This manual explains how to use Draw, the test harness for Open CASCADE Technology (**OCCT**).
Draw is a command interpreter based on TCL and a graphical system used to test and demonstrate Open CASCADE Technology modeling libraries.
Draw is a test harness for Open CASCADE Technology. It provides a flexible and easy to use means of testing and demonstrating the OCCT modeling libraries.
Draw can be used interactively to create, display and modify objects such as curves, surfaces and topological shapes.
Scripts may be written to customize Draw and perform tests.
New types of objects and new commands may be added using the C++ programming language.
Draw consists of:
* A command interpreter based on the TCL command language.
* A 3d graphic viewer based on the X system.
* A basic set of commands covering scripts, variables and graphics.
* A set of geometric commands allowing the user to create and modify curves and surfaces and to use OCCT geometry algorithms. This set of commands is optional.
* A set of topological commands allowing the user to create and modify BRep shapes and to use the OCCT topology algorithms.
There is also a set of commands for each delivery unit in the modeling libraries:
This documentation describes:
* The command language.
* The basic set of commands.
* The graphical commands.
* The Geometry set of commands.
* The Topology set of commands.
* OCAF commands.
* Data Exchange commands
* Shape Healing commands
This document is a reference manual. It contains a full description of each command. All descriptions have the format illustrated below for the exit command.
Terminates the Draw, TCL session. If the commands are read from a file using the source command, this will terminate the file.
# this is a very short example
Install Draw and launch Emacs. Get a command line in Emacs using *Esc x* and key in *woksh*.
All DRAW Test Harness can be activated in the common executable called **DRAWEXE**. They are grouped in toolkits and can be loaded at run-time thereby implementing dynamically loaded plug-ins. Thus, it is possible to work only with the required commands adding them dynamically without leaving the Test Harness session.
Declaration of available plug-ins is done through the special resource file(s). The *pload* command loads the plug-in in accordance with the specified resource file and activates the commands implemented in the plug-in.
Test Harness executable *DRAWEXE* is located in the $CASROOT/\/bin directory (where \ is Win for Windows and Linux for Linux operating systems). Prior to launching it is important to make sure that the environment is correctly setup (usually this is done automatically after the installation process on Windows or after launching specific scripts on Linux).
Open CASCADE Technology is shipped with the DrawPlugin resource file located in the $CASROOT/src/DrawResources directory.
The format of the file is compliant with standard Open CASCADE Technology resource files (see the *Resource_Manager.hxx* file for details).
Each key defines a sequence of either further (nested) keys or a name of the dynamic library. Keys can be nested down to an arbitrary level. However, cyclic dependencies between the keys are not checked.
**Example:** (excerpt from DrawPlugin):
AISV : TKViewerTest
To load a plug-in declared in the resource file and to activate the commands the following command must be used in Test Harness:
pload [-PluginFileName] [[Key1] [Key2]...]
* -PluginFileName -- defines the name of a plug-in resource file (prefix "-" is mandatory) described above. If this parameter is omitted then the default name *DrawPlugin* is used.
* *Key* -- defines the key(s) enumerating plug-ins to be loaded. If no keys are specified then the key named *DEFAULT* is used (if there is no such key in the file then no plug-ins are loaded).
According to the OCCT resource file management rules, to access the resource file the environment variable *CSF_PluginFileNameDefaults* (and optionally *CSF_PluginFileNameUserDefaults*) must be set and point to the directory storing the resource file. If it is omitted then the plug-in resource file will be searched in the $CASROOT/src/DrawResources directory.
Draw[] pload -DrawPlugin OCAF
This command will search the resource file *DrawPlugin* using variable *CSF_DrawPluginDefaults* (and *CSF_DrawPluginUserDefaults*) and will start with the OCAF key. Since the *DrawPlugin* is the file shipped with Open CASCADE Technology it will be found in the $CASROOT/src/DrawResources directory (unless this location is redefined by user's variables). The OCAF key will be recursively extracted into two toolkits/plug-ins: *TKDCAF* and *TKViewerTest* (e.g. on Windows they correspond to *TKDCAF.dll* and *TKViewerTest.dll*). Thus, commands implemented for Visualization and OCAF will be loaded and activated in Test Harness.
Draw[] pload (equivalent to pload -DrawPlugin DEFAULT).
This command will find the default DrawPlugin file and the DEFAULT key. The latter finally maps to the TKTopTest toolkit which implements basic modeling commands.
The command language used in Draw is Tcl. Tcl documentation such as "TCL and the TK Toolkit" by John K. Ousterhout (Addison-Wesley) will prove useful if you intend to use Draw extensively.
This chapter is designed to give you a short outline of both the TCL language and some extensions included in Draw. The following topics are covered:
* Syntax of the TCL language.
* Accessing variables in TCL and Draw.
* Control structures.
* Procedures.
TCL is an interpreted command language, not a structured language like C, Pascal, LISP or Basic. It uses a shell similar to that of csh. TCL is, however, easier to use than csh because control structures and procedures are easier to define. As well, because TCL does not assign a process to each command, it is faster than csh.
The basic program for TCL is a script. A script consists of one or more commands. Commands are separated by new lines or semicolons.
set a 24
set b 15
set a 25; set b 15
Each command consists of one or more *words*; the first word is the name of a command and additional words are arguments to that command.
Words are separated by spaces or tabs. In the preceding example each of the four commands has three words. A command may contain any number of words and each word is a string of arbitrary length.
The evaluation of a command by TCL is done in two steps. In the first step, the command is parsed and broken into words. Some substitutions are also performed. In the second step, the command procedure corresponding to the first word is called and the other words are interpreted as arguments. In the first step, there is only string manipulation, The words only acquire *meaning* in the second step by the command procedure.
The following substitutions are performed by TCL:
Variable substitution is triggered by the $ character (as with csh), the content of the variable is substituted; { } may be used as in csh to enclose the name of the variable.
# set a variable value
set file documentation
puts $file #to display file contents on the screen
# a simple substitution, set psfile to
set psfile $
puts $psfile
# another substitution, set pfile to documentationPS
set pfile ${file}PS
# a last one,
# delete files NEWdocumentation and OLDdocumentation
foreach prefix {NEW OLD} {rm $prefix$file}
Command substitution is triggered by the [ ] characters. The brackets must enclose a valid script. The script is evaluated and the result is substituted.
Compare command construction in csh.
set degree 30
set pi 3.14159265
# expr is a command evaluating a numeric expression
set radian [expr $pi*$degree/180]
Backslash substitution is triggered by the backslash character. It is used to insert special characters like $, [ , ] , etc. It is also useful to insert a new line, a backslash terminated line is continued on the following line.
TCL uses two forms of *quoting* to prevent substitution and word breaking.
Double quote *quoting* enables the definition of a string with space and tabs as a single word. Substitutions are still performed inside the inverted commas " ".
# set msg to ;the price is 12.00;
set price 12.00
set msg ;the price is $price;
Braces *quoting* prevents all substitutions. Braces are also nested. The main use of braces is to defer evaluation when defining procedures and control structures. Braces are used for a clearer presentation of TCL scripts on several lines.
set x 0
# this will loop for ever
# because while argument is ;0 < 3;
while ;$x < 3; {set x [expr $x+1]}
# this will terminate as expected because
# while argument is {$x < 3}
while {$x < 3} {set x [expr $x+1]}
# this can be written also
while {$x < 3} {
set x [expr $x+1]
# the following cannot be written
# because while requires two arguments
while {$x < 3}
set x [expr $x+1]
Comments start with a \# character as the first non-blank character in a command. To add a comment at the end of the line, the comment must be preceded by a semi-colon to end the preceding command.
# This is a comment
set a 1 # this is not a comment
set b 1; # this is a comment
The number of words is never changed by substitution when parsing in TCL. For example, the result of a substitution is always a single word. This is different from csh but convenient as the behavior of the parser is more predictable. It may sometimes be necessary to force a second round of parsing. **eval** accomplishes this: it accepts several arguments, concatenates them and executes the resulting script.
# I want to delete two files
set files ;foo bar;
# this will fail because rm will receive only one argument
# and complain that ;foo bar; does not exit
exec rm $files
# a second evaluation will do it
TCL variables have only string values. Note that even numeric values are stored as string literals, and computations using the **expr** command start by parsing the strings. Draw, however, requires variables with other kinds of values such as curves, surfaces or topological shapes.
TCL provides a mechanism to link user data to variables. Using this functionality, Draw defines its variables as TCL variables with associated data.
The string value of a Draw variable is meaningless. It is usually set to the name of the variable itself. Consequently, preceding a Draw variable with a $ does not change the result of a command. The content of a Draw variable is accessed using appropriate commands.
There are many kinds of Draw variables, and new ones may be added with C++. Geometric and topological variables are described below.
Draw numeric variables can be used within an expression anywhere a Draw command requires a numeric value. The *expr* command is useless in this case as the variables are stored not as strings but as floating point values.
# dset is used for numeric variables
# pi is a predefined Draw variable
dset angle pi/3 radius 10
point p radius*cos(angle) radius*sin(angle) 0
It is recommended that you use TCL variables only for strings and Draw for numerals. That way, you will avoid the *expr* command. As a rule, Geometry and Topology require numbers but no strings.
set varname [value]
unset varname [varname varname ...]
*set* assigns a string value to a variable. If the variable does not already exist, it is created.
Without a value, *set* returns the content of the variable.
*unset* deletes variables. It is also used to delete Draw variables.
set a "Hello world"
set b "Goodbye"
set a
== "Hello world"
unset a b
set a
**Note**, that the *set* command can set only one variable, unlike the *dset* command.
dset var1 value1 vr2 value2 ...
dval name
*dset* assigns values to Draw numeric variables. The argument can be any numeric expression including Draw numeric variables. Since all Draw commands expect a numeric expression, there is no need to use $ or *expr*. The *dset* command can assign several variables. If there is an odd number of arguments, the last variable will be assigned a value of 0. If the variable does not exist, it will be created.
*dval* evaluates an expression containing Draw numeric variables and returns the result as a string, even in the case of a single variable. This is not used in Draw commands as these usually interpret the expression. It is used for basic TCL commands expecting strings.
# z is set to 0
dset x 10 y 15 z
== 0
# no $ required for Draw commands
point p x y z
# "puts" prints a string
puts ;x = [dval x], cos(x/pi) = [dval cos(x/pi)];
== x = 10, cos(x/pi) = -0.99913874099467914
**Note,** that in TCL, parentheses are not considered to be special characters. Do not forget to quote an expression if it contains spaces in order to avoid parsing different words. (a + b) is parsed as three words: "(a + b)" or (a+b) are correct.
del varname_pattern [varname_pattern ...]
*del* command does the same thing as *unset*, but it deletes the variables matched by the pattern.
*dall* command deletes all variables in the session.
TCL uses lists. A list is a string containing elements separated by spaces or tabs. If the string contains braces, the braced part accounts as one element.
This allows you to insert lists within lists.
# a list of 3 strings
;a b c;
# a list of two strings the first is a list of 2
;{a b} c;
Many TCL commands return lists and **foreach** is a useful way to create loops on list elements.
TCL allows looping using control structures. The control structures are implemented by commands and their syntax is very similar to that of their C counterparts (**if**, **while**, **switch**, etc.). In this case, there are two main differences between TCL and C:
* You use braces instead of parentheses to enclose conditions.
* You do not start the script on the next line of your command.
while condition script
for init condition reinit script
foreach varname list script
The three loop structures are similar to their C or csh equivalent. It is important to use braces to delay evaluation. **foreach** will assign the elements of the list to the variable before evaluating the script. \
# while example
dset x 1.1
while {[dval x] < 100} {
circle c 0 0 x
dset x x*x
# for example
# incr var d, increments a variable of d (default 1)
for {set i 0} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
dset angle $i*pi/10
point p$i cos(angle0 sin(angle) 0
# foreach example
foreach object {crapo tomson lucas} {display $object}
Within loops, the **break** and **continue** commands have the same effect as in C.
**break** interrupts the innermost loop and **continue** jumps to the next iteration.
# search the index for which t$i has value ;secret;
for {set i 1} {$i <= 100} {incr i} {
if {[set t$i] == ;secret;} break;
TCL can be extended by defining procedures using the **proc** command, which sets up a context of local variables, binds arguments and executes a TCL script.
The only problematic aspect of procedures is that variables are strictly local, and as they are implicitly created when used, it may be difficult to detect errors.
There are two means of accessing a variable outside the scope of the current procedures: **global** declares a global variable (a variable outside all procedures); **upvar** accesses a variable in the scope of the caller. Since arguments in TCL are always string values, the only way to pass Draw variables is by reference, i.e. passing the name of the variable and using the **upvar** command as in the following examples.
As TCL is not a strongly typed language it is very difficult to detect programming errors and debugging can be tedious. TCL procedures are, of course, not designed for large scale software development but for testing and simple command or interactive writing.
proc argumentlist script
**proc** defines a procedure. An argument may have a default value. It is then a list of the form {argument value}. The script is the body of the procedure.
**return** gives a return value to the procedure.
# simple procedure
proc hello {} {
puts ;hello world;
# procedure with arguments and default values
proc distance {x1 y1 {x2 0} {y2 0}} {
set d [expr (x2-x1)*(x2-x1) + (y2-y1)*(y2-y1)]
return [expr sqrt(d)]
proc fact n {
if {$n == 0} {return 1} else {
return [expr n*[fact [expr n -1]]]
global varname [varname ...]
upvar varname localname [varname localname ...]
**global** accesses high level variables. Unlike C, global variables are not visible in procedures.
**upvar** gives a local name to a variable in the caller scope. This is useful when an argument is the name of a variable instead of a value. This is a call by reference and is the only way to use Draw variables as arguments.
**Note** that in the following examples the \$ character is always necessarily used to access the arguments.
# convert degree to radian
# pi is a global variable
proc deg2rad (degree} {
return [dval pi*$degree/2.]
# create line with a point and an angle
proc linang {linename x y angle} {
upvar linename l
line l $x $y cos($angle) sin($angle)
This chapter describes all the commands defined in the basic Draw package. Some are TCL commands, but most of them have been formulated in Draw. These commands are found in all Draw applications. The commands are grouped into four sections:
* General commands, which are used for Draw and TCL management.
* Variable commands, which are used to manage Draw variables such as storing and dumping.
* Graphic commands, which are used to manage the graphic system, and so pertain to views.
* Variable display commands, which are used to manage the display of objects within given views.
Note that Draw also features a GUI task bar providing an alternative way to give certain general, graphic and display commands
This section describes several useful commands:
* **help** to get information,
* **source** to eval a script from a file,
* **spy** to capture the commands in a file,
* **cpulimit** to limit the process cpu time,
* **wait** to waste some time,
* **chrono** to time commands.
help [command [helpstring group]]
Provides help or modifies the help information.
**help** without arguments lists all groups and the commands in each group.
Specifying the command returns its syntax and in some cases, information on the command, The joker \* is automatically added at the end so that all completing commands are returned as well.
# Gives help on all commands starting with *a*
spy [filename]
Saves interactive commands in the file. If spying has already been performed, the current file is closed. **spy** without an argument closes the current file and stops spying. If a file already exists, the file is overwritten. Commands are not appended.
If a command returns an error it is saved with a comment mark.
The file created by **spy** can be executed with the **source** command.
# all commands will be saved in the file ;session;
spy session
# the file ;session; is closed and commands are not saved
cpulimit [nbseconds]
**cpulimit**limits a process after the number of seconds specified in nbseconds. It is used in tests to avoid infinite loops. **cpulimit** without arguments removes all existing limits.
#limit cpu to one hour
cpulimit 3600
wait [nbseconds]
Suspends execution for the number of seconds specified in *nbseconds*. The default value is ten (10) seconds. This is a useful command for a slide show.
# You have ten seconds ...
chrono [ name start/stop/reset/show/restart/[counter text]]
Without arguments, **chrono** activates Draw chronometers. The elapsed time ,cpu system and cpu user times for each command will be printed.
With arguments, **chrono** is used to manage activated chronometers. You can perform the following actions with a chronometer.
* run the chronometer (start).
* stop the chronometer (stop).
* reset the chronometer to 0 (reset).
* restart the chronometer (restart).
* display the current time (show).
* display the current time with specified text (output example - *COUNTER text: N*), command testdiff will compare such outputs between two test runs (counter).
==Chronometers activated.
ptorus t 20 5
==Elapsed time: 0 Hours 0 Minutes 0.0318 Seconds
==CPU user time: 0.01 seconds
==CPU system time: 0 seconds
isdraw varname
directory [pattern]
**isdraw** tests to see if a variable is a Draw variable. **isdraw** will return 1 if there is a Draw value attached to the variable.
Use **directory** to return a list of all Draw global variables matching a pattern.
set a 1
isdraw a
=== 0
dset a 1
isdraw a
=== 1
circle c 0 0 1 0 5
isdraw c
=== 1
# to destroy all Draw objects with name containing curve
foreach var [directory *curve*] {unset $var}
whatis varname [varname ...]
dump varname [varname ...]
**whatis** returns short information about a Draw variable. This is usually the type name.
**dump** returns a brief type description, the coordinates, and if need be, the parameters of a Draw variable.
circle c 0 0 1 0 5
whatis c
c is a 2d curve
dump c
***** Dump of c *****
Center :0, 0
XAxis :1, 0
YAxis :-0, 1
Radius :5
**Note** The behavior of *whatis* on other variables (not Draw) is not excellent.
renamevar varname tovarname [varname tovarname ...]
copy varname tovarname [varname tovarname ...]
* **renamevar** changes the name of a Draw variable. The original variable will no longer exist. Note that the content is not modified. Only the name is changed.
* **copy** creates a new variable with a copy of the content of an existing variable. The exact behavior of **copy** is type dependent; in the case of certain topological variables, the content may still be shared.
circle c1 0 0 1 0 5
renamevar c1 c2
# curves are copied, c2 will not be modified
copy c2 c3
datadir [directory]
save variable [filename]
restore filename [variablename]
* **datadir** without arguments prints the path of the current data directory.
* **datadir** with an argument sets the data directory path. \
If the path starts with a dot (.) only the last directory name will be changed in the path.
* **save** writes a file in the data directory with the content of a variable. By default the name of the file is the name of the variable. To give a different name use a second argument.
* **restore** reads the content of a file in the data directory in a local variable. By default, the name of the variable is the name of the file. To give a different name, use a second argument.
The exact content of the file is type-dependent. They are usually ASCII files and so, architecture independent.
# note how TCL accesses shell environment variables
# using $env()
datadir $env(WBCONTAINER)/data/default
box b 10 20 30
save b theBox
# when TCL does not find a command it tries a shell command
ls [datadir]
== theBox
restore theBox
== theBox
*DrawTrSurf* provides commands to create and display a Draw **geometric** variable from a *Geom_Geometry* object and also get a *Geom_Geometry* object from a Draw geometric variable name.
*DBRep* provides commands to create and display a Draw **topological** variable from a *TopoDS_Shape* object and also get a *TopoDS_Shape* object from a Draw topological variable name.
#### In DrawTrSurf package:
Handle_Geom_Geometry Get(Standard_CString& Name) ;
#### In DBRep package:
TopoDS_Shape Get(Standard_CString& Name,
const TopAbs_ShapeEnum Typ = TopAbs_SHAPE,
const Standard_Boolean Complain
= Standard_True) ;
Example of *DrawTrSurf*
Standard_Integer MyCommand
(Draw_Interpretor& theCommands,
Standard_Integer argc, char** argv)
// Creation of a Geom_Geometry from a Draw geometric
// name
Handle (Geom_Geometry) aGeom= DrawTrSurf::Get(argv[1]);
Example of *DBRep*
Standard_Integer MyCommand
(Draw_Interpretor& theCommands,
Standard_Integer argc, char** argv)
// Creation of a TopoDS_Shape from a Draw topological
// name
TopoDS_Solid B = DBRep::Get(argv[1]);
Graphic commands are used to manage the Draw graphic system. Draw provides a 2d and a 3d viewer with up to 30 views. Views are numbered and the index of the view is displayed in the window’s title. Objects are displayed in all 2d views or in all 3d views, depending on their type. 2d objects can only be viewed in 2d views while 3d objects -- only in 3d views correspondingly.
view index type [X Y W H]
delete [index]
**view** is the basic view creation command: it creates a new view with the given index. If a view with this index already exits, it is deleted. The view is created with default parameters and X Y W H are the position and dimensions of the window on the screen. Default values are 0, 0, 500, 500.
As a rule it is far simpler either to use the procedures **axo**, **top**, **left** or to click on the desired view type in the menu under *Views* in the task bar..
**delete** deletes a view. If no index is given, all the views are deleted.
Type selects from the following range:
* *AXON* : Axonometric view
* *PERS* : Perspective view
* +X+Y : View on both axes (i.e. a top view), other codes are -X+Y, +Y-Z, etc.
* -2D- : 2d view
The index, the type, the current zoom are displayed in the window title .
# this is the content of the mu4 procedure
proc mu4 {} {
view 1 +X+Z 320 20 400 400
view 2 +X+Y 320 450 400 400
view 3 +Y+Z 728 20 400 400
view 4 AXON 728 450 400 400
See also: **axo, pers, top, bottom, left, right, front, back, mu4, v2d, av2d, smallview**
smallview type
All these commands are procedures used to define standard screen layout. They delete all existing views and create new ones. The layout usually complies with the European convention, i.e. a top view is under a front view.
* **axo** creates a large window axonometric view;
* **pers** creates a large window perspective view;
* **top**, **bottom**, **left**, **right**, **front**, **back** create a large window axis view;
* **mu4** creates four small window views: front, left, top and axo.
* **v2d** creates a large window 2d view.
* **av2d** creates two small window views, one 2d and one axo
* **smallview** creates a view at the bottom right of the screen of the given type.
See also: **view**, **delete**
mu [index] value
2dmu [index] value
zoom [index] value
* **mu** (magnify up) increases the zoom in one or several views by a factor of 10%.
* **md** (magnify down) decreases the zoom by the inverse factor. **2dmu** and **2dmd**
perform the same on one or all 2d views.
* **zoom** and **2dzoom** set the zoom factor to a value specified by you. The current zoom factor is always displayed in the window’s title bar. Zoom 20 represents a full screen view in a large window; zoom 10, a full screen view in a small one.
* **wzoom** (window zoom) allows you to select the area you want to zoom in on with the mouse. You will be prompted to give two of the corners of the area that you want to magnify and the rectangle so defined will occupy the window of the view.
# set a zoom of 2.5
zoom 2.5
# magnify by 10%
mu 1
# magnify by 20%
See also: **fit**, **2dfit**
pu [index]
pd [index]
The p_ commands are used to pan. **pu** and **pd** pan up and down respectively; **pl** and **pr** pan to the left and to the right respectively. Each time the view is displaced by 40 pixels. When no index is given, all views will pan in the direction specified.
# you have selected one anonometric view
# or
pu 1
# you have selected an mu4 view; the object in the third view will pan up
pu 3
See also: **fit**, **2dfit**
fit [index]
2dfit [index]
**fit** computes the best zoom and pans on the content of the view. The content of the view will be centered and fit the whole window.
When fitting all views a unique zoom is computed for all the views. All views are on the same scale.
# fit only view 1
fit 1
# fit all 2d views
See also: **zoom**, **mu**, **pu**
u [index]
d [index]
l [index]
r [index]
**u**, **d**, **l**, **r** Rotate the object in view around its axis by five degrees up, down, left or right respectively. This command is restricted to axonometric and perspective views.
# rotate the view up
focal [f]
fu [index]
fd [index]
* **focal** changes the vantage point in perspective views. A low f value increases the perspective effect; a high one give a perspective similar to that of an axonometric view. The default value is 500.
* **fu** and **fd** increase or decrease the focal value by 10%. **fd** makes the eye closer to the object.
repeat 10 fd
**Note**: Do not use a negative or null focal value.
See also: **pers**
color index name
**color** sets the color to a value. The index of the *color* is a value between 0 and 15. The name is an X window color name. The list of these can be found in the file *rgb.txt* in the X library directory.
The default values are: 0 White, 1 Red, 2 Green, 3 Blue, 4 Cyan, 5 Gold, 6 Magenta, 7 Marron, 8 Orange, 9 Pink, 10 Salmon, 11 Violet, 12 Yellow, 13 Khaki, 14 Coral.
# change the value of blue
color 3 "navy blue"
**Note** that the color change will be visible on the next redraw of the views, for example, after *fit* or *mu*, etc.
dtext [x y [z]] string
**dtext** displays a string in all 3d or 2d views. If no coordinates are given, a graphic selection is required. If two coordinates are given, the text is created in a 2d view at the position specified. With 3 coordinates, the text is created in a 3d view.
The coordinates are real space coordinates.
# mark the origins
dtext 0 0 bebop
dtext 0 0 0 bebop
hardcopy [index]
hcolor index width gray
xwd [index] filename
* **hardcopy** creates a postcript file called in the current directory. This file contains the postscript description of the view index, and will allow you to print the view.
* **hcolor** lets you change the aspect of lines in the postscript file. It allows to specify a width and a gray level for one of the 16 colors. **width** is measured in points with default value as 1, **gray** is the gray level from 0 = black to 1 = white with default value as 0. All colors are bound to the default values at the beginning.
* **xwd** creates an X window xwd file from an active view. By default, the index is set to1. To visualize an xwd file, use the unix command **xwud**.
# all blue lines (color 3)
# will be half-width and gray
hcolor 3 0.5
# make a postscript file and print it
# make an xwd file and display it
xwd theview
xwud -in theview
**Note:** When more than one view is present, specify the index of the view.
Only use a postscript printer to print postscript files.
See also: **color**
pick index X Y Z b [nowait]
**wclick** defers an event until the mouse button is clicked. The message just click is displayed.
Use the **pick** command to get graphic input. The arguments must be names for variables where the results are stored.
* index: index of the view where the input was made.
* X,Y,Z: 3d coordinates in real world.
* b: b is the mouse button 1,2 or 3.
When there is an extra argument, its value is not used and the command does not wait for a click; the value of b may then be 0 if there has not been a click.
This option is useful for tracking the pointer.
**Note** that the results are stored in Draw numeric variables.
# make a circle at mouse location
pick index x y z b
circle c x y z 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 30
# make a dynamic circle at mouse location
# stop when a button is clicked
# (see the repaint command)
dset b 0
while {[dval b] == 0} {
pick index x y z b nowait
circle c x y z 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 30
See also: **repaint**
Draw provides commands to manage the display of objects.
* **display**, **donly** are used to display,
* **erase**, **clear**, **2dclear** to erase.
* **autodisplay** command is used to check whether variables are displayed when created.
The variable name "." (dot) has a special status in Draw. Any Draw command expecting a Draw object as argument can be passed a dot. The meaning of the dot is the following.
* If the dot is an input argument, a graphic selection will be made. Instead of getting the object from a variable, Draw will ask you to select an object in a view.
* If the dot is an output argument, an unnamed object will be created. Of course this makes sense only for graphic objects: if you create an unnamed number you will not be able to access it. This feature is used when you want to create objects for display only.
* If you do not see what you expected while executing loops or sourcing files, use the **repaint** and **dflush** commands.
# OK use dot to dump an object on the screen
dump .
point . x y z
#Not OK. display points on a curve c
# with dot no variables are created
for {set i 0} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {
cvalue c $i/10 x y z
point . x y z
# point p x y z
# would have displayed only one point
# because the precedent variable content is erased
# point p$i x y z
# is an other solution, creating variables
# p0, p1, p2, ....
# give a name to a graphic object
renamevar . x
autodisplay [0/1]
By default, Draw automatically displays any graphic object as soon as it is created. This behavior known as autodisplay can be removed with the command **autodisplay**. Without arguments, **autodisplay** toggles the autodisplay mode. The command always returns the current mode.
When **autodisplay** is off, using the dot return argument is ineffective.
# c is displayed
circle c 0 0 1 0 5
# toggle the mode
== 0
circle c 0 0 1 0 5
# c is erased, but not displayed
display c
display varname [varname ...]
donly varname [varname ...]
* **display** makes objects visible.
* **donly** *display only* makes objects visible and erases all other objects. It is very useful to extract one object from a messy screen.
\# to see all objects
foreach var [directory] {display $var}
\# to select two objects and erase the other ones
donly . .
erase [varname varname ...]
**erase** removes objects from all views. **erase** without arguments erases everything in 2d and 3d.
**clear** erases only 3d objects and **2dclear** only 2d objects. **erase** without arguments is similar to **clear; 2dclear**.
# erase eveerything with a name starting with c_
foreach var [directory c_*] {erase $var}
# clear 2d views
These commands have the same meaning as correspondingly display, donly and erase, but with the difference that they evaluate the arguments using glob pattern rules.
For example, to display all objects with names d_1, d_2, d_3, etc. it is enough to run the command:
disp d_*
* **repaint** forces repainting of views.
* **dflush** flushes the graphic buffers.
These commands are useful within loops or in scripts.
When an object is modified or erased, the whole view must be repainted. To avoid doing this too many times, Draw sets up a flag and delays the repaint to the end of the command in which the new prompt is issued. In a script, you may want to display the result of a change immediately. If the flag is raised, **repaint** will repaint the views and clear the flag.
Graphic operations are buffered by Draw (and also by the X system). Usually the buffer is flushed at the end of a command and before graphic selection. If you want to flush the buffer from inside a script, use the **dflush** command.
See also: [pick](#occt_draw_4_1_11) command.
@snippet ViewerTest.cxx vtexture
Texture mapping allows you to map textures on a shape.
Textures are texture image files and several are predefined.
You can control the number of occurrences of the texture on a face, the position of a texture and the scale factor of the texture.
meshfromstl meshname file
Creates a *MeshVS_Mesh* object based on STL file data. The object will be displayed immediately.
meshfromstl mesh myfile.stl
vsetdispmode meshname displaymode
Changes the display mode of object **meshname**. The **displaymode** is integer (`MeshVS_DisplayModeFlags`), which can be:
* *1* for *wireframe*,
* *2* for *shading* mode, or
* *3* for *shrink* mode.
meshfromstl mesh myfile.stl
vsetdispmode mesh 2
meshshadcolor meshname red green blue
Changes the face interior color of object **meshname**. The *red*, *green* and *blue* are real values between *0* and *1*.
meshfromstl mesh myfile.stl
meshshadcolormode mesh 0.5 0.5 0.5
meshlinkcolor meshname red green blue
Changes the color of face borders for object **meshname**. The *red*, *green* and *blue* are real values between *0* and *1*.
meshfromstl mesh myfile.stl
meshlinkcolormode mesh 0.5 0.5 0.5
meshshrcoef meshname shrinkcoefficient
Changes the value of shrink coefficient used in the shrink mode.
In the shrink mode the face is shown as a congruent part of a usual face, so that *shrinkcoefficient* controls the value of this part.
The *shrinkcoefficient* is a positive real number.
meshfromstl mesh myfile.stl
meshshrcoef mesh 0.05
meshshow meshname
Displays **meshname** in the viewer (if it is erased).
The same as calling `vdisplay`.
meshfromstl mesh myfile.stl
meshshow mesh
meshhide meshname
Hides **meshname** in the viewer.
The same as calling `verase`.
meshfromstl mesh myfile.stl
meshhide mesh
ivtkerase [name1] [name2] … [name n]
Erases named objects. If no arguments are passed, erases all displayed objects.
# create a sphere
psphere s 10
# create a cone
pcone c 5 0 10
# create a cylinder
pcylinder cy 5 10
# display objects
ivtkdisplay s c cy
# erase only the cylinder
ivtkerase cy
# erase the sphere and the cone
ivtkerase s c
ivtksetdispmode [name] {0|1}
Sets display mode for a named object. If no arguments are passed, sets the given display mode for all displayed objects
The possible modes are: 0 (WireFrame) and 1 (Shading).
# create a cone
pcone c 5 0 10
# display the cone
ivtkdisplay c
# set shading mode for the cone
ivtksetdispmode c 1
ivtksetselmode [name] mode {0|1}
Sets selection mode for a named object. If no arguments are passed, sets the given selection mode for all the displayed objects.
# load a shape from file
restore CrankArm.brep a
# display the loaded shape
ivtkdisplay a
# set the face selection mode
ivtksetselmode a 4 1
ivtkmoveto x y
Imitates mouse cursor moving to point with the given display coordinates **x**,**y**.
pcone c 5 0 10
ivtkdisplay c
ivtkmoveto 40 50
ivtkselect x y
Imitates mouse cursor moving to point with the given display coordinates and performs selection at this point.
pcone c 5 0 10
ivtkdisplay c
ivtkselect 40 50
ivtkdump *filename* [buffer={rgb|rgba|depth}] [width height] [stereoproj={L|R}]
Dumps the contents of VTK viewer to image. It supports:
* dumping in different raster graphics formats: PNG, BMP, JPEG, TIFF or PNM.
* dumping of different buffers: RGB, RGBA or depth buffer.
* defining of image sizes (width and height in pixels).
* dumping of stereo projections (left or right).
pcone c 5 0 10
ivtkdisplay c
ivtkdump D:/ConeSnapshot.png rgb 768 768
ivtkbgcolor r g b [r2 g2 b2]
Sets uniform background color or gradient background if second triple of parameters is set. Color parameters r,g,b have to be chosen in the interval [0..255].
ivtkbgcolor 200 220 250
ivtkbgcolor 10 30 80 255 255 255
NewDocument docname [format]
Creates a new **docname** document with MDTV-Standard or described format.
# Create new document with default (MDTV-Standard) format
NewDocument D
# Create new document with BinOcaf format
NewDocument D2 BinOcaf
Open path docname [-stream]
Retrieves the document of file **docname** in the path **path**. Overwrites the document, if it is already in session.
option -stream activates usage of alternative interface of OCAF persistence working with C++ streams instead of file names.
Open /myPath/myFile.std D
Close docname
Closes **docname** document. The document is no longer handled by the applicative session.
Close D
SaveAs docname path [-stream]
Saves the active document in the file **docname** in the path **path**. Overwrites the file if it already exists.
option -stream activates usage of alternative interface of OCAF persistence working with C++ streams instead of file names.
SaveAs D /myPath/myFile.std
NewChild docname [taggerlabel = Root label]
Finds (or creates) a *TagSource* attribute located at father label of \ and makes a new child label.
# Create new child of root label
NewChild D
# Create new child of existing label
Label D 0:2
NewChild D 0:2
UndoLimit docname [value=0]
Sets the limit on the number of Undo Delta stored. **0** will disable Undo on the document. A negative *value* means that there is no limit. Note that by default Undo is disabled. Enabling it will take effect with the next call to *NewCommand*. Of course, this limit is the same for Redo
UndoLimit D 100
CopyWithLink docname entry Xdocname Xentry
Aborts the Command transaction.
Copies the content of *entry* to *Xentry*. The link is registered with an *Xlink* attribute at *Xentry* label.
CopyWithLink D1 0:2 D2 0:4
UpdateXLinks docname entry
Sets modifications on labels impacted by external references to the *entry*. The *document* becomes invalid and must be recomputed
UpdateXLinks D 0:2
SetInteger dfname entry value
Finds or creates an Integer attribute at *entry* label and sets *value*.
SetInteger D 0:2 100
GetInteger dfname entry [drawname]
Gets a value of an Integer attribute at *entry* label and sets it to *drawname* variable, if it is defined.
GetInteger D 0:2 Int1
SetReal dfname entry value
Finds or creates a Real attribute at *entry* label and sets *value*.
SetReal D 0:2 100.
GetReal dfname entry [drawname]
Gets a value of a Real attribute at *entry* label and sets it to *drawname* variable, if it is defined.
GetReal D 0:2 Real1
GetIntArray dfname entry
Gets a value of an *IntegerArray* attribute at *entry* label.
GetIntArray D 0:2
GetRealArray dfname entry
Gets a value of a RealArray attribute at *entry* label.
GetRealArray D 0:2
SetComment dfname entry value
Finds or creates a Comment attribute at *entry* label and sets *value*.
SetComment D 0:2 "My comment"
GetExtStringArray dfname entry
Gets a value of an ExtStringArray attribute at *entry* label.
GetExtStringArray D 0:2
SetName dfname entry value
Finds or creates a Name attribute at *entry* label and sets *value*.
SetName D 0:2 *My name*
GetReference dfname entry
Gets a value of a Reference attribute at *entry* label.
GetReference D 0:2
GetUAttribute dfname entry loacalGUID
Finds a *UAttribute* at *entry* label with *localGUID*.
set localGUID "c73bd076-22ee-11d2-acde-080009dc4422"
GetUAttribute D 0:2 ${localGUID}
SetFunction dfname entry ID failure
Finds or creates a *Function* attribute at *entry* label with driver ID and *failure* index.
set ID "c73bd076-22ee-11d2-acde-080009dc4422"
SetFunction D 0:2 ${ID} 1
GetFunction dfname entry ID failure
Finds a Function attribute at *entry* label and sets driver ID to *ID* variable and failure index to *failure* variable.
GetFunction D 0:2 ID failure
NewShape dfname entry [shape]
Finds or creates a Shape attribute at *entry* label. Creates or updates the associated *NamedShape* attribute by *shape* if *shape* is defined.
box b 10 10 10
NewShape D 0:2 b
SetShape dfname entry shape
Creates or updates a *NamedShape* attribute at *entry* label by *shape*.
box b 10 10 10
SetShape D 0:2 b
GetShape2 dfname entry shape
Sets a shape from NamedShape attribute associated with *entry* label to *shape* draw variable.
GetShape2 D 0:2 b
SetPoint dfname entry point
Finds or creates a Point attribute at *entry* label and sets *point* as generated in the associated *NamedShape* attribute.
point p 10 10 10
SetPoint D 0:2 p
GetPoint dfname entry [drawname]
Gets a vertex from *NamedShape* attribute at *entry* label and sets it to *drawname* variable, if it is defined.
GetPoint D 0:2 p
SetAxis dfname entry axis
Finds or creates an Axis attribute at *entry* label and sets *axis* as generated in the associated *NamedShape* attribute.
line l 10 20 30 100 200 300
SetAxis D 0:2 l
GetAxis dfname entry [drawname]
Gets a line from *NamedShape* attribute at *entry* label and sets it to *drawname* variable, if it is defined.
GetAxis D 0:2 l
GetPlane dfname entry [drawname]
Gets a plane from *NamedShape* attribute at *entry* label and sets it to *drawname* variable, if it is defined.
GetPlane D 0:2 pl
SetGeometry dfname entry [type] [shape]
Creates a Geometry attribute at *entry* label and sets *type* and *shape* as generated in the associated *NamedShape* attribute if they are defined. *type* must be one of the following: *any, pnt, lin, cir, ell, spl, pln, cyl*.
point p 10 10 10
SetGeometry D 0:2 pnt p
GetGeometryType dfname entry
Gets a geometry type from Geometry attribute at *entry* label.
GetGeometryType D 0:2
SetVariable dfname entry isconstant(0/1) units
Creates a Variable attribute at *entry* label and sets *isconstant* flag and *units* as a string.
SetVariable D 0:2 1 "mm"
GetVariable dfname entry isconstant units
Gets an *isconstant* flag and units of a Variable attribute at *entry* label.
GetVariable D 0:2 isconstant units
puts "IsConstant=${isconstant}"
puts "Units=${units}"
RootNode dfname treenodeentry [ID]
Returns the ultimate father of *TreeNode* attribute identified by its *treenodeentry* and its *ID* (or default ID, if *ID* is not defined).
SetNode dfname treenodeentry [ID]
Creates a *TreeNode* attribute on the *treenodeentry* label with its tree *ID* (or assigns a default ID, if the *ID* is not defined).
AppendNode dfname fatherentry childentry [fatherID]
Inserts a *TreeNode* attribute with its tree *fatherID* (or default ID, if *fatherID* is not defined) on *childentry* as last child of *fatherentry*.
PrependNode dfname fatherentry childentry [fatherID]
Inserts a *TreeNode* attribute with its tree *fatherID* (or default ID, if *fatherID* is not defined) on *childentry* as first child of *fatherentry*.
InsertNodeBefore dfname treenodeentry beforetreenode [ID]
Inserts a *TreeNode* attribute with tree *ID* (or default ID, if *ID* is not defined) *beforetreenode* before *treenodeentry*.
InsertNodeAfter dfname treenodeentry aftertreenode [ID]
Inserts a *TreeNode* attribute with tree *ID* (or default ID, if *ID* is not defined) *aftertreenode* after *treenodeentry*.
DetachNode dfname treenodeentry [ID]
Removes a *TreeNode* attribute with tree *ID* (or default ID, if *ID* is not defined) from *treenodeentry*.
ChildNodeIterate dfname treenodeentry alllevels(0/1) [ID]
Iterates on the tree of *TreeNode* attributes with tree *ID* (or default ID, if *ID* is not defined). If *alllevels* is set to *1* it explores not only the first, but all the sub Step levels.
Label D 0:2
Label D 0:3
Label D 0:4
Label D 0:5
Label D 0:6
Label D 0:7
Label D 0:8
Label D 0:9
# Set root node
SetNode D 0:2
AppendNode D 0:2 0:4
AppendNode D 0:2 0:5
PrependNode D 0:4 0:3
PrependNode D 0:4 0:8
PrependNode D 0:4 0:9
InsertNodeBefore D 0:5 0:6
InsertNodeAfter D 0:4 0:7
DetachNode D 0:8
# List all levels
ChildNodeIterate D 0:2 1
# List only first levels
ChildNodeIterate D 0:2 1
InitChildNodeIterator dfname treenodeentry alllevels(0/1) [ID]
Initializes the iteration on the tree of *TreeNode* attributes with tree *ID* (or default ID, if *ID* is not defined). If *alllevels* is set to *1* it explores not only the first, but also all sub Step levels.
InitChildNodeIterate D 0:5 1
set aChildNumber 0
for {set i 1} {$i < 100} {incr i} {
if {[ChildNodeMore] == *TRUE*} {
puts *Tree node = [ChildNodeValue]*
incr aChildNumber
puts "aChildNumber=$aChildNumber"
Moves to the next *Brother*. If there is none, goes up. This method is interesting only with *allLevels* behavior.
AISDisplay docname entry [not_update]
Displays a presantation of *AISobject* from *entry* label in AIS viewer. If *not_update* is not defined then *AISobject* is recomputed and all visualization settings are applied.
AISDisplay D 0:5
AISUpdate docname entry
Recomputes a presentation of *AISobject* from *entry* label and applies the visualization setting in AIS viewer.
AISUpdate D 0:5
AISRemove docname entry
Erases *AISobject* of *entry* label in AIS viewer, then *AISobject* is removed from *AIS_InteractiveContext*.
AISRemove D 0:5
AISSet docname entry ID
Creates *AISPresentation* attribute at *entry* label and sets as driver ID. ID must be one of the following: *A* (*axis*), *C* (*constraint*), *NS* (*namedshape*), *G* (*geometry*), *PL* (*plane*), *PT* (*point*).
AISSet D 0:5 NS
AISDriver docname entry [ID]
Returns DriverGUID stored in *AISPresentation* attribute of an *entry* label or sets a new one. ID must be one of the following: *A* (*axis*), *C* (*constraint*), *NS* (*namedshape*), *G* (*geometry*), *PL* (*plane*), *PT* (*point*).
# Get Driver GUID
AISDriver D 0:5
AISTransparency docname entry [transparency]
Sets (if *transparency* is defined) or gets the value of transparency for *AISPresentation* attribute of an *entry* label.
AISTransparency D 0:5 0.5
AISHasOwnTransparency docname entry
Tests *AISPresentation* attribute of an *entry* label by own transparency.
AISHasOwnTransparency D 0:5
AISMaterial docname entry [material]
Sets (if *material* is defined) or gets the value of transparency for *AISPresentation* attribute of an *entry* label. *material* is integer from 0 to 20 (see [meshmat](#occt_draw_4_5_6) command).
AISMaterial D 0:5 5
AISHasOwnMaterial docname entry
Tests *AISPresentation* attribute of an *entry* label by own material.
AISHasOwnMaterial D 0:5
AISColor docname entry [color]
Sets (if *color* is defined) or gets value of color for *AISPresentation* attribute of an *entry* label. *color* is integer from 0 to 516 (see color names in *vsetcolor*).
AISColor D 0:5 25
AISHasOwnColor docname entry
Tests *AISPresentation* attribute of an *entry* label by own color.
AISHasOwnColor D 0:5
Draw provides a set of commands to test geometry libraries. These commands are found in the TGEOMETRY executable, or in any Draw executable which includes *GeometryTest* commands.
In the context of Geometry, Draw includes the following types of variable:
* 2d and 3d points
* The 2d curve, which corresponds to *Curve* in *Geom2d*.
* The 3d curve and surface, which correspond to *Curve* and *Surface* in Geom package.
Draw geometric variables never share data; the *copy* command will always make a complete copy of the content of the variable.
The following topics are covered in the nine sections of this chapter:
* **Curve creation** deals with the various types of curves and how to create them.
* **Surface creation** deals with the different types of surfaces and how to create them.
* **Curve and surface modification** deals with the commands used to modify the definition of curves and surfaces, most of which concern modifications to bezier and bspline curves.
* **Geometric transformations** covers translation, rotation, mirror image and point scaling transformations.
* **Curve and Surface Analysis** deals with the commands used to compute points, derivatives and curvatures.
* **Intersections** presents intersections of surfaces and curves.
* **Approximations** deals with creating curves and surfaces from a set of points.
* **Constraints** concerns construction of 2d circles and lines by constraints such as tangency.
* **Display** describes commands to control the display of curves and surfaces.
Where possible, the commands have been made broad in application, i.e. they apply to 2d curves, 3d curves and surfaces. For instance, the *circle* command may create a 2d or a 3d circle depending on the number of arguments given.
Likewise, the *translate* command will process points, curves or surfaces, depending on argument type. You may not always find the specific command you are looking for in the section where you expect it to be. In that case, look in another section. The *trim* command, for example, is described in the surface section. It can, nonetheless, be used with curves as well.
This section deals with both points and curves. Types of curves are:
* Analytical curves such as lines, circles, ellipses, parabolas, and hyperbolas.
* Polar curves such as bezier curves and bspline curves.
* Trimmed curves and offset curves made from other curves with the *trim* and *offset* commands. Because they are used on both curves and surfaces, the *trim* and *offset* commands are described in the *surface creation* section.
* NURBS can be created from other curves using *convert* in the *Surface Creation* section.
* Curves can be created from the isoparametric lines of surfaces by the *uiso* and *viso* commands.
* 3d curves can be created from 2d curves and vice versa using the *to3d* and *to2d* commands. The *project* command computes a 2d curve on a 3d surface.
Curves are displayed with an arrow showing the last parameter.
point name x y [z]
Creates a 2d or 3d point, depending on the number of arguments.
# 2d point
point p1 1 2
# 3d point
point p2 10 20 -5
line name x y [z] dx dy [dz]
Creates a 2d or 3d line. *x y z* are the coordinates of the line’s point of origin; *dx, dy, dz* give the direction vector.
A 2d line will be represented as *x y dx dy*, and a 3d line as *x y z dx dy dz* . A line is parameterized along its length starting from the point of origin along the direction vector. The direction vector is normalized and must not be null. Lines are infinite, even though their representation is not.
# a 2d line at 45 degrees of the X axis
line l 2 0 1 1
# a 3d line through the point 10 0 0 and parallel to Z
line l 10 0 0 0 0 1
circle name x y [z [dx dy dz]] [ux uy [uz]] radius
Creates a 2d or a 3d circle.
In 2d, *x, y* are the coordinates of the center and *ux, uy* define the vector towards the point of origin of the parameters. By default, this direction is (1,0). The X Axis of the local coordinate system defines the origin of the parameters of the circle. Use another vector than the x axis to change the origin of parameters.
In 3d, *x, y, z* are the coordinates of the center; *dx, dy, dz* give the vector normal to the plane of the circle. By default, this vector is (0,0,1) i.e. the Z axis (it must not be null). *ux, uy, uz* is the direction of the origin; if not given, a default direction will be computed. This vector must neither be null nor parallel to *dx, dy, dz*.
The circle is parameterized by the angle in [0,2*pi] starting from the origin and. Note that the specification of origin direction and plane is the same for all analytical curves and surfaces.
# A 2d circle of radius 5 centered at 10,-2
circle c1 10 -2 5
# another 2d circle with a user defined origin
# the point of parameter 0 on this circle will be
# 1+sqrt(2),1+sqrt(2)
circle c2 1 1 1 1 2
# a 3d circle, center 10 20 -5, axis Z, radius 17
circle c3 10 20 -5 17
# same 3d circle with axis Y
circle c4 10 20 -5 0 1 0 17
# full 3d circle, axis X, origin on Z
circle c5 10 20 -5 1 0 0 0 0 1 17
ellipse name x y [z [dx dy dz]] [ux uy [uz]] firstradius secondradius
Creates a 2d or 3d ellipse. In a 2d ellipse, the first two arguments define the center; in a 3d ellipse, the first three. The axis system is given by *firstradius*, the major radius, and *secondradius*, the minor radius. The parameter range of the ellipse is [0,2.*pi] starting from the X axis and going towards the Y axis. The Draw ellipse is parameterized by an angle:
P(u) = O + firstradius*cos(u)*Xdir + secondradius*sin(u)*Ydir
* P is the point of parameter *u*,
* *O, Xdir* and *Ydir* are respectively the origin, *X Direction* and *Y Direction* of its local coordinate system.
# default 2d ellipse
ellipse e1 10 5 20 10
# 2d ellipse at angle 60 degree
ellipse e2 0 0 1 2 30 5
# 3d ellipse, in the XY plane
ellipse e3 0 0 0 25 5
# 3d ellipse in the X,Z plane with axis 1, 0 ,1
ellipse e4 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 1 25 5
hyperbola name x y [z [dx dy dz]] [ux uy [uz]] firstradius secondradius
Creates a 2d or 3d conic. The first arguments define the center. The axis system is given by *firstradius*, the major radius, and *secondradius*, the minor radius. Note that the hyperbola has only one branch, that in the X direction.
The Draw hyperbola is parameterized as follows:
P(U) = O + firstradius*Cosh(U)*XDir + secondradius*Sinh(U)*YDir
* *P* is the point of parameter *U*,
* *O, XDir* and *YDir* are respectively the origin, *X Direction* and *YDirection* of its local coordinate system.
# default 2d hyperbola, with asymptotes 1,1 -1,1
hyperbola h1 0 0 30 30
# 2d hyperbola at angle 60 degrees
hyperbola h2 0 0 1 2 20 20
# 3d hyperbola, in the XY plane
hyperbola h3 0 0 0 50 50
parabola name x y [z [dx dy dz]] [ux uy [uz]] FocalLength
Creates a 2d or 3d parabola. in the axis system defined by the first arguments. The origin is the apex of the parabola.
The *Geom_Parabola* is parameterized as follows:
P(u) = O + u*u/(4.*F)*XDir + u*YDir
* *P* is the point of parameter *u*,
* *O, XDir* and *YDir* are respectively the origin, *X Direction* and *Y Direction* of its local coordinate system,
* *F* is the focal length of the parabola.
# 2d parabola
parabola p1 0 0 50
# 2d parabola with convexity +Y
parabola p2 0 0 0 1 50
# 3d parabola in the Y-Z plane, convexity +Z
parabola p3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 50
beziercurve name nbpole pole, [weight]
2dbeziercurve name nbpole pole, [weight]
Creates a 3d rational or non-rational Bezier curve. Give the number of poles (control points,) and the coordinates of the poles *(x1 y1 z1 [w1] x2 y2 z2 [w2])*. The degree will be *nbpoles-1*. To create a rational curve, give weights with the poles. You must give weights for all poles or for none. If the weights of all the poles are equal, the curve is polynomial, and therefore non-rational.
# a rational 2d bezier curve (arc of circle)
2dbeziercurve ci 3 0 0 1 10 0 sqrt(2.)/2. 10 10 1
# a 3d bezier curve, not rational
beziercurve cc 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 0 10 10 10 10
bsplinecurve name degree nbknots knot, umult pole, weight
2dbsplinecurve name degree nbknots knot, umult pole, weight
pbsplinecurve name degree nbknots knot, umult pole, weight (periodic)
2dpbsplinecurve name degree nbknots knot, umult pole, weight (periodic)
Creates 2d or 3d bspline curves; the **pbsplinecurve** and **2dpbsplinecurve** commands create periodic bspline curves.
A bspline curve is defined by its degree, its periodic or non-periodic nature, a table of knots and a table of poles (i.e. control points). Consequently, specify the degree, the number of knots, and for each knot, the multiplicity, for each pole, the weight. In the syntax above, the commas link the adjacent arguments which they fall between: knot and multiplicities, pole and weight.
The table of knots is an increasing sequence of reals without repetition.
Multiplicities must be lower or equal to the degree of the curve. For non-periodic curves, the first and last multiplicities can be equal to degree+1. For a periodic curve, the first and last multiplicities must be equal.
The poles must be given with their weights, use weights of 1 for a non rational curve, the number of poles must be:
* For a non periodic curve: Sum of multiplicities - degree + 1
* For a periodic curve: Sum of multiplicities - last multiplicity
# a bspline curve with 4 poles and 3 knots
bsplinecurve bc 2 3 0 3 1 1 2 3 \
10 0 7 1 7 0 7 1 3 0 8 1 0 0 7 1
# a 2d periodic circle (parameter from 0 to 2*pi !!)
dset h sqrt(3)/2
2dpbsplinecurve c 2 \
4 0 2 pi/1.5 2 pi/0.75 2 2*pi 2 \
0 -h/3 1 \
0.5 -h/3 0.5 \
0.25 h/6 1 \
0 2*h/3 0.5 \
-0.25 h/6 1 \
-0.5 -h/3 0.5 \
0 -h/3 1
**Note** that you can create the **NURBS** subset of bspline curves and surfaces by trimming analytical curves and surfaces and executing the command *convert*.
uiso name surface u
viso name surface u
Creates a U or V isoparametric curve from a surface.
# create a cylinder and extract iso curves
cylinder c 10
uiso c1 c pi/6
viso c2 c
**Note** that this cannot be done from offset surfaces.
to3d name curve2d [plane]
to2d name curve3d [plane]
Create respectively a 3d curve from a 2d curve and a 2d curve from a 3d curve. The transformation uses a planar surface to define the XY plane in 3d (by default this plane is the default OXYplane). **to3d** always gives a correct result, but as **to2d** is not a projection, it may surprise you. It is always correct if the curve is planar and parallel to the plane of projection. The points defining the curve are projected on the plane. A circle, however, will remain a circle and will not be changed to an ellipse.
# the following commands
circle c 0 0 5
plane p -2 1 0 1 2 3
to3d c c p
# will create the same circle as
circle c -2 1 0 1 2 3 5
See also: **project**
project name curve3d surface
Computes a 2d curve in the parametric space of a surface corresponding to a 3d curve. This can only be used on analytical surfaces.
If we, for example, intersect a cylinder and a plane and project the resulting ellipse on the cylinder, this will create a 2d sinusoid-like bspline.
cylinder c 5
plane p 0 0 0 0 1 1
intersect i c p
project i2d i c
The following types of surfaces exist:
* Analytical surfaces: plane, cylinder, cone, sphere, torus;
* Polar surfaces: bezier surfaces, bspline surfaces;
* Trimmed and Offset surfaces;
* Surfaces produced by Revolution and Extrusion, created from curves with the *revsurf* and *extsurf*;
* NURBS surfaces.
Surfaces are displayed with isoparametric lines. To show the parameterization, a small parametric line with a length 1/10 of V is displayed at 1/10 of U.
plane name [x y z [dx dy dz [ux uy uz]]]
Creates an infinite plane.
A plane is the same as a 3d coordinate system, *x,y,z* is the origin, *dx, dy, dz* is the Z direction and *ux, uy, uz* is the X direction.
The plane is perpendicular to Z and X is the U parameter. *dx,dy,dz* and *ux,uy,uz* must not be null or collinear. *ux,uy,uz* will be modified to be orthogonal to *dx,dy,dz*.
There are default values for the coordinate system. If no arguments are given, the global system (0,0,0), (0,0,1), (1,0,0). If only the origin is given, the axes are those given by default(0,0,1), (1,0,0). If the origin and the Z axis are given, the X axis is generated perpendicular to the Z axis.
Note that this definition will be used for all analytical surfaces.
# a plane through the point 10,0,0 perpendicular to X
# with U direction on Y
plane p1 10 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0
# an horixontal plane with origin 10, -20, -5
plane p2 10 -20 -5
cylinder name [x y z [dx dy dz [ux uy uz]]] radius
A cylinder is defined by a coordinate system, and a radius. The surface generated is an infinite cylinder with the Z axis as the axis. The U parameter is the angle starting from X going in the Y direction.
# a cylinder on the default Z axis, radius 10
cylinder c1 10
# a cylinder, also along the Z axis but with origin 5,
10, -3
cylinder c2 5 10 -3 10
# a cylinder through the origin and on a diagonal
# with longitude pi/3 and latitude pi/4 (euler angles)
dset lo pi/3. la pi/4.
cylinder c3 0 0 0 cos(la)*cos(lo) cos(la)*sin(lo)
sin(la) 10
cone name [x y z [dx dy dz [ux uy uz]]] semi-angle radius
Creates a cone in the infinite coordinate system along the Z-axis. The radius is that of the circle at the intersection of the cone and the XY plane. The semi-angle is the angle formed by the cone relative to the axis; it should be between -90 and 90. If the radius is 0, the vertex is the origin.
# a cone at 45 degrees at the origin on Z
cone c1 45 0
# a cone on axis Z with radius r1 at z1 and r2 at z2
cone c2 0 0 z1 180.*atan2(r2-r1,z2-z1)/pi r1
sphere name [x y z [dx dy dz [ux uy uz]]] radius
Creates a sphere in the local coordinate system defined in the **plane** command. The sphere is centered at the origin.
To parameterize the sphere, *u* is the angle from X to Y, between 0 and 2*pi. *v* is the angle in the half-circle at angle *u* in the plane containing the Z axis. *v* is between -pi/2 and pi/2. The poles are the points Z = +/- radius; their parameters are u,+/-pi/2 for any u in 0,2*pi.
# a sphere at the origin
sphere s1 10
# a sphere at 10 10 10, with poles on the axis 1,1,1
sphere s2 10 10 10 1 1 1 10
torus name [x y z [dx dy dz [ux uy uz]]] major minor
Creates a torus in the local coordinate system with the given major and minor radii. *Z* is the axis for the major radius. The major radius may be lower in value than the minor radius.
To parameterize a torus, *u* is the angle from X to Y; *v* is the angle in the plane at angle *u* from the XY plane to Z. *u* and *v* are in 0,2*pi.
# a torus at the origin
torus t1 20 5
# a torus in another coordinate system
torus t2 10 5 -2 2 1 0 20 5
beziersurf name nbupoles nbvolpes pole, [weight]
Use this command to create a bezier surface, rational or non-rational. First give the numbers of poles in the u and v directions.
Then give the poles in the following order: *pole(1, 1), pole(nbupoles, 1), pole(1, nbvpoles)* and *pole(nbupoles, nbvpoles)*.
Weights may be omitted, but if you give one weight you must give all of them.
# a non-rational degree 2,3 surface
beziersurf s 3 4 \
0 0 0 10 0 5 20 0 0 \
0 10 2 10 10 3 20 10 2 \
0 20 10 10 20 20 20 20 10 \
0 30 0 10 30 0 20 30 0
bsplinesurf name udegree nbuknots uknot umult ... nbvknot vknot
vmult ... x y z w ...
upbsplinesurf ...
vpbsplinesurf ...
uvpbsplinesurf ...
* **bsplinesurf** generates bspline surfaces;
* **upbsplinesurf** creates a bspline surface periodic in u;
* **vpbsplinesurf** creates one periodic in v;
* **uvpbsplinesurf** creates one periodic in uv.
The syntax is similar to the *bsplinecurve* command. First give the degree in u and the knots in u with their multiplicities, then do the same in v. The poles follow. The number of poles is the product of the number in u and the number in v.
See *bsplinecurve* to compute the number of poles, the poles are first given in U as in the *beziersurf* command. You must give weights if the surface is rational.
# create a bspline surface of degree 1 2
# with two knots in U and three in V
bsplinesurf s \
1 2 0 2 1 2 \
2 3 0 3 1 1 2 3 \
0 0 0 1 10 0 5 1 \
0 10 2 1 10 10 3 1 \
0 20 10 1 10 20 20 1 \
0 30 0 1 10 30 0 1
trim newname name [u1 u2 [v1 v2] [usense vsense]]
trimu newname name u1 u2 [usense]
trimv newname name v1 v2 [vsense]
The **trim** commands create trimmed curves or trimmed surfaces. Note that trimmed curves and surfaces are classes of the *Geom* package.
* *trim* creates either a new trimmed curve from a curve or a new trimmed surface in u and v from a surface.
* *trimu* creates a u-trimmed surface,
* *trimv* creates a v-trimmed surface.
After an initial trim, a second execution with no parameters given recreates the basis curve. The curves can be either 2d or 3d. If the trimming parameters decrease and if the curve or surface is not periodic, the direction is reversed.
**Note** that a trimmed curve or surface contains a copy of the basis geometry: modifying that will not modify the trimmed geometry. Trimming trimmed geometry will not create multiple levels of trimming. The basis geometry will be used.
# create a 3d circle
circle c 0 0 0 10
# trim it, use the same variable, the original is
trim c c 0 pi/2
# the original can be recovered!
trim orc c
# trim again
trim c c pi/4 pi/2
# the original is not the trimmed curve but the basis
trim orc c
# as the circle is periodic, the two following commands
are identical
trim cc c pi/2 0
trim cc c pi/2 2*pi
# trim an infinite cylinder
cylinder cy 10
trimv cy cy 0 50
offset name basename distance [dx dy dz]
Creates offset curves or surfaces at a given distance from a basis curve or surface. Offset curves and surfaces are classes from the *Geom *package.
The curve can be a 2d or a 3d curve. To compute the offsets for a 3d curve, you must also give a vector *dx,dy,dz*. For a planar curve, this vector is usually the normal to the plane containing the curve.
The offset curve or surface copies the basic geometry, which can be modified later.
# graphic demonstration that the outline of a torus
# is the offset of an ellipse
smallview +X+Y
dset angle pi/6
torus t 0 0 0 0 cos(angle) sin(angle) 50 20
ellipse e 0 0 0 50 50*sin(angle)
# note that the distance can be negative
offset l1 e 20 0 0 1
revsurf name curvename x y z dx dy dz
Creates a surface of revolution from a 3d curve.
A surface of revolution or revolved surface is obtained by rotating a curve (called the *meridian*) through a complete revolution about an axis (referred to as the *axis of revolution*). The curve and the axis must be in the same plane (the *reference plane* of the surface). Give the point of origin x,y,z and the vector dx,dy,dz to define the axis of revolution.
To parameterize a surface of revolution: u is the angle of rotation around the axis. Its origin is given by the position of the meridian on the surface. v is the parameter of the meridian.
# another way of creating a torus like surface
circle c 50 0 0 20
revsurf s c 0 0 0 0 1 0
extsurf newname curvename dx dy dz
Creates a surface of linear extrusion from a 3d curve. The basis curve is swept in a given direction,the *direction of extrusion* defined by a vector.
In the syntax, *dx,dy,dz* gives the direction of extrusion.
To parameterize a surface of extrusion: *u* is the parameter along the extruded curve; the *v* parameter is along the direction of extrusion.
# an elliptic cylinder
ellipse e 0 0 0 10 5
extsurf s e 0 0 1
# to make it finite
trimv s s 0 10
convert newname name
Creates a 2d or 3d NURBS curve or a NURBS surface from any 2d curve, 3d curve or surface. In other words, conics, beziers and bsplines are turned into NURBS. Offsets are not processed.
# turn a 2d arc of a circle into a 2d NURBS
circle c 0 0 5
trim c c 0 pi/3
convert c1 c
# an easy way to make a planar bspline surface
plane p
trim p p -1 1 -1 1
convert p1 p
**Note** that offset curves and surfaces are not processed by this command.
Draw provides commands to modify curves and surfaces, some of them are general, others restricted to bezier curves or bsplines.
General modifications:
* Reversing the parametrization: **reverse**, **ureverse**, **vreverse**
Modifications for both bezier curves and bsplines:
* Exchanging U and V on a surface: **exchuv**
* Segmentation: **segment**, **segsur**
* Increasing the degree: **incdeg**, **incudeg**, **incvdeg**
* Moving poles: **cmovep**, **movep**, **movecolp**, **moverowp**
Modifications for bezier curves:
* Adding and removing poles: **insertpole**, **rempole**, **remcolpole**, **remrowpole**
Modifications for bspline:
* Inserting and removing knots: **insertknot**, **remknot**, **insertuknot**, **remuknot**, **insetvknot**, **remvknot**
* Modifying periodic curves and surfaces: **setperiodic**, **setnotperiodic**, **setorigin**, **setuperiodic**, **setunotperiodic**, **setuorigin**, **setvperiodic**, **setvnotperiodic**, **setvorigin**
reverse curvename
ureverse surfacename
vreverse surfacename
The **reverse** command reverses the parameterization and inverses the orientation of a 2d or 3d curve. Note that the geometry is modified. To keep the curve or the surface, you must copy it before modification.
**ureverse** or **vreverse** reverse the u or v parameter of a surface. Note that the new parameters of the curve may change according to the type of curve. For instance, they will change sign on a line or stay 0,1 on a bezier.
Reversing a parameter on an analytical surface may create an indirect coordinate system.
# reverse a trimmed 2d circle
circle c 0 0 5
trim c c pi/4 pi/2
reverse c
# dumping c will show that it is now trimmed between
# 3*pi/2 and 7*pi/4 i.e. 2*pi-pi/2 and 2*pi-pi/4
exchuv surfacename
For a bezier or bspline surface this command exchanges the u and v parameters.
# exchanging u and v on a spline (made from a cylinder)
cylinder c 5
trimv c c 0 10
convert c1 c
exchuv c1
segment curve Ufirst Ulast
segsur surface Ufirst Ulast Vfirst Vlast
**segment** and **segsur** segment a bezier curve and a bspline curve or surface respectively.
These commands modify the curve to restrict it between the new parameters: *Ufirst*, the starting point of the modified curve, and *Ulast*, the end point. *Ufirst* is less than *Ulast*.
This command must not be confused with **trim** which creates a new geometry.
# segment a bezier curve in half
beziercurve c 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0
segment c ufirst ulast
incudeg surfacename newdegree
incvdeg surfacename newdegree
**incudeg** and **incvdeg** increase the degree in the U or V parameter of a bezier or bspline surface.
# make a planar bspline and increase the degree to 2 3
plane p
trim p p -1 1 -1 1
convert p1 p
incudeg p1 2
incvdeg p1 3
**Note** that the geometry is modified.
cmovep curve index dx dy [dz]
movep surface uindex vindex dx dy dz
movecolp surface uindex dx dy dz
moverowp surface vindex dx dy dz
**move** methods translate poles of a bezier curve, a bspline curve or a bspline surface.
* **cmovep** and **movep** translate one pole with a given index.
* **movecolp** and **moverowp** translate a whole column (expressed by the *uindex*) or row (expressed by the *vindex*) of poles.
# start with a plane
# transform to bspline, raise degree and add relief
plane p
trim p p -10 10 -10 10
convert p1 p
incud p1 2
incvd p1 2
movecolp p1 2 0 0 5
moverowp p1 2 0 0 5
movep p1 2 2 0 0 5
insertpole curvename index x y [z] [weight]
rempole curvename index
remcolpole surfacename index
remrowpole surfacename index
**insertpole** inserts a new pole into a 2d or 3d bezier curve. You may add a weight for the pole. The default value for the weight is 1. The pole is added at the position after that of the index pole. Use an index 0 to insert the new pole before the first one already existing in your drawing.
**rempole** removes a pole from a 2d or 3d bezier curve. Leave at least two poles in the curves.
**remcolpole** and **remrowpole** remove a column or a row of poles from a bezier surface. A column is in the v direction and a row in the u direction The resulting degree must be at least 1; i.e there will be two rows and two columns left.
# start with a segment, insert a pole at end
# then remove the central pole
beziercurve c 2 0 0 0 10 0 0
insertpole c 2 10 10 0
rempole c 2
insertknot name knot [mult = 1] [knot mult ...]
insertuknot surfacename knot mult
insertvknot surfacename knot mult
**insertknot** inserts knots in the knot sequence of a bspline curve. You must give a knot value and a target multiplicity. The default multiplicity is 1. If there is already a knot with the given value and a multiplicity lower than the target one, its multiplicity will be raised.
**insertuknot** and **insertvknot** insert knots in a surface.
# create a cylindrical surface and insert a knot
cylinder c 10
trim c c 0 pi/2 0 10
convert c1 c
insertuknot c1 pi/4 1
remknot index [mult] [tol]
remuknot index [mult] [tol]
remvknot index [mult] [tol]
**remknot** removes a knot from the knot sequence of a curve or a surface. Give the index of the knot and optionally, the target multiplicity. If the target multiplicity is not 0, the multiplicity of the knot will be lowered. As the curve may be modified, you are allowed to set a tolerance to control the process. If the tolerance is low, the knot will only be removed if the curve will not be modified.
By default, if no tolerance is given, the knot will always be removed.
# bspline circle, remove a knot
circle c 0 0 5
convert c1 c
incd c1 5
remknot c1 2
**Note** that Curves or Surfaces may be modified.
setperiodic curve
setnotperiodic curve
setuperiodic surface
setunotperiodic surface
setvperiodic surface
setvnotperiodic surface
**setperiodic** turns a bspline curve into a periodic bspline curve; the knot vector stays the same and excess poles are truncated. The curve may be modified if it has not been closed. **setnotperiodic** removes the periodicity of a periodic curve. The pole table mau be modified. Note that knots are added at the beginning and the end of the knot vector and the multiplicities are knots set to degree+1 at the start and the end.
**setuperiodic** and **setvperiodic** make the u or the v parameter of bspline surfaces periodic; **setunotperiodic**, and **setvnotperiodic** remove periodicity from the u or the v parameter of bspline surfaces.
# a circle deperiodicized
circle c 0 0 5
convert c1 c
setnotperiodic c1
setorigin curvename index
setuorigin surfacename index
setuorigin surfacename index
These commands change the origin of the parameters on periodic curves or surfaces. The new origin must be an existing knot. To set an origin other than an existing knot, you must first insert one with the *insertknot* command.
# a torus with new U and V origins
torus t 20 5
convert t1 t
setuorigin t1 2
setvorigin t1 2
translate name [names ...] dx dy dz
2dtranslate name [names ...] dx dy
The **Translate** command translates 3d points, curves and surfaces along a vector *dx,dy,dz*. You can translate more than one object with the same command.
For 2d points or curves, use the **2dtranslate** command.
# 3d translation
point p 10 20 30
circle c 10 20 30 5
torus t 10 20 30 5 2
translate p c t 0 0 15
*Objects are modified by this command.*
rotate name [name ...] x y z dx dy dz angle
2drotate name [name ...] x y angle
The **rotate** command rotates a 3d point curve or surface. You must give an axis of rotation with a point *x,y,z*, a vector *dx,dy,dz* and an angle in degrees.
For a 2d rotation, you need only give the center point and the angle. In 2d or 3d, the angle can be negative.
# make a helix of circles. create a script file with
this code and execute it using **source**.
circle c0 10 0 0 3
for {set i 1} {$i <= 10} {incr i} {
copy c[expr $i-1] c$i
translate c$i 0 0 3
rotate c$i 0 0 0 0 0 1 36
pmirror name [names ...] x y z
lmirror name [names ...] x y z dx dy dz
smirror name [names ...] x y z dx dy dz
2dpmirror name [names ...] x y
2dlmirror name [names ...] x y dx dy
The mirror commands perform a mirror transformation of 2d or 3d geometry.
* **pmirror** is the point mirror, mirroring 3d curves and surfaces about a point of symmetry.
* **lmirror** is the line mirror commamd, mirroring 3d curves and surfaces about an axis of symmetry.
* **smirror** is the surface mirror, mirroring 3d curves and surfaces about a plane of symmetry. In the last case, the plane of symmetry is perpendicular to dx,dy,dz.
* **2dpmirror** is the point mirror in 2D.
* **2dlmirror** is the axis symmetry mirror in 2D.
# build 3 images of a torus
torus t 10 10 10 1 2 3 5 1
copy t t1
pmirror t1 0 0 0
copy t t2
lmirror t2 0 0 0 1 0 0
copy t t3
smirror t3 0 0 0 1 0 0
pscale name [name ...] x y z s
2dpscale name [name ...] x y s
The **pscale** and **2dpscale** commands transform an object by point scaling. You must give the center and the scaling factor. Because other scalings modify the type of the object, they are not provided. For example, a sphere may be transformed into an ellipsoid. Using a scaling factor of -1 is similar to using **pmirror**.
# double the size of a sphere
sphere s 0 0 0 10
pscale s 0 0 0 2
**Draw** provides methods to compute information about curves and surfaces:
* **coord** to find the coordinates of a point.
* **cvalue** and **2dcvalue** to compute points and derivatives on curves.
* **svalue** to compute points and derivatives on a surface.
* **localprop** and **minmaxcurandif** to compute the curvature on a curve.
* **parameters** to compute (u,v) values for a point on a surface.
* **proj** and **2dproj** to project a point on a curve or a surface.
* **surface_radius** to compute the curvature on a surface.
coord P x y [z]
Sets the x, y (and optionally z) coordinates of the point P.
# translate a point
point p 10 5 5
translate p 5 0 0
coord p x y z
# x value is 15
cvalue curve U x y z [d1x d1y d1z [d2x d2y d2z]]
2dcvalue curve U x y [d1x d1y [d2x d2y]]
For a curve at a given parameter, and depending on the number of arguments, **cvalue** computes the coordinates in *x,y,z*, the first derivative in *d1x,d1y,d1z* and the second derivative in *d2x,d2y,d2z*.
Let on a bezier curve at parameter 0 the point is the first pole; the first derivative is the vector to the second pole multiplied by the degree; the second derivative is the difference first to the second pole, second to the third pole multiplied by *degree-1* :
2dbeziercurve c 4 0 0 1 1 2 1 3 0
2dcvalue c 0 x y d1x d1y d2x d2y
# values of x y d1x d1y d2x d2y
# are 0 0 3 3 0 -6
svalue surfname U v x y z [dux duy duz dvx dvy dvz [d2ux d2uy d2uz d2vx d2vy d2vz d2uvx d2uvy d2uvz]]
Computes points and derivatives on a surface for a pair of parameter values. The result depends on the number of arguments. You can compute the first and the second derivatives.
# display points on a sphere
sphere s 10
for {dset t 0} {[dval t] <= 1} {dset t t+0.01} {
svalue s t*2*pi t*pi-pi/2 x y z
point . x y z
localprop curvename U
minmaxcurandinf curve
**localprop** computes the curvature of a curve.
**minmaxcurandinf** computes and prints the parameters of the points where the curvature is minimum and maximum on a 2d curve.
# show curvature at the center of a bezier curve
beziercurve c 3 0 0 0 10 2 0 20 0 0
localprop c 0.5
== Curvature : 0.02
parameters surf/curve x y z U [V]
Returns the parameters on the surface of the 3d point *x,y,z* in variables *u* and *v*. This command may only be used on analytical surfaces: plane, cylinder, cone, sphere and torus.
# Compute parameters on a plane
plane p 0 0 10 1 1 0
parameters p 5 5 5 u v
# the values of u and v are : 0 5
proj name x y z
2dproj name xy
Use **proj** to project a point on a 3d curve or a surface and **2dproj** for a 2d curve.
The command will compute and display all points in the projection. The lines joining the point to the projections are created with the names *ext_1, ext_2, ... *
Let us project a point on a torus
torus t 20 5
proj t 30 10 7
== ext_1 ext_2 ext_3 ext_4
surface_radius surface u v [c1 c2]
Computes the main curvatures of a surface at parameters *(u,v)*. If there are extra arguments, their curvatures are stored in variables *c1* and *c2*.
Let us compute curvatures of a cylinder:
cylinder c 5
surface_radius c pi 3 c1 c2
== Min Radius of Curvature : -5
== Min Radius of Curvature : infinite
intersect name surface1 surface2
Intersects two surfaces; if there is one intersection curve it will be named *name*, if there are more than one they will be named *name_1*, *name_2*, ...
# create an ellipse
cone c 45 0
plane p 0 0 40 0 1 5
intersect e c p
Draw provides command to create curves and surfaces by approximation.
* **2dapprox** fits a curve through 2d points;
* **appro** fits a curve through 3d points;
* **surfapp** and **grilapp** fit a surface through 3d points by approximation;
* **surfint** fit a surface through 3d points by interpolation;
* **2dinterpole** interpolates a curve.
appro result nbpoint [curve]
2dapprox result nbpoint [curve / x1 y1 x2 y2]
These commands fit a curve through a set of points. First give the number of points, then choose one of the three ways available to get the points. If you have no arguments, click on the points. If you have a curve argument or a list of points, the command launches computation of the points on the curve.
Let us pick points and they will be fitted
2dapprox c 10
surfapp name nbupoints nbvpoints x y z ....
surfapp name nbupoints nbvpoints surf [periodic_flag = 0]
grilapp name nbupoints nbvpoints xo dx yo dy z11 z12 ...
surfint name surf nbupoints nbvpoints [periodic_flag = 0]
* **surfapp** fits a surface through an array of u and v points, nbupoints*nbvpoints.
* **grilapp** has the same function, but the x,y coordinates of the points are on a grid starting at x0,y0 with steps dx,dy.
* **surfapp** can take array of points from other input surface, if alternative syntax
**surfapp** name nbupoints nbvpoints surf [periodic_flag = 0]
is used.
Both command use for fitting approximation algorithm.
**surfint** uses interpolation algorithm and can take array of point only from other input surface.
Optional parameter **periodic_flag** allows to get correct periodical surfaces in U direction.
U direction of result surface corresponds columns of initial array of points.
If **periodic_flag** = 1, algorithm uses first row of array as last row and builds periodical surface.
# a surface using the same data as in the beziersurf
example sect 4.4
surfapp s 3 4 \
0 0 0 10 0 5 20 0 0 \
0 10 2 10 10 3 20 10 2 \
0 20 10 10 20 20 20 20 10 \
0 30 0 10 30 0 20 30 0
Draw provides commands to project points/curves on curves/surfaces.
* **proj** projects point on the curve/surface (see [proj command description](#occt_draw_6_6_6));
* **project** projects 3D curve on the surface (see [project command description](#occt_draw_6_2_11));
* **projponf** projects point on the face.
projponf face pnt [extrema flag: -min/-max/-minmax] [extrema algo: -g(grad)/-t(tree)]
**projponf** projects point *pnt* on the face *face*.
You can change the Extrema options:
* To change the Extrema search algorithm use the following options:
-g - for Grad algorithm;
-t - for Tree algorithm;
* To change the Extrema search solutions use the following options:
-min - to look for Min solutions;
-max - to look for Max solutions;
-minmax - to look for MinMax solutions.
plane p 0 0 0 0 0 1
mkface f p
point pnt 5 5 10
projponf f pnt
# proj dist = 10
# uvproj = 5 5
# pproj = 5 5 0
cirtang result [-t ] -c -p -r ...
Builds all circles satisfying the condition:
1. the circle must be tangent to every given curve;
2. the circle must pass through every given point;
3. the radius of the circle must be equal to the requested one.
Only following set of input data is supported: Curve-Curve-Curve, Curve-Curve-Point, Curve-Curve-Radius, Curve-Point-Point, Curve-Point-Radius, Point-Point-Point, Point-Point-Radius. The solutions will be stored in variables *result_1*, *result_2*, etc.
# a point, a line and a radius. 2 solutions of type Curve-Point-Radius (C-P-R)
point p 0 0
line l 10 0 -1 1
cirtang c -p p -c l -r 4
== Solution of type C-P-R is: c_1 c_2
Additionally it is possible to create a circle(s) with given center and tangent to the given curve (Curve-Point type).
point pp 1 1
2dbsplinecurve cc 1 2 0 2 1 2 -10 -5 1 10 -5 1
cirtang r -p pp -c cc
== Solution of type C-P is: r_1 r_2
lintan name curve curve [angle]
Builds all 2d lines tangent to two curves. If the third angle argument is given the second curve must be a line and **lintan** will build all lines tangent to the first curve and forming the given angle with the line. The angle is given in degrees. The solutions are named *name_1*, *name_2*, etc.
# lines tangent to 2 circles, 4 solutions
circle c1 -10 0 10
circle c2 10 0 5
lintan l c1 c2
# lines at 15 degrees tangent to a circle and a line, 2
solutions: l1_1 l1_2
circle c1 -10 0 1
line l 2 0 1 1
lintan l1 c1 l 15
Draw provides commands to control the display of geometric objects. Some display parameters are used for all objects, others are valid for surfaces only, some for bezier and bspline only, and others for bspline only.
On curves and surfaces, you can control the mode of representation with the **dmode** command. You can control the parameters for the mode with the **defle** command and the **discr** command, which control deflection and discretization respectively.
On surfaces, you can control the number of isoparametric curves displayed on the surface with the **nbiso** command.
On bezier and bspline curve and surface you can toggle the display of the control points with the **clpoles** and **shpoles** commands.
On bspline curves and surfaces you can toggle the display of the knots with the **shknots** and **clknots** commands.
dmode name [name ...] u/d
discr name [name ...] nbintervals
defle name [name ...] deflection
**dmod** command allows choosing the display mode for a curve or a surface.
In mode *u*, or *uniform deflection*, the points are computed to keep the polygon at a distance lower than the deflection of the geometry. The deflection is set with the *defle* command. This mode involves intensive use of computational power.
In *d*, or discretization mode, a fixed number of points is computed. This number is set with the *discr* command. This is the default mode. On a bspline, the fixed number of points is computed for each span of the curve. (A span is the interval between two knots).
If the curve or the isolines seem to present too many angles, you can either increase the discretization or lower the deflection, depending on the mode. This will increase the number of points.
# increment the number of points on a big circle
circle c 0 0 50 50
discr 100
# change the mode
dmode c u
nbiso name [names...] nuiso nviso
Changes the number of isoparametric curves displayed on a surface in the U and V directions. On a bspline surface, isoparametric curves are displayed by default at knot values. Use *nbiso* to turn this feature off.
Let us display 35 meridians and 15 parallels on a sphere:
sphere s 20
nbiso s 35 15
clpoles name
shpoles name
On bezier and bspline curves and surfaces, the control polygon is displayed by default: *clpoles* erases it and *shpoles* restores it.
Let us make a bezier curve and erase the poles
beziercurve c 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0
clpoles c
clknots name
shknots name
By default, knots on a bspline curve or surface are displayed with markers at the points with parametric value equal to the knots. *clknots* removes them and *shknots* restores them.
# hide the knots on a bspline curve
bsplinecurve bc 2 3 0 3 1 1 2 3 \
10 0 7 1 7 0 7 1 3 0 8 1 0 0 7 1
clknots bc
Draw provides a set of commands to test OCCT Topology libraries. The Draw commands are found in the DRAWEXE executable or in any executable including the BRepTest commands.
Topology defines the relationship between simple geometric entities, which can thus be linked together to represent complex shapes. The type of variable used by Topology in Draw is the shape variable.
The different topological shapes include:
* **COMPOUND**: A group of any type of topological object.
* **COMPSOLID**: A set of solids connected by their faces. This expands the notions of WIRE and SHELL to solids.
* **SOLID**: A part of space limited by shells. It is three dimensional.
* **SHELL**: A set of faces connected by their edges. A shell can be open or closed.
* **FACE**: In 2d, a plane; in 3d, part of a surface. Its geometry is constrained (trimmed) by contours. It is two dimensional.
* **WIRE**: A set of edges connected by their vertices. It can be open or closed depending on whether the edges are linked or not.
* **EDGE**: A topological element corresponding to a restrained curve. An edge is generally limited by vertices. It has one dimension.
* **VERTEX**: A topological element corresponding to a point. It has a zero dimension.
Shapes are usually shared. **copy** will create a new shape which shares its representation with the original. Nonetheless, two shapes sharing the same topology can be moved independently (see the section on **transformation**).
The following topics are covered in the eight sections of this chapter:
* Basic shape commands to handle the structure of shapes and control the display.
* Curve and surface topology, or methods to create topology from geometry and vice versa.
* Primitive construction commands: box, cylinder, wedge etc.
* Sweeping of shapes.
* Transformations of shapes: translation, copy, etc.
* Topological operations, or booleans.
* Drafting and blending.
* Defeaturing.
* Making shapes periodic in 3D space.
* Making shapes connected.
* Analysis of shapes.
The set of basic commands allows simple operations on shapes, or step-by-step construction of objects. These commands are useful for analysis of shape structure and include:
* **isos** and **discretisation** to control display of shape faces by isoparametric curves .
* **orientation**, **complement** and **invert** to modify topological attributes such as orientation.
* **explode**, **exwire** and **nbshapes** to analyze the structure of a shape.
* **emptycopy**, **add**, **compound** to create shapes by stepwise construction.
In Draw, shapes are displayed using isoparametric curves. There is color coding for the edges:
* a red edge is an isolated edge, which belongs to no faces.
* a green edge is a free boundary edge, which belongs to one face,
* a yellow edge is a shared edge, which belongs to at least two faces.
isos [name ...][nbisos]
discretisation nbpoints
Determines or changes the number of isoparametric curves on shapes.
The same number is used for the u and v directions. With no arguments, *isos* prints the current default value. To determine, the number of isos for a shape, give it name as the first argument.
*discretisation* changes the default number of points used to display the curves. The default value is 30.
# Display only the edges (the wireframe)
isos 0
**Warning**: don’t confuse *isos* and *discretisation* with the geometric commands *nbisos* and *discr*.
orientation name [name ...] F/R/E/I
complement name [name ...]
invert name
normals s (length = 10), disp normals
range name value value
* **orientation** -- assigns the orientation of simple and complex shapes to one of the following four values: *FORWARD, REVERSED, INTERNAL, EXTERNAL*.
* **complement** -- changes the current orientation of shapes to its complement: *FORWARD* to *REVERSED* and *INTERNAL* to *EXTERNAL*.
* **invert** -- creates a copy of the original shape with a reversed orientation of all subshapes. For example, it may be useful to reverse the normals of a solid.
* *normals** -- returns the assignment of colors to orientation values.
* **range** -- defines the length of a selected edge by defining the values of a starting point and an end point.
# to invert normals of a box
box b 10 20 30
normals b 5
invert b
normals b 5
# to assign a value to an edge
box b1 10 20 30
# to define the box as edges
explode b1 e
b_1 b_2 b_3 b_4 b_5 b_6 b_7 b_8 b_9 b_10 b_11 b_12
# to define as an edge
makedge e 1
# to define the length of the edge as starting from 0
and finishing at 1
range e 0 1
explode name [C/So/Sh/F/W/E/V]
exwire name
nbshapes name
**explode** extracts subshapes from an entity. The subshapes will be named *name_1*, *name_2*, ... Note that they are not copied but shared with the original.
With name only, **explode** will extract the first sublevel of shapes: the shells of a solid or the edges of a wire, for example. With one argument, **explode** will extract all subshapes of that type: *C* for compounds, *So* for solids, *Sh* for shells, *F* for faces, *W* for wires, *E* for edges, *V* for vertices.
**exwire** is a special case of **explode** for wires, which extracts the edges in an ordered way, if possible. Each edge, for example, is connected to the following one by a vertex.
**nbshapes** counts the number of shapes of each type in an entity.
# on a box
box b 10 20 30
# whatis returns the type and various information
whatis b
= b is a shape SOLID FORWARD Free Modified
# make one shell
explode b
whatis b_1
= b_1 is a shape SHELL FORWARD Modified Orientable
# extract the edges b_1, ... , b_12
explode b e
==b_1 ... b_12
# count subshapes
nbshapes b
Number of shapes in b
EDGE : 12
WIRE : 6
FACE : 6
SHAPE : 34
emptycopy [newname] name
add name toname
compound [name ...] compoundname
**emptycopy** returns an empty shape with the same orientation, location, and geometry as the target shape, but with no sub-shapes. If the **newname** argument is not given, the new shape is stored with the same name. This command is used to modify a frozen shape. A frozen shape is a shape used by another one. To modify it, you must **emptycopy** it. Its subshape may be reinserted with the **add** command.
**add** inserts shape *C* into shape *S*. Verify that *C* and *S* reference compatible types of objects:
* Any *Shape* can be added to a *Compound*.
* Only a *Solid* can be added to a *CompSolid*.
* Only a *Shell* can *Edge* or a *Vertex* can be added into a *Solid*.
* Only a *Face* can be added to a *Shell*.
* Only a *Wire* and *Vertex* can be added in a *Solid*.
* Only an *Edge* can be added to a *Wire*.
* Only a *Vertex* can be added to an *Edge*.
* Nothing can be added to a *Vertex*.
**emptycopy** and **add** should be used with care.
On the other hand, **compound** is a safe way to achieve a similar result. It creates a compound from shapes. If no shapes are given, the compound is empty.
# a compound with three boxes
box b1 0 0 0 1 1 1
box b2 3 0 0 1 1 1
box b3 6 0 0 1 1 1
compound b1 b2 b3 c
issubshape subshape shape
**issubshape** checks if the shape *subshape* is sub-shape of the shape *shape* and gets its index in the shape.
box b 1 1 1
explode b f
issubshape b_2 b
# b_2 is sub-shape of b. Index in the shape: 2.
This group of commands is used to create topology from shapes and to extract shapes from geometry.
* To create vertices, use the **vertex** command.
* To create edges use, the **edge**, **mkedge** commands.
* To create wires, use the **wire**, **polyline**, **polyvertex** commands.
* To create faces, use the **mkplane**, **mkface** commands.
* To extract the geometry from edges or faces, use the **mkcurve** and **mkface** commands.
* To extract the 2d curves from edges or faces, use the **pcurve** command.
vertex name [x y z / p edge]
Creates a vertex at either a 3d location x,y,z or the point at parameter p on an edge.
vertex v1 10 20 30
edge name vertex1 vertex2
mkedge edge curve [surface] [pfirst plast] [vfirst [pfirst] vlast [plast]]
uisoedge edge face u v1 v2
visoedge edge face v u1 u2
* **edge** creates a straight line edge between two vertices.
* **mkedge** generates edges from curves<.Two parameters can be given for the vertices: the first and last parameters of the curve are given by default. Vertices can also be given with their parameters, this option allows blocking the creation of new vertices. If the parameters of the vertices are not given, they are computed by projection on the curve. Instead of a 3d curve, a 2d curve and a surface can be given.
# straight line edge
vertex v1 10 0 0
vertex v2 10 10 0
edge e1 v1 v2
# make a circular edge
circle c 0 0 0 5
mkedge e2 c 0 pi/2
# A similar result may be achieved by trimming the curve
# The trimming is removed by mkedge
trim c c 0 pi/2
mkedge e2 c
* **visoedge** and **uisoedge** are commands that generate a *uiso* parameter edge or a *viso* parameter edge.
# to create an edge between v1 and v2 at point u
# to create the example plane
plane p
trim p p 0 1 0 1
convert p p
incudeg p 3
incvdeg p 3
movep p 2 2 0 0 1
movep p 3 3 0 0 0.5
mkface p p
# to create the edge in the plane at the u axis point
0.5, and between the v axis points v=0.2 and v =0.8
uisoedge e p 0.5 0.20 0.8
wire wirename e1/w1 [e2/w2 ...]
polyline name x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2 ...
polyvertex name v1 v2 ...
**wire** creates a wire from edges or wires. The order of the elements should ensure that the wire is connected, and vertex locations will be compared to detect connection. If the vertices are different, new edges will be created to ensure topological connectivity. The original edge may be copied in the new one.
**polyline** creates a polygonal wire from point coordinates. To make a closed wire, you should give the first point again at the end of the argument list.
**polyvertex** creates a polygonal wire from vertices.
# create two polygonal wires
# glue them and define as a single wire
polyline w1 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0
polyline w2 10 10 0 0 10 0 0 0 0
wire w w1 w2
profile name [code values] [code values] ...
**profile** builds a profile in a plane using a moving point and direction. By default, the profile is closed and a face is created. The original point is 0 0, and direction is 1 0 situated in the XY plane.
| **Code** | **Values ** | **Action** |
| :------------ | :------------- | :---------------- |
| O | X Y Z | Sets the origin of the plane |
| P | DX DY DZ UX UY UZ | Sets the normal and X of the plane |
| F | X Y | Sets the first point |
| X | DX | Translates a point along X |
| Y | DY | Translates a point along Y |
| L | DL | Translates a point along direction |
| XX | X | Sets point X coordinate |
| YY | Y | Sets point Y coordinate |
| T | DX DY | Translates a point |
| TT | X Y | Sets a point |
| R | Angle | Rotates direction |
| RR | Angle | Sets direction |
| D | DX DY | Sets direction |
| IX | X | Intersects with vertical |
| IY | Y | Intersects with horizontal |
| C | Radius Angle | Arc of circle tangent to direction |
Codes and values are used to define the next point or change the direction. When the profile changes from a straight line to a curve, a tangent is created. All angles are in degrees and can be negative.
The point [code values] can be repeated any number of times and in any order to create the profile contour.
| Suffix | Action |
| :----- | :----- |
| No suffix | Makes a closed face |
| W | Make a closed wire |
| WW | Make an open wire |
The profile shape definition is the suffix; no suffix produces a face, *w* is a closed wire, *ww* is an open wire.
Code letters are not case-sensitive.
# to create a triangular plane using a vertex at the
origin, in the xy plane
profile p O 0 0 0 X 1 Y 0 x 1 y 1
# to create a contour using the different code
# two vertices in the xy plane
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 ww
# to view from a point normal to the plane
# add a circular element of 45 degrees
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 c 1 45 ww
# add a tangential segment with a length value 1
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 c 1 45 l 1 ww
# add a vertex with xy values of 1.5 and 1.5
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 c 1 45 l 1 tt 1.5 1.5 ww
# add a vertex with the x value 0.2, y value is constant
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 c 1 45 l 1 tt 1.5 1.5 xx 0.2 ww
# add a vertex with the y value 2 x value is constant
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 c 1 45 l 1 tt 1.5 1.5 yy 2 ww
# add a circular element with a radius value of 1 and a circular value of 290 degrees
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 c 1 45 l 1 tt 1.5 1.5 xx 0.2 yy 2 c 1 290
# wire continues at a tangent to the intersection x = 0
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 c 1 45 l 1 tt 1.5 1.5 xx 0.2 yy 2 c 1 290 ix 0 ww
# continue the wire at an angle of 90 degrees until it intersects the y axis at y= -o.3
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 c 1 45 l 1 tt 1.5 1.5 xx 0.2 yy 2 c 1 290 ix 0 r 90 ix -0.3 ww
#close the wire
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 c 1 45 l 1 tt 1.5 1.5 xx 0.2 yy 2 c 1 290 ix 0 r 90 ix -0.3 w
# to create the plane with the same contour
profile p F 1 0 x 2 y 1 c 1 45 l 1 tt 1.5 1.5 xx 0.2 yy 2 c 1 290 ix 0 r 90 ix -0.3
bsplineprof name [S face] [W WW]
* for an edge : \ ...
* to end profile :
Builds a profile in the XY plane from digitizes. By default the profile is closed and a face is built.
**bsplineprof** creates a 2d profile from bspline curves using the mouse as the input. *MB1* creates the points, *MB2* finishes the current curve and starts the next curve, *MB3* closes the profile.
The profile shape definition is the suffix; no suffix produces a face, **w** is a closed wire, **ww** is an open wire.
#to view the xy plane
#to create a 2d curve with the mouse
bsplineprof res
# click mb1 to start the curve
# click mb1 to create the second vertex
# click mb1 to create a curve
#click mb2 to finish the curve and start a new curve
# click mb1 to create the second curve
# click mb3 to create the face
**mkoffset** creates a parallel wire in the same plane using a face or an existing continuous set of wires as a reference. The number of occurrences is not limited.
The offset distance defines the spacing and the positioning of the occurrences.
mkoffset result shape nboffset stepoffset [jointype(a/i) [alt]]
* *result* - the base name for the resulting wires. The index of the occurrence (starting with 1) will be added to this name, so the resulting wires will have the names - *result_1*, *result_2* ...;
* *shape* - input shape (face or compound of wires);
* *nboffset* - the number of the parallel occurrences;
* *stepoffset* - offset distance between occurrences;
* *jointype(a/i)* - join type (a for *arc* (default) and i for *intersection*);
* *alt* - altitude from the plane of the input face in relation to the normal to the face.
# Create a box and select a face
box b 1 2 3
explode b f
# Create three exterior parallel contours with an offset value of 2
mkoffset r b_1 3 2
# wires r_1, r_2 and r_3 are created
# Create three exterior parallel contours with an offset value of 2 without round corners
mkoffset r b_1 3 2 i
# wires r_1, r_2 and r_3 are created
# Create one interior parallel contour with an offset value of 0.4
mkoffset r b_1 1 -0.4
**Note** that on a concave input contour for an interior step *mkoffset* command may produce several wires which will be contained in a single compound.
# to create the example contour
profile p F 0 0 x 2 y 4 tt 1 1 tt 0 4 w
# creates an incoherent interior offset
mkoffset r p 1 -0.50
# creates two incoherent wires
mkoffset r p 1 -0.55
# r_1 is a compound of two wires
mkplane name wire
mkface name surface [ufirst ulast vfirst vlast]
**mkplane** generates a face from a planar wire. The planar surface will be constructed with an orientation which keeps the face inside the wire.
**mkface** generates a face from a surface. Parameter values can be given to trim a rectangular area. The default boundaries are those of the surface.
# make a polygonal face
polyline f 0 0 0 20 0 0 20 10 0 10 10 0 10 20 0 0 20 0 0 0 0
mkplane f f
# make a cylindrical face
cylinder g 10
trim g g -pi/3 pi/2 0 15
mkface g g
mkcurve curve edge
mksurface name face
**mkcurve** creates a 3d curve from an edge. The curve will be trimmed to the edge boundaries.
**mksurface** creates a surface from a face. The surface will not be trimmed.
# make a line
vertex v1 0 0 0
vertex v2 10 0 0
edge e v1 v2
pcurve [name edgename] facename
Extracts the 2d curve of an edge on a face. If only the face is specified, the command extracts all the curves and colors them according to their orientation. This is useful in checking to see if the edges in a face are correctly oriented, i.e. they turn counter-clockwise. To make curves visible, use a fitted 2d view.
# view the pcurves of a face
plane p
trim p p -1 1 -1 1
mkface p p
av2d; # a 2d view
pcurve p
chfi2d result face [edge1 edge2 (F radius/CDD d1 d2/CDA d ang) ....
Creates chamfers and fillets on 2D objects. Select two adjacent edges and:
* a radius value
* two respective distance values
* a distance value and an angle
The radius value produces a fillet between the two faces.
The distance is the length value from the edge between the two selected faces in a normal direction.
Let us create a 2d fillet:
profile p x 2 y 2 x -2
chfi2d cfr p . . F 0.3
==Pick an object
#select an edge
==Pick an object
#select an edge
Let us create a 2d chamfer using two distances:
profile p x 2 y 2 x -2
chfi2d cfr p . . CDD 0.3 0.6
==Pick an object
#select an edge
==Pick an object
#select an edge
Let us create a 2d chamfer using a defined distance and angle
profile p x 2 y 2 x -2
chfi2d cfr p . . CDA 0.3 75
==Pick an object
#select an edge
==Pick an object
#select an edge
nproject pj e1 e2 e3 ... surf -g -d [dmax] [Tol
[continuity [maxdeg [maxseg]]]
Creates a shape projection which is normal to the target surface.
# create a curved surface
line l 0 0 0 1 0 0
trim l l 0 2
convert l l
incdeg l 3
cmovep l 1 0 0.5 0
cmovep l 3 0 0.5 0
copy l ll
translate ll 2 -0.5 0
mkedge e1 l
mkedge e2 ll
wire w e1 e2
prism p w 0 0 3
donl p
#display in four views
# create the example shape
circle c 1.8 -0.5 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0.4
mkedge e c
donly p e
# create the normal projection of the shape(circle)
nproject r e p
Primitive commands make it possible to create simple shapes. They include:
* **box** and **wedge** commands.
* **pcylinder**, **pcone**, **psphere**, **ptorus** commands.
* **halfspace** command
box name [x y z] dx dy dz
wedge name dx dy dz ltx / xmin zmin xmax xmax
**box** creates a box parallel to the axes with dimensions *dx,dy,dz*. *x,y,z* is the corner of the box. It is the default origin.
**wedge** creates a box with five faces called a wedge. One face is in the OXZ plane, and has dimensions *dx,dz* while the other face is in the plane *y = dy*. This face either has dimensions *ltx, dz* or is bounded by *xmin,zmin,xmax,zmax*.
The other faces are defined between these faces. The face in the *y=yd* plane may be degenerated into a line if *ltx = 0*, or a point if *xmin = xmax* and *ymin = ymax*. In these cases, the line and the point both have 5 faces each. To position the wedge use the *ttranslate* and *trotate* commands.
# a box at the origin
box b1 10 20 30
# another box
box b2 30 30 40 10 20 30
# a wedge
wedge w1 10 20 30 5
# a wedge with a sharp edge (5 faces)
wedge w2 10 20 30 0
# a pyramid
wedge w3 20 20 20 10 10 10 10
pcylinder name [plane] radius height [angle]
pcone name [plane] radius1 radius2 height [angle]
pcone name [plane] radius1 radius2 height [angle]
psphere name [plane] radius1 [angle1 angle2] [angle]
ptorus name [plane] radius1 radius2 [angle1 angle2] [angle]
All these commands create solid blocks in the default coordinate system, using the Z axis as the axis of revolution and the X axis as the origin of the angles. To use another system, translate and rotate the resulting solid or use a plane as first argument to specify a coordinate system. All primitives have an optional last argument which is an angle expressed in degrees and located on the Z axis, starting from the X axis. The default angle is 360.
**pcylinder** creates a cylindrical block with the given radius and height.
**pcone** creates a truncated cone of the given height with radius1 in the plane z = 0 and radius2 in the plane z = height. Neither radius can be negative, but one of them can be null.
**psphere** creates a solid sphere centered on the origin. If two angles, *angle1* and *angle2*, are given, the solid will be limited by two planes at latitude *angle1* and *angle2*. The angles must be increasing and in the range -90,90.
**ptorus** creates a solid torus with the given radii, centered on the origin, which is a point along the z axis. If two angles increasing in degree in the range 0 -- 360 are given, the solid will be bounded by two planar surfaces at those positions on the circle.
# a can shape
pcylinder cy 5 10
# a quarter of a truncated cone
pcone co 15 10 10 90
# three-quarters of sphere
psphere sp 10 270
# half torus
ptorus to 20 5 0 90
halfspace result face/shell x y z
**halfspace** creates an infinite solid volume based on a face in a defined direction. This volume can be used to perform the boolean operation of cutting a solid by a face or plane.
box b 0 0 0 1 2 3
explode b f
==b_1 b_2 b_3 b_4 b_5 b_6
halfspace hr b_3 0.5 0.5 0.5
Sweeping creates shapes by sweeping out a shape along a defined path:
* **prism** -- sweeps along a direction.
* **revol** -- sweeps around an axis.
* **pipe** -- sweeps along a wire.
* **mksweep** and **buildsweep** -- to create sweeps by defining the arguments and algorithms.
* **thrusections** -- creates a sweep from wire in different planes.
prism result base dx dy dz [Copy | Inf | SemiInf]
Creates a new shape by sweeping a shape in a direction. Any shape can be swept: a vertex gives an edge; an edge gives a face; and a face gives a solid.
The shape is swept along the vector *dx dy dz*. The original shape will be shared in the result unless *Copy* is specified. If *Inf* is specified the prism is infinite in both directions. If *SemiInf* is specified the prism is infinite in the *dx,dy,dz* direction, and the length of the vector has no importance.
# sweep a planar face to make a solid
polyline f 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 5 0 5 5 0 5 15 0 0 15 0 0 0 0
mkplane f f
revol result base x y z dx dy dz angle [Copy]
Creates a new shape by sweeping a base shape through an angle along the axis *x,y,z dx,dy,dz*. As with the prism command, the shape can be of any type and is not shared if *Copy* is specified.
# shell by wire rotation
polyline w 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 5 0 5 5 0 5 15 0 0 15 0
revol s w 20 0 0 0 1 0 90
pipe name wire_spine Profile
Creates a new shape by sweeping a shape known as the profile along a wire known as the spine.
# sweep a circle along a bezier curve to make a solid
beziercurve spine 4 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0 20 10 0
mkedge spine spine
wire spine spine
circle profile 0 0 0 1 0 0 2
mkedge profile profile
wire profile profile
mkplane profile profile
pipe p spine profile
mksweep wire
addsweep wire[vertex][-M][-C] [auxiilaryshape]
deletesweep wire
setsweep options [arg1 [arg2 [...]]]
simulsweep r [n] [option]
buildsweep [r] [option] [Tol]
options are :
* *-FR* : Tangent and Normal are defined by a Frenet trihedron
* *-CF* : Tangent is given by Frenet, the Normal is computed to minimize the torsion
* *-DX Surf* : Tangent and Normal are given by Darboux trihedron, surf must be a shell or a face
* *-CN dx dy dz* : BiNormal is given by *dx dy dz*
* *-FX Tx Ty TZ [Nx Ny Nz]* : Tangent and Normal are fixed
* *-G guide*
These commands are used to create a shape from wires.
One wire is designated as the contour that defines the direction; it is called the spine.
At least one other wire is used to define the sweep profile.
* **mksweep** -- initializes the sweep creation and defines the wire to be used as the spine.
* **addsweep** -- defines the wire to be used as the profile.
* **deletesweep** -- cancels the choice of profile wire, without leaving the mksweep mode. You can re-select a profile wire.
* **setsweep** -- commands the algorithms used for the construction of the sweep.
* **simulsweep** -- can be used to create a preview of the shape. [n] is the number of sections that are used to simulate the sweep.
* **buildsweep** -- creates the sweep using the arguments defined by all the commands.
#create a sweep based on a semi-circular wire using the
Frenet algorithm
#create a circular figure
circle c2 0 0 0 1 0 0 10
trim c2 c2 -pi/2 pi/2
mkedge e2 c2
donly e2
wire w e2
whatis w
mksweep w
# to display all the options for a sweep
#to create a sweep using the Frenet algorithm where the
#normal is computed to minimise the torsion
setsweep -CF
addsweep w -R
# to simulate the sweep with a visual approximation
simulsweep w 3
thrusections [-N] result issolid isruled wire1 wire2 [..wire..]
**thrusections** creates a shape using wires that are positioned in different planes. Each wire selected must have the same number of edges and vertices.
A bezier curve is generated between the vertices of each wire. The option *[-N]* means that no check is made on wires for direction.
#create three wires in three planes
polyline w1 0 0 0 5 0 0 5 5 0 2 3 0
polyline w2 0 1 3 4 1 3 4 4 3 1 3 3
polyline w3 0 0 5 5 0 5 5 5 5 2 3 5
# create the shape
thrusections th issolid isruled w1 w2 w3
==thrusections th issolid isruled w1 w2 w3
Tolerances obtenues -- 3d : 0
-- 2d : 0
Transformations are applications of matrices. When the transformation is nondeforming, such as translation or rotation, the object is not copied. The topology localcoordinate system feature is used. The copy can be enforced with the **tcopy** command.
* **tcopy** -- makes a copy of the structure of a shape.
* **ttranslate**, **trotate**, **tmove** and **reset** -- move a shape.
* **tmirror** and **tscale** -- always modify the shape.
tcopy name toname [name toname ...]
Copies the structure of one shape, including the geometry, into another, newer shape.
# create an edge from a curve and copy it
beziercurve c 3 0 0 0 10 0 0 20 10 0
mkedge e1 c
ttranslate e1 0 5 0
tcopy e1 e2
ttranslate e2 0 5 0
# now modify the curve, only e1 and e2 will be modified
tmove name [name ...] shape
reset name [name ...]
**tmove** and **reset** modify the location, or the local coordinate system of a shape.
**tmove** applies the location of a given shape to other shapes. **reset** restores one or several shapes it to its or their original coordinate system(s).
# create two boxes
box b1 10 10 10
box b2 20 0 0 10 10 10
# translate the first box
ttranslate b1 0 10 0
# and apply the same location to b2
tmove b2 b1
# return to original positions
reset b1 b2
ttranslate [name ...] dx dy dz
trotate [name ...] x y z dx dy dz angle
**ttranslate** translates a set of shapes by a given vector, and **trotate** rotates them by a given angle around an axis. Both commands only modify the location of the shape.
When creating multiple shapes, the same location is used for all the shapes. (See *toto.tcl* example below. Note that the code of this file can also be directly executed in interactive mode.)
Locations are very economic in the data structure because multiple occurrences of an object share the topological description.
# make rotated copies of a sphere in between two cylinders
# create a file source toto.tcl
# toto.tcl code:
for {set i 0} {$i < 360} {incr i 20} {
copy s s$i
trotate s$i 0 0 0 0 0 1 $i
# create two cylinders
pcylinder c1 30 5
copy c1 c2
ttranslate c2 0 0 20
#create a sphere
psphere s 3
ttranslate s 25 0 12.5
# call the source file for multiple copies
source toto.tcl
tmirror name x y z dx dy dz
tscale name x y z scale
* **tmirror** makes a mirror copy of a shape about a plane x,y,z dx,dy,dz.
* **Tscale** applies a central homotopic mapping to a shape.
# mirror a portion of cylinder about the YZ plane
pcylinder c1 10 10 270
copy c1 c2
tmirror c2 15 0 0 1 0 0
# and scale it
tscale c1 0 0 0 0.5
**sewing** joins two or more shapes.
sewing result [tolerance] shape1 shape2 ...
**Sewing** joins shapes by connecting their adjacent or near adjacent edges. Adjacency can be redefined by modifying the tolerance value.
# create two adjacent boxes
box b 0 0 0 1 2 3
box b2 0 2 0 1 2 3
sewing sr b b2
whatis sr
sr is a shape COMPOUND FORWARD Free Modified
The new algorithm of Boolean operations avoids a large number of weak points and limitations presented in the old Boolean operation algorithm.
It also provides wider range of options and diagnostics.
The algorithms of Boolean component are fully described in the [Boolean Operations]( of boolean operation user guide.
For the Draw commands to perform operations in Boolean component, read the dedicated section [Boolean operations commands](#occt_draw_bop)
Drafting is creation of a new shape by tilting faces through an angle.
Blending is the creation of a new shape by rounding edges to create a fillet.
* Use the **depouille** command for drafting.
* Use the **chamf** command to add a chamfer to an edge
* Use the **blend** command for simple blending.
* Use **bfuseblend** for a fusion + blending operation.
* Use **bcutblend** for a cut + blending operation.
* Use **buildevol**, **mkevol**, **updatevol** to realize varying radius blending.
dep result shape dirx diry dirz face angle x y x dx dy dz [face angle...]
Creates a new shape by drafting one or more faces of a shape.
Identify the shape(s) to be drafted, the drafting direction, and the face(s) with an angle and an axis of rotation for each face. You can use dot syntax to identify the faces.
# draft a face of a box
box b 10 10 10
explode b f
== b_1 b_2 b_3 b_4 b_5 b_6
dep a b 0 0 1 b_2 10 0 10 0 1 0 5
chamf newname shape edge face S dist
chamf newname shape edge face dist1 dist2
chamf newname shape edge face A dist angle
Creates a chamfer along the edge between faces using:
* a equal distances from the edge
* the edge, a face and distance, a second distance
* the edge, a reference face and an angle
Use the dot syntax to select the faces and edges.
Let us create a chamfer based on equal distances from the edge (45 degree angle):
# create a box
box b 1 2 3
chamf ch b . . S 0.5
==Pick an object
# select an edge
==Pick an object
# select an adjacent face
Let us create a chamfer based on different distances from the selected edge:
box b 1 2 3
chamf ch b . . 0.3 0.4
==Pick an object
# select an edge
==Pick an object
# select an adjacent face
Let us create a chamfer based on a distance from the edge and an angle:
box b 1 2 3
chamf ch b . . A 0.4 30
==Pick an object
# select an edge
==Pick an object
# select an adjacent face
blend result object rad1 ed1 rad2 ed2 ... [R/Q/P]
Creates a new shape by filleting the edges of an existing shape. The edge must be inside the shape. You may use the dot syntax. Note that the blend is propagated to the edges of tangential planar, cylindrical or conical faces.
# blend a box, click on an edge
box b 20 20 20
blend b b 2 .
==tolerance ang : 0.01
==tolerance 3d : 0.0001
==tolerance 2d : 1e-05
==fleche : 0.001
==tolblend 0.01 0.0001 1e-05 0.001
==Pick an object
# click on the edge you want ot fillet
==COMPUTE: temps total 0.1s dont :
==- Init + ExtentAnalyse 0s
==- PerformSetOfSurf 0.02s
==- PerformFilletOnVertex 0.02s
==- FilDS 0s
==- Reconstruction 0.06s
==- SetRegul 0s
bfuseblend name shape1 shape2 radius [-d]
Creates a boolean fusion of two shapes and then blends (fillets) the intersection edges using the given radius.
Option [-d] enables the Debugging mode in which the error messages, if any, will be printed.
# fuse-blend two boxes
box b1 20 20 5
copy b1 b2
ttranslate b2 -10 10 3
bfuseblend a b1 b2 1
bcutblend name shape1 shape2 radius [-d]
Creates a boolean cut of two shapes and then blends (fillets) the intersection edges using the given radius.
Option [-d] enables the Debugging mode in which the error messages, if any, will be printed.
# cut-blend two boxes
box b1 20 20 5
copy b1 b2
ttranslate b2 -10 10 3
bcutblend a b1 b2 1
mkevol result object (then use updatevol) [R/Q/P]
updatevol edge u1 radius1 [u2 radius2 ...]
These three commands work together to create fillets with evolving radii.
* **mkevol** allows specifying the shape and the name of the result. It returns the tolerances of the fillet.
* **updatevol** allows describing the filleted edges you want to create. For each edge, you give a set of coordinates: parameter and radius and the command prompts you to pick the edge of the shape which you want to modify. The parameters will be calculated along the edges and the radius function applied to the whole edge.
* **buildevol** produces the result described previously in **mkevol** and **updatevol**.
# makes an evolved radius on a box
box b 10 10 10
mkevol b b
==tolerance ang : 0.01
==tolerance 3d : 0.0001
==tolerance 2d : 1e-05
==fleche : 0.001
==tolblend 0.01 0.0001 1e-05 0.001
# click an edge
updatevol . 0 1 1 3 2 2
==Pick an object
==Dump of SweepApproximation
==Error 3d = 1.28548881203818e-14
==Error 2d = 1.3468326936926e-14 ,
==2 Segment(s) of degree 3
==COMPUTE: temps total 0.91s dont :
==- Init + ExtentAnalyse 0s
==- PerformSetOfSurf 0.33s
==- PerformFilletOnVertex 0.53s
==- FilDS 0.01s
==- Reconstruction 0.04s
==- SetRegul 0s
Draw command **removefeatures** is intended for performing [3D Model Defeaturing](, i.e. it performs the removal of the requested features from the shape.
removefeatures result shape f1 f2 ... [-nohist] [-parallel]
result - result of the operation;
shape - the shape to remove the features from;
f1, f2 - features to remove from the shape;
nohist - disables the history collection;
parallel - enables the parallel processing mode.
Draw module for [making the shape periodic]( includes the following commands:
* **makeperiodic** - makes the shape periodic in required directions;
* **repeatshape** - repeats the periodic shape in requested periodic direction;
* **periodictwins** - returns the periodic twins for the shape;
* **clearrepetitions** - clears all previous repetitions of the periodic shape.
The command makes the shape periodic in the required directions with the required period.
If trimming is given it trims the shape to fit the requested period.
makeperiodic result shape [-x/y/z period [-trim first]]
result - resulting periodic shape;
shape - input shape to make it periodic:
-x/y/z period - option to make the shape periodic in X, Y or Z direction with the given period;
-trim first - option to trim the shape to fit the required period, starting the period in first.
The command repeats the periodic shape in periodic direction requested number of time.
The result contains the all the repeated shapes glued together.
The command should be called after **makeperiodic** command.
repeatshape result -x/y/z times
result - resulting shape;
-x/y/z times - direction for repetition and number of repetitions (negative number of times means the repetition in negative direction).
For the given shape the command returns the identical shapes located on the opposite sides of the periodic direction.
All periodic twins should have the same geometry.
The command should be called after **makeperiodic** command.
periodictwins twins shape
twins - periodic twins for the given shape
shape - shape to find the twins for
Draw module for [making the touching same-dimensional shapes connected]( includes the following commands:
* **makeconnected** - make the input shapes connected or glued, performs material associations;
* **cmaterialson** - returns the materials located on the requested side of a shape;
* **cmakeperiodic** - makes the connected shape periodic in requested directions;
* **crepeatshape** - repeats the periodic connected shape in requested directions requested number of times;
* **cperiodictwins** - returns all periodic twins for the shape;
* **cclearrepetitions** - clears all previous repetitions of the periodic shape, keeping the shape periodic.
The command makes the input touching shapes connected.
makeconnected result shape1 shape2 ...
result - resulting connected shape.
shape1 shape2 ... - shapes to be made connected.
The command returns the materials located on the requested side of the shape.
The command should be called after the shapes have been made connected, i.e. after the command **makeconnected**.
cmaterialson result +/- shape
result - material shapes
shape - shape for which the materials are needed
+/- - side of a given shape ('+' for positive side, '-' - for negative).
The command makes the connected shape periodic in the required directions with the required period.
The command should be called after the shapes have been made connected, i.e. after the command **makeconnected**.
cmakeperiodic result [-x/y/z period [-trim first]]
result - resulting periodic shape;
shape - input shape to make it periodic:
-x/y/z period - option to make the shape periodic in X, Y or Z direction with the given period;
-trim first - option to trim the shape to fit the required period, starting the period in first.
The command repeats the connected periodic shape in the required periodic directions required number of times.
The command should be called after the shapes have been made connected and periodic, i.e. after the commands **makeconnected** and **cmakeperiodic**.
crepeatshape result -x/y/z times
result - resulting shape;
-x/y/z times - direction for repetition and number of repetitions (negative number of times means the repetition in negative direction).
The command returns all periodic twins for the shape.
The command should be called after the shapes have been made connected and periodic, i.e. after the commands **makeconnected** and **cmakeperiodic**.
cperiodictwins twins shape
twins - periodic twins of a shape.
shape - input shape.
The command clears all previous repetitions of the periodic shape keeping the shape periodic.
The command should be called after the shapes have been made connected, periodic and the repetitions have been applied to the periodic shape, i.e. after the commands **makeconnected**, **cmakeperiodic** and **crepeatshape**.
Otherwise the command will have no effect.
cclearrepetitions [result]
Analysis of shapes includes commands to compute length, area, volumes and inertial properties, as well as to compute some aspects impacting shape validity.
* Use **lprops**, **sprops**, **vprops** to compute integral properties.
* Use **bounding** to compute and to display the bounding box of a shape.
* Use **distmini** to calculate the minimum distance between two shapes.
* Use **isbbinterf** to check if the two shapes are interfered by their bounding boxes.
* Use **xdistef**, **xdistcs**, **xdistcc**, **xdistc2dc2dss**, **xdistcc2ds** to check the distance between two objects on even grid.
* Use **checkshape** to check validity of the shape.
* Use **tolsphere** to see the tolerance spheres of all vertices in the shape.
* Use **validrange** to check range of an edge not covered by vertices.
lprops shape [x y z] [-skip] [-full] [-tri]
sprops shape [epsilon] [c[losed]] [x y z] [-skip] [-full] [-tri]
vprops shape [epsilon] [c[losed]] [x y z] [-skip] [-full] [-tri]
* **lprops** computes the mass properties of all edges in the shape with a linear density of 1;
* **sprops** of all faces with a surface density of 1;
* **vprops** of all solids with a density of 1.
For computation of properties of the shape, exact geometry (curves, surfaces) or
some discrete data (polygons, triangulations) can be used for calculations.
The epsilon, if given, defines relative precision of computation.
The **closed** flag, if present, forces computation only closed shells of the shape.
The centroid coordinates will be put to DRAW variables x y z (if given).
Shared entities will be taken in account only one time in the **skip** mode.
All values are output with the full precision in the **full** mode.
Preferable source of geometry data are triangulations in case if it exists,
if the **-tri** key is used, otherwise preferable data is exact geometry.
If epsilon is given, exact geometry (curves, surfaces) are used for calculations independently of using key **-tri**.
All three commands print the mass, the coordinates of the center of gravity, the matrix of inertia and the moments. Mass is either the length, the area or the volume. The center and the main axis of inertia are displayed.
# volume of a cylinder
pcylinder c 10 20
vprops c
== results
Mass : 6283.18529981086
Center of gravity :
X = 4.1004749224903e-06
Y = -2.03392858349861e-16
Z = 9.9999999941362
Matrix of Inertia :
366519.141445068 5.71451850691484e-12
5.71451850691484e-12 366519.141444962
2.26823064169991e-10 0.257640437382627
2.26823064169991e-10 314159.265358863
Moments :
IX = 366519.141446336
IY = 366519.141444962
I.Z = 314159.265357595
bounding {-s shape | -c xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax} [-obb] [-shape name] [-dump] [-notriangulation] [-perfmeter name NbIters] [-save xmin ymin zmin xmax ymax zmax] [-nodraw] [-optimal] [-exttoler]
Computes and displays the bounding box (BndBox) of a shape. The bounding box is a cuboid that circumscribes the source shape.
Generally, bounding boxes can be divided into two main types:
- axis-aligned BndBox (AABB). I.e. the box whose edges are parallel to an axis of World Coordinate System (WCS);
- oriented BndBox (OBB). I.e. not AABB.
Detailed information about this command is available in DRAW help-system (enter "help bounding" in DRAW application).
**Example 1: Creation of AABB with given corners**
bounding -c 50 100 30 180 200 100 -shape result
# look at the box
vdisplay result
vsetdispmode 1
**Example 2: Compare AABB and OBB**
# Create a torus and rotate it
ptorus t 20 5
trotate t 5 10 15 1 1 1 28
# Create AABB from the torus
bounding -s t -shape ra -dump -save x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
==Axes-aligned bounding box
==X-range: -26.888704600189307 23.007685197265488
==Y-range: -22.237699567214314 27.658690230240481
==Z-range: -13.813966507560762 12.273995247458407
# Obtain the boundaries
dump x1 y1 z1 x2 y2 z2
==*********** Dump of x1 *************
==*********** Dump of y1 *************
==*********** Dump of z1 *************
==*********** Dump of x2 *************
==*********** Dump of y2 *************
==*********** Dump of z2 *************
# Compute the volume of AABB
vprops ra 1.0e-12
==Mass : 64949.9
# Let us check this value
dval (x2-x1)*(y2-y1)*(z2-z1)
The same result is obtained.
# Create OBB from the torus
bounding -s t -shape ro -dump -obb
==Oriented bounding box
==Center: -1.9405097014619073 2.7104953315130857 -0.76998563005117782
==X-axis: 0.31006700219833244 -0.23203206410428409 0.9219650619059514
==Y-axis: 0.098302309139513336 -0.95673739537318336 -0.27384340837854165
==Z-axis: 0.94561890324040099 0.17554109923901748 -0.27384340837854493
==Half X: 5.0000002000000077
==Half Y: 26.783728747002169
==Half Z: 26.783728747002165
# Compute the volume of OBB
vprops ro 1.0e-12
==Mass : 28694.7
As we can see, the volume of OBB is significantly less than the volume of AABB.
distmini name Shape1 Shape2
Calculates the minimum distance between two shapes. The calculation returns the number of solutions, if more than one solution exists. The options are displayed in the viewer in red and the results are listed in the shell window. The *distmini* lines are considered as shapes which have a value v.
box b 0 0 0 10 20 30
box b2 30 30 0 10 20 30
distmini d1 b b2
==the distance value is : 22.3606797749979
==the number of solutions is :2
==solution number 1
==the type of the solution on the first shape is 0
==the type of the solution on the second shape is 0
==the coordinates of the point on the first shape are:
==X=10 Y=20 Z=30
==the coordinates of the point on the second shape
==X=30 Y=30 Z=30
==solution number 2:
==the type of the solution on the first shape is 0
==the type of the solution on the second shape is 0
==the coordinates of the point on the first shape are:
==X=10 Y=20 Z=0
==the coordinates of the point on the second shape
==X=30 Y=30 Z=0
==d1_val d1 d12
xdistef edge face
xdistcs curve surface firstParam lastParam [NumberOfSamplePoints]
xdistcc curve1 curve2 startParam finishParam [NumberOfSamplePoints]
xdistcc2ds c curve2d surf startParam finishParam [NumberOfSamplePoints]
xdistc2dc2dss curve2d_1 curve2d_2 surface_1 surface_2 startParam finishParam [NumberOfSamplePoints]
It is assumed that curves have the same parametrization range and *startParam* is less than *finishParam*.
Commands with prefix *xdist* allow checking the distance between two objects on even grid:
* **xdistef** -- distance between edge and face;
* **xdistcs** -- distance between curve and surface. This means that the projection of each sample point to the surface is computed;
* **xdistcc** -- distance between two 3D curves;
* **xdistcc2ds** -- distance between 3d curve and 2d curve on surface;
* **xdistc2dc2dss** -- distance between two 2d curves on surface.
bopcurves b1 b2 -2d
mksurf s1 b1
mksurf s2 b2
xdistcs c_1 s1 0 1 100
xdistcc2ds c_1 c2d2_1 s2 0 1
xdistc2dc2dss c2d1_1 c2d2_1 s1 s2 0 1 1000
checkshape [-top] shape [result] [-short] [-parallel] [-exact]
* *top* -- optional parameter, which allows checking only topological validity of a shape.
* *shape* -- the only required parameter, defines the name of the shape to check.
* *result* -- optional parameter, defines custom prefix for the output shape names.
* *short* -- a short description of the check.
* *parallel* -- run check in multithread mode.
* *exact* -- run check using exact method.
**checkshape** examines the selected object for topological and geometric coherence. The object should be a three dimensional shape.
# checkshape returns a comment valid or invalid
box b1 0 0 0 1 1 1
checkshape b1
# returns the comment
this shape seems to be valid
tolsphere shape
* *shape* -- the name of the shape to process.
**tolsphere** shows vertex tolerances by drawing spheres around each vertex in the shape. Each sphere is assigned a name of the shape with suffix "_vXXX", where XXX is the number of the vertex in the shape.
# tolsphere returns all names of created spheres.
box b1 0 0 0 1 1 1
settolerance b1 0.05
tolsphere b1
# creates spheres and returns the names
b1_v1 b1_v2 b1_v3 b1_v4 b1_v5 b1_v6 b1_v7 b1_v8
validrange edge [(out) u1 u2]
* *edge* -- the name of the edge to analyze.
* *u1*, *u2* -- optional names of variables to put into the range.
**validrange** computes valid range of the edge. If *u1* and *u2* are not given, it returns the first and the last parameters. Otherwise, it sets variables *u1* and *u2*.
circle c 0 0 0 10
mkedge e c
mkedge e c 0 pi
validrange e
# returns the range
1.9884375000000002e-008 3.1415926337054181
validrange e u1 u2
dval u1
dval u2
Surface creation commands include surfaces created from boundaries and from spaces between shapes.
* **gplate** creates a surface from a boundary definition.
* **filling** creates a surface from a group of surfaces.
filling result nbB nbC nbP [SurfInit] [edge][face]order...
edge[face]order... point/u v face order...
Creates a surface between borders. This command uses the **gplate** algorithm but creates a surface that is tangential to the adjacent surfaces. The result is a smooth continuous surface based on the G1 criterion.
To define the surface border:
* enter the number of edges, constraints, and points
* enumerate the edges, constraints and points
The surface can pass through other points. These are defined after the border definition.
You can use the *fillingparam* command to access the filling parameters.
The options are:
* -l : to list current values
* -i : to set default values
* -rdeg nbPonC nbIt anis : to set filling options
* -c t2d t3d tang tcur : to set tolerances
* -a maxdeg maxseg : Approximation option
# to create four curved survaces and a point
plane p
trim p p -1 3 -1 3
mkface p p
beziercurve c1 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 0 0
mkedge e1 c1
tcopy e1 e2
tcopy e1 e3
ttranslate e2 0 2 0
trotate e3 0 0 0 0 0 1 90
tcopy e3 e4
ttranslate e4 2 0 0
point pp 1 1 0
prism f1 e1 0 -1 0
prism f2 e2 0 1 0
prism f3 e3 -1 0 0
prism f4 e4 1 0 0
# to create a tangential surface
filling r1 4 0 0 p e1 f1 1 e2 f2 1 e3 f3 1 e4 f4 1
# to create a tangential surface passing through point pp
filling r2 4 0 1 p e1 f1 1 e2 f2 1 e3 f3 1 e4 f4 1 pp#
# to visualise the surface in detail
isos r2 40
# to display the current filling parameters
fillingparam -l
Degree = 3
NbPtsOnCur = 10
NbIter = 3
Anisotropie = 0
Tol2d = 1e-05
Tol3d = 0.0001
TolAng = 0.01
TolCurv = 0.1
MaxDeg = 8
MaxSegments = 9
offsetshape r shape offset [tol] [face ...]
offsetcompshape r shape offset [face ...]
**offsetshape** and **offsetcompshape** assign a thickness to the edges of a shape. The *offset* value can be negative or positive. This value defines the thickness and direction of the resulting shape. Each face can be removed to create a hollow object.
The resulting shape is based on a calculation of intersections. In case of simple shapes such as a box, only the adjacent intersections are required and you can use the **offsetshape** command.
In case of complex shapes, where intersections can occur from non-adjacent edges and faces, use the **offsetcompshape** command. **comp** indicates complete and requires more time to calculate the result.
The opening between the object interior and exterior is defined by the argument face or faces.
box b1 10 20 30
explode b1 f
== b1_1 b1_2 b1_3 b1_4 b1_5 b1_6
offsetcompshape r b1 -1 b1_3
featprism shape element skface Dirx Diry Dirz Fuse(0/1/2) Modify(0/1)
featdprism shape face skface angle Fuse(0/1/2) Modify(0/1)
featrevol shape element skface Ox Oy Oz Dx Dy Dz Fuse(0/1/2) Modify(0/1)
featlf shape wire plane DirX DirY DirZ DirX DirY DirZ Fuse(0/1/2) Modify(0/1)
featrf shape wire plane X Y Z DirX DirY DirZ Size Size Fuse(0/1/2) Modify(0/1)
featperform prism/revol/pipe/dprism/lf result [[Ffrom] Funtil]
featperformval prism/revol/dprism/lf result value
**featprism** loads the arguments for a prism with contiguous sides normal to the face.
**featdprism** loads the arguments for a prism which is created in a direction normal to the face and includes a draft angle.
**featrevol** loads the arguments for a prism with a circular evolution.
**featlf** loads the arguments for a linear rib or slot. This feature uses planar faces and a wire as a guideline.
**featrf** loads the arguments for a rib or slot with a curved surface. This feature uses a circular face and a wire as a guideline.
**featperform** loads the arguments to create the feature.
**featperformval** uses the defined arguments to create a feature with a limiting value.
All the features are created from a set of arguments which are defined when you initialize the feature context. Negative values can be used to create depressions.
Let us create a feature prism with a draft angle and a normal direction :
# create a box with a wire contour on the upper face
box b 1 1 1
profil f O 0 0 1 F 0.25 0.25 x 0.5 y 0.5 x -0.5
explode b f
# loads the feature arguments defining the draft angle
featdprism b f b_6 5 1 0
# create the feature
featperformval dprism r 1
BRepFeat_Form::GlobalPerform ()
still Gluer
Gluer result
Let us create a feature prism with circular direction :
# create a box with a wire contour on the upper face
box b 1 1 1
profil f O 0 0 1 F 0.25 0.25 x 0.5 y 0.5 x -0.5
explode b f
# loads the feature arguments defining a rotation axis
featrevol b f b_6 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
featperformval revol r 45
BRepFeat_Form::GlobalPerform ()
still Gluer
Gluer result
Let us create a slot using the linear feature :
#create the base model using the multi viewer
profile p x 5 y 1 x -3 y -0.5 x -1.5 y 0.5 x 0.5 y 4 x -1 y -5
prism pr p 0 0 1
# create the contour for the linear feature
vertex v1 -0.2 4 0.3
vertex v2 0.2 4 0.3
vertex v3 0.2 0.2 0.3
vertex v4 4 0.2 0.3
vertex v5 4 -0.2 0.3
edge e1 v1 v2
edge e2 v2 v3
edge e3 v3 v4
edge e4 v4 v5
wire w e1 e2 e3 e4
# define a plane
plane pl 0.2 0.2 0.3 0 0 1
# loads the linear feature arguments
featlf pr w pl 0 0 0.3 0 0 0 0 1
featperform lf result
Let us create a rib using the revolution feature :
#create the base model using the multi viewer
pcylinder c1 3 5
# create the contour for the revolution feature
profile w c 1 190 WW
trotate w 0 0 0 1 0 0 90
ttranslate w -3 0 1
trotate w -3 0 1.5 0 0 1 180
plane pl -3 0 1.5 0 1 0
# loads the revolution feature arguments
featrf c1 w pl 0 0 0 0 0 1 0.3 0.3 1 1
featperform rf result
draft result shape dirx diry dirz angle shape/surf/length [-IN/-OUT] [Ri/Ro] [-Internal]
Computes a draft angle surface from a wire. The surface is determined by the draft direction, the inclination of the draft surface, a draft angle, and a limiting distance.
* The draft angle is measured in radians.
* The draft direction is determined by the argument -INTERNAL
* The argument Ri/Ro deftermines whether the corner edges of the draft surfaces are angular or rounded.
* Arguments that can be used to define the surface distance are:
* length, a defined distance
* shape, until the surface contacts a shape
* surface, until the surface contacts a surface.
**Note** that the original aim of adding a draft angle to a shape is to produce a shape which can be removed easily from a mould. The Examples below use larger angles than are used normally and the calculation results returned are not indicated.
# to create a simple profile
profile p F 0 0 x 2 y 4 tt 0 4 w
# creates a draft with rounded angles
draft res p 0 0 1 3 1 -Ro
# to create a profile with an internal angle
profile p F 0 0 x 2 y 4 tt 1 1.5 tt 0 4 w
# creates a draft with rounded external angles
draft res p 0 0 1 3 1 -Ro
deform newname name CoeffX CoeffY CoeffZ
Modifies the shape using the x, y, and z coefficients. You can reduce or magnify the shape in the x,y, and z directions.
pcylinder c 20 20
deform a c 1 3 5
# the conversion to bspline is followed by the
nurbsconvert result name [result name]
Changes the NURBS curve definition of a shape to a Bspline curve definition.
This conversion is required for asymmetric deformation and prepares the arguments for other commands such as **deform**.
The conversion can be necessary when transferring shape data to other applications.
**edgestofaces** - The command allows building planar faces from the planar edges randomly located in 3D space.
It has the following syntax:
edgestofaces r_faces edges [-a AngTol -s Shared(0/1)]
* -a AngTol - angular tolerance used for distinguishing the planar faces;
* -s Shared(0/1) - boolean flag which defines whether the input edges are already shared or have to be intersected.
Draw module for [History Information support]( includes the command to save history of modifications performed by Boolean operation or sibling commands into a drawable object and the actual history commands:
* **setfillhistory**;
* **savehistory**;
* **isdeleted**;
* **modified**;
* **generated**.
*setfillhistory* command controls if the history is needed to be filled in the supported algorithms and saved into the session after the algorithm is done.
By default it is TRUE, i.e. the history is filled and saved.
setfillhistory : Controls the history collection by the algorithms and its saving into the session after algorithm is done.
Usage: setfillhistory [flag]
w/o arguments prints the current state of the option;
flag == 0 - history will not be collected and saved;
flag != 0 - history will be collected and saved into the session (default).
box b1 10 10 10
box b2 10 10 10
setfillhistory 0
bfuse r b1 b2
savehistory h
# No history has been prepared yet.
setfillhistory 1
bfuse r b1 b2
savehistory h
dump h
# *********** Dump of h *************
# History contains:
# - 2 Deleted shapes;
# - 52 Modified shapes;
# - 0 Generated shapes.
*savehistory* command saves the history from the session into a drawable object with the given name.
savehistory : savehistory name
If the history of shape modifications performed during an operation is needed, the *savehistory* command should be called after the command performing the operation.
If another operation supporting history will be performed before the history of the first operation is saved it will be overwritten with the new history.
box b1 10 10 10
box b2 5 0 0 10 10 15
bfuse r b1 b2
savehistory fuse_hist
dump fuse_hist
#*********** Dump of fuse_hist *************
# History contains:
# - 4 Deleted shapes;
# - 20 Modified shapes;
# - 6 Generated shapes.
unifysamedom ru r
savehistory usd_hist
dump usd_hist
#*********** Dump of usd_hist *************
#History contains:
# - 14 Deleted shapes;
# - 28 Modified shapes;
# - 0 Generated shapes.
*isdeleted* command checks if the given shape has been deleted in the given history.
isdeleted : isdeleted history shape
box b1 4 4 4 2 2 2
box b2 10 10 10
bcommon r b1 b2
savehistory com_hist
# all vertices, edges and faces of the b2 are deleted
foreach s [join [list [explode b2 v] [explode b2 e] [explode b2 f] ] ] {
isdeleted com_hist $s
# Deleted
*modified* command returns the shapes Modified from the given shape in the given history. All modified shapes are put into a compound. If the shape has not been modified, the resulting compound will be empty. Note that if the shape has been modified into a single shape only, it will be returned without enclosure into the compound.
modified : modified modified_shapes history shape
box b 10 10 10
explode b e
fillet r b 2 b_1
savehistory fillet_hist
explode b f
modified m3 fillet_hist b_3
modified m5 fillet_hist b_5
*generated* command returns the shapes Generated from the given shape in the given history. All generated shapes are put into a compound. If no shapes have been generated from the shape, the resulting compound will be empty. Note that; if the shape has generated a single shape only, it will be returned without enclosure into the compound.
generated : generated generated_shapes history shape
polyline w1 0 0 0 10 0 0 10 10 0
polyline w2 5 1 10 9 1 10 9 5 10
thrusections r 0 0 w1 w2
savehistory loft_hist
explode w1 e
explode w2 e
generated g11 loft_hist w1_1
generated g12 loft_hist w1_2
generated g21 loft_hist w2_1
generated g22 loft_hist w2_2
compare g11 g21
# equal shapes
compare g12 g22
# equal shapes
Draw History mechanism allows fast and easy enabling of the Draw history support for the OCCT algorithms supporting standard history methods.
To enable History commands for the algorithm it is necessary to save the history of the algorithm into the session.
For that, it is necessary to put the following code into the command implementation just after the command is done:
BRepTest_Objects::SetHistory(ListOfArguments, Algorithm);
Here is the example of how it is done in the command performing Split operation (see implementation of the *bapisplit* command):
BRepAlgoAPI_Splitter aSplitter;
// setting arguments
// setting tools
// setting options
// performing operation
if (BRepTest_Objects::IsHistoryNeeded())
// Store the history for the Objects (overwrites the history in the session)
BRepTest_Objects::SetHistory(BOPTest_Objects::Shapes(), aSplitter);
// Add the history for the Tools
BRepTest_Objects::AddHistory(BOPTest_Objects::Tools(), aSplitter);
The method *BRepTest_Objects::IsHistoryNeeded()* controls if the history is needed to be filled in the algorithm and saved into the session after the algorithm is done (*setfillhistory* command controls this option in DRAW).
This chapter describes existing commands of Open CASCADE Draw Test Harness that are used for performing, analyzing, debugging the algorithm in Boolean Component.
See [Boolean operations]( user's guide for the description of these algorithms.
These commands perform Boolean operations on two shapes:
* **bop** performs intersection of given shapes and stores the intersection results into internal Data Structure.
* **bopfuse** creates a new shape representing the union of two shapes.
* **bopcut** creates a new shape representing a subtraction of a second argument from the first one.
* **boptuc** creates a new shape representing a subtraction of a first argument from the second one.
* **bopcommon** creates a new shape representing the intersection of two shapes.
* **bopsection** creates a new shape representing the intersection edges and vertices between shapes.
These commands allow intersecting the shapes only once for building all types of Boolean operations. After *bop* command is done, the other commands in this category use the intersection results prepared by *bop*.
It may be very useful as the intersection part is usually most time-consuming part of the operation.
bop shape1 shape2
bopcommon result
bopfuse result
bopcut result
boptuc result
Let's produce all four boolean operations on a box and a cylinder performing intersection only once:
box b 0 -10 5 20 20 10
pcylinder c 5 20
# intersect the shape, storing results into data structure
bop b c
# fuse operation
bopfuse s1
# cut operation
bopcut s2
# opposite cut operation
boptuc s3
# common operation
bopcommon s4
# section operation
bopsection s5
These commands also perform Boolean operations on two shapes. These are the short variants of the bop* commands.
Each of these commands performs both intersection and building the result and may be useful if you need only the result of a single boolean operation.
bcommon result shape1 shape2
bfuse result shape1 shape2
bcut result shape1 shape2
btuc result shape1 shape2
**bection** command has some additional options for faces intersection:
bsection result shape1 shape2 [-n2d/-n2d1/-n2d2] [-na]
result - result of the operation
shape1, shape2 - arguments of the operation
-n2d - disables PCurve construction on both objects
-n2d1 - disables PCurve construction on first object
-n2d2 - disables PCurve construction on second object
-na - disables approximation of the section curves
The modern Boolean Operations algorithm available in Open CASCADE Technology is capable of performing a Boolean Operations not only on two shapes, but on arbitrary number of shapes.
In terms of Boolean Operations these arguments are divided on two groups **Objects** and **Tools**. The meaning of these groups is similar to the single object and tool of Boolean Operations on two shapes.
The Boolean operations are based on the General Fuse operation (see [General Fuse algorithm]( which splits all input shapes basing on the intersection results.
Depending on the type of Boolean operation the BOP algorithm choses the necessary splits of the arguments.
The algorithms based on General Fuse operation are using the same commands for adding and clearing the arguments list and for performing intersection of these arguments.
The following commands are used to add the objects and tools for Boolean operations:
* **baddobjects** *S1 S2...Sn* -- adds shapes *S1, S2, ... Sn* as Objects;
* **baddtools** *S1 S2...Sn* -- adds shapes *S1, S2, ... Sn* as Tools;
The following commands are used to clear the objects and tools:
* **bclearobjects** -- clears the list of Objects;
* **bcleartools** -- clears the list of Tools;
So, when running subsequent operation in one Draw session, make sure you cleared the Objects and Tools from previous operation. Otherwise, the new arguments will be added to the current ones.
The command **bfillds** performs intersection of the arguments (**Objects** and **Tools**) and stores the intersection results into internal Data Structure.
The command **bbop** is used for building the result of Boolean Operation. It has to be used after **bfillds** command.
bbop result iOp
result - result of the operation
iOp - type of Boolean Operation. It could have the following values:
0 - COMMON operation
1 - FUSE operation
2 - CUT operation
3 - CUT21 (opposite CUT, i.e. objects and tools are swapped) operation
4 - SECTION operation
box b1 10 10 10
box b2 5 5 5 10 10 10
box b3 -5 -5 -5 10 10 10
# Clear objects and tools from previous runs
# add b1 as object
baddobjects b1
# add b2 and b3 as tools
baddtools b2 b3
# perform intersection
# build result
bbop rcom 0
bbop rfuse 1
bbop rcut 2
bbop rtuc 3
bbop rsec 4
The command **bbuild** is used for building the result of General Fuse Operation. It has to be used after **bfillds** command.
General Fuse operation does not make the difference between Objects and Tools considering both as objects.
bbuild result
box b1 10 10 10
box b2 5 5 5 10 10 10
box b3 -5 -5 -5 10 10 10
# Clear objects and tools from previous runs
# add b1 as object
baddobjects b1
# add b2 and b3 as tools
baddtools b2 b3
# perform intersection
# build result
bbuild result
Split operation splits the **Objects** by the **Tools**.
The command **bsplit** is used for building the result of Split operation. It has to be used after **bfillds** command.
box b1 10 10 10
box b2 5 5 5 10 10 10
box b3 -5 -5 -5 10 10 10
# Clear objects and tools from previous runs
# add b1 as object
baddobjects b1
# add b2 and b3 as tools
baddtools b2 b3
# perform intersection
# build result
bsplit result
There is an alternative way to build the result of Boolean operation using the **buildbop** command, which should be run after any other building command, such as **bbuild** or **bbop** or **bsplit**.
The command has the following features:
* It is designed to work on open solids and thus uses the alternative approach for building the results (see [BOP on open solids]( chapter of Boolean operations user guide).
* It allows changing the groups of Objects and Tools of the operation (even excluding some of the arguments is possible).
* History information for solids will be lost.
buildbop result -o s1 [s2 ...] -t s3 [s4 ...] -op operation (common/fuse/cut/tuc)
result - result shape of the operation
s1 s2 s3 s4 - arguments (solids) of the GF operation
operation - type of boolean operation
box b1 10 10 10
box b2 5 5 5 10 10 10
box b3 -5 -5 -5 10 10 10
baddobjects b1 b2 b3
bbuild r
# bbop command will not be available as the tools are not set
# but buildbop is available
# fuse of two
buildbop r1 -o b1 -t b2 -op fuse
buildbop r2 -o b2 -t b3 -op fuse
# fuse of all - it does not matter how the groups are formed
buildbop r3 -o b1 b2 -t b3 -op fuse
buildbop r4 -o b2 -t b1 b3 -op fuse
buildbop r5 -o b1 b2 b3 -op fuse
buildbop r6 -t b1 b2 b3 -op fuse
# common of two
buildbop r7 -o b2 -t b1 -op common
buildbop r8 -o b1 -t b3 -op common
# common
buildbop r9 -o b1 -t b2 b3 -op common
# cut
buildbop r10 -o b1 -t b2 b3 -op cut
# opposite cut
buildbop r11 -o b1 -t b2 b3 -op tuc
The following commands are used to perform the operation using API implementation of the algorithms:
* **bapibuild** -- to perform API general fuse operation.
* **bapibop** -- to perform API Boolean operation.
* **bapisplit** -- to perform API Split operation.
These commands have the same syntax as the analogical commands described above.
The algorithms in Boolean component have a wide range of options.
To see the current state of all option the command **boptions** should be used.
It has the following syntax:
boptions [-default]
-default - allows to set all options to default state.
To have an effect the options should be set before the operation (before *bfillds* command).
**brunparallel** command enables/disables the parallel processing mode of the operation.
brunparallel flag
flag is the boolean flag controlling the mode:
flag == 0 - parallel processing mode is off.
flag != 0 - parallel processing mode is on.
The command is applicable for all commands in the component.
**bnondestructive** command enables/disables the safe processing mode in which the input arguments are protected from modification.
bnondestructive flag
flag is the boolean flag controlling the mode:
flag == 0 - safe processing mode is off.
flag != 0 - safe processing mode is on.
The command is applicable for all commands in the component.
**bfuzzyvalue** command sets the additional tolerance for operations.
bfuzzyvalue value
The command is applicable for all commands in the component.
**bglue** command sets the gluing mode for the BOP algorithms.
bglue 0/1/2
0 - disables gluing mode.
1 - enables the Shift gluing mode.
2 - enables the Full gluing mode.
The command is applicable for all commands in the component.
**bcheckinverted** command enables/disables the check of the input solids on inverted status in BOP algorithms.
bcheckinverted 0 (off) / 1 (on)
The command is applicable for all commands in the component.
**buseobb** command enables/disables the usage of OBB in BOP algorithms.
buseobb 0 (off) / 1 (on)
The command is applicable for all commands in the component.
**bsimplify** command enables/disables the result simplification after BOP. The command is applicable only to the API variants of GF, BOP and Split operations.
bsimplify [-e 0/1] [-f 0/1] [-a tol]
-e 0/1 - enables/disables edges unification
-f 0/1 - enables/disables faces unification
-a tol - changes default angular tolerance of unification algo.
**bdrawwarnshapes** command enables/disables drawing of warning shapes of BOP algorithms.
bdrawwarnshapes 0 (do not draw) / 1 (draw warning shapes)
The command is applicable for all commands in the component.
bopcheck shape [level of check: 0 - 9]
It checks the given shape for self-interference. The optional level of check allows limiting the check to certain intersection types. Here are the types of interferences that will be checked for given level of check:
* 0 - only V/V;
* 1 - V/V and V/E;
* 2 - V/V, V/E and E/E;
* 3 - V/V, V/E, E/E and V/F;
* 4 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F and E/F;
* 5 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F and F/F;
* 6 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F and V/S;
* 7 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F, V/S and E/S;
* 8 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F, V/S, E/S and F/S;
* 9 - V/V, V/E, E/E, V/F, E/F, F/F, V/S, E/S, F/S and S/S - all interferences (Default value)
box b1 10 10 10
box b2 3 3 3 4 4 4
compound b1 b2 c
bopcheck c
In this example one box is completely included into other box. So the output shows that all sub-shapes of b2 interfering with the solid b1.
**bopcheck** command does not modifies the input shape, thus can be safely used.
**bopargcheck** syntax:
bopargcheck Shape1 [[Shape2] [-F/O/C/T/S/U] [/R|F|T|V|E|I|P|C|S]] [#BF]
F (fuse)
O (common)
C (cut)
T (cut21)
S (section)
U (unknown)
For example: "bopargcheck s1 s2 -F" enables checking for Fuse operation
default - section
R (disable small edges (shrank range) test)
F (disable faces verification test)
T (disable tangent faces searching test)
V (disable test possibility to merge vertices)
E (disable test possibility to merge edges)
I (disable self-interference test)
P (disable shape type test)
C (disable test for shape continuity)
S (disable curve on surface check)
For example: "bopargcheck s1 s2 /RI" disables small edge detection and self-intersection detection
default - all options are enabled
B (stop test on first faulty found); default OFF
F (full output for faulty shapes); default - output in a short format
NOTE: and are used only for couple of argument shapes, except I and P options that are always used for couple of shapes as well as for single shape test.
As you can see *bopargcheck* performs more extended check of the given shapes than *bopcheck*.
Let's make an edge with big vertices:
vertex v1 0 0 0
settolerance v1 0.5
vertex v2 1 0 0
settolerance v2 0.5
edge e v1 v2
top; don e; fit
tolsphere e
bopargcheck e
Here is the output of this command:
Made faulty shape: s1si_1
Made faulty shape: s1se_1
Faulties for FIRST shape found : 2
Shapes are not suppotrted by BOP: NO
Self-Intersections : YES Cases(1) Total shapes(2)
Check for SI has been aborted : NO
Too small edges : YES Cases(1) Total shapes(1)
Bad faces : NO
Too close vertices : DISABLED
Too close edges : DISABLED
Shapes with Continuity C0 : NO
Invalid Curve on Surface : NO
Faulties for SECOND shape found : 0
The following terms and definitions are used in this chapter:
* **DS** -- internal data structure used by the algorithm (*BOPDS_DS* object).
* **PaveFiller** -- intersection part of the algorithm (*BOPAlgo_PaveFiller* object).
* **Builder** -- builder part of the algorithm (*BOPAlgo_Builder* object).
* **IDS Index** -- the index of the vector *myLines*.
All commands listed below are available when the Intersection Part of the algorithm is done (i.e. after the command *bfillds*).
bopds -v [e, f]
* all BRep shapes of arguments that are in the DS [default];
* -v : only vertices of arguments that are in the DS;
* -e : only edges of arguments that are in the DS;
* -f : only faces of arguments that are in the DS.
Prints contents of the DS.
Draw[28]> bopdsdump
*** DS ***
Ranges:2 number of ranges
range: 0 33 indices for range 1
range: 34 67 indices for range 2
Shapes:68 total number of source shapes
0 : SOLID { 1 }
1 : SHELL { 2 12 22 26 30 32 }
2 : FACE { 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 }
3 : WIRE { 4 7 9 11 }
4 : EDGE { 5 6 }
5 : VERTEX { }
6 : VERTEX { }
7 : EDGE { 8 5 }
8 : VERTEX { }
``` 0 : SOLID { 1 } ``` has the following meaning:
* *0* -- index in the DS;
* *SOLID* -- type of the shape;
* { 1 } -- a DS index of the successors.
bopindex S
Prints DS index of shape *S*.
bopiterator [t1 t2]
Prints pairs of DS indices of source shapes that are intersected in terms of bounding boxes.
[t1 t2] are types of the shapes:
* *7* -- vertex;
* *6* -- edge;
* *4* -- face.
Draw[104]> bopiterator 6 4
EF: ( z58 z12 )
EF: ( z17 z56 )
EF: ( z19 z64 )
EF: ( z45 z26 )
EF: ( z29 z36 )
EF: ( z38 z32 )
* *bopiterator 6 4* prints pairs of indices for types: edge/face;
* *z58 z12* -- DS indices of intersecting edge and face.
bopinterf t
Prints contents of *myInterfTB* for the type of interference *t*:
* *t=0* : vertex/vertex;
* *t=1* : vertex/edge;
* *t=2* : edge/edge;
* *t=3* : vertex/face;
* *t=4* : edge/face.
Draw[108]> bopinterf 4
EF: (58, 12, 68), (17, 56, 69), (19, 64, 70), (45, 26, 71), (29, 36, 72), (38, 32, 73), 6 EF found.
Here, record (58, 12, 68) means:
* *58* -- a DS index of the edge;
* *12* -- a DS index of the face;
* *68* -- a DS index of the new vertex.
Displays split edges.
Draw[33]> bopsp
edge 58 : z58_74 z58_75
edge 17 : z17_76 z17_77
edge 19 : z19_78 z19_79
edge 45 : z45_80 z45_81
edge 29 : z29_82 z29_83
edge 38 : z38_84 z38_85
* *edge 58* -- 58 is a DS index of the original edge.
* *z58_74 z58_75* -- split edges, where 74, 75 are DS indices of the split edges.
bopcb [nE]
Prints Common Blocks for:
* all source edges (by default);
* the source edge with the specified index *nE*.
Draw[43]> bopcb 17
-- CB:
PB:{ E:71 orE:17 Pave1: { 68 3.000 } Pave2: { 18 10.000 } }
Faces: 36
This command dumps common blocks for the source edge with index 17.
* *PB* -- information about the Pave Block;
* *71* -- a DS index of the split edge
* *17* -- a DS index of the original edge
* Pave1 : { 68 3.000 } -- information about the Pave:
* *68* -- a DS index of the vertex of the pave
* *3.000* -- a parameter of vertex 68 on edge 17
* *Faces: 36* -- 36 is a DS index of the face the common block belongs to.
bopfin nF
Prints Face Info about IN-parts for the face with DS index *nF*.
Draw[47]> bopfin 36
pave blocks In:
PB:{ E:71 orE:17 Pave1: { 68 3.000 } Pave2: { 18 10.000 } }
PB:{ E:75 orE:19 Pave1: { 69 3.000 } Pave2: { 18 10.000 } }
vrts In:
* PB:{ E:71 orE:17 Pave1: { 68 3.000 } Pave2: { 18 10.000 } } -- information about the Pave Block;
* vrts In ... 18 -- a DS index of the vertex IN the face.
bopfon nF
Print Face Info about ON-parts for the face with DS index *nF*.
Draw[58]> bopfon 36
pave blocks On:
PB:{ E:72 orE:38 Pave1: { 69 0.000 } Pave2: { 68 10.000 } }
PB:{ E:76 orE:45 Pave1: { 69 0.000 } Pave2: { 71 10.000 } }
PB:{ E:78 orE:43 Pave1: { 71 0.000 } Pave2: { 70 10.000 } }
PB:{ E:74 orE:41 Pave1: { 68 0.000 } Pave2: { 70 10.000 } }
vrts On:
68 69 70 71
* PB:{ E:72 orE:38 Pave1: { 69 0.000 } Pave2: { 68 10.000 } } -- information about the Pave Block;
* vrts On: ... 68 69 70 71 -- DS indices of the vertices ON the face.
bopwho nS
Prints the information about the shape with DS index *nF*.
Draw[116]> bopwho 5
rank: 0
* *rank: 0* -- means that shape 5 results from the Argument with index 0.
Draw[118]> bopwho 68
the shape is new
EF: (58, 12),
FF curves: (12, 56),
FF curves: (12, 64),
This means that shape 68 is a result of the following interferences:
* *EF: (58, 12)* -- edge 58 / face 12
* *FF curves: (12, 56)* -- edge from the intersection curve between faces 12 and 56
* *FF curves: (12, 64)* -- edge from the intersection curve between faces 12 and 64
bopnews -v [-e]
* -v -- displays all new vertices produced during the operation;
* -e -- displays all new edges produced during the operation.
The commands listed below are available when the Building Part of the algorithm is done (i.e. after the command *bbuild*).
bopim S
Shows the compound of shapes that are images of shape *S* from the argument.
This chapter presents some general information about Data Exchange (DE) operations.
DE commands are intended for translation files of various formats (IGES,STEP) into OCCT shapes with their attributes (colors, layers etc.)
This files include a number of entities. Each entity has its own number in the file which we call label and denote as # for a STEP file and D for an IGES file. Each file has entities called roots (one or more). A full description of such entities is contained in the Users' Guides
* for STEP format and
* for IGES format.
Each Draw session has an interface model, which is a structure for keeping various information.
The first step of translation is loading information from a file into a model.
The second step is creation of an OpenCASCADE shape from this model.
Each entity from a file has its own number in the model (num). During the translation a map of correspondences between labels(from file) and numbers (from model) is created.
The model and the map are used for working with most of DE commands.
igesread []
Reads an IGES file to an OCCT shape. This command will interactively ask the user to select a set of entities to be converted.
| N | Mode | Description |
| :-- | :-- | :---------- |
| 0 | End | finish conversion and exit igesbrep |
| 1 | Visible roots | convert only visible roots |
| 2 | All roots | convert all roots |
| 3 | One entity | convert entity with number provided by the user |
| 4 | Selection | convert only entities contained in selection |
After the selected set of entities is loaded the user will be asked how loaded entities should be converted into OCCT shapes (e.g., one shape per root or one shape for all the entities). It is also possible to save loaded shapes in files, and to cancel loading.
The second parameter of this command defines the name of the loaded shape. If several shapes are created, they will get indexed names. For instance, if the last parameter was *s*, they will be *s_1, ... s_N*.
\ specifies the scope of selected entities in the model, by default it is *xst-transferrable-roots*. If we use symbol * as \ all roots will be translated.
See also the detailed description of Selecting IGES entities.
# translation all roots from file
igesread /disk01/files/model.igs a *