This project is no longer maintained.
The recommended way for custom configuration is now to simply use Rails.config.x
or Rails.config
– see
Simple application configuration for Ruby on Rails. Uses plain ruby, no YAML or databases involved. Requires Rails 3.
Based on code posted by Mark Johnson:
Add AppConfig to your Gemfile:
gem 'app_config', :git => 'git://'
Run the generator to create the directories and example files:
rails generate app_config:install
Define base configuration settings in config/app_config/application.rb
AppConfig.app_title = "My Application"
AppConfig.mail_prefix = ""
Use the files in config/app_config/environments
for environment specific overrides, for example in development.rb
AppConfig.mail_prefix = "[DEV] "
In development, Configuration is reloaded automatically before every request, so you don't need to restart your application for changes to take effect.
Access configuration settings, for example, in a mailer:
class UserMailer < ActionMailer::Base
def welcome_email(user)
mail(:to =>,
:subject => "#{AppConfig.mail_prefix}Welcome to #{AppConfig.app_title}!")
Note: AppConfig inherits from ActiveSupport::OrderedOptions, so accessing undefined settings will always return nil
AppConfig is hosted on Github:, where your contributions, forkings, comments and feedback are greatly welcomed.
Copyright © 2011 Stefan Daschek, released under the MIT license.