diff --git a/src/components/dbp-cabinet-facets.js b/src/components/dbp-cabinet-facets.js
index 372c61d..07c5b23 100644
--- a/src/components/dbp-cabinet-facets.js
+++ b/src/components/dbp-cabinet-facets.js
@@ -3,11 +3,52 @@
import {ScopedElementsMixin} from '@dbp-toolkit/common';
import {css, html, render, unsafeCSS} from 'lit';
import * as commonStyles from '@dbp-toolkit/common/styles';
+import DBPLitElement from '@dbp-toolkit/common/dbp-lit-element';
import DBPCabinetLitElement from '../dbp-cabinet-lit-element.js';
import {panel, refinementList } from 'instantsearch.js/es/widgets/index.js';
import {connectCurrentRefinements, connectClearRefinements} from 'instantsearch.js/es/connectors';
import {createDateRefinement} from './dbp-cabinet-date-facet.js';
import {getIconSVGURL} from '../utils.js';
+import {createInstance} from '../i18n.js';
+class FacetLabel extends DBPLitElement {
+ constructor() {
+ super();
+ this._i18n = createInstance();
+ this.lang = this._i18n.language;
+ this.namespace = "";
+ this.value = "";
+ }
+ static get properties() {
+ return {
+ ...super.properties,
+ lang: {type: String},
+ namespace: {type: String},
+ value: {type: String},
+ };
+ }
+ render() {
+ let text = this._i18n.t(`typesense-schema.${this.namespace}.${this.value}`, this.value);
+ return html`${text}`;
+ }
+ update(changedProperties) {
+ changedProperties.forEach((oldValue, propName) => {
+ switch (propName) {
+ case 'lang':
+ this._i18n.changeLanguage(this.lang);
+ break;
+ }
+ });
+ super.update(changedProperties);
+ }
+// FIXME: don't register globally
+customElements.define('dbp-cabinet-facet-label', FacetLabel);
export class CabinetFacets extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPCabinetLitElement) {
constructor() {
@@ -355,9 +396,7 @@ export class CabinetFacets extends ScopedElementsMixin(DBPCabinetLitElement) {
checked=${item.isRefined} />
- ${item.label}
diff --git a/src/i18n/de/translation.json b/src/i18n/de/translation.json
index a8a0751..c8e221d 100644
--- a/src/i18n/de/translation.json
+++ b/src/i18n/de/translation.json
@@ -1,4 +1,118 @@
+ "typesense-schema": {
+ "@type": {
+ "Person": "Person",
+ "DocumentFile": "Dokument"
+ },
+ "file.base.fileSource": {
+ "cabinet-bucket": "Manuell hochgeladen"
+ },
+ "file.base.isPartOf": {
+ "CostReimbursement": "Kostenerstattung"
+ },
+ "file.file-cabinet-admissionNotice.decision": {
+ "rejected": "Abgelehnt",
+ "refused": "Verweigert",
+ "granted": "Bewilligt"
+ },
+ "file.base.mimeType": {
+ "application/pdf": "PDF (.pdf)"
+ },
+ "file.file-cabinet-citizenshipCertificate.nationality": {
+ "ALB": "Albanien",
+ "AND": "Andorra",
+ "AUT": "Österreich",
+ "BLR": "Belarus",
+ "BEL": "Belgien",
+ "BIH": "Bosnien und Herzegowina",
+ "BGR": "Bulgarien",
+ "HRV": "Kroatien",
+ "CYP": "Zypern",
+ "CZE": "Tschechische Republik",
+ "DNK": "Dänemark",
+ "EST": "Estland",
+ "FIN": "Finnland",
+ "FRA": "Frankreich",
+ "DEU": "Deutschland",
+ "GRC": "Griechenland",
+ "HUN": "Ungarn",
+ "ISL": "Island",
+ "IRL": "Irland",
+ "ITA": "Italien",
+ "LVA": "Lettland",
+ "LIE": "Liechtenstein",
+ "LTU": "Litauen",
+ "LUX": "Luxemburg",
+ "MLT": "Malta",
+ "MDA": "Moldawien",
+ "MCO": "Monaco",
+ "MNE": "Montenegro",
+ "NLD": "Niederlande",
+ "MKD": "Nordmazedonien",
+ "NOR": "Norwegen",
+ "POL": "Polen",
+ "PRT": "Portugal",
+ "ROU": "Rumänien",
+ "RUS": "Russland",
+ "SMR": "San Marino",
+ "SRB": "Serbien",
+ "SVK": "Slowakei",
+ "SVN": "Slowenien",
+ "ESP": "Spanien",
+ "SWE": "Schweden",
+ "CHE": "Schweiz",
+ "UKR": "Ukraine",
+ "GBR": "Vereinigtes Königreich",
+ "VAT": "Vatikanstadt"
+ },
+ "file.file-cabinet-identityDocument.nationality": {
+ "ALB": "Albanien",
+ "AND": "Andorra",
+ "AUT": "Österreich",
+ "BLR": "Belarus",
+ "BEL": "Belgien",
+ "BIH": "Bosnien und Herzegowina",
+ "BGR": "Bulgarien",
+ "HRV": "Kroatien",
+ "CYP": "Zypern",
+ "CZE": "Tschechische Republik",
+ "DNK": "Dänemark",
+ "EST": "Estland",
+ "FIN": "Finnland",
+ "FRA": "Frankreich",
+ "DEU": "Deutschland",
+ "GRC": "Griechenland",
+ "HUN": "Ungarn",
+ "ISL": "Island",
+ "IRL": "Irland",
+ "ITA": "Italien",
+ "LVA": "Lettland",
+ "LIE": "Liechtenstein",
+ "LTU": "Litauen",
+ "LUX": "Luxemburg",
+ "MLT": "Malta",
+ "MDA": "Moldawien",
+ "MCO": "Monaco",
+ "MNE": "Montenegro",
+ "NLD": "Niederlande",
+ "MKD": "Nordmazedonien",
+ "NOR": "Norwegen",
+ "POL": "Polen",
+ "PRT": "Portugal",
+ "ROU": "Rumänien",
+ "RUS": "Russland",
+ "SMR": "San Marino",
+ "SRB": "Serbien",
+ "SVK": "Slowakei",
+ "SVN": "Slowenien",
+ "ESP": "Spanien",
+ "SWE": "Schweden",
+ "CHE": "Schweiz",
+ "UKR": "Ukraine",
+ "GBR": "Vereinigtes Königreich",
+ "VAT": "Vatikanstadt"
+ }
+ },
"cabinet-search": {
"filters": "Filter",
"type-filter-group-title": "Kategorie",
@@ -26,8 +140,8 @@
"filter-study-type-title": "Abschlussziel",
"filter-study-status-text-title": "Studienstatus",
"filter-file-base-additional-type-text-title": "Dokumenttyp",
- "filter-file-base-mime-type-title": "MIME typ",
- "filter-file-base-file-source-title": "Digitalisatsquelle",
+ "filter-file-base-mime-type-title": "Dateiformat",
+ "filter-file-base-file-source-title": "Dateiquelle",
"filter-file-base-semester-title": "Semester",
"filter-file-base-study-field-name-title": "Studium",
"filter-file-base-is-part-of-title": "Zugeordneter Vorgang",
diff --git a/src/i18n/en/translation.json b/src/i18n/en/translation.json
index e14a9b2..d3d760a 100644
--- a/src/i18n/en/translation.json
+++ b/src/i18n/en/translation.json
@@ -1,4 +1,118 @@
+ "typesense-schema": {
+ "@type": {
+ "Person": "Person",
+ "DocumentFile": "Document"
+ },
+ "file.base.fileSource": {
+ "cabinet-bucket": "Manually uploaded"
+ },
+ "file.base.isPartOf": {
+ "CostReimbursement": "Cost Reimbursement"
+ },
+ "file.file-cabinet-admissionNotice.decision": {
+ "rejected": "Rejected",
+ "refused": "Refused",
+ "granted": "Granted"
+ },
+ "file.base.mimeType": {
+ "application/pdf": "PDF (.pdf)"
+ },
+ "file.file-cabinet-citizenshipCertificate.nationality": {
+ "ALB": "Albania",
+ "AND": "Andorra",
+ "AUT": "Austria",
+ "BLR": "Belarus",
+ "BEL": "Belgium",
+ "BIH": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
+ "BGR": "Bulgaria",
+ "HRV": "Croatia",
+ "CYP": "Cyprus",
+ "CZE": "Czech Republic",
+ "DNK": "Denmark",
+ "EST": "Estonia",
+ "FIN": "Finland",
+ "FRA": "France",
+ "DEU": "Germany",
+ "GRC": "Greece",
+ "HUN": "Hungary",
+ "ISL": "Iceland",
+ "IRL": "Ireland",
+ "ITA": "Italy",
+ "LVA": "Latvia",
+ "LIE": "Liechtenstein",
+ "LTU": "Lithuania",
+ "LUX": "Luxembourg",
+ "MLT": "Malta",
+ "MDA": "Moldova",
+ "MCO": "Monaco",
+ "MNE": "Montenegro",
+ "NLD": "Netherlands",
+ "MKD": "North Macedonia",
+ "NOR": "Norway",
+ "POL": "Poland",
+ "PRT": "Portugal",
+ "ROU": "Romania",
+ "RUS": "Russia",
+ "SMR": "San Marino",
+ "SRB": "Serbia",
+ "SVK": "Slovakia",
+ "SVN": "Slovenia",
+ "ESP": "Spain",
+ "SWE": "Sweden",
+ "CHE": "Switzerland",
+ "UKR": "Ukraine",
+ "GBR": "United Kingdom",
+ "VAT": "Vatican City"
+ },
+ "file.file-cabinet-identityDocument.nationality": {
+ "ALB": "Albania",
+ "AND": "Andorra",
+ "AUT": "Austria",
+ "BLR": "Belarus",
+ "BEL": "Belgium",
+ "BIH": "Bosnia and Herzegovina",
+ "BGR": "Bulgaria",
+ "HRV": "Croatia",
+ "CYP": "Cyprus",
+ "CZE": "Czech Republic",
+ "DNK": "Denmark",
+ "EST": "Estonia",
+ "FIN": "Finland",
+ "FRA": "France",
+ "DEU": "Germany",
+ "GRC": "Greece",
+ "HUN": "Hungary",
+ "ISL": "Iceland",
+ "IRL": "Ireland",
+ "ITA": "Italy",
+ "LVA": "Latvia",
+ "LIE": "Liechtenstein",
+ "LTU": "Lithuania",
+ "LUX": "Luxembourg",
+ "MLT": "Malta",
+ "MDA": "Moldova",
+ "MCO": "Monaco",
+ "MNE": "Montenegro",
+ "NLD": "Netherlands",
+ "MKD": "North Macedonia",
+ "NOR": "Norway",
+ "POL": "Poland",
+ "PRT": "Portugal",
+ "ROU": "Romania",
+ "RUS": "Russia",
+ "SMR": "San Marino",
+ "SRB": "Serbia",
+ "SVK": "Slovakia",
+ "SVN": "Slovenia",
+ "ESP": "Spain",
+ "SWE": "Sweden",
+ "CHE": "Switzerland",
+ "UKR": "Ukraine",
+ "GBR": "United Kingdom",
+ "VAT": "Vatican City"
+ }
+ },
"cabinet-search": {
"filters": "Filters",
"type-filter-group-title": "Category",
@@ -26,8 +140,8 @@
"filter-study-type-title": "Degree",
"filter-study-status-text-title": "Study status",
"filter-file-base-additional-type-text-title": "Document type",
- "filter-file-base-mime-type-title": "MIME type",
- "filter-file-base-file-source-title": "Digital document source",
+ "filter-file-base-mime-type-title": "File format",
+ "filter-file-base-file-source-title": "File source",
"filter-file-base-semester-title": "Semester",
"filter-file-base-study-field-name-title": "Study field",
"filter-file-base-is-part-of-title": "Assigned process",