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File metadata and controls

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This repository contains a collection of vue components that aim to help build asynchronous search pages. It is inspired by the vue-instantsearch project.


You can view a demo here


You can install the package via yarn:

yarn add vue-asyncsearch --dev

or npm:

npm install asyncsearch --save-dev

Next you must register the components you want to use.

import Vue from 'vue';
import {Search, Input, Results} from 'vue-asyncsearch'

Vue.component('as-input', Input)
Vue.component('as-results', Results)
Vue.component('as-search', Search)

or you can register all the components

import AsyncSearch from 'vue-asyncsearch';



<as-search url="">

	 <as-input name="username"
     		   placeholder="Search for users by their username"

     <as-select name="per_page" :default-value="5" >
         <option value="3">3 Users</option>
         <option value="5">5 Users</option>
         <option value="10">10 Users</option>
         <option value="12">12 Users</option>

        <div slot-scope="{ result: user }"> {{ user.username }} </div>

This will perform a GET request to the endpoint and will display the username field of of the result. It will also display an input box that can be used to set the username query parameter and a select box that can set the per_page parameter. Searching for a username or selecting a different option from the select box will trigger a new request to fetch new data.

The response must be a json response and contain a data key with the array of the results as it's value, and optional pagination information.



A wrapper component that allows you to configure the search endpoint and provides the search state to it's children. All other components must be children of this component.

  • url: (required) The endpoint that will be used to fetch the data
  • http: the library which will be used to perform the requests. see Configuraton for more information
  • pagination: an object that describes how to extract pagination information from the response. see Configuraton for more information
  • refresh-on-param-change: a boolean indicating whether the results should be refreshed after a parameter value changes. default: true
  • use-history: a boolean indicating whether the query params should be added to the browser url. The url will also be used to set the values of the params
  • search-on-load: a boolean indicating if results should be automatically fetched when the component loads. (default: true)
  • tag: The html tag to use as the container, when multiple root nodes are present (default: div)
  • default: The default slot context contains one prop.
    • refresh: refresh the search results


Renders when there are results and provides access to the results

  • tag: The html tag to use as the container (default: div)
  • path: the key that is used to retrieve the results from the response data. Use an empty string if the results are the only data in the response. Supports dot notation. (default: data)


A simple text input that will update the parameter value as its value changes.

  • name: (required) the query parameter name this input value will be assigned to.
  • default-value: The default value of the parameter, this value is used when resetting the parameters using the as-clear component
  • reset-params: An array of param names to reset when this param's value changes
  • refresh-on-change: a boolean indicating whether the results should be refreshed when the value changes. Default's to the value of the refresh-on-param-change prop of the as-search component.
  • delay: the delay (in milliseconds), since the last time the value changed, after which the results will be refreshed
  • add-to-url: boolean indicating if the param should be appended to the url when use history is true (default: true)


A component that can be used to retrieve errors when a request fails

  • tag: The html tag to use as the container (default: div)
  • path: the key that is used to retrieve the errors from the response. Supports dot notation.


A component that will automatically load more results when it becomes visible.

  • name: (required) same as as-input. default: page
  • default-value: same as as-input. default: 1
  • resetParams: same as as-input
  • add-to-url: boolean indicating if the param should be appended to the url when use history is true (default: false)
  • limit: The maximum number of times to trigger. A value of 0 disables the limit. (default: 0)
  • options: The options object to pass to the Intersection Observer. (default: {})
  • delay: The initial delay before the first load. Can be used to prevent the component from instantly triggering before the initial load is completed. (default: 1000)
  • default: The default slot context contains three props.
    • reachedTheEnd: becomes true when no more pages are available
    • reachedLimit: becomes true when the component has triggered as many times as the limit prop. When the limit is disabled the prop will always be false
    • timesLoaded: integer that counts how many times a request was made because of the component


A component that allows setting a param from a list of values

  • name: (required) same as as-input
  • default-value: The default value of the param, this value is used when resetting the parameters using the as-clear component. The value here should match the value key of one of the options
  • reset-params: An array of param names to reset when this param's value changes
  • refresh-on-param-change: same as as-input
  • add-to-url: boolean indicating if the param should be appended to the url when use history is true (default: true)


  • name: (required) same as as-input, but the query parameter will be an array
  • value: (required) The value of the checkbox when it is selected
  • checked: A Boolean attribute indicating whether or not this checkbox is currently selected
  • reset-params: An array of param names to reset when this param's value changes
  • refresh-on-param-change: same as as-input
  • add-to-url: boolean indicating if the param should be appended to the url when use history is true (default: true)


  • name: (required) same as as-input
  • value: (required) The value of the radio button when it is selected
  • checked: A Boolean attribute indicating that this radio is the currently selected one
  • reset-params: An array of param names to reset when this param's value changes
  • refresh-on-param-change: same as as-input
  • add-to-url: boolean indicating if the param should be appended to the url when use history is true (default: true)


A button used to reset parameters to their default value

  • params: an array of parameter names to reset when the button is clicked. If no value is provided then all parameters will be reset


A component that is rendered while fetching results

  • tag: The html tag to use as the container (default: div)
  • delay: The time in milliseconds to wait before showing the component after a request has started. (default: 0)


A button that, will increase the param value by one, perform a new request and append the response data to the results.

  • name: (required) same as as-input. default: page
  • default-value: same as as-input. default: 1
  • resetParams: same as as-input
  • add-to-url: boolean indicating if the param should be appended to the url when use history is true (default: false)


A list of links to navigate paginated results


Same as as-load-more.


A component that renders when there are no results in the response


  • tag: The html tag to use as the container (default: div)
  • path: the key that is used to retrieve the results from the response data. Use an empty string if the results are the only data in the response. Supports dot notation. (default: data)


A button that refreshes the results


A wrapper component which gives access to a param.

  • name: (required) same as as-input
  • default-value: same as as-input
  • resetParams: same as as-input
  • refresh-on-change: same as as-input
  • delay: the delay (in milliseconds), since the last time the value changed, after which the param value will update (default: 0)
<as-param name="count" :default-value="1">
    <div slot-scope="{value, setValue}">
        <button @click="setValue(value+1)">+</button>
            {{ value }}
        <button @click="setValue(value-1)">-</button>



If you don't specify an http library then vm.$http or window.axios will be used. You can provide your own library using the, http prop of the as-search component. The library must provide a get method which will receive the url, and an object, with the following structure:

    params: {
    	param1: value,
        param2: value,

It must return a promise which when resolved will provide an object with a data key that contains the response data.

    data: {
        data: [...],
        current_page: 2,
        total_pages: 4,


In order for the pagination component to work correctly it needs to know the current and last page of the paginated results. By default the last_page and current_page fields of the response are used. You can use the pagination prop of the as-search component to provide a mapping for your specific case. For example given the following response

{ data: [...], pagination: { current: 2, total: 5 } }

you would use the following configuration object

    last_page: '',
    current_page: ''


The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.