OS Process Tracker implements the JobTracker interface used by the Go DRMAA2 implementation in order to use standard OS processes as a backend for managing jobs as processes from the DRMAA2 interface.
A JobTemplate requires at least:
* RemoteCommand -> Path to the executable
Job arrays are supported, also the control of the amount of jobs running concurrently.
DRMAA2 Job Control | OS Process |
Suspend | SIGTSTP |
Resume | SIGCONT |
Terminate | SIGKILL |
Hold | Unsupported |
Release | Unsupported |
DRMAA2 State | Process State |
Queued | Unsupported |
Running | PID is found |
Suspended | |
Done | |
Failed |
Removes a finished or failed job from the internal DB to free up memory.
A JobTemplate is mapped into the process creation process in the following way:
DRMAA2 JobTemplate | OS Process |
RemoteCommand | Executable to start |
JobName | |
Args | Arguments of the executable |
WorkingDir | Working directory |
JobEnvironment | Environment variables set |
InputPath | If set it uses this file as stdin for the job |
OutputPath | File to print stdout to (like /dev/stdout) |
ErrorPath | File to print stderr to (like /dev/stderr) |
JOB_ID env variable is set and TASK_ID env variable is set in case of a a job array.
For finished jobs following fields could be available:
JobInfo | OS Process |
ExitStatus | exit status |
TerminatingSignal | signal name |
State | Done or Failed |
WallclockTime | Duration since start |
ID | process ID |
AllocatedMachines | local hostname |
FinishTime | time termination is recognized |
SubmissionHost | local hostname |
JobOwner | user ID (getuid()) |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultJSessionMaxRSS] | maxRSS |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultJSessionSwap] | nswap |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultJSessionInBlock] | inblock |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultJSessionOutBlock] | oublock |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultJSessionSystemTime] | system time in ms |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultJSessionUserTime] | user time in ms |
For jobs tracked through the monitoring session following fields could be available:
JobInfo | OS Process |
State | Running |
DispatchTime | Start time of process |
SubmissionTime | Same as dispatch time |
WallclockTime | now - dispatch time |
AllocatedMachines | local hostname |
SubmissionHost | local hostname |
JobOwner | user ID (getuid()) |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultMSessionProcessName] | process name |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultMSessionCommandLine] | command line command |
ExtensionList[jobtracker.DRMAA2_MS_JOBINFO_WORKINGDIR] | working directory |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultMSessionCPUUsage] | how many percent of CPU time is used |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultMSessionCPUAffinity] | CPU affinity list (space separated) |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultMSessionMemoryUsage] | memory usage info |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultMSessionMemoryUsageRSS] | RSS usage |
ExtensionList[extension.JobInfoDefaultMSessionMemoryUsageVMS] | VMS usage |