jar (1.3.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons Lang (2.6)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Commons Lang (3.3.2)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Apache Commons Logging Jar (1.1.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache commons-cli (1.3.1)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache commons-lang3 (3.4)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache Derby (

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache httpclient (3.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache HttpClient (4.5.2)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache HttpClient (4.5.2)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache HttpClient (4.5.3)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache HttpComponents Client (4.1.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache HttpComponents Core (4.1.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache HttpComponents HttpClient (4.5.5)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache HttpComponents HttpCore (4.4.6)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache HttpComponents HttpCore (4.4.9)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Apache Jena (3.10)

Apache Jena-ARQ (2.11.2)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Apache Jena-ARQ (2.9.1)

Apache Jena-Core (2.7.1)

Apache Jena-Core (2.7.4)

Apache Jena-Core (2.11.2)

  • License: Apache License 2.0, New BSD license, Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 (Unported) License (CC BY 3.0)

Apache Jena-Core (2.13.0)

Apache Jena-Core (3.0.1)

Apache jena-iri (0.9.2)

Apache Jena-IRI (0.9.4)

Apache Jena-IRI: (1.0.2)

Apache Jena-TDB (0.9.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Jena-TDB (1.0.2)

Apache Log4j (1.2.17)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Apache POI (3.7)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache poi-ooxml (3.7)

Apache poi-scratchpad (3.7)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache Wink (1.2.1)

Apache Wink (1.3)

Apache Wink (wink-client and apache-httpclient components) (1.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Apache XML RPC 3.1.3 (3.1.3)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

apache-jena-libs (3.6.0)

args4j (2.0.12)

  • License: BSD License

blaze-core_2.12-0.12.5 (2.12)

blaze-http_2.12-0.12.5 (2.12)

Bootstrap (3.3.7)

  • License: MIT

Bootstrap (3.3.7)

  • License: MIT

bootstrap (4.0.0)

Bootstrap (4.0.0)

catalysts-macros_2.12-0.0.5 (2.12)

catalysts-platform_2.12-0.0.5 (2.12)

cats-core_2.12 (1.0.1)

cats-core_2.12-1.1.0 (2.12)

cats-free_2.12-0.9.0 (2.12)

cats-jvm_2.12-0.9.0 (2.12)

cats-kernel-laws_2.12-0.9.0 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

cats-kernel_2.12 (1.0.1)

  • License: MIT

cats-kernel_2.12-0.9.0 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

cats-kernel_2.12-1.1.0 (2.12)

cats-laws_2.12-0.9.0 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

cats-macros_2.12 (1.0.1)

  • License: MIT

cats-macros_2.12-0.9.0 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

cats-macros_2.12-1.1.0 (2.12)

  • License: MIT AND BSD-3-Clause

cats_2.12-0.9.0 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

circe-core_2.12-0.8.0 (2.12)

circe-core_2.12-0.9.0 (2.12)

circe-generic_2.12-0.8.0 (2.12)

circe-generic_2.12-0.9.0 (2.12)

circe-jawn_2.12-0.8.0 (2.12)

circe-numbers_2.12 (2.12)

circe-numbers_2.12-0.8.0 (2.12)

circe-parser_2.12-0.8.0 (2.12)

circe-parser_2.12-0.9.0 (2.12)

colorbrewer (2.0)

com.github.andrewoma.dexx collection-0.6 (0.6)

  • License: MIT

com.github.andrewoma.dexx collection-0.7 (0.7)

  • License: MIT

Commons Codec (1.3)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

commons lang (2.3)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

commons-cli (1.3)

commons-codec:commons-codec (1.10)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

commons-csv (1.3)

commons-csv (1.5)

commons-io (2.5)

  • License: Apache-2.0

commons-io:commons-io (2.6)

commons-logging-1.1.jar (1.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

commons-text (1.2)

CXF API (2.7.10)

  • License: Apache 2.0, W3C, OSOA License, Modified OSOA License

CXF RT Bindings XML (2.7.10)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

CXF RT Core (2.7.10)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

CXF RT Frontend JAX-RS (2.7.10)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

CXF RT Transports HTTP (2.7.10)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

Derby (

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

dexx-collections (0.2)

diffson-circe_2.12-2.1.2 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

diffson-circe_2.12-2.2.5 (2.12)

diffson-core_2.12-2.1.2 (2.12)

diffson-core_2. (

discipline_2.12-0.7.2 (2.12)

dojo (1.17.2)

  • License: Academic Free License OR BSD (Dual - we choose BSD)

eff_2.12 (4.6.1)

  • License: Apache-2.0

es.weso-schema_2.12-0.0.77 (2.12)

es.weso.converter_2.12-0.0.77 (2.12)

es.weso.converter_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.depgraphs_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.rbe_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.schema_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.shacl_2.12-0.0.77 (2.12)

es.weso.shacl_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.shapemaps_2.12-0.0.77 (2.12)

es.weso.shapemaps_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.shex_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.srdf4j_2.12-0.0.77 (2.12)

es.weso.srdf4j_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.srdf_2.12-0.0.77 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

es.weso.srdf_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

es.weso.srdfjena_2.12-0.0.77 (2.12)

es.weso.srdfjena_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.typing_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.utils_2.12-0.0.77 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

es.weso.utils_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

es.weso.validating_2.12-0.0.87 (2.12)

fs2-cats_2.12-0.3.0 (2.12)

fs2-core_2.12-0.9.5 (2.12)

fs2-io_2.12-0.9.5 (2.12)

geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec (1.1.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

geronimo-annotation_1.0_spec (1.1.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Glassfish servlet-api (3.1)

  • License: CDDL, Apache 2.0

Google Guava (21.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Google Guice / Inject Core API (3.0.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

gson (2.8.1)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Guava (11.0.2)

  • License: Apache-2.0

hamcrest-core (1.3)

  • License: BSD 3-Clause

hpack-v1.0.1 (1.0.1)

http4s-blaze-client_2.12-0.17.0-M3 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

http4s-blaze-core_2.12-0.17.0-M3 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

http4s-blaze-server_2.12-0.17.0-M3 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

http4s-circe_2.12-0.17.0-M3 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

http4s-client_2.12-0.17.0-M3 (2.12)

http4s-core_2.12-0.17.0-M3 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0 AND BSD-3-Clause

http4s-dsl_2.12-0.17.0-M3 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

http4s-jawn_2.12-0.17.0-M3 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

http4s-server_2.12-0.17.0-M3 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

http4s-twirl_2.12-0.17.0-M3 (2.12)

http4s-websocket_2.12-0.1.6 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

httpclient (4.4.1)

httpclient-cache-4.5.2 (4.5.2)

httpclient-cache:4.5.3 (4.5.3)

httpcore (4.4.5)

httpcore Version: jakarta-httpcore-4.1 FINAL (4.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

httpcore-4.4.4 (4.4.4)

  • License: Apache-2.0

ICU4J and ICU Replacement (58.2)

  • License: MIT Style with "no endorsement" clause, Unicode license, BSD Style License

ICU4J and ICU4J Replacement (3.6.1)

  • License: ICU4J License (X License, MIT Style)

ICU4J and ICU4J replacement (4.0.1)

  • License: MIT license with no endorsement clause, Unicode license

j2bugzilla (1.0)

Jackson Annotations (2.9.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Jackson Core (2.9.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Jackson Databind (2.9.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jackson-annotations:2.7.0 (2.7.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

jackson-core (2.7.4)

jackson-databind (2.7.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

jakarta-httpclient-4.1 (4.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Java Servlet API (2.5)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Java Servlet API (2.5)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

javax.json (1.0.4)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

javax.servlet-api (3.1.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0 AND (CDDL-1.1 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)

javax.servlet-api (3.1.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0 AND (CDDL-1.1 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0)

javax.servlet.jsp.jstl api (1.2)

  • License: (CDDL-1.0 OR GPL-2.0) AND Apache-2.0 (2.1)

jawn-fs2_2.12-0.10.1 (2.12)

jawn-parser_2.12-0.10.4 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

jawn-parser_2.12-0.11.0 (2.12)

JAX-RS (JSR311) API (1.1.1)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License, + 1 file partial ASL

JAXB (2.2)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

JAXB (2.2)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

jcl-over-slf4j (1.7.25)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.21 (1.7.21)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Jena (2.6.3)

  • License: New BSD license, Creative Commons Unported 3.0 (CC by 3.0)

jena core (3.4.0)

Jena-ARQ (2.13)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jena-arq (3.0.1)

jena-arq (3.1.1)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jena-arq (3.4.0)

jena-arq:3.6.0 (3.6.0)

jena-base (3.0.1)

jena-base (3.1.1)

jena-base (3.6.0)

jena-core (3.1.1)

jena-core (3.6.0)

jena-dboe-base:3.6.0 (3.6.0)

jena-dboe-index:3.6.0 (3.6.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jena-dboe-trans-data:3.6.0 (3.6.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jena-dboe-transaction:3.6.0 (3.6.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jena-iri (1.1.2)

jena-iri (3.0.1)

jena-iri (3.1.1)

jena-iri (3.4.0)

jena-iri (3.6.0)

jena-querybuilder:3.6.0 (3.6.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jena-rdfconnection:3.6.0 (3.6.0)

jena-shaded-guava (3.0.1)

jena-shaded-guava (3.1.1)

  • License: Apache-2.0 AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain

jena-shaded-guava (3.6.0)

jena-tdb (1.1.2)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jena-tdb (3.0.1)

jena-tdb (3.4.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jena-tdb2:3.6.0 (3.6.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jena-tdb:3.6.0 (3.6.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jena-tdb:3.6.0 (3.6.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0

jenabean (1.0.6)

  • License: MIT License

jgrapht-core (1.1.0)

JQuery (1.7.2)

  • License: MIT License

jquery (3.2.1)

  • License: MIT

jquery (3.2.1)

  • License: MIT

JQuery UI (1.8.18)

  • License: MIT License

jsonld-java (0.8.3)

  • License: BSD-3-Clause

jsonld-java (0.11.1)

  • License: BSD-3-Clause

jsonld-java (1.0.0)

junit (4.8.1)

  • License: Common Public License 1.0

JUnit (4.11)

  • License: Common Public License 1.0

JUnit (4.12)

  • License: Eclipse Public License

kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 (1.3.21)

  • License: Apache-2.0

libthrift-0.9.3 (0.9.3)

libthrift:0.10.0 (0.10.0)

log4j (1.2.15)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

log4j (1.2.16)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

log4s_2.12-1.3.4 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

logback classic (1.1.7)

  • License: EPL-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1

LogBack Core (1.1.7)

  • License: EPL-1.0 OR LGPL-2.1

Logback Core (1.2.3)

  • License: EPL-1.0

logback-classic (1.2.3)

lucene highlighter (5.2.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

lucene join (5.2.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

lucene misc (5.2.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

lucene sandbox (5.2.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

lucene spatial (5.2.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

lucene-analyzers-common (5.2.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, New BSD license, W3C License

lucene-core (5.2.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, BSD Style, MIT License

lucene-queries (5.2.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

lucene-queryparser (5.2.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

lyo.core fork by Koneksys (n/a)

machinist_2.12-0.6.1 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

machinist_2.12-0.6.2 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

macro-compat_2.12-1.1.1 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

mail.jar (1.4)

  • License: Common Development and Distribution License

MapDB (1.0.8)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

Mockito - Core (1.8.5)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, New BSD license, MIT license

nodejs (0.8.14)

  • License: MIT License

normalize.css (3.0.3)

  • License: MIT

normalize.css (3.0.3)

  • License: MIT

oauth core version: 20100527 (n/a)

oauth-consumer Version: 20090617 (n/a)

oauth-consumer Version: 20100527 (n/a)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

oauth-core Version: 20090617 (n/a)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

oauth-httpclient3 Version: 20090617 (n/a)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

oauth-httpclient4 Version: 20090617 (n/a)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

oauth-httpclient4 Version: 20090913 (n/a)

oauth-provider Version: 20090531 (n/a)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

odata4j (0.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

opencsv (3.2)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

openrdf-sesame (2.6.3)

  • License: New BSD License

openrdf-sesame (2.6.10)

org.abego.treelayout.core-1.0.1 (1.0.1)

  • License: BSD-3-Clause

org.antlr.ST4 (4.0.8)

  • License: BSD-3-Clause

org.atnos eff_2.12-3.0.2 (2.12)

  • License: Apache-2.0

Popper (1.11.0)

Powermock - API - Mockito (1.4.9)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

rest-assured (2.3.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

scala-library (2.12.2)

scala-library (2.12.5)

scala-library (2.12.6)

  • License: BSD-3-Clause

scala-library-2.12.1 (2.12.1)

scala-logging (3.5.0)

scala-logging_2.12 (3.7.2)

scala-reflect (2.12.2)

scala-xml (1.0.6)

  • License: BSD-3-Clause

scalacheck (1.13.4)

scalactic (3.0.1)

  • License: Apache-2.0

scalactic_2.12 (3.0.4)

scalactic_2.12 (3.0.5)

scalatags_2.12-0.6.2 (2.12)

scallop_2.12-2.0.6 (2.12)

  • License: MIT

scallop_2.12-3.1.1 (2.12)

science.js (1.7.0)

scodec-bits (1.1.4)

sext (0.2.6)

sext-0.2.4 (0.2.4)

shapeless (2.3.2)

  • License: Apache-2.0

shapeless_2.12-2.3.3 (2.12)

simulacrum_2.12-0.10.0 (2.12)

  • License: BSD-3-Clause

simulacrum_2.12-0.11.0 (2.12)

  • License: BSD 3-Clause

SLF4J API (1.5.10)

  • License: MIT license, + MIT License with no endorsement clause

SLF4J API (1.6.1)

  • License: MIT license, MIT license with no endorsement clause

SLF4J API (1.6.2)

  • License: MIT License

SLF4J API (1.7.6)

  • License: MIT License

SLF4J jcl-over-slf4j (1.6.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

SLF4J jcl-over-slf4j (1.7.6)

  • License: Apache License 2.0

SLF4J log4j-over-slf4j (1.6.4)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

slf4j log4j12 (1.6.2)

  • License: MIT License

slf4j-api (1.7.21)

  • License: MIT

slf4j-api (1.7.25)

  • License: MIT

slf4j-log4j12 (1.6.4)

slf4j-log4j12 (1.7.24)

  • License: MIT

slf4j-simple (1.7.25)

sourcecode (0.1.3)

  • License: MIT

spatial4j (0.4.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

stax-api (1.0.1)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

test-interface (1.0)

TestNG (6.8.8)

twirl-api_2.12-1.3.0 (2.12)

typelevel cats-core 0.9.0 (Scala (2.12)

validate.js (0.12.0)

wsdl4j-1.6.2.jar (1.6.2)

  • License: Common Public License 1.0

wstx-asl (3.2.8)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, New BSD license

xercesImpl (2.11.0)

  • License: Apache-2.0 AND LicenseRef-W3C

xercesImpl.jar (as part of Apache Xerces2) (2.8.0)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0

xml-apis (1.4.01)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, W3C

xml-apis-1.3.03.jar (1.3.03)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0, Public Domain, W3C

xml-apis.jar (1.3.04)

  • License: Apache License, 2.0


Content may contain encryption software. The country in which you are currently may have restrictions on the import, possession, and use, and/or re-export to another country, of encryption software. BEFORE using any encryption software, please check the country's laws, regulations and policies concerning the import, possession, or use, and re-export of encryption software, to see if this is permitted.