The members of the e-mission project committee are drawn from a diverse set of backgrounds, institutional affiliations and geographic regions. The current list, in alphabetical order by last name, is below. If you would like to be on the committee and help shape the direction of the project, please email [email protected]
Name | Affiliation | Sector | Country |
Eleftherios Avramidis | DFKI | Academia | Germany |
Anat Caspi | University of Washington | Academia/Nonprofit | USA |
Kyle Fitzsimmons | Concordia | Academia | Canada |
Jonathan Fürst | NEC Labs Europe | Industry | Germany |
Patrick Gendre | FabMob | Nonprofit | France |
Stephanie Huerre | Design consultant | Industry | Spain |
Vaiju Khode | The Red Maple | Small business | USA |
Gabriel Plassat | ADEME/FabMob | Government | France |
Zachary Patterson | Concordia | Academia | Canada |
K. Shankari | UC Berkeley | Academia | USA |
Amarin Siripanich | UNSW Sydney | Academia | Australia |