:toc: macro :toc-title: Curriculum Vitae :toclevels: 99 # Juan A. Pérez Gonzáles One liner describing what you do. toc::[] ## About Small text that resumes experiences, achievements and other info. _Specialties_: keywords separated by coma of different skills. ### Personal Information - *City*: Santiago, Chile - *Email*: juan@example.com - *Website*: https://www.example.com ## Experience Chronological Descending Jobs and Work Experiences. ### Company Name Small text about the company. - *Website*: http://example.com #### Job Title (month year - month year) Small text about the role that was performed, the core responsabilities and overal description of the tasks assigned. ##### Achievements - Achievement 1 (date): Small text about what was accomplished. - Achievement 2 ## Volunteer Experience Experiences ad-honorem. ### Company Name Small text about the company. - *Website*: http://example.com #### Job Title (month year - month year) Small text about the role that was performed, the core responsabilities and overal description of the tasks assigned. ##### Achievements - Achievement 1 (date): Small text about what was accomplished. - Achievement 2 ## Education ### Institution Name - *Website*: http://example.com #### Title (year - year) Small text about the education. ##### Achievements - Achievement 1 - Achievement 2 ### Licenses and Certifications ### Institution Name - *Website*: http://example.com #### Title (year - year) Input about this certification and where to validate it. ## Events Events attended. ### Title (month - year) About the event. ## Publications ### Title - *Published At*: 2019-05-10 (YYYY-MM-dd) - *Publisher*: DevsChile - *Link*: http://example.com/mypublication ## Articles ### Title - *Published At*: 2019-05-10 (YYYY-MM-dd) - *Publisher*: DevsChile - *Link*: http://example.com/myarticle ## Videogames ### Title - *Published At*: 2019-05-10 (YYYY-MM-dd) - *Publisher*: DevsChile - *Link*: http://example.com/mygame ## Apps ### Title - *Published At*: 2019-05-10 (YYYY-MM-dd) - *Publisher*: DevsChile - *Link*: http://example.com/myapp ## Awards ### Title (month year) About the award. ## Groups Groups and Meetups usually participating in. ### Group 1 About - *Link*: http://example.com ### Group 2 About - *Link*: http://example.com ## Recommendations > Superb and ultra cute human beign. > -- My Mom