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e7e3e61 · Sep 25, 2015




Coding Guide

This file is intended to be notes about code structure in cxxnet.

  • The project follows Google's C code style
    • All the module interface are heavily documented in doxygen format
  • Contribution is to the code and this NOTE welcomed!
  • If you have questions on code, fire an github issue
    • If you want to help improve this note, send a pullreq

Getting Started

  • In each folder in the src, you can find a .h file with the same name as the folder
    • These are interface of that module, heavily documented with doxygen comment
    • Start with these the interface header to understand the interface
  • All the rest of the -inl.hpp files are implementations of the interface
    • These are invisible to other modules
    • Templatized class with parameter xpu that can stands for cpu or gpu
  • The project depends on mshadow for tensor operations
    • You can find the documentation on mshadow in its repo.

Project Logical Layout

  • Dependency order: nnet->updater->layer
    • All module depends on global.h and utils
    • io is an independent module
  • layer is implementation of neural net layers and defines forward and backward propagation
  • updater is the parameter updating module, it defines update rule of weights
    • AsyncUpdater is a special updater that handles asynchronize communication and update
    • It uses mshadow-ps to do async communication
  • nnet is the neural net structure that combines layers together to form a neural net
    • Dependency in nnet: CXXNetThreadTrainer->NeuralNetThread->NeuralNet
  • io is the input module to handle reading various data and preprocessing
    • io uses iterator pattern to handle data processing pipeline
    • The pipeline can be mult-threaded using threadbuffer trick

How do They Work Together

  • Data is pulled from io module to feed into nnet
  • nnet contains #gpu threads, that get part of data, call layer objects to do forwardbackprop
  • For each weights, an updater is created
    • AsyncUpdater.AfterBackprop is called after backprop of the corresponding layer to push out gradient
    • AsyncUPdater.UpdateWait is called before forward to the layer
    • mshadow-ps does the async trick of parameter communication
  • AsyncUpdater will call IUpdater, which does the updating trick
    • If update_on_server is on, IUpdater will be created on server-side instead

File Naming Convention

  • .h files are data structures and interface
    • In each folder, there is one .h file that have same name as the folder, this file defines everything needed for other module to use this module
    • Interface headers: layer/layer.h, updater/updater.h
  • -inl.hpp files are implementations of interface, like cpp file in most project.
    • You only need to understand the interface file to understand the usage of that layer
  • In each folder, there can be a .cpp file, and .cu file that that compiles the module of that layer
    • the .cpp file and .cu file does not contain implementation, but reuse common implementation in file ends with _impl-inl.hpp