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grepp - An improved version of the most common combinations of grep, find and sed/perl, in a single script.


grepp pattern [location] [-r replace_pattern [-f]] [-I] [-c] [-l] [--ignore-extension|--ie ext] [--color] [--buffer size] [--show-buffer-errors|--sbe] [--no-pager] [--debug|--trace]

grepp [-h |-?] # Short help

grepp [--help] # Extended help

command | grepp [options] 'pattern' # pipe usage


greps 'pattern' recursively from current dir or 'location' in every file except for file patterns given by the cmdline option --ignore-file.

It is inspired in grep, but unlike grep it doesn’t print a : divider right after the file name since that makes it annoying to double click to select, it adds a space before and after the : divider.

As it is expected, the color only shows when the ouput is not being piped. See --color for more details.

It automatically pipes the output to your environment PAGER or to less -R if no environment value is set.



Pattern to grep for (In regex syntax).


Location to search in. By default it will use the current directory.

-c | --case

Do not ignore case.


Print file name only.


Do not ignore binary files.

TODO --name | --iname 'file_pattern'

filter result to match only things that match 'file_pattern'. iname does case insensitive matching.

TODO --if | --ignore-file 'file_pattern'

Ignore files matching 'file_pattern' regex. Can be used more than once. Case insensitive.

TODO --fullpath

Print full paths for matching files.

TODO --spacing

Print original spacing. By default initial spacing is ignored.

TODO -C 'NUM', -'NUM', --context='NUM'

Print 'NUM' lines of output context. Places a line containing a group separator (--) between contiguous groups of matches. With the -o or --only-matching option, this has no effect and a warning is given.

--color 'never'|'auto'|'always'

Select color use: never, auto (default), always.

Why grep’s ouptut sucks

grep prints a colon : divider after the file name since that makes it annoying to double click to select.

TODO: images here


  • Use Git ignore file.


This file is part of grepp.

Copyright © 2012-2017 David Gamba Rios

This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, You can obtain one at