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214 lines (191 loc) · 10.9 KB


This repository tracks nginx configuration files used for DurHack projects, both in development and production.

Project Port Number Assignment

  • ducompsoc/durhack: 3000-3099
  • ducompsoc/durhack-guilds: 3100-3199
  • ducompsoc/durhack-live: 3200-3299
  • ducompsoc/durhack-jury: 3300-3399
  • ducompsoc/durhack-deployer: 3400-3499

Directory Structure

├── development
│   ├── ...  # contains development nginx configuration files
│   └── [].nginxconf.disabled  # development site configs are 'disabled' by default
├── production
│   ├── ...  # contains production nginx configuration files
│   ├── [].nginxconf  # an enabled production configuration
│   └── [].nginxconf.disabled  # a disabled production configuration

As a developer, how do I use this repository?

  1. If you are on Windows, set up Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and ensure you are using the 'Ubuntu' terminal for all further steps. If you are using macOS or another Unix-based operating system, you're good!

  2. (Optional, Recommended) Set up SSH public-key authentication for GitHub.

    1. As a preface, it's worth reading about SSH (wikipedia) so you understand why you are doing this.
    2. first, check for existing SSH keys on your machine.
    3. next, generate a new SSH key and add it to the ssh-agent.
    4. finally, add your new SSH key to your GitHub account.
  3. Navigate using cd to someplace you are happy to keep the project, for example ~/Projects

    $ cd ~  # change directory to your 'home' directory (usually /home/[username])
    ~$ mkdir -p Projects  # create the directory 'Projects' if it does not exist
    ~$ cd Projects  # change directory to 'Projects' inside your current working directory
  4. Check out the repository

    # If you set up SSH keys...
    ~/Projects$ git clone -- [email protected]:ducompsoc/durhack-nginx.git ./durhack-nginx
    #               you can specify a different directory to clone into ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
    # If you didn't...
    # generate a GitHub Personal Access Token with access to this repository:
    #                                vvvvv replace <PAT> with your personal access token
    ~/Projects$ git clone -- https://<PAT> ./durhack-nginx
    #                         you can specify a different directory to clone into ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  5. Link the html directory to /var/www/durhack-nginx

    $ cd /var/www
    /var/www$ sudo mkdir durhack-nginx
    /var/www$ cd durhack-nginx
    /var/www/durhack-nginx$ sudo ln -s "$HOME/Projects/durhack-nginx/html" ./html
  6. Modify the ACLs (Access-Control Lists) of relevant directories to allow the nginx user read permissions on the linked files

    $ setfacl -m user:nginx:rx "$HOME" "$HOME/Projects"
    $ setfacl -Rm user:nginx:rX "/var/www/durhack-nginx"
  7. Install nginx using the official installation instructions for Ubuntu.

    You can choose either method (i.e. 'from an ubuntu repository' vs. 'from the official NGINX repository'); the latter is slightly preferable, but the difference doesn't matter for contributing to DurHack projects.

  8. Verify the nginx installation succeeded by querying the status of its systemd service:

    $ sudo systemctl status nginx
    🟢 nginx.service - A high performance web server and a reverse proxy server
      Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/nginx.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled)
      Active: active (running) since Mon 2024-10-07 12:29:36 BST; 11h ago

    Press q to exit the interactive systemctl status session.

    1. (Optional) Familiarise yourself with using systemctl to interact with systemd services more thoroughly
    2. systemctl restart [service]: fully re-start a service
    3. systemctl reload [service]: reload a service's configuration (not supported by all services; sometimes you have to restart)
    4. systemctl stop [service]: stop (deactivate) a service
    5. systemctl start [service]: start (activate) a service
    6. systemctl enable [service]: 'enable' a service - when enabled, a service will start when the computer turns on
    7. systemctl disable [service]: 'disable' a service
    8. systemctl edit [service]: edit the service definition's 'override' file; avoid making changes unless you know what you are doing!
    9. use systemctl status nginx again to verify that you left the nginx service enabled and active.
  9. Navigate to nginx's configuration root and take a look around.

    $ cd /etc/nginx
    /etc/nginx$ ls
    conf.d  fastcgi.conf  fastcgi_params  koi-utf  koi-win  mime.types  modules-available  modules-enabled  nginx.conf
    proxy_params  scgi_params  sites-available  sites-enabled  snippets  uwsgi_params  win-utf

    The relevant entries are

    • nginx.conf: the 'root' config file, which invokes nginx's include directive to import other nginx config files.
    • conf.d: a directory containing configuration files. By convention, one file <-> one site; nginx.conf attempts to include all files whose names end in .conf in this directory.
  10. Edit the nginx.conf file such that it includes configuration files from conf.d whose names end with .nginxconf.

sudo nano nginx.conf
# ...
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.conf;
include /etc/nginx/conf.d/*.nginxconf;
# ...
  1. Create symbolic links in the snippets directory for each file in the snippets folder of this repository
    /etc/nginx$ cd snippets
    /etc/nginx/snippets$ sudo ln -s "$HOME"/Projects/durhack-nginx/snippets/* ./
    /etc/nginx/snippets$ ls
    ... proxy-headers.nginxconf  server-error.nginxconf ...
  2. Create a symbolic link in the conf.d directory for each file in the development-sites-available folder of this repository
    /etc/nginx$ cd conf.d
    /etc/nginx/conf.d$ for file in "$HOME"/Projects/durhack-nginx/development/*; do
        sudo ln -s $file "./"
    /etc/nginx/conf.d$ ls
    ... '[].nginxconf.disabled'
  3. Enable the sites you desire by renaming the links such that their filenames end in .conf or .nginxconf
    /etc/nginx/sites-enabled$ sudo mv '[].nginxconf.disabled' '[].nginxconf'
    /etc/nginx/sites-enabled$ ls
    ... '[].nginxconf'
  4. Ask nginx to reload its configuration (i.e. implement the changes you have specified)
$ sudo systemctl reload nginx
  1. Edit your /etc/hosts file to map domain names to local loopback addresses
$ sudo nano /etc/hosts
# leave alone any entries that were present before you touched the file       localhost
::1             localhost
# ...

# add entries for the project(s) you intend to work on

press ctrl+x, then y, then enter to save changes and exit.

  1. Verify your changes by making an HTTP request:
$ curl
<head><title>502 Bad Gateway</title></head>
<center><h1>502 Bad Gateway</h1></center>
<hr><center>nginx/1.18.0 (Ubuntu)</center>
# 'bad gateway' is good! nginx is working as intended, but the corresponding project's server isn't running yet
  1. Done! You have successfully installed nginx configurations for DurHack projects. Assuming you have also completed any project-specific setup, you should be ready to develop!

Caveats / FAQs

Q: Why do the development filenames all end with .disabled?

A: The .disabled extension determines whether a file from conf.d is included by the main nginx.conf. It's convenient to keep them 'disabled' in the repository so that they will be disabled by default for any developer that links all of them to /etc/nginx/conf.d in one go; this means that the likelihood of conflicts with existing nginx configuration is reduced.

Q: How are the production files deployed to the VPS?

A: See durhack-deployer, which listens for requests made to A webhook is configured for this repository such that, when a push event occurs (i.e. when commits are pushed), GitHub will make a POST request to, which triggers the deployment process for this repository (pull changes, run some commands, tell the nginx service to reload its configuration).

Q: What happens if an invalid production site configuration is automatically deployed?

A: The nginx service running on the VPS will fail to reload (silently). The previous configuration should remain active, though (assuming it was valid) - so the deployer should continue to work, enabling fixes to be deployed automatically.

Q: What happens if the site is disabled?

A: The production deployer (durhack-deployer) will break. Someone technically minded will have to

  1. connect to the VPS using ssh and manually re-enable the site to fix automatic deployment
  2. re-enable any repository webhooks that were disabled due to failed event deliveries
  3. trigger deployments for all DurHack projects whose repositories received commits while the deployer was unavailable

Q: The production site configurations appear to listen on port 80 and don't seem to set any SSL/TLS options. How is SSL/TLS configured to enable the use of https in production?

A: The deployer calls certbot, which requests certificates from Let's Encrypt for the appropriate domain names and amends the production nginx configurations accordingly.