Name | Type | Description | Notes |
id | str, none_type | ||
account_id | str, none_type | ||
date | date, none_type | The transaction date in ISO format (e.g. 2016-12-01). Future dates (scheduled transactions) are not permitted. Split transaction dates cannot be changed and if a different date is supplied it will be ignored. | |
amount | int, none_type | The transaction amount in milliunits format. Split transaction amounts cannot be changed and if a different amount is supplied it will be ignored. | |
payee_id | str, none_type | The payee for the transaction. To create a transfer between two accounts, use the account transfer payee pointing to the target account. Account transfer payees are specified as `tranfer_payee_id` on the account resource. | [optional] |
payee_name | str, none_type | The payee name. If a `payee_name` value is provided and `payee_id` has a null value, the `payee_name` value will be used to resolve the payee by either (1) a matching payee rename rule (only if `import_id` is also specified) or (2) a payee with the same name or (3) creation of a new payee. | [optional] |
category_id | str, none_type | The category for the transaction. To configure a split transaction, you can specify null for `category_id` and provide a `subtransactions` array as part of the transaction object. If an existing transaction is a split, the `category_id` cannot be changed. Credit Card Payment categories are not permitted and will be ignored if supplied. | [optional] |
memo | str, none_type | [optional] | |
cleared | str, none_type | The cleared status of the transaction | [optional] |
approved | bool | Whether or not the transaction is approved. If not supplied, transaction will be unapproved by default. | [optional] |
flag_color | str, none_type | The transaction flag | [optional] |
import_id | str, none_type | If specified, the new transaction will be assigned this `import_id` and considered "imported". We will also attempt to match this imported transaction to an existing "user-entered" transation on the same account, with the same amount, and with a date +/-10 days from the imported transaction date.<br><br>Transactions imported through File Based Import or Direct Import (not through the API) are assigned an import_id in the format: 'YNAB:[milliunit_amount]:[iso_date]:[occurrence]'. For example, a transaction dated 2015-12-30 in the amount of -$294.23 USD would have an import_id of 'YNAB:-294230:2015-12-30:1'. If a second transaction on the same account was imported and had the same date and same amount, its import_id would be 'YNAB:-294230:2015-12-30:2'. Using a consistent format will prevent duplicates through Direct Import and File Based Import.<br><br>If import_id is omitted or specified as null, the transaction will be treated as a "user-entered" transaction. As such, it will be eligible to be matched against transactions later being imported (via DI, FBI, or API). | [optional] |
subtransactions | [SaveSubTransaction] | An array of subtransactions to configure a transaction as a split. Updating `subtransactions` on an existing split transaction is not supported. | [optional] |
any string name | bool, date, datetime, dict, float, int, list, str, none_type | any string name can be used but the value must be the correct type | [optional] |