provides a CLI for running predefined scenarios against a mongodb database and report performance statistics.
provides a CLI for running predefined scenarios against a mongodb database and report performance statistics.
Currently, mongoperf
requires Go version 1.13 or greater.
You can use the provided Dockerfile
to build an image that will provide a clean environment for development purposes.
Instructions that follow assumes you are running Windows
, have Docker Desktop
installed and its daemon is running.
Clone this repository and build the image
$ git clone
$ cd ./mongoperf
$ docker build --tag=mongoperf .
Run a container using the previously built image while mounting the CWD
$ docker run \
--rm \
--volume="$(pwd -W):/srv/src/" \
--tty \
--interactive \
$ root@03e67598a37f:/srv/src/
Start deving
$ go run ./cmd/mongoperf
Build the CLI for a target platform (Go cross-compiling feature), for example linux, by executing:
$ mkdir $HOME/src
$ cd $HOME/src
$ git clone
$ cd mongoperf
$ env GOOS=linux go build -o mongoperf_linux ./cmd/mongoperf
If you are a Windows user, substitute the $HOME environment variable above with %USERPROFILE%.
Run performance tests scenarios on a mongodb instance or cluster.
mongoperf [command]
Available Commands:
demo Run small demo that inserts, update and delete entries.
help Help about any command
scenario Run a scenario.
-h, --help help for mongoperf
--version version for mongoperf
Use "mongoperf [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Takes in a scenario configuration file and runs it.
Queries are sent to workers sequentially.
The current schema is represented using a yaml configuration file.
It contains a single Scenario object containing configuration attributes as well as query definitions.
Here is an example:
Database: test
Collection: test
Parallel: 2
BufferSize: 1000
Repeat: 1000
- Name: testmany
Action: InsertMany
- Name: Ash
Age: 10
City: Pallet Town
- Name: Misty
Age: 10
City: Cerulean City
A scenario declares the following attributes:
- Database (string)
- A MongoDB database name.
- Collection (string)
- A MongoDB collection name.
- Parallel (int, optional) (default: 1)
- The number of parallel workers to process queries.
- Must be greater than 0.
- BufferSize (int, optional) (default: 1000)
- The size of the worker task queue.
- Must be greater than or equal to 0.
- If 0, default value is set (1000).
- Repeat (int, optional) (default: 1)
- How many times should we run the queries.
- Must be greater than or equal to 0.
- If 0, repeats indefinitely.
- Queries (List)
- Must contain at least one Query definition.
A Scenario
also declares a Queries
attribute, which is a list of Query
- Name: test
Action: InsertMany
A query declares the following attributes:
- Name (string)
- Used as an identifier for the query.
- Action (string)
- Defines the action to perform against a collection. Available are:
- InsertOne
- InsertMany
- UpdateOne
- FindOne
- Find
- Defines the action to perform against a collection. Available are:
- Meta (Meta)
- An object specific to the Action provided.
A Query
also declares a Meta
object which contains the payload specific attributes required by the specified Action attriobte.
- Name: Ash
Age: 10
City: Pallet Town
- Name: Misty
Age: 10
City: Cerulean City
Ordered: true
Here is a list of schema used for each Action
- Data (map)
- A map of key/values representing the document to insert.
- Options (map, optional)
- A map of key/values correspongind to the InsertOneOptions type.
- BypassDocumentValidation (bool)
- A map of key/values correspongind to the InsertOneOptions type.
- Data (List)
- A list of map of key/values representing the documents to insert.
- Options (map, optional)
- A map of key/values correspongind to the InsertManyOptions type.
- BypassDocumentValidation (bool)
- Ordered (bool)
- A map of key/values correspongind to the InsertManyOptions type.
- Data (map)
- A map of key/values representing a document containing update operators.
- Filter (map)
- A map of key/values representing the filter to apply.
- Options (map, optional)
- A map of key/values correspongind to the UpdateOptions type.
- ArrayFilters (ArrayFilters)
- BypassDocumentValidation (bool)
- Ordered (bool)
- Collation (Collation)
- Upsert (bool)
- A map of key/values correspongind to the UpdateOptions type.
- Filter (map)
- A map of key/values representing the filter to apply.
- Options (map, optional)
- A map of key/values correspongind to the UpdateOptions type.
- AllowPartialResults (bool)
- BatchSize (int)
- Collation (Collation)
- Comment (string)
- CursorType (CursorType)
- Hint (string | map)
- Max (map)
- MaxAwaitTime (duration)
- MaxTime (duration)
- Min (map)
- NoCursorTimeout (bool)
- OplogReplay (bool)
- Projection (map)
- ReturnKey (bool)
- ShowRecordID (bool)
- Skip (int)
- Snapshot (bool)
- Sort (map)
- A map of key/values correspongind to the UpdateOptions type.
- Filter (map)
- A map of key/values representing the filter to apply.
- Options (map, optional)
- A map of key/values correspongind to the UpdateOptions type.
- AllowPartialResults (bool)
- BatchSize (int)
- Collation (Collation)
- Comment (string)
- CursorType (CursorType)
- Hint (string | map)
- Limit (int)
- Max (map)
- MaxAwaitTime (duration)
- MaxTime (duration)
- Min (map)
- NoCursorTimeout (bool)
- OplogReplay (bool)
- Projection (map)
- ReturnKey (bool)
- ShowRecordID (bool)
- Skip (int)
- Snapshot (bool)
- Sort (map)
- A map of key/values correspongind to the UpdateOptions type.