All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Opt out from TLS certificate validation or provide an own certificates by using the verify parameter
- get_test_result does not raise in case there are no results
- Test cases without steps now work properly
- get_test_result now gets the last test execution
- Use request sessions to reduce overhead
- Attach files to a test run
- Custom fields were appended even if the text were the same.
- Toggling build_url and code_base
- Ability to create test runs with given application version
- Mark package as typed
- Methods to get attachments
- Test steps in test results are now sorted by index
- Fixed uppercase-lowercase in constants
- If a test case is created without dedicated status, it is set to "Not Executed" now
- Ability to create test runs with given executor or assignee
- Ability to create test cases in different statuses
- BREAKING: If the docs say list, they mean list. Strings are not supported anymore.
- BREAKING: To move test cases to the root folder, "/" is needed
- BREAKING: Uploading attachments now works via test run and test case key
- Resolved package requirements
- Editing of test case custom fields
- Added methods to create and delete test cases and added support to set/change objective and labels of test plans and to change name, objective, etc. of test cases
- Set assignee to executor by default
- Python package providing functionality for Jira Test Management.