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KinanCity-core : CLI account creator


What does Kinan Core do ?

Instead of manually going to the PTC website, Kinan Core automates all the requests needed to create the account itself.

The captcha challenge still needs to be done, but you can use a third party provider (see below) or implement your own (see kinanCity-captcha-server).

In the end you will still need to take care of the activation link that will be sent by email.

Instead of doing these steps one by one, Kinan core does multi-thread the process (see -thread option below).

However PTC has some restrictions that only allows to create 5 accounts per 15 minutes from the same IP.

To overcome that limit, Kinan Core includes an embedded cooldown system, and allows using multiple proxies to call PTC from several different IP addresses.

Main usage and tips

KinanCity-core main class accepts configuration from :

  • a set of Command Line parameters given at runtime
  • a if it exists

Note : A usage help is shown if called without any parameters or an invalid set of parameters.

About Captchas
KinanCity needs to solve captchas and require a provider that will solve all captchas required. Providers requires an apiKey that must be given each time or saved in the config file. If you want to help, please use our referral links for these major providers. Price and performances may vary, please refer to discord feedback to make your choice. Some provider may also have trial offers.

Running in command line
The examples below only give the arguments that will follow the launch command : java -jar KinanCity-core-<version>.jar

Elements written between angle brackets (< >) are example values. Remove the brackets and use your own value.

For all these examples, the usernames and password must follow theses rules :

  • username : between 6 and 16 characters with no spaces
  • password : with lower and uppercase letters, numbers and at least a symbol

Create a sequence of accounts

-m or --mail to set the email address to use as a base. account name will be added to the email address
-f or --format to define a format use to generate the username. including space maked with stars to be replaced by an incremental number
-p or --password to set the password for all accounts in the sequence
-c or --count to set how many accounts to create
-s or --startnum to have the sequence start at a specific number. (optional, defaults to 1)

Basic example

-m -f my***username -p Passw0rd! -c 3

Will create

  • my001username with email
  • my002username with email
  • my003username with email

Advanced example

-m -f my***username -p Passw0rd! -c 2 -s 42

Will create

  • my042username with email
  • my044username with email

Note : the format must contain a group of * charagers big enough to fit the incremental number :
if the number of account and stating number will reach 3 digits, you need at least 3 stars in the format option.
If you have -s 800 -c 250, he incremental part of the username will go from 0800 to 1050
if you put ****, from 00800 to 01050 if you put ***** and fail if you try with *** or less.

Create a batch from a csv file with a list of accounts

-a pathTo/accounts.csv

will create 1 account per line the the csv file.

CSV Format

Countries and birthdates can be customised when using a CSV file, as long as you include the correct header columns. Columns can be any order, but the header row must be the first line and start with #.

dob should be in the format YYYY-MM-DD, and country is the two letter country code. For example:


Create a single account

-u <username> -m <> -p <password>

will create 1 account with given parameters.

Interactive mode


will start Kinan Core in inderactive mode, where just have to follow prompts.

Additional parameters :

  • -cp <provider> or -captchaProvider <captchaKey> to chose a provider between deathbycaptcha|imageTypers|2captcha|antiCaptcha|capsolver|local
  • -ck <captchaKey> or -captchaKey <captchaKey> to give a specific apiKey add
  • -px [proxy1,proxy2,...] or -proxies [proxy1,proxy2,...] to use multiple proxies.
    Or set them in the config file as proxies=
    anonymous proxy format is ip:port like proxy with auth format is login:pass@ip:port like root:admin@
  • -t <12> or -thread <12> to change the number of thread to 12 (default 5)
  • -npc or -noProxyCheck will skip proxy check step at startup
  • -nl or -noLimit will remove the policy that limits to 5 accounts per IP per 10 minutes

Configuration File :

Additional configuration can be set using a file. You can start from the given and change values