Euler Cycles for Life Abstract
Embryo Networks as Generative Divergent Integration Abstract
Alicea, B. and Gordon R. (2018). Cell Differentiation Processes as Spatial Networks: identifying four-dimensional structure in embryogenesis. BioSystems, 173, 235-246.
Alicea, B. (2017). The Emergent Connectome in Caenorhabditis elegans Embryogenesis. BioSystems, 173, 247-255.
Embryo Networks as Generative Divergent Integration . Networks 2021.
Euler Cycles for Life: developing biological structure using multi-cell networks. TopoNets (satellite of Networks 2021 conference).
Alicea, B., Gordon, R., and Banerjee, A. (2018). Embryo networks and connectomes in Caenorhabditis elegans. doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/Q9JVB.
Connectome Datasets, Orthogonal Research and Education Laboratory.
Network Emergent Connectivity using TSP and Euler Paths Github repo, talk
Matthew D.B. Jackson and the Bassell Lab, University of Birmingham (UK)
These types are based on degree distribution and the global patterns of connectivity. These types do not account for connectivity based on geometric or spatial constraints.
In Hilgetag and Goulas (2020, Figure 4), three types of experimental control networks are used to compare and contrast with a circular network layout of the primate visual system. The networks used have the following connectivity patterns on a circular layout: most sequential, randomized, and most distributed.
Hilgetag, C.C. and Goulas, A. (2020). ‘Hierarchy’ in the organization of brain networks. Philisophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375, 20190319.
These types do account for connectivity based on geometric or spatial constraints, and provide a means to model phenomena that are dependent on spatial structure.
These models account for the probability of all connections between nodes. In the equiprobable case, any one node can be connected to any other node with equal probability. In other models, there is bias for certain nodes given active processes (selection, decision-making bias).
These types are defined by their ability to capture and reproduce geometric features and spatial dependencies. However, these are no clear relationships between spatial connectivity and scaling laws, particularly as they relate to biological processes.
We find a number of global patterns in embryo networks that do not conform with a typical mathematical model of connectivity. Some of these features have to do with differentiation, while others have to do with polarity and the geometry of the emerging phenotpye:
spatial segregation by sublineage a few rounds of division after the founder cells appear for major sublineages.
spatial diversification of sublineages over time.
spatial re-segregation of cells as tissues begin to form.
In embryo networks, so-called nodes are cells that are both small and have many immediate neighbors.
See examples from various species in repository, and check out work on Zebrafish embryo for Zygote and Cleavage stages.
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INCF SIG: Standard Representations of Network Structures.
Alicea, B. and Gordon R. (2018). Cell Differentiation Processes as Spatial Networks: identifying four-dimensional structure in embryogenesis. BioSystems, 173, 235-246. doi:10.1016/j.biosystems.2018.09.009.
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