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Benchmark comparison between Bumblebee models

The following table compares Bumblebee's image captioning models that are supported.

Feel free to run Bumblebee-supported models and add them to this table! At the time of writing, Bumblebee doesn't support a lot of image captioning models. So any contribution is welcome! 🙏


While ResNet-5 leans more into image classification (it returns a list of prediction keywords/tokens), we're adding it to the table for simplicity sake.

Model ROUGE-1 ROUGE-2 ROUGE-L BLEU METEOR Word Error Rate Time (s) Size (in Mb)
blip-image-captioning-base 0.6 0.36364 0.57983 20.0762 0.45953 0.58333 4.16365 990.6
blip-image-captioning-large 0.59167 0.33333 0.55844 19.0449 0.53777 0.72381 11.878 1879.9
resnet-50 0 0 0 0 0.03953 1 0.32517 102.6


All the values in the table above are the median values of 50 COCO Dataset images (for statistical relevance), with the models being run on an Apple M1 Pro with 16GB of memory.

In this guide, we will walk you through on benchmarking some image captioning models that Bumblebee offers.

If you've followed the repo's main, you'll probably have an idea that some models work better than others. In this guide, we'll provide a more heuristic representation of this, and help you create performance metrics on some of these models.

For this, we'll be using the COCO Dataset, one of the largest open-source object detection, segmentation and captioning dataset, widely used for training, evaluating and testing models. We'll be using these captioned images to compare the yielded results of the Bumblebee models in Elixir and perform some metric evaluation.


In the coco_dataset folder, we've already retrieved 50 random images and their respective captions. However, we'll guide you through getting these your own if you want different images.

A quick overview of the contents of this folder

You may be overwhelmed with the files that are in this folder. But don't be! We'll explain what each one does.

  • the run.exs and manage_models.exs are Elixir files that we'll use to run our machine learning models. The models are cached in the models folder.
  • the coco_download.ipynb file is a Jupyter Notebook file that will allow you to download images from the COCO Dataset. You don't need to run this file because we've already downloaded 50 images and their captions for you beforehand - these images are located in the coco_dataset folder. However, if you do want to run this file, you need the annotations folder. This folder simply stores information of the captions of the images from the dataset, so you don't need to worry about it 🙂.
  • the metrics.ipynb file is also a Jupyter Notebook file that will process the results and create a table comparing each model. The notebook is documented with the metrics being used, so you can refer to it if you're confused on what each metric means!

0. Prerequisites

Before starting, we need to set up our dev environment. We are going to:

  • execute the models in Elixir.
  • perform metric evaluation in Python.

We're assuming you already have the Elixir environment set up after implementing the application. So we'll focus on getting the Python env set up 😃.

First, install Anaconda. This program will allow us to create virtual environments in Python, each one being contained with their own dependencies. We will run our Python scripts (we'll use Jupyter Notebooks, so it's preferred you install it or use Visual Studio Code to work with these) inside these environments.

After installing Anaconda, we'll be able to run conda command in our terminal! 🎉

0.1 Create a virtual environment

Let's create our virtual env. In your terminal, run:

conda create -n <name_of_env> --file requirements.txt

In <name_of_env>, write any name you want. In our case, we'll type comparison. The --file argument allows us to pass a requirements.txt file with a list of dependencies to install. We've provided this file inside this folder.

Install the needed dependencies when prompted by typing Y. After this, the env will be created.

To enter the env, type:

conda activate comparison

After this, you'll have entered in your newly created virtual env and now you can run commands within it! Every Python dependency you install will be made available only in this virtual env, not outside.

0.2 Running Jupyter Notebooks inside virtual env

If you've installed Jupyter Notebooks, as long as you run it inside this virtual environment through the terminal, all its dependencies will be available inside the notebook.

If you are using Visual Studio Code, when opening a file .ipynb (a Jupyter Notebook file), you will be able to choose the virtual env on the right side. You can choose the one you've created (in the following image, we've named our env "cocodataset").

And that's it! You're ready to execute Python inside Juypter Notebooks to perform some metric evaluation!

Let's kick this off! 🏃‍♂️

1. (Optional) Downloading the COCO dataset images


This section is entirely optional. We've already provided images and captions from the COCO dataset inside the coco_dataset folder.

This chapter is only relevant to those that want to experiment with other images.

The COCO dataset can be accessed through cocoapi. However, to get the images with their respective captions you have to put in some work.

This process is a bit convoluted. In fact, you'd have to download the original cocoapi repo, create folders with the images and annotations and then run make to install the packages needed (more information on

With this is mind, we've simplified this process and provided coco_download.ipynb so you can fetch a random image and caption and download 50 different random images, if you want.

Each executable block is documented, so you know what it does exactly. Don't forget: to use this, you will need to run the notebook in the environment you've created, since it has all the dependencies needed to run the notebook.


We are using the dataset from 2014 because it provides a good variety of images. However, if you want to experiment with their other datasets, you may do so in

As long as you're choosing a dataset that has caption annotations, our Jupyter Notebook will work.

2. Run run.exs

The run.exs file is a standalone Elixir script file that you can execute to make predictions based on any Bumblebee-supported model you want.

To run the file, simply execute the following command:

elixir run.exs

When you run this command, a .csv file will be created inside coco_dataset with the results of the benchmark of a given model. This new file will have information of the execution time and the predicted caption, with the file name being "{model_name}_results.csv".

Every time you run the script, the .csv results file is overriden.

To run this file with different models, you only have to change a few parameters. If you open run.exs, inside the Benchmark module, you will find a comment block encompassed with CHANGE YOUR SETTINGS HERE -----------------------------------. Inside this code block, you can change:

  • the image_width of the image before being fed into the model. You want this value to be the same as the same dimensions of the dataset the model was trained on. The images will be redimensioned to this value whilst maintaining aspect ratio. This step is important because it will yield better results and improve performance whilst running the script, since we're optimizing unnecessary data that the model would otherwise ignore.

  • the model being tested. If can change:

    • the title, which is just a label for the image. This title should not have the / character or any other that might make it look like a path. This is because this title is used when creating the results file.
    • the name of the model, which should coincide with the name of the repo in HuggingFace. (i.e. Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-large).
    • the cache_path, pertaining to the location where the model is downloaded and cached locally. You should only change the name of the folder (don't change @models_folder_path).
    • load_featurizer, load_tokenizer and load_generation_config allow you to load these parameters if the model needs it. We recommend checking Bumblebee's documentation to check if your model needs any of these.
  • the extract_label function. This function pattern-matches the output of the model. You should change it according to the output of the model so you can successfully retrieve the result.

And these are all the changes you need! You can change these settings for each model you test and a new file with the results will be created for each one inside coco_dataset!

2.1 (Important!) Benchmarking different models

When you make the above changes, we are assuming that you are using the Bumblebee.Vision.image_to_text/5 function to create the serving.

The default code for the script pertains to Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base. However, there are other models that Bumblebee might support from the Hugging Face repositories in

Some models are not served from Bumblebee.Vision.image_to_text/5. If you want to benchmark others (as long as they are supported from Bumblebee), you'll have to make additional changes.

2.1.1 ResNet-50

For example, if you want to test the resnet-50 model, you also have to change the serving/0 function inside manage_models.exs so it uses Bumblebee.Vision.image_classification/3 instead (the only way to correctly build the resnet-50 model serving with Bumblebee).

    top_k: 1,
    compile: [batch_size: 10],
    defn_options: [compiler: EXLA],
    preallocate_params: true

2.1.2 Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-large

Normally, for BLIP models, you would only have to change the settings that were mentioned in the previous section.

However, at the time of writing, this would result in an error if you wanted to use Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-large. The bug, although fixed, has not yet been released.

Therefore, for this model, you'd have to update the imports in run.exs.

  {:bumblebee, git: "", branch: "main", override: true},
  {:nx, git: "", sparse: "nx", override: true},
  {:exla, git: "", sparse: "exla", override: true},

For more information on this, check elixir-nx/bumblebee#269 (comment).

3. Run metrics.ipynb

Now that you have the {model_name}_results.csv generated by the above Elixir script, you can now run metrics.ipynb.

This Jupyter Notebook will wrangle the data, process it and create the table with the metrics to evaluate each model that was benchmarked.

The Jupyter Notebook is documented with each step.