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61 lines (44 loc) · 4.16 KB

File metadata and controls

61 lines (44 loc) · 4.16 KB

Known Issues

  • Time signatures other than 4/4 have not been tested.

Chordal texture implementation

  • The way ScalePart handles chords need to be refactored. Currently, the raw data points are
    first converted to notes and the duration set from addFactors.
    This can result in 2 or more notes joined by a tie. For example assuming 480 base units per measure
    300 units are represented by 2 notes: a half tied to an eighth.
    ScorePart creates chords by picking off notes one at a time and this is complicated by
    tied notes which is meaningless in a chordal context. Also handling end of the measure processing
    is complicated (and currently doesn't work) with tied notes.

  • ScoreAnalysis doesn't work on polyphonic instruments (viz. it doesn't parse the chord notes correctly).
    For these instruments (such as PianoLFChords) set -analysis false on the command line.

  • Test that MusicXMLHelper is handling chord ties correctly - both within and across bar lines.

Planned Enhancements

  • ScaleExportManager. Add "musicXML" as an output format. This would consist of a 2-octave range ascending and descending
    starting with the specified root note(s) for each exported scale. The resulting musicXML file could then be
    imported into MuseScore to hear how the scale(s) sound. A further enhancement could add chords to scales of 8 notes or less.

  • ChordManager. Add "musicXML" as an output format for -export chords option. This would output a musicXML
    file that could be imported into notation software in order to hear what the chords sound like.

  • Add MelodyCollector and MelodyProducer to cp (collector-producer) package. These will be the melody equivalents of HarmonyChordCollector and ChordProgressionProducer.

  • Add an option for including rhythmic elements in MarkovChain creation for chords & melodies.
    Essentially build Markov Chains on melody/chords alone, rhythm alone (i.e. durations), and melody/rhythm, chord/rhythm.
    The result could be fed into a Producer.

  • Add a musicXML to/from songJSON conversion. Recall that songJSON is an alternative to musicXML that consists of musical
    elements only. That is, formatting is not included. This really simplifies creating song.json files which can be
    the input to Collector/Producer processing. This could be done explicitly or implicitly when providing a musicXML
    file for Collector/Producer processing.

  • Allow for occasional rests. There is a configuration parameter score.restProbability, given as %, but it's not currently used.
    Instruments should have the ability to override this global value as in <instrument_name>.restProbability
    For example Flute.restProbability=15

  • Add a help option (-h or --help) to the following programs: ChordManager, ChordProgressionProducer, HarmonyChordCollector,
    ProductionFlow, ScaleExportManager, and also MelodyCollector and MelodyProducer when those classes are completed.

  • Create a single script to import scales, chords, songs and fractal files into MongoDB. This would encapsulate the steps in

Refactor This

  • Simplify the instrument properties in The music.instrument. and score.instrument prefixes can be dropped.
    For example, music.instrument.Flute.instrument-sound becomes Flute.instrument-sound
    and score.instruments.BassClarinet.class is simply BassClarinet.class. Also the "vocal" for SATB parts can also be dropped
    so music.instrument.vocal.Bass.midiProgram becomes Bass.midiProgram.

  • Chord processing (ScorePart class) needs to work off it's own List separate from the List used by Monophonic instruments.
    Instead of tieing notes, add List<Duration> factors attribute to the Note.
    To further simplify processing, create separate scoreInstrument() methods for Monophonic and Polyphonic instruments.
    Namely, scoreInstument -> scoreMonophonicTextureInstrument() or scorePolyphonicTextureInstrument().

  • Refactor Melody, SongNote to use the NoteType enum instead of a String. NoteType encapsulates
    the type of note (as in whole, half, eighth, etc.) and the number of dots (up to 3 depending on the type).