This app is a simple ticket tracker built with Ruby 2.2.2p95 on Rails 4.2.5 with a Postgres 9.4.1 database. For dependencies, please consult the Gemfile.
- Set up the database by running the following series of commands. This assumes you have Postgres already on your system. If not please visit: http://www.postgresql.org/
createuser tickets
createdb -Otickets -Eutf8 tickets_development
createdb -Otickets -Eutf8 tickets_test
rake db:migrate
Optional: seed some dummy data withrake db:seed
For said dummy data, the initial password for all users is simply 'password'. bundle install
rails s
and navigate tolocalhost:3000
sign up for site and begin creating tickets
This app was designed to meet certain specifications.
Creating user accounts and logging in, using any authentication gem you choose
- Implemented with Devise authentication gem and
data model. - Note: not currently configured for
password recovery.
- Implemented with Devise authentication gem and
CRUD interface for a Ticket
- Submitting user
- belongs to :user
- has permission to Edit, Delete, Change Status
- Assigned user
- belongs to :assignee, class: User, foreign_key: :assignee_id
- has permission to Change Status
- State
- has_many :statuses, accessed via status.category
- "Assigned", "Accepted", "In Process", "On Hold", "Submitted", "Resolved"
- has_many :statuses, accessed via status.category
- Severity
- :severity
- "Critical", "Major", "Minor", "Cosmetic"
- :severity
- Title
- :title
- Body
- :body
- All tests in RSpec with help from Capybara, FactoryGirl, and Shoulda Matchers
- Models (Unit Tests)
- rspec spec/models/ticket_spec.rb
- Validations, model relations
- Instance method: set_status_options
- Scopes: issued_by_user, assigned_to_user
- rspec spec/models/status_spec.rb
- Validations, model relations
- User model is not covered because very little customization was made to Devise
- rspec spec/models/ticket_spec.rb
- Integration (Feature Test)
More coverage is needed here, but I wanted to show the basic concept of using Capybara.- rspec spec/features/ticket_controller_spec.rb
- Create new ticket
- rspec spec/features/ticket_controller_spec.rb
- Models (Unit Tests)
##Extra Features
- Scopes for recent tickets, tickets issued by user, tickets assigned to user
- Status history available in addition to current status
- Status history includes user who changed status and a note
- Pagination via will_paginate gem
- Styling using Bourbon.io sass framework with Neat, Bitters, and Refills
- Seeds file using FFaker gem for demo mode
##Future Features Features I would like to add/refactor.
- Scopes for open and resolved tickets
- Sort by severity
- Wider test coverage
- Refactor application.scss, make DRY
- Refactor presentation logic out of views, particularly class name interpolations
- Submitting user