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Deploy API Server on Lambda


GitHub Action for deploying API servers on AWS Lambda using AWS SAM (Serverless Application Model). This action provides a simple way to deploy your API server with AWS Lambda. Based on AWS SAM, it supports CloudFront integration and custom domain configuration with minimal setup.

Simple Example of Usage

- name: Configure AWS credentials 🔑
  uses: aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@main
    role-to-assume: ${{ vars.AWS_ROLE_ARN }}
    aws-region: ${{ vars.AWS_REGION }}

- uses: deploy-actions/lambda-api@v1
    Name: my-api
    CodeUri: ./dist
    Handler: index.handler
    Environment: |
        STAGE: production


Name Description Mandatory
Name AWS::Serverless::Function FunctionName and Cloudformation LambdaAPI-{Name}
SAMSourceBucket AWS S3 bucket where artifacts referenced in the template are uploaded
SAMToken GitHub Authentication token for API calls
Architectures Lambda function architecture (x86_64, arm64)
AutoPublishAliasAllProperties Properties for auto-publishing new versions
CodeUri Path to your Lambda function code
Description Description of your Lambda function
Environment Environment variables for your Lambda function
EphemeralStorage Size of the /tmp directory
Cors CORS configuration for Lambda URL
InvokeMode Lambda URL invoke mode (BUFFERED or RESPONSE_STREAM)
Handler Lambda function handler
ImageConfig Container image configuration
ImageUri URI of container image
InlineCode Inline function code
KmsKeyArn KMS key ARN for Lambda function
Layers List of Lambda Layer versions
LoggingConfig Lambda function logging configuration
MemorySize Memory size in MB
Policies IAM policies for Lambda function
ProvisionedConcurrencyConfig Provisioned concurrency configuration
ReservedConcurrentExecutions Reserved concurrent executions
Runtime Lambda function runtime
RuntimeManagementConfig Runtime management configuration
Timeout Function timeout in seconds
VersionDescription Description for this version
VpcConfig VPC configuration
Aliases CloudFront distribution aliases (domain names). Required with AcmCertificateArn and HostedZoneId
AcmCertificateArn ACM certificate ARN for custom domain. Required with Aliases and HostedZoneId
HostedZoneId Route 53 hosted zone ID. Required with Aliases and AcmCertificateArn


GitHub Action for Lambda Deployment by SAM







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