- NodeJS
- npm
- gulp
- bower
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"
brew install node
npm install -g bower
npm install -g gulp
Pull down everything that's configured with bower and npm. I think it's:
npm install
bower install
Will need up update the ngFitText bower.json file to point to 'src/ng-FitText.js' instead of '/src/ng-FitText.js'
Install NodeJS using the MSI package available at: http://nodejs.org/download/
Issue the following commands via command line:
npm install -g bower
npm install -g gulp
Navigate to your project root via command line and use the following command:
npm install
Use Git Shell to install bower in the following manner; do so from your project's root directory:
bower install
select option 2 when prompted for user input
Run the dashboard from the following command:
gulp serve
Are under src/components/templates. Currently only capone is used. Just add <widget name="[your new widget name]"></widget>
and you're good to go.
All widgets have to be hardcoded into the layout right now.
In terminal navigate to the project root and run gulp serve
. Should serve up on port 3000.
Local Testing with Mocks:
gulp serve --local true
or you can run via maven from UI project root folder
mvn clean package integration-test
for local testing of Hygieia UI layer
All data is currently coming from the test-data folder so you shouldn't need an api, but also means no settings will be saved..
# from top-level project
mvn clean package -pl UI docker:build
docker run -t -p 8088:80 --link hygieia-api -i hygieia-ui:latest
- From module core generate a secret key. java -jar /core-2.0.2-SNAPSHOT.jar com.capitalone.dashboard.util.Encryption
- Add this generated key to api.properties
key= 3. Add the same key to your repo settings file. This is needed for the target collector to decrypt your saved repo password. For example, if your repo is github add the following.