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DHIS2 propTypes

This package contains common prop types used across dhis2 apps and libraries.


yarn add @dhis2/prop-types

Available prop-types


arrayWithLength([min], [max], [propType])Error | null

Ensure the prop value is an array with a length between a minimum and maximum. If a third propType argument is passed each item in the array needs to be of that prop-type

conditional(propsToPropType)Error | null

Conditionally determines a prop type bases on the passed props

instanceOfComponent(Component)Error | null

Ensure the prop value is an instance of a certain component

mutuallyExclusive(exlusivePropNames, propType)Error | null

Ensure that only one property within a specified list is thruthy This function will also check if the current property value is of the specified type

requiredIf(siblingPropName)Error | null

Ensure the prop has a value (i.e. treat it as required) when a given sibling prop also has a value, and ensure the prop is of the correct prop-type

arrayWithLength([min], [max], [propType]) ⇒ Error | null

Ensure the prop value is an array with a length between a minimum and maximum. If a third propType argument is passed each item in the array needs to be of that prop-type

Kind: global function
Returns: Error | null - Returns null if all conditions are met, or an error

Param Type Default Description
[min] number 0 The minimal array length
[max] number Infinity The maximal array length
[propType] function The prop-type that each array item needs to conform to


import React from 'react'
import { arrayWithLength } from '@dhis2/prop-types'

const LotsOfLists = (props) => <div {...props}>Does nothing</div>

LotsOfLists.propTypes = {
    arrayWithMaxThreeNumbers: arrayWithLength(0, 3, propTypes.number),
    arrayWithAtLeastSixStrings: arrayWithLength(6, undefined, propTypes.string),
    arrayWithAtLeastTenItems: arrayWithLength(10),
    mandatoryArrayBetweenOneAndTen: arrayWithLength(1, 10).isRequired,

conditional(propsToPropTypes) ⇒ Error | null

Determine the prop type of a prop by the value(s) of a/several passed prop(s). This will restrict the propType in contrast to oneOfType.

Kind: global function
Returns: Error | null - Returns null if all conditions are met, or an error

Param Type Default Description
propsToPropType Function The function that will determine the actual prop type


import React from 'react'
import { conditional } from '@dhis2/prop-types'

const Select = ({ multiple, selected: _selected, options }) => {
    const selected = multiple ? _selected : [ _selected ]

    return (
        // ...

const option = propTypes.shape({
    value: propTypes.string.isReuqired,
    labe: propTypes.string.isReuqired,

LotsOfLists.propTypes = {
    // ...
    options: propTypes.arrayOf(option).isRequired,
    selected: conditional(
        props => props.multiple ? propTypes.arrayOf(option) : option
    // ...

instanceOfComponent(Component) ⇒ Error | null

Ensure the prop value is an instance of a certain component

Kind: global function
Returns: Error | null - Returns null if all conditions are met, or an error

Param Type Description
Component function | string The component that is expected. Can either be a React component, or a string for built-in components, such as 'span', 'div', etc.


import React from 'react'
import { instanceOfComponent } from '@dhis2/prop-types'
import { Button } from './Button'

const ButtonWrap = ({ children }) => <div>{children}</div>
// This would allow the ButtonWrap to be empty
ButtonWrap.propTypes = {
    children: instanceOfComponent(Button),

// Enforce presence of a Button instance
ButtonWrap.propTypes = {
    children: instanceOfComponent(Button).isRequired,

// Enforce presence of a multiple children, all Button instances
ButtonWrap.propTypes = {
    children: proptypes.arrayOf(instanceOfComponent(Button)).isRequired,

mutuallyExclusive(exlusivePropNames, propType) ⇒ Error | null

Ensure that only one property within a specified list is thruthy This function will also check if the current property value is of the specified type

Kind: global function
Returns: Error | null - Returns null if all conditions are met, or an error

Param Type Description
exlusivePropNames array.<string> The prop names to be checked
propType function The prop-type that the current prop-value needs to conform to


import React from 'react'
import cx from 'classnames'
import propTypes from 'prop-types'
import { mutuallyExclusive } from '@dhis2/prop-types'

const Alert = ({ danger, warning, success, children }) => (
    <div className={cx({ danger, warning, success })}>{children}</div>

const statusPropType = mutuallyExclusive(
    ['danger', 'warning', 'success'],

Alert.propTypes = {
    children: propTypes.node,
    danger: statusPropType,
    warning: statusPropType,
    success: statusPropType,

requiredIf(siblingPropName) ⇒ Error | null

Ensure the prop has a value (i.e. treat it as required) when a given sibling prop also has a value, and ensure the prop is of the correct prop-type

Kind: global function
Returns: Error | null - Returns null if all conditions are met, or an error

Param Type Description
siblingPropName function The name of the sibling prop


import React from 'react'
import { requiredIf } from '@dhis2/prop-types'

const Test = ({ someBool, someString }) => (
        <h1>someBool: {someBool ? 'true' : 'false'}</h1>
        <h1>someString: {someString}</h1>
Test.propTypes = {
    someBool: propTypes.bool,
    someString: requiredIf((props) => props.someBool, propTypes.string),

Migrating to @dhis2/prop-types V3

Change summary

@dhis2/prop-types previously had a direct dependency on the prop-types library and also re-exported its exports:

  • In v1 we used to export a default object that included all of the regular prop-types and the DHIS2 custom prop-types. We also exposed all the regular and custom prop-types as named exports.
  • In v2 we took a slightly different approach:
    • DHIS2 custom prop-types were available as named exports
    • The default export was an object containing all the custom prop-types
    • Regular prop-types were exported via the PropTypes export
  • And now in v3 we do not re-export anything from the prop-types package anymore. Instead we simply expose our own custom prop-types functions as named exports.

Migrating from v1 to v3

These are the steps to take:

  1. Install version v3.0.0, for example by running yarn upgrade @dhis2/prop-types --latest. Ensure the package.json has an entry for "@dhis2/prop-types": "^3.x.x"
  2. Prepare the files for the new version by running the codemod provided with this release:
    • Ensure a recent version of @dhis2/cli is installed.
    • Ensure the codemod is available by running:
      d2 utils codemod list
      You should see @dhis2/prop-types:prop-types-v1-v3.js listed.
    • Apply the codemod by running:
      d2 utils codemod apply @dhis2/prop-types:prop-types-v1-v3.js **/*.js`
  3. Ensure the prop-types package is listed as a regular dependency in package.json.
  4. Scan the project for imports from @dhis2/prop-types (doing a global search for from '@dhis2/prop-types' will do the trick).
    • If any of these imports are encountered, the project still needs this dependency.
    • Quite likely, the search will yield no results, which means the @dhis2/prop-types dependency should be removed.

Migrating from v2 to v3

No codemod is available to transform the component files, but this should be fairly straightforward:

  1. Replace import { PropTypes } from '@dhis2/prop-types' with import PropTypes from 'prop-types'.
  2. The previous step should update most of the component files in the project correctly. If there are still component files left that import from @dhis2/prop-types, then probably these are actually using DHIS2 custom prop-types and these files should be addressed individually.

Once the component files have been updated, the dependencies in package.json need to be updated in eaxtly the same way as illustrated in step 3 and 4 of the v1 -> 3 migration section.

Report an issue

The issue tracker can be found in DHIS2 JIRA under the LIBS project.

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