yarn db:seed
(DEV)yarn db:seed:prod
We use APP_ENV
in the scripts to determine the dataset returned for seeds.
This ENV is set in your .env.local file as well, and can be manually set as an ENV in your deploy environment if needed for other scripts.
data.ts contains the exported function seedModelData: ModelCreateInput[]
this function leverages APP_ENV to return the dataset expected for Dev vs Prod. In the case of users
this returns initialDevUsers: UserCreateInput[]
or initalProdUsers: UserCreateInput[]
prismaRunner.ts this file contains the Prisma UPSERT
call for the model. We leverage upsert here so that seeds can potentially be ran more than once as your models and data expand over time.
index.ts export of functions for main seed file
In the event your model has a relationship dependency ie. Accounts, Organizations, etc. The prismaRunners are set to return a Pick<Model, 'id'>
result for you to leverage in future seeds. The dependent runner would expand to take these parameters.
User/Organization example:
import {orgSeedData, seedOrganizations } from './seeds/organizations';
import {userSeedData, seedUsers } from './seeds/users';
const [{ id: orgId }] = await seedOrganizations(orgSeedData);
await seedUsers(userSeedData(orgId));
const initialDevUsers = (orgId: string): UserCreateInput[] => [
email: '[email protected]',
organization: { connect: { id: orgId } },
// ...other create data
run.ts This is the main run file leveraged by yarn run:script {filename}
This script takes a file name to be run via commander
. These scripts can be ANYTHING. However, in our example, we've leveraged the same seedUsers
runner to add new employees.
exampleUserScript.ts This is an example script file that can be ran with yarn run:script exampleUserScript.ts
. This script leverages the same seedUsers
prisma runner to add a few new employees to the team.