diff --git a/cli/js/compiler.ts b/cli/js/compiler.ts
index b250c96813b4cd..828b469a962794 100644
--- a/cli/js/compiler.ts
+++ b/cli/js/compiler.ts
@@ -1,49 +1,38 @@
// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
// TODO(ry) Combine this implementation with //deno_typescript/compiler_main.js
+// these are imported for their side effects
import "./globals.ts";
import "./ts_global.d.ts";
-import { buildBundle, setRootExports } from "./bundler.ts";
-import { bold, cyan, yellow } from "./colors.ts";
-import { CompilerOptions, TranspileOnlyResult } from "./compiler_api.ts";
-import { Console } from "./console.ts";
-import { core } from "./core.ts";
+import { TranspileOnlyResult } from "./compiler_api.ts";
+import { setRootExports } from "./compiler_bundler.ts";
+import {
+ defaultBundlerOptions,
+ defaultRuntimeCompileOptions,
+ defaultTranspileOptions,
+ Host
+} from "./compiler_host.ts";
+import {
+ processImports,
+ processLocalImports,
+ resolveModules
+} from "./compiler_imports.ts";
+import {
+ createWriteFile,
+ CompilerRequestType,
+ convertCompilerOptions,
+ ignoredDiagnostics,
+ WriteFileState,
+ processConfigureResponse
+} from "./compiler_util.ts";
import { Diagnostic } from "./diagnostics.ts";
import { fromTypeScriptDiagnostic } from "./diagnostics_util.ts";
-import { cwd } from "./dir.ts";
-import * as dispatch from "./dispatch.ts";
-import { sendAsync, sendSync } from "./dispatch_json.ts";
-import { TextEncoder } from "./text_encoding.ts";
import * as os from "./os.ts";
-import { getMappedModuleName, parseTypeDirectives } from "./type_directives.ts";
-import { assert, notImplemented } from "./util.ts";
+import { assert } from "./util.ts";
import * as util from "./util.ts";
import { window as self } from "./window.ts";
import { postMessage, workerClose, workerMain } from "./workers.ts";
-import { writeFileSync } from "./write_file.ts";
-// Warning! The values in this enum are duplicated in cli/msg.rs
-// Update carefully!
-enum MediaType {
- JavaScript = 0,
- JSX = 1,
- TypeScript = 2,
- TSX = 3,
- Json = 4,
- Wasm = 5,
- Unknown = 6
-// Warning! The values in this enum are duplicated in cli/msg.rs
-// Update carefully!
-enum CompilerRequestType {
- Compile = 0,
- RuntimeCompile = 1,
- RuntimeTranspile = 2
interface CompilerRequestCompile {
type: CompilerRequestType.Compile;
@@ -76,872 +65,19 @@ type CompilerRequest =
| CompilerRequestRuntimeCompile
| CompilerRequestRuntimeTranspile;
-interface ConfigureResponse {
- ignoredOptions?: string[];
- diagnostics?: ts.Diagnostic[];
-interface EmitResult {
+/** The format of the result sent back when doing a compilation. */
+interface CompileResult {
emitSkipped: boolean;
diagnostics?: Diagnostic;
-type WriteFileCallback = (
- fileName: string,
- data: string,
- sourceFiles?: readonly ts.SourceFile[]
-) => void;
-// Startup boilerplate. This is necessary because the compiler has its own
-// snapshot. (It would be great if we could remove these things or centralize
-// them somewhere else.)
-const console = new Console(core.print);
-self.console = console;
-// bootstrap the worker environment, this gets called as the isolate is setup
-self.workerMain = workerMain;
// bootstrap the runtime environment, this gets called as the isolate is setup
self.denoMain = function denoMain(compilerType?: string): void {
os.start(true, compilerType || "TS");
-const ASSETS = "$asset$";
-const OUT_DIR = "$deno$";
-/** Options that either do nothing in Deno, or would cause undesired behavior
- * if modified. */
-const ignoredCompilerOptions: readonly string[] = [
- "allowSyntheticDefaultImports",
- "baseUrl",
- "build",
- "composite",
- "declaration",
- "declarationDir",
- "declarationMap",
- "diagnostics",
- "downlevelIteration",
- "emitBOM",
- "emitDeclarationOnly",
- "esModuleInterop",
- "extendedDiagnostics",
- "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames",
- "help",
- "importHelpers",
- "incremental",
- "inlineSourceMap",
- "inlineSources",
- "init",
- "isolatedModules",
- "lib",
- "listEmittedFiles",
- "listFiles",
- "mapRoot",
- "maxNodeModuleJsDepth",
- "module",
- "moduleResolution",
- "newLine",
- "noEmit",
- "noEmitHelpers",
- "noEmitOnError",
- "noLib",
- "noResolve",
- "out",
- "outDir",
- "outFile",
- "paths",
- "preserveSymlinks",
- "preserveWatchOutput",
- "pretty",
- "rootDir",
- "rootDirs",
- "showConfig",
- "skipDefaultLibCheck",
- "skipLibCheck",
- "sourceMap",
- "sourceRoot",
- "stripInternal",
- "target",
- "traceResolution",
- "tsBuildInfoFile",
- "types",
- "typeRoots",
- "version",
- "watch"
-const defaultBundlerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = {
- inlineSourceMap: false,
- module: ts.ModuleKind.AMD,
- outDir: undefined,
- outFile: `${OUT_DIR}/bundle.js`,
- // disabled until we have effective way to modify source maps
- sourceMap: false
-/** Default options used by the compiler Host when compiling. */
-const defaultCompileOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = {
- allowJs: true,
- allowNonTsExtensions: true,
- // TODO(#3324) Enable strict mode for user code.
- // strict: true,
- checkJs: false,
- esModuleInterop: true,
- module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext,
- outDir: OUT_DIR,
- resolveJsonModule: true,
- sourceMap: true,
- stripComments: true,
- target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext,
- jsx: ts.JsxEmit.React
-const defaultRuntimeCompileOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = {
- outDir: undefined
-/** Default options used when doing a transpile only. */
-const defaultTranspileOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = {
- esModuleInterop: true,
- module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext,
- sourceMap: true,
- scriptComments: true,
- target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext
-const encoder = new TextEncoder();
-const CHAR_DOT = 46; /* . */
-const CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH = 47; /* / */
-// Resolves . and .. elements in a path with directory names
-function normalizeString(
- path: string,
- allowAboveRoot: boolean,
- separator: string,
- isPathSeparator: (code: number) => boolean
-): string {
- let res = "";
- let lastSegmentLength = 0;
- let lastSlash = -1;
- let dots = 0;
- let code: number;
- for (let i = 0, len = path.length; i <= len; ++i) {
- if (i < len) code = path.charCodeAt(i);
- else if (isPathSeparator(code!)) break;
- else code = CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;
- if (isPathSeparator(code)) {
- if (lastSlash === i - 1 || dots === 1) {
- // NOOP
- } else if (lastSlash !== i - 1 && dots === 2) {
- if (
- res.length < 2 ||
- lastSegmentLength !== 2 ||
- res.charCodeAt(res.length - 1) !== CHAR_DOT ||
- res.charCodeAt(res.length - 2) !== CHAR_DOT
- ) {
- if (res.length > 2) {
- const lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf(separator);
- if (lastSlashIndex === -1) {
- res = "";
- lastSegmentLength = 0;
- } else {
- res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex);
- lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf(separator);
- }
- lastSlash = i;
- dots = 0;
- continue;
- } else if (res.length === 2 || res.length === 1) {
- res = "";
- lastSegmentLength = 0;
- lastSlash = i;
- dots = 0;
- continue;
- }
- }
- if (allowAboveRoot) {
- if (res.length > 0) res += `${separator}..`;
- else res = "..";
- lastSegmentLength = 2;
- }
- } else {
- if (res.length > 0) res += separator + path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i);
- else res = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i);
- lastSegmentLength = i - lastSlash - 1;
- }
- lastSlash = i;
- dots = 0;
- } else if (code === CHAR_DOT && dots !== -1) {
- ++dots;
- } else {
- dots = -1;
- }
- }
- return res;
-function resolvePath(...pathSegments: string[]): string {
- let resolvedPath = "";
- let resolvedAbsolute = false;
- for (let i = pathSegments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
- let path: string;
- if (i >= 0) path = pathSegments[i];
- else path = cwd();
- // Skip empty entries
- if (path.length === 0) {
- continue;
- }
- resolvedPath = `${path}/${resolvedPath}`;
- resolvedAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;
- }
- // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but
- // handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when process.cwd() fails)
- // Normalize the path
- resolvedPath = normalizeString(
- resolvedPath,
- !resolvedAbsolute,
- "/",
- code => code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH
- );
- if (resolvedAbsolute) {
- if (resolvedPath.length > 0) return `/${resolvedPath}`;
- else return "/";
- } else if (resolvedPath.length > 0) return resolvedPath;
- else return ".";
-function resolveSpecifier(specifier: string, referrer: string): string {
- if (!specifier.startsWith(".")) {
- return specifier;
- }
- const pathParts = referrer.split("/");
- pathParts.pop();
- let path = pathParts.join("/");
- path = path.endsWith("/") ? path : `${path}/`;
- return resolvePath(path, specifier);
-function convertCompilerOptions(str: string): ts.CompilerOptions {
- const options: CompilerOptions = JSON.parse(str);
- const out: Record = {};
- const keys = Object.keys(options) as Array;
- for (const key of keys) {
- switch (key) {
- case "jsx":
- const value = options[key];
- if (value === "preserve") {
- out[key] = ts.JsxEmit.Preserve;
- } else if (value === "react") {
- out[key] = ts.JsxEmit.React;
- } else {
- out[key] = ts.JsxEmit.ReactNative;
- }
- break;
- case "module":
- switch (options[key]) {
- case "amd":
- out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.AMD;
- break;
- case "commonjs":
- out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS;
- break;
- case "es2015":
- case "es6":
- out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.ES2015;
- break;
- case "esnext":
- out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.ESNext;
- break;
- case "none":
- out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.None;
- break;
- case "system":
- out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.System;
- break;
- case "umd":
- out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.UMD;
- break;
- default:
- throw new TypeError("Unexpected module type");
- }
- break;
- case "target":
- switch (options[key]) {
- case "es3":
- out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES3;
- break;
- case "es5":
- out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES5;
- break;
- case "es6":
- case "es2015":
- out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015;
- break;
- case "es2016":
- out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2016;
- break;
- case "es2017":
- out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017;
- break;
- case "es2018":
- out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2018;
- break;
- case "es2019":
- out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019;
- break;
- case "es2020":
- out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2020;
- break;
- case "esnext":
- out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext;
- break;
- default:
- throw new TypeError("Unexpected emit target.");
- }
- default:
- out[key] = options[key];
- }
- }
- return out as ts.CompilerOptions;
-/** An array of TypeScript diagnostic types we ignore. */
-const ignoredDiagnostics = [
- // TS1103: 'for-await-of' statement is only allowed within an async function
- // or async generator.
- 1103,
- // TS1308: 'await' expression is only allowed within an async function.
- 1308,
- // TS2691: An import path cannot end with a '.ts' extension. Consider
- // importing 'bad-module' instead.
- 2691,
- // TS5009: Cannot find the common subdirectory path for the input files.
- 5009,
- // TS5055: Cannot write file
- // 'http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mt_application_x_javascript.j4.js'
- // because it would overwrite input file.
- 5055,
- // TypeScript is overly opinionated that only CommonJS modules kinds can
- // support JSON imports. Allegedly this was fixed in
- // Microsoft/TypeScript#26825 but that doesn't seem to be working here,
- // so we will ignore complaints about this compiler setting.
- 5070
-/** The shape of the SourceFile that comes from the privileged side */
-interface SourceFileJson {
- url: string;
- filename: string;
- mediaType: MediaType;
- sourceCode: string;
-/** A self registering abstraction of source files. */
-class SourceFile {
- extension!: ts.Extension;
- filename!: string;
- /** An array of tuples which represent the imports for the source file. The
- * first element is the one that will be requested at compile time, the
- * second is the one that should be actually resolved. This provides the
- * feature of type directives for Deno. */
- importedFiles?: Array<[string, string]>;
- mediaType!: MediaType;
- processed = false;
- sourceCode!: string;
- tsSourceFile?: ts.SourceFile;
- url!: string;
- constructor(json: SourceFileJson) {
- if (SourceFile._moduleCache.has(json.url)) {
- throw new TypeError("SourceFile already exists");
- }
- Object.assign(this, json);
- this.extension = getExtension(this.url, this.mediaType);
- SourceFile._moduleCache.set(this.url, this);
- }
- /** Cache the source file to be able to be retrieved by `moduleSpecifier` and
- * `containingFile`. */
- cache(moduleSpecifier: string, containingFile?: string): void {
- containingFile = containingFile || "";
- let innerCache = SourceFile._specifierCache.get(containingFile);
- if (!innerCache) {
- innerCache = new Map();
- SourceFile._specifierCache.set(containingFile, innerCache);
- }
- innerCache.set(moduleSpecifier, this);
- }
- /** Process the imports for the file and return them. */
- imports(): Array<[string, string]> {
- if (this.processed) {
- throw new Error("SourceFile has already been processed.");
- }
- assert(this.sourceCode != null);
- // we shouldn't process imports for files which contain the nocheck pragma
- // (like bundles)
- if (this.sourceCode.match(/\/{2}\s+@ts-nocheck/)) {
- util.log(`Skipping imports for "${this.filename}"`);
- return [];
- }
- const preProcessedFileInfo = ts.preProcessFile(this.sourceCode, true, true);
- this.processed = true;
- const files = (this.importedFiles = [] as Array<[string, string]>);
- function process(references: ts.FileReference[]): void {
- for (const { fileName } of references) {
- files.push([fileName, fileName]);
- }
- }
- const {
- importedFiles,
- referencedFiles,
- libReferenceDirectives,
- typeReferenceDirectives
- } = preProcessedFileInfo;
- const typeDirectives = parseTypeDirectives(this.sourceCode);
- if (typeDirectives) {
- for (const importedFile of importedFiles) {
- files.push([
- importedFile.fileName,
- getMappedModuleName(importedFile, typeDirectives)
- ]);
- }
- } else {
- process(importedFiles);
- }
- process(referencedFiles);
- process(libReferenceDirectives);
- process(typeReferenceDirectives);
- return files;
- }
- /** A cache of all the source files which have been loaded indexed by the
- * url. */
- private static _moduleCache: Map = new Map();
- /** A cache of source files based on module specifiers and containing files
- * which is used by the TypeScript compiler to resolve the url */
- private static _specifierCache: Map<
- string,
- Map
- > = new Map();
- /** Retrieve a `SourceFile` based on a `moduleSpecifier` and `containingFile`
- * or return `undefined` if not preset. */
- static getUrl(
- moduleSpecifier: string,
- containingFile: string
- ): string | undefined {
- const containingCache = this._specifierCache.get(containingFile);
- if (containingCache) {
- const sourceFile = containingCache.get(moduleSpecifier);
- return sourceFile && sourceFile.url;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- /** Retrieve a `SourceFile` based on a `url` */
- static get(url: string): SourceFile | undefined {
- return this._moduleCache.get(url);
- }
-function resolveModules(specifiers: string[], referrer?: string): string[] {
- util.log("compiler::resolveModules", { specifiers, referrer });
- return sendSync(dispatch.OP_RESOLVE_MODULES, { specifiers, referrer });
-/** Ops to Rust to resolve special static assets. */
-function fetchAsset(name: string): string {
- return sendSync(dispatch.OP_FETCH_ASSET, { name });
-/** Ops to Rust to resolve and fetch modules meta data. */
-function fetchSourceFiles(
- specifiers: string[],
- referrer?: string
-): Promise {
- util.log("compiler::fetchSourceFiles", { specifiers, referrer });
- return sendAsync(dispatch.OP_FETCH_SOURCE_FILES, {
- specifiers,
- referrer
- });
-function getMediaType(filename: string): MediaType {
- const maybeExtension = /\.([a-zA-Z]+)$/.exec(filename);
- if (!maybeExtension) {
- util.log(`!!! Could not identify valid extension: "${filename}"`);
- return MediaType.Unknown;
- }
- const [, extension] = maybeExtension;
- switch (extension.toLowerCase()) {
- case "js":
- return MediaType.JavaScript;
- case "jsx":
- return MediaType.JSX;
- case "json":
- return MediaType.Json;
- case "ts":
- return MediaType.TypeScript;
- case "tsx":
- return MediaType.TSX;
- case "wasm":
- return MediaType.Wasm;
- default:
- util.log(`!!! Unknown extension: "${extension}"`);
- return MediaType.Unknown;
- }
-function processLocalImports(
- sources: Record,
- specifiers: Array<[string, string]>,
- referrer?: string
-): string[] {
- if (!specifiers.length) {
- return [];
- }
- const moduleNames = specifiers.map(
- referrer
- ? ([, specifier]): string => resolveSpecifier(specifier, referrer)
- : ([, specifier]): string => specifier
- );
- util.log("moduleNames:", moduleNames);
- for (let i = 0; i < moduleNames.length; i++) {
- const moduleName = moduleNames[i];
- const sourceFile =
- SourceFile.get(moduleName) ||
- new SourceFile({
- url: moduleName,
- filename: moduleName,
- sourceCode: sources[moduleName],
- mediaType: getMediaType(moduleName)
- });
- sourceFile.cache(specifiers[i][0], referrer);
- if (!sourceFile.processed) {
- processLocalImports(sources, sourceFile.imports(), sourceFile.url);
- }
- }
- return moduleNames;
-/** Recursively process the imports of modules, generating `SourceFile`s of any
- * imported files.
- *
- * Specifiers are supplied in an array of tuples where the first is the
- * specifier that will be requested in the code and the second is the specifier
- * that should be actually resolved. */
-async function processImports(
- specifiers: Array<[string, string]>,
- referrer?: string
-): Promise {
- if (!specifiers.length) {
- return [];
- }
- const sources = specifiers.map(([, moduleSpecifier]) => moduleSpecifier);
- const resolveSources = resolveModules(sources, referrer);
- const sourceFiles = await fetchSourceFiles(resolveSources, referrer);
- assert(sourceFiles.length === specifiers.length);
- for (let i = 0; i < sourceFiles.length; i++) {
- const sourceFileJson = sourceFiles[i];
- const sourceFile =
- SourceFile.get(sourceFileJson.url) || new SourceFile(sourceFileJson);
- sourceFile.cache(specifiers[i][0], referrer);
- if (!sourceFile.processed) {
- await processImports(sourceFile.imports(), sourceFile.url);
- }
- }
- return sourceFiles.map(sf => sf.url);
-/** Cache the contents of a file on the trusted side. */
-function cache(
- moduleId: string,
- emittedFileName: string,
- contents: string,
- checkJs = false
-): void {
- util.log("compiler::cache", { moduleId, emittedFileName, checkJs });
- const sf = SourceFile.get(moduleId);
- if (sf) {
- // NOTE: If it's a `.json` file we don't want to write it to disk.
- // JSON files are loaded and used by TS compiler to check types, but we don't want
- // to emit them to disk because output file is the same as input file.
- if (sf.extension === ts.Extension.Json) {
- return;
- }
- // NOTE: JavaScript files are only cached to disk if `checkJs`
- // option in on
- if (sf.extension === ts.Extension.Js && !checkJs) {
- return;
- }
- }
- if (emittedFileName.endsWith(".map")) {
- // Source Map
- sendSync(dispatch.OP_CACHE, {
- extension: ".map",
- moduleId,
- contents
- });
- } else if (
- emittedFileName.endsWith(".js") ||
- emittedFileName.endsWith(".json")
- ) {
- // Compiled JavaScript
- sendSync(dispatch.OP_CACHE, {
- extension: ".js",
- moduleId,
- contents
- });
- } else {
- assert(false, `Trying to cache unhandled file type "${emittedFileName}"`);
- }
-function processConfigureResponse(
- configResult: ConfigureResponse,
- configPath: string
-): ts.Diagnostic[] | undefined {
- const { ignoredOptions, diagnostics } = configResult;
- if (ignoredOptions) {
- console.warn(
- yellow(`Unsupported compiler options in "${configPath}"\n`) +
- cyan(` The following options were ignored:\n`) +
- ` ${ignoredOptions.map((value): string => bold(value)).join(", ")}`
- );
- }
- return diagnostics;
-/** Returns the TypeScript Extension enum for a given media type. */
-function getExtension(fileName: string, mediaType: MediaType): ts.Extension {
- switch (mediaType) {
- case MediaType.JavaScript:
- return ts.Extension.Js;
- case MediaType.JSX:
- return ts.Extension.Jsx;
- case MediaType.TypeScript:
- return fileName.endsWith(".d.ts") ? ts.Extension.Dts : ts.Extension.Ts;
- case MediaType.TSX:
- return ts.Extension.Tsx;
- case MediaType.Json:
- return ts.Extension.Json;
- case MediaType.Wasm:
- // Custom marker for Wasm type.
- return ts.Extension.Js;
- case MediaType.Unknown:
- default:
- throw TypeError("Cannot resolve extension.");
- }
-interface CompilerHostOptions {
- bundle?: boolean;
- writeFile: WriteFileCallback;
-class Host implements ts.CompilerHost {
- private readonly _options = defaultCompileOptions;
- private _writeFile: WriteFileCallback;
- private _getAsset(filename: string): SourceFile {
- const sourceFile = SourceFile.get(filename);
- if (sourceFile) {
- return sourceFile;
- }
- const url = filename.split("/").pop()!;
- const assetName = url.includes(".") ? url : `${url}.d.ts`;
- const sourceCode = fetchAsset(assetName);
- return new SourceFile({
- url,
- filename,
- mediaType: MediaType.TypeScript,
- sourceCode
- });
- }
- /* Deno specific APIs */
- /** Provides the `ts.HostCompiler` interface for Deno. */
- constructor(options: CompilerHostOptions) {
- const { bundle = false, writeFile } = options;
- this._writeFile = writeFile;
- if (bundle) {
- // options we need to change when we are generating a bundle
- Object.assign(this._options, defaultBundlerOptions);
- }
- }
- /** Take a configuration string, parse it, and use it to merge with the
- * compiler's configuration options. The method returns an array of compiler
- * options which were ignored, or `undefined`. */
- configure(path: string, configurationText: string): ConfigureResponse {
- util.log("compiler::host.configure", path);
- assert(configurationText);
- const { config, error } = ts.parseConfigFileTextToJson(
- path,
- configurationText
- );
- if (error) {
- return { diagnostics: [error] };
- }
- const { options, errors } = ts.convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(
- config.compilerOptions,
- cwd()
- );
- const ignoredOptions: string[] = [];
- for (const key of Object.keys(options)) {
- if (
- ignoredCompilerOptions.includes(key) &&
- (!(key in this._options) || options[key] !== this._options[key])
- ) {
- ignoredOptions.push(key);
- delete options[key];
- }
- }
- Object.assign(this._options, options);
- return {
- ignoredOptions: ignoredOptions.length ? ignoredOptions : undefined,
- diagnostics: errors.length ? errors : undefined
- };
- }
- /** Merge options into the host's current set of compiler options and return
- * the merged set. */
- mergeOptions(...options: ts.CompilerOptions[]): ts.CompilerOptions {
- Object.assign(this._options, ...options);
- return Object.assign({}, this._options);
- }
- /* TypeScript CompilerHost APIs */
- fileExists(_fileName: string): boolean {
- return notImplemented();
- }
- getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string {
- return fileName;
- }
- getCompilationSettings(): ts.CompilerOptions {
- util.log("compiler::host.getCompilationSettings()");
- return this._options;
- }
- getCurrentDirectory(): string {
- return "";
- }
- getDefaultLibFileName(_options: ts.CompilerOptions): string {
- return ASSETS + "/lib.deno_runtime.d.ts";
- }
- getNewLine(): string {
- return "\n";
- }
- getSourceFile(
- fileName: string,
- languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget,
- onError?: (message: string) => void,
- shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean
- ): ts.SourceFile | undefined {
- util.log("compiler::host.getSourceFile", fileName);
- try {
- assert(!shouldCreateNewSourceFile);
- const sourceFile = fileName.startsWith(ASSETS)
- ? this._getAsset(fileName)
- : SourceFile.get(fileName);
- assert(sourceFile != null);
- if (!sourceFile.tsSourceFile) {
- sourceFile.tsSourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(
- fileName,
- sourceFile.sourceCode,
- languageVersion
- );
- }
- return sourceFile!.tsSourceFile;
- } catch (e) {
- if (onError) {
- onError(String(e));
- } else {
- throw e;
- }
- return undefined;
- }
- }
- readFile(_fileName: string): string | undefined {
- return notImplemented();
- }
- resolveModuleNames(
- moduleNames: string[],
- containingFile: string
- ): Array {
- util.log("compiler::host.resolveModuleNames", {
- moduleNames,
- containingFile
- });
- return moduleNames.map(specifier => {
- const url = SourceFile.getUrl(specifier, containingFile);
- const sourceFile = specifier.startsWith(ASSETS)
- ? this._getAsset(specifier)
- : url
- ? SourceFile.get(url)
- : undefined;
- if (!sourceFile) {
- return undefined;
- }
- return {
- resolvedFileName: sourceFile.url,
- isExternalLibraryImport: specifier.startsWith(ASSETS),
- extension: sourceFile.extension
- };
- });
- }
- useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean {
- return true;
- }
- writeFile(
- fileName: string,
- data: string,
- _writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
- onError?: (message: string) => void,
- sourceFiles?: readonly ts.SourceFile[]
- ): void {
- util.log("compiler::host.writeFile", fileName);
- try {
- this._writeFile(fileName, data, sourceFiles);
- } catch (e) {
- if (onError) {
- onError(String(e));
- } else {
- throw e;
- }
- }
- }
+// bootstrap the worker environment, this gets called as the isolate is setup
+self.workerMain = workerMain;
// provide the "main" function that will be called by the privileged side when
// lazy instantiating the compiler web worker
@@ -953,58 +89,40 @@ self.compilerMain = function compilerMain(): void {
data: CompilerRequest;
}): Promise => {
switch (request.type) {
+ // `Compile` are requests from the internals to Deno, generated by both
+ // the `run` and `bundle` sub command.
case CompilerRequestType.Compile: {
- const { rootNames, configPath, config, outFile, bundle } = request;
+ const { bundle, config, configPath, outFile, rootNames } = request;
util.log(">>> compile start", {
type: CompilerRequestType[request.type]
- // This will recursively analyse all the code for other imports, requesting
- // those from the privileged side, populating the in memory cache which
- // will be used by the host, before resolving.
+ // This will recursively analyse all the code for other imports,
+ // requesting those from the privileged side, populating the in memory
+ // cache which will be used by the host, before resolving.
const resolvedRootModules = await processImports(
rootNames.map(rootName => [rootName, rootName])
- const writeFile = (
- fileName: string,
- data: string,
- sourceFiles?: readonly ts.SourceFile[]
- ): void => {
- assert(sourceFiles != null);
- if (!bundle) {
- assert(sourceFiles.length === 1);
- cache(
- sourceFiles[0].fileName,
- fileName,
- data,
- host.getCompilationSettings().checkJs
- );
- } else {
- // if the fileName is set to an internal value, just noop
- if (outFile && outFile.startsWith("$deno$")) {
- return;
- }
- // we only support single root names for bundles
- assert(rootNames.length === 1);
- const out = buildBundle(rootNames[0], data, sourceFiles);
- if (outFile) {
- const encodedData = encoder.encode(out);
- console.warn(`Emitting bundle to "${outFile}"`);
- writeFileSync(outFile, encodedData);
- console.warn(
- `${util.humanFileSize(encodedData.length)} emitted.`
- );
- } else {
- console.log(out);
- }
- }
+ // When a programme is emitted, TypeScript will call `writeFile` with
+ // each file that needs to be emitted. The Deno compiler host delegates
+ // this, to make it easier to perform the right actions, which vary
+ // based a lot on the request. For a `Compile` request, we need to
+ // cache all the files in the privileged side if we aren't bundling,
+ // and if we are bundling we need to enrich the bundle and either write
+ // out the bundle or log it to the console.
+ const state: WriteFileState = {
+ type: request.type,
+ bundle,
+ host: undefined,
+ outFile,
+ rootNames
+ const writeFile = createWriteFile(state);
- const host = new Host({ bundle, writeFile });
- let diagnostics: ts.Diagnostic[] | undefined;
+ const host = (state.host = new Host({ bundle, writeFile }));
+ let diagnostics: readonly ts.Diagnostic[] | undefined;
// if there is a configuration supplied, we need to parse that
if (config && config.length && configPath) {
@@ -1036,17 +154,16 @@ self.compilerMain = function compilerMain(): void {
emitSkipped = emitResult.emitSkipped;
// emitResult.diagnostics is `readonly` in TS3.5+ and can't be assigned
// without casting.
- diagnostics = emitResult.diagnostics as ts.Diagnostic[];
+ diagnostics = emitResult.diagnostics;
- const result: EmitResult = {
+ const result: CompileResult = {
diagnostics: diagnostics.length
? fromTypeScriptDiagnostic(diagnostics)
: undefined
util.log("<<< compile end", {
@@ -1056,6 +173,9 @@ self.compilerMain = function compilerMain(): void {
case CompilerRequestType.RuntimeCompile: {
+ // `RuntimeCompile` are requests from a runtime user, both compiles and
+ // bundles. The process is similar to a request from the privileged
+ // side, but also returns the output to the on message.
const { rootName, sources, options, bundle } = request;
util.log(">>> runtime compile start", {
@@ -1072,36 +192,18 @@ self.compilerMain = function compilerMain(): void {
? processLocalImports(sources, [[resolvedRootName, resolvedRootName]])
: await processImports([[resolvedRootName, resolvedRootName]]);
- const emitMap: Record = {};
- let emitBundle = "";
- const writeFile = (
- fileName: string,
- data: string,
- sourceFiles?: readonly ts.SourceFile[]
- ): void => {
- assert(sourceFiles != null);
- if (!bundle) {
- assert(sourceFiles.length === 1);
- emitMap[fileName] = data;
- // we only want to cache the compiler output if we are resolving
- // modules externally
- if (!sources) {
- cache(
- sourceFiles[0].fileName,
- fileName,
- data,
- host.getCompilationSettings().checkJs
- );
- }
- } else {
- // we only support single root names for bundles
- assert(rootNames.length === 1);
- emitBundle = buildBundle(rootNames[0], data, sourceFiles);
- }
+ const state: WriteFileState = {
+ type: request.type,
+ bundle,
+ host: undefined,
+ rootNames,
+ sources,
+ emitMap: {},
+ emitBundle: undefined
+ const writeFile = createWriteFile(state);
- const host = new Host({ bundle, writeFile });
+ const host = (state.host = new Host({ bundle, writeFile }));
const compilerOptions = [defaultRuntimeCompileOptions];
if (options) {
@@ -1130,15 +232,16 @@ self.compilerMain = function compilerMain(): void {
const { items } = fromTypeScriptDiagnostic(diagnostics);
const result = [
items && items.length ? items : undefined,
- bundle ? emitBundle : emitMap
+ bundle ? state.emitBundle : state.emitMap
+ assert(state.emitMap);
util.log("<<< runtime compile finish", {
sources: sources ? Object.keys(sources) : undefined,
- emitMap: Object.keys(emitMap)
+ emitMap: Object.keys(state.emitMap)
@@ -1153,6 +256,7 @@ self.compilerMain = function compilerMain(): void {
: defaultTranspileOptions;
for (const [fileName, inputText] of Object.entries(sources)) {
const { outputText: source, sourceMapText: map } = ts.transpileModule(
@@ -1162,8 +266,8 @@ self.compilerMain = function compilerMain(): void {
result[fileName] = { source, map };
- postMessage(result);
+ postMessage(result);
@@ -1202,10 +306,7 @@ self.wasmCompilerMain = function wasmCompilerMain(): void {
new Set(WebAssembly.Module.exports(compiled).map(({ name }) => name))
- postMessage({
- importList,
- exportList
- });
+ postMessage({ importList, exportList });
util.log("<<< WASM compile end");
diff --git a/cli/js/compiler_api_test.ts b/cli/js/compiler_api_test.ts
index 64a1301830d1bd..2258febfada9b3 100644
--- a/cli/js/compiler_api_test.ts
+++ b/cli/js/compiler_api_test.ts
@@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ const {
test(async function compilerApiCompileSources() {
const [diagnostics, actual] = await compile("/foo.ts", {
- "/foo.ts": `console.log("foo");\nexport {}\n`
+ "/foo.ts": `import * as bar from "./bar.ts";\n\nconsole.log(bar);\n`,
+ "/bar.ts": `export const bar = "bar";\n`
assert(diagnostics == null);
- assertEquals(Object.keys(actual).length, 2);
+ assertEquals(Object.keys(actual).length, 4);
diff --git a/cli/js/bundler.ts b/cli/js/compiler_bundler.ts
similarity index 88%
rename from cli/js/bundler.ts
rename to cli/js/compiler_bundler.ts
index 2e452e1482d32e..69a6e31c9f8502 100644
--- a/cli/js/bundler.ts
+++ b/cli/js/compiler_bundler.ts
@@ -6,16 +6,21 @@ import { assert, commonPath } from "./util.ts";
const BUNDLE_LOADER = "bundle_loader.js";
+/** A loader of bundled modules that we will inline into any bundle outputs. */
let bundleLoader: string;
+/** Local state of what the root exports are of a root module. */
let rootExports: string[] | undefined;
-/** Given a fileName and the data, emit the file to the file system. */
+/** Given a root name, contents, and source files, enrich the data of the
+ * bundle with a loader and re-export the exports of the root name. */
export function buildBundle(
rootName: string,
data: string,
sourceFiles: readonly ts.SourceFile[]
): string {
+ // we can only do this once we are bootstrapped and easiest way to do it is
+ // inline here
if (!bundleLoader) {
bundleLoader = sendSync(dispatch.OP_FETCH_ASSET, { name: BUNDLE_LOADER });
diff --git a/cli/js/compiler_host.ts b/cli/js/compiler_host.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..89f5f506dd4e27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/js/compiler_host.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+import { MediaType, SourceFile } from "./compiler_sourcefile.ts";
+import { OUT_DIR, WriteFileCallback } from "./compiler_util.ts";
+import { cwd } from "./dir.ts";
+import { sendSync } from "./dispatch_json.ts";
+import * as dispatch from "./dispatch.ts";
+import { assert, notImplemented } from "./util.ts";
+import * as util from "./util.ts";
+export interface CompilerHostOptions {
+ bundle?: boolean;
+ writeFile: WriteFileCallback;
+export interface ConfigureResponse {
+ ignoredOptions?: string[];
+ diagnostics?: ts.Diagnostic[];
+const ASSETS = "$asset$";
+/** Options that need to be used when generating a bundle (either trusted or
+ * runtime). */
+export const defaultBundlerOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = {
+ inlineSourceMap: false,
+ module: ts.ModuleKind.AMD,
+ outDir: undefined,
+ outFile: `${OUT_DIR}/bundle.js`,
+ // disabled until we have effective way to modify source maps
+ sourceMap: false
+/** Default options used by the compiler Host when compiling. */
+export const defaultCompileOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = {
+ allowJs: true,
+ allowNonTsExtensions: true,
+ // TODO(#3324) Enable strict mode for user code.
+ // strict: true,
+ checkJs: false,
+ esModuleInterop: true,
+ module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext,
+ outDir: OUT_DIR,
+ resolveJsonModule: true,
+ sourceMap: true,
+ stripComments: true,
+ target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext,
+ jsx: ts.JsxEmit.React
+/** Options that need to be used when doing a runtime (non bundled) compilation */
+export const defaultRuntimeCompileOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = {
+ outDir: undefined
+/** Default options used when doing a transpile only. */
+export const defaultTranspileOptions: ts.CompilerOptions = {
+ esModuleInterop: true,
+ module: ts.ModuleKind.ESNext,
+ sourceMap: true,
+ scriptComments: true,
+ target: ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext
+/** Options that either do nothing in Deno, or would cause undesired behavior
+ * if modified. */
+const ignoredCompilerOptions: readonly string[] = [
+ "allowSyntheticDefaultImports",
+ "baseUrl",
+ "build",
+ "composite",
+ "declaration",
+ "declarationDir",
+ "declarationMap",
+ "diagnostics",
+ "downlevelIteration",
+ "emitBOM",
+ "emitDeclarationOnly",
+ "esModuleInterop",
+ "extendedDiagnostics",
+ "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames",
+ "help",
+ "importHelpers",
+ "incremental",
+ "inlineSourceMap",
+ "inlineSources",
+ "init",
+ "isolatedModules",
+ "lib",
+ "listEmittedFiles",
+ "listFiles",
+ "mapRoot",
+ "maxNodeModuleJsDepth",
+ "module",
+ "moduleResolution",
+ "newLine",
+ "noEmit",
+ "noEmitHelpers",
+ "noEmitOnError",
+ "noLib",
+ "noResolve",
+ "out",
+ "outDir",
+ "outFile",
+ "paths",
+ "preserveSymlinks",
+ "preserveWatchOutput",
+ "pretty",
+ "rootDir",
+ "rootDirs",
+ "showConfig",
+ "skipDefaultLibCheck",
+ "skipLibCheck",
+ "sourceMap",
+ "sourceRoot",
+ "stripInternal",
+ "target",
+ "traceResolution",
+ "tsBuildInfoFile",
+ "types",
+ "typeRoots",
+ "version",
+ "watch"
+export class Host implements ts.CompilerHost {
+ private readonly _options = defaultCompileOptions;
+ private _writeFile: WriteFileCallback;
+ private _getAsset(filename: string): SourceFile {
+ const sourceFile = SourceFile.get(filename);
+ if (sourceFile) {
+ return sourceFile;
+ }
+ const url = filename.split("/").pop()!;
+ const name = url.includes(".") ? url : `${url}.d.ts`;
+ const sourceCode = sendSync(dispatch.OP_FETCH_ASSET, { name });
+ return new SourceFile({
+ url,
+ filename,
+ mediaType: MediaType.TypeScript,
+ sourceCode
+ });
+ }
+ /* Deno specific APIs */
+ /** Provides the `ts.HostCompiler` interface for Deno. */
+ constructor(options: CompilerHostOptions) {
+ const { bundle = false, writeFile } = options;
+ this._writeFile = writeFile;
+ if (bundle) {
+ // options we need to change when we are generating a bundle
+ Object.assign(this._options, defaultBundlerOptions);
+ }
+ }
+ /** Take a configuration string, parse it, and use it to merge with the
+ * compiler's configuration options. The method returns an array of compiler
+ * options which were ignored, or `undefined`. */
+ configure(path: string, configurationText: string): ConfigureResponse {
+ util.log("compiler::host.configure", path);
+ assert(configurationText);
+ const { config, error } = ts.parseConfigFileTextToJson(
+ path,
+ configurationText
+ );
+ if (error) {
+ return { diagnostics: [error] };
+ }
+ const { options, errors } = ts.convertCompilerOptionsFromJson(
+ config.compilerOptions,
+ cwd()
+ );
+ const ignoredOptions: string[] = [];
+ for (const key of Object.keys(options)) {
+ if (
+ ignoredCompilerOptions.includes(key) &&
+ (!(key in this._options) || options[key] !== this._options[key])
+ ) {
+ ignoredOptions.push(key);
+ delete options[key];
+ }
+ }
+ Object.assign(this._options, options);
+ return {
+ ignoredOptions: ignoredOptions.length ? ignoredOptions : undefined,
+ diagnostics: errors.length ? errors : undefined
+ };
+ }
+ /** Merge options into the host's current set of compiler options and return
+ * the merged set. */
+ mergeOptions(...options: ts.CompilerOptions[]): ts.CompilerOptions {
+ Object.assign(this._options, ...options);
+ return Object.assign({}, this._options);
+ }
+ /* TypeScript CompilerHost APIs */
+ fileExists(_fileName: string): boolean {
+ return notImplemented();
+ }
+ getCanonicalFileName(fileName: string): string {
+ return fileName;
+ }
+ getCompilationSettings(): ts.CompilerOptions {
+ util.log("compiler::host.getCompilationSettings()");
+ return this._options;
+ }
+ getCurrentDirectory(): string {
+ return "";
+ }
+ getDefaultLibFileName(_options: ts.CompilerOptions): string {
+ return ASSETS + "/lib.deno_runtime.d.ts";
+ }
+ getNewLine(): string {
+ return "\n";
+ }
+ getSourceFile(
+ fileName: string,
+ languageVersion: ts.ScriptTarget,
+ onError?: (message: string) => void,
+ shouldCreateNewSourceFile?: boolean
+ ): ts.SourceFile | undefined {
+ util.log("compiler::host.getSourceFile", fileName);
+ try {
+ assert(!shouldCreateNewSourceFile);
+ const sourceFile = fileName.startsWith(ASSETS)
+ ? this._getAsset(fileName)
+ : SourceFile.get(fileName);
+ assert(sourceFile != null);
+ if (!sourceFile.tsSourceFile) {
+ sourceFile.tsSourceFile = ts.createSourceFile(
+ fileName,
+ sourceFile.sourceCode,
+ languageVersion
+ );
+ }
+ return sourceFile!.tsSourceFile;
+ } catch (e) {
+ if (onError) {
+ onError(String(e));
+ } else {
+ throw e;
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ }
+ readFile(_fileName: string): string | undefined {
+ return notImplemented();
+ }
+ resolveModuleNames(
+ moduleNames: string[],
+ containingFile: string
+ ): Array {
+ util.log("compiler::host.resolveModuleNames", {
+ moduleNames,
+ containingFile
+ });
+ return moduleNames.map(specifier => {
+ const url = SourceFile.getUrl(specifier, containingFile);
+ const sourceFile = specifier.startsWith(ASSETS)
+ ? this._getAsset(specifier)
+ : url
+ ? SourceFile.get(url)
+ : undefined;
+ if (!sourceFile) {
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ return {
+ resolvedFileName: sourceFile.url,
+ isExternalLibraryImport: specifier.startsWith(ASSETS),
+ extension: sourceFile.extension
+ };
+ });
+ }
+ useCaseSensitiveFileNames(): boolean {
+ return true;
+ }
+ writeFile(
+ fileName: string,
+ data: string,
+ _writeByteOrderMark: boolean,
+ _onError?: (message: string) => void,
+ sourceFiles?: readonly ts.SourceFile[]
+ ): void {
+ util.log("compiler::host.writeFile", fileName);
+ this._writeFile(fileName, data, sourceFiles);
+ }
diff --git a/cli/js/compiler_imports.ts b/cli/js/compiler_imports.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..9243b5752311e7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/js/compiler_imports.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+import {
+ MediaType,
+ SourceFile,
+ SourceFileJson
+} from "./compiler_sourcefile.ts";
+import { cwd } from "./dir.ts";
+import * as dispatch from "./dispatch.ts";
+import { sendAsync, sendSync } from "./dispatch_json.ts";
+import { assert } from "./util.ts";
+import * as util from "./util.ts";
+// Constants used by `normalizeString` and `resolvePath`
+const CHAR_DOT = 46; /* . */
+const CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH = 47; /* / */
+/** Resolves `.` and `..` elements in a path with directory names */
+function normalizeString(
+ path: string,
+ allowAboveRoot: boolean,
+ separator: string,
+ isPathSeparator: (code: number) => boolean
+): string {
+ let res = "";
+ let lastSegmentLength = 0;
+ let lastSlash = -1;
+ let dots = 0;
+ let code: number;
+ for (let i = 0, len = path.length; i <= len; ++i) {
+ if (i < len) code = path.charCodeAt(i);
+ else if (isPathSeparator(code!)) break;
+ else code = CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;
+ if (isPathSeparator(code)) {
+ if (lastSlash === i - 1 || dots === 1) {
+ // NOOP
+ } else if (lastSlash !== i - 1 && dots === 2) {
+ if (
+ res.length < 2 ||
+ lastSegmentLength !== 2 ||
+ res.charCodeAt(res.length - 1) !== CHAR_DOT ||
+ res.charCodeAt(res.length - 2) !== CHAR_DOT
+ ) {
+ if (res.length > 2) {
+ const lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf(separator);
+ if (lastSlashIndex === -1) {
+ res = "";
+ lastSegmentLength = 0;
+ } else {
+ res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex);
+ lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf(separator);
+ }
+ lastSlash = i;
+ dots = 0;
+ continue;
+ } else if (res.length === 2 || res.length === 1) {
+ res = "";
+ lastSegmentLength = 0;
+ lastSlash = i;
+ dots = 0;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ if (allowAboveRoot) {
+ if (res.length > 0) res += `${separator}..`;
+ else res = "..";
+ lastSegmentLength = 2;
+ }
+ } else {
+ if (res.length > 0) res += separator + path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i);
+ else res = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, i);
+ lastSegmentLength = i - lastSlash - 1;
+ }
+ lastSlash = i;
+ dots = 0;
+ } else if (code === CHAR_DOT && dots !== -1) {
+ ++dots;
+ } else {
+ dots = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ return res;
+/** Resolve a path to the final path segment passed. */
+function resolvePath(...pathSegments: string[]): string {
+ let resolvedPath = "";
+ let resolvedAbsolute = false;
+ for (let i = pathSegments.length - 1; i >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; i--) {
+ let path: string;
+ if (i >= 0) path = pathSegments[i];
+ else path = cwd();
+ // Skip empty entries
+ if (path.length === 0) {
+ continue;
+ }
+ resolvedPath = `${path}/${resolvedPath}`;
+ resolvedAbsolute = path.charCodeAt(0) === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH;
+ }
+ // At this point the path should be resolved to a full absolute path, but
+ // handle relative paths to be safe (might happen when cwd() fails)
+ // Normalize the path
+ resolvedPath = normalizeString(
+ resolvedPath,
+ !resolvedAbsolute,
+ "/",
+ code => code === CHAR_FORWARD_SLASH
+ );
+ if (resolvedAbsolute) {
+ if (resolvedPath.length > 0) return `/${resolvedPath}`;
+ else return "/";
+ } else if (resolvedPath.length > 0) return resolvedPath;
+ else return ".";
+/** Resolve a relative specifier based on the referrer. Used when resolving
+ * modules internally within the runtime compiler API. */
+function resolveSpecifier(specifier: string, referrer: string): string {
+ if (!specifier.startsWith(".")) {
+ return specifier;
+ }
+ const pathParts = referrer.split("/");
+ pathParts.pop();
+ let path = pathParts.join("/");
+ path = path.endsWith("/") ? path : `${path}/`;
+ return resolvePath(path, specifier);
+/** Ops to Rust to resolve modules' URLs. */
+export function resolveModules(
+ specifiers: string[],
+ referrer?: string
+): string[] {
+ util.log("compiler_imports::resolveModules", { specifiers, referrer });
+ return sendSync(dispatch.OP_RESOLVE_MODULES, { specifiers, referrer });
+/** Ops to Rust to fetch modules meta data. */
+function fetchSourceFiles(
+ specifiers: string[],
+ referrer?: string
+): Promise {
+ util.log("compiler_imports::fetchSourceFiles", { specifiers, referrer });
+ return sendAsync(dispatch.OP_FETCH_SOURCE_FILES, {
+ specifiers,
+ referrer
+ });
+/** Given a filename, determine the media type based on extension. Used when
+ * resolving modules internally in a runtime compile. */
+function getMediaType(filename: string): MediaType {
+ const maybeExtension = /\.([a-zA-Z]+)$/.exec(filename);
+ if (!maybeExtension) {
+ util.log(`!!! Could not identify valid extension: "${filename}"`);
+ return MediaType.Unknown;
+ }
+ const [, extension] = maybeExtension;
+ switch (extension.toLowerCase()) {
+ case "js":
+ return MediaType.JavaScript;
+ case "jsx":
+ return MediaType.JSX;
+ case "json":
+ return MediaType.Json;
+ case "ts":
+ return MediaType.TypeScript;
+ case "tsx":
+ return MediaType.TSX;
+ case "wasm":
+ return MediaType.Wasm;
+ default:
+ util.log(`!!! Unknown extension: "${extension}"`);
+ return MediaType.Unknown;
+ }
+/** Recursively process the imports of modules from within the supplied sources,
+ * generating `SourceFile`s of any imported files.
+ *
+ * Specifiers are supplied in an array of tuples where the first is the
+ * specifier that will be requested in the code and the second is the specifier
+ * that should be actually resolved. */
+export function processLocalImports(
+ sources: Record,
+ specifiers: Array<[string, string]>,
+ referrer?: string
+): string[] {
+ if (!specifiers.length) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ const moduleNames = specifiers.map(
+ referrer
+ ? ([, specifier]): string => resolveSpecifier(specifier, referrer)
+ : ([, specifier]): string => specifier
+ );
+ for (let i = 0; i < moduleNames.length; i++) {
+ const moduleName = moduleNames[i];
+ console.log(moduleName, getMediaType(moduleName));
+ const sourceFile =
+ SourceFile.get(moduleName) ||
+ new SourceFile({
+ url: moduleName,
+ filename: moduleName,
+ sourceCode: sources[moduleName],
+ mediaType: getMediaType(moduleName)
+ });
+ sourceFile.cache(specifiers[i][0], referrer);
+ if (!sourceFile.processed) {
+ processLocalImports(sources, sourceFile.imports(), sourceFile.url);
+ }
+ }
+ return moduleNames;
+/** Recursively process the imports of modules, generating `SourceFile`s of any
+ * imported files.
+ *
+ * Specifiers are supplied in an array of tuples where the first is the
+ * specifier that will be requested in the code and the second is the specifier
+ * that should be actually resolved. */
+export async function processImports(
+ specifiers: Array<[string, string]>,
+ referrer?: string
+): Promise {
+ if (!specifiers.length) {
+ return [];
+ }
+ const sources = specifiers.map(([, moduleSpecifier]) => moduleSpecifier);
+ const resolvedSources = resolveModules(sources, referrer);
+ const sourceFiles = await fetchSourceFiles(resolvedSources, referrer);
+ assert(sourceFiles.length === specifiers.length);
+ for (let i = 0; i < sourceFiles.length; i++) {
+ const sourceFileJson = sourceFiles[i];
+ const sourceFile =
+ SourceFile.get(sourceFileJson.url) || new SourceFile(sourceFileJson);
+ sourceFile.cache(specifiers[i][0], referrer);
+ if (!sourceFile.processed) {
+ await processImports(sourceFile.imports(), sourceFile.url);
+ }
+ }
+ return resolvedSources;
diff --git a/cli/js/compiler_sourcefile.ts b/cli/js/compiler_sourcefile.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..46e5cbe3b252b9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/js/compiler_sourcefile.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,168 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+import {
+ getMappedModuleName,
+ parseTypeDirectives
+} from "./compiler_type_directives.ts";
+import { assert, log } from "./util.ts";
+// Warning! The values in this enum are duplicated in `cli/msg.rs`
+// Update carefully!
+export enum MediaType {
+ JavaScript = 0,
+ JSX = 1,
+ TypeScript = 2,
+ TSX = 3,
+ Json = 4,
+ Wasm = 5,
+ Unknown = 6
+/** The shape of the SourceFile that comes from the privileged side */
+export interface SourceFileJson {
+ url: string;
+ filename: string;
+ mediaType: MediaType;
+ sourceCode: string;
+/** Returns the TypeScript Extension enum for a given media type. */
+function getExtension(fileName: string, mediaType: MediaType): ts.Extension {
+ switch (mediaType) {
+ case MediaType.JavaScript:
+ return ts.Extension.Js;
+ case MediaType.JSX:
+ return ts.Extension.Jsx;
+ case MediaType.TypeScript:
+ return fileName.endsWith(".d.ts") ? ts.Extension.Dts : ts.Extension.Ts;
+ case MediaType.TSX:
+ return ts.Extension.Tsx;
+ case MediaType.Json:
+ return ts.Extension.Json;
+ case MediaType.Wasm:
+ // Custom marker for Wasm type.
+ return ts.Extension.Js;
+ case MediaType.Unknown:
+ default:
+ throw TypeError("Cannot resolve extension.");
+ }
+/** A self registering abstraction of source files. */
+export class SourceFile {
+ extension!: ts.Extension;
+ filename!: string;
+ /** An array of tuples which represent the imports for the source file. The
+ * first element is the one that will be requested at compile time, the
+ * second is the one that should be actually resolved. This provides the
+ * feature of type directives for Deno. */
+ importedFiles?: Array<[string, string]>;
+ mediaType!: MediaType;
+ processed = false;
+ sourceCode!: string;
+ tsSourceFile?: ts.SourceFile;
+ url!: string;
+ constructor(json: SourceFileJson) {
+ if (SourceFile._moduleCache.has(json.url)) {
+ throw new TypeError("SourceFile already exists");
+ }
+ Object.assign(this, json);
+ this.extension = getExtension(this.url, this.mediaType);
+ SourceFile._moduleCache.set(this.url, this);
+ }
+ /** Cache the source file to be able to be retrieved by `moduleSpecifier` and
+ * `containingFile`. */
+ cache(moduleSpecifier: string, containingFile?: string): void {
+ containingFile = containingFile || "";
+ let innerCache = SourceFile._specifierCache.get(containingFile);
+ if (!innerCache) {
+ innerCache = new Map();
+ SourceFile._specifierCache.set(containingFile, innerCache);
+ }
+ innerCache.set(moduleSpecifier, this);
+ }
+ /** Process the imports for the file and return them. */
+ imports(): Array<[string, string]> {
+ if (this.processed) {
+ throw new Error("SourceFile has already been processed.");
+ }
+ assert(this.sourceCode != null);
+ // we shouldn't process imports for files which contain the nocheck pragma
+ // (like bundles)
+ if (this.sourceCode.match(/\/{2}\s+@ts-nocheck/)) {
+ log(`Skipping imports for "${this.filename}"`);
+ return [];
+ }
+ const preProcessedFileInfo = ts.preProcessFile(this.sourceCode, true, true);
+ this.processed = true;
+ const files = (this.importedFiles = [] as Array<[string, string]>);
+ function process(references: ts.FileReference[]): void {
+ for (const { fileName } of references) {
+ files.push([fileName, fileName]);
+ }
+ }
+ const {
+ importedFiles,
+ referencedFiles,
+ libReferenceDirectives,
+ typeReferenceDirectives
+ } = preProcessedFileInfo;
+ const typeDirectives = parseTypeDirectives(this.sourceCode);
+ if (typeDirectives) {
+ for (const importedFile of importedFiles) {
+ files.push([
+ importedFile.fileName,
+ getMappedModuleName(importedFile, typeDirectives)
+ ]);
+ }
+ } else {
+ process(importedFiles);
+ }
+ process(referencedFiles);
+ process(libReferenceDirectives);
+ process(typeReferenceDirectives);
+ return files;
+ }
+ /** A cache of all the source files which have been loaded indexed by the
+ * url. */
+ private static _moduleCache: Map = new Map();
+ /** A cache of source files based on module specifiers and containing files
+ * which is used by the TypeScript compiler to resolve the url */
+ private static _specifierCache: Map<
+ string,
+ Map
+ > = new Map();
+ /** Retrieve a `SourceFile` based on a `moduleSpecifier` and `containingFile`
+ * or return `undefined` if not preset. */
+ static getUrl(
+ moduleSpecifier: string,
+ containingFile: string
+ ): string | undefined {
+ const containingCache = this._specifierCache.get(containingFile);
+ if (containingCache) {
+ const sourceFile = containingCache.get(moduleSpecifier);
+ return sourceFile && sourceFile.url;
+ }
+ return undefined;
+ }
+ /** Retrieve a `SourceFile` based on a `url` */
+ static get(url: string): SourceFile | undefined {
+ return this._moduleCache.get(url);
+ }
+ /** Determine if a source file exists or not */
+ static has(url: string): boolean {
+ return this._moduleCache.has(url);
+ }
diff --git a/cli/js/type_directives.ts b/cli/js/compiler_type_directives.ts
similarity index 100%
rename from cli/js/type_directives.ts
rename to cli/js/compiler_type_directives.ts
diff --git a/cli/js/compiler_util.ts b/cli/js/compiler_util.ts
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..30c6f61629fcff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/cli/js/compiler_util.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
+// Copyright 2018-2019 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
+import { bold, cyan, yellow } from "./colors.ts";
+import { CompilerOptions } from "./compiler_api.ts";
+import { buildBundle } from "./compiler_bundler.ts";
+import { ConfigureResponse, Host } from "./compiler_host.ts";
+import { SourceFile } from "./compiler_sourcefile.ts";
+import { sendSync } from "./dispatch_json.ts";
+import * as dispatch from "./dispatch.ts";
+import { TextEncoder } from "./text_encoding.ts";
+import * as util from "./util.ts";
+import { assert } from "./util.ts";
+import { writeFileSync } from "./write_file.ts";
+/** Type for the write fall callback that allows delegation from the compiler
+ * host on writing files. */
+export type WriteFileCallback = (
+ fileName: string,
+ data: string,
+ sourceFiles?: readonly ts.SourceFile[]
+) => void;
+/** An object which is passed to `createWriteFile` to be used to read and set
+ * state related to the emit of a program. */
+export interface WriteFileState {
+ type: CompilerRequestType;
+ bundle?: boolean;
+ host?: Host;
+ outFile?: string;
+ rootNames: string[];
+ emitMap?: Record;
+ emitBundle?: string;
+ sources?: Record;
+// Warning! The values in this enum are duplicated in `cli/msg.rs`
+// Update carefully!
+export enum CompilerRequestType {
+ Compile = 0,
+ RuntimeCompile = 1,
+ RuntimeTranspile = 2
+export const OUT_DIR = "$deno$";
+/** Cache the contents of a file on the trusted side. */
+function cache(
+ moduleId: string,
+ emittedFileName: string,
+ contents: string,
+ checkJs = false
+): void {
+ util.log("compiler::cache", { moduleId, emittedFileName, checkJs });
+ const sf = SourceFile.get(moduleId);
+ if (sf) {
+ // NOTE: If it's a `.json` file we don't want to write it to disk.
+ // JSON files are loaded and used by TS compiler to check types, but we don't want
+ // to emit them to disk because output file is the same as input file.
+ if (sf.extension === ts.Extension.Json) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // NOTE: JavaScript files are only cached to disk if `checkJs`
+ // option in on
+ if (sf.extension === ts.Extension.Js && !checkJs) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if (emittedFileName.endsWith(".map")) {
+ // Source Map
+ sendSync(dispatch.OP_CACHE, {
+ extension: ".map",
+ moduleId,
+ contents
+ });
+ } else if (
+ emittedFileName.endsWith(".js") ||
+ emittedFileName.endsWith(".json")
+ ) {
+ // Compiled JavaScript
+ sendSync(dispatch.OP_CACHE, {
+ extension: ".js",
+ moduleId,
+ contents
+ });
+ } else {
+ assert(false, `Trying to cache unhandled file type "${emittedFileName}"`);
+ }
+const encoder = new TextEncoder();
+/** Generates a `writeFile` function which can be passed to the compiler `Host`
+ * to use when emitting files. */
+export function createWriteFile(state: WriteFileState): WriteFileCallback {
+ if (state.type === CompilerRequestType.Compile) {
+ return function writeFile(
+ fileName: string,
+ data: string,
+ sourceFiles?: readonly ts.SourceFile[]
+ ): void {
+ assert(
+ sourceFiles != null,
+ `Unexpected emit of "${fileName}" which isn't part of a program.`
+ );
+ assert(state.host);
+ if (!state.bundle) {
+ assert(sourceFiles.length === 1);
+ cache(
+ sourceFiles[0].fileName,
+ fileName,
+ data,
+ state.host.getCompilationSettings().checkJs
+ );
+ } else {
+ // if the fileName is set to an internal value, just noop, this is
+ // used in the Rust unit tests.
+ if (state.outFile && state.outFile.startsWith(OUT_DIR)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ // we only support single root names for bundles
+ assert(
+ state.rootNames.length === 1,
+ `Only one root name supported. Got "${JSON.stringify(
+ state.rootNames
+ )}"`
+ );
+ // this enriches the string with the loader and re-exports the
+ // exports of the root module
+ const content = buildBundle(state.rootNames[0], data, sourceFiles);
+ if (state.outFile) {
+ const encodedData = encoder.encode(content);
+ console.warn(`Emitting bundle to "${state.outFile}"`);
+ writeFileSync(state.outFile, encodedData);
+ console.warn(`${util.humanFileSize(encodedData.length)} emitted.`);
+ } else {
+ console.log(content);
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ }
+ return function writeFile(
+ fileName: string,
+ data: string,
+ sourceFiles?: readonly ts.SourceFile[]
+ ): void {
+ assert(sourceFiles != null);
+ assert(state.host);
+ assert(state.emitMap);
+ if (!state.bundle) {
+ assert(sourceFiles.length === 1);
+ state.emitMap[fileName] = data;
+ // we only want to cache the compiler output if we are resolving
+ // modules externally
+ if (!state.sources) {
+ cache(
+ sourceFiles[0].fileName,
+ fileName,
+ data,
+ state.host.getCompilationSettings().checkJs
+ );
+ }
+ } else {
+ // we only support single root names for bundles
+ assert(state.rootNames.length === 1);
+ state.emitBundle = buildBundle(state.rootNames[0], data, sourceFiles);
+ }
+ };
+/** Take a runtime set of compiler options as stringified JSON and convert it
+ * to a set of TypeScript compiler options. */
+export function convertCompilerOptions(str: string): ts.CompilerOptions {
+ const options: CompilerOptions = JSON.parse(str);
+ const out: Record = {};
+ const keys = Object.keys(options) as Array;
+ for (const key of keys) {
+ switch (key) {
+ case "jsx":
+ const value = options[key];
+ if (value === "preserve") {
+ out[key] = ts.JsxEmit.Preserve;
+ } else if (value === "react") {
+ out[key] = ts.JsxEmit.React;
+ } else {
+ out[key] = ts.JsxEmit.ReactNative;
+ }
+ break;
+ case "module":
+ switch (options[key]) {
+ case "amd":
+ out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.AMD;
+ break;
+ case "commonjs":
+ out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.CommonJS;
+ break;
+ case "es2015":
+ case "es6":
+ out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.ES2015;
+ break;
+ case "esnext":
+ out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.ESNext;
+ break;
+ case "none":
+ out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.None;
+ break;
+ case "system":
+ out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.System;
+ break;
+ case "umd":
+ out[key] = ts.ModuleKind.UMD;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new TypeError("Unexpected module type");
+ }
+ break;
+ case "target":
+ switch (options[key]) {
+ case "es3":
+ out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES3;
+ break;
+ case "es5":
+ out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES5;
+ break;
+ case "es6":
+ case "es2015":
+ out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2015;
+ break;
+ case "es2016":
+ out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2016;
+ break;
+ case "es2017":
+ out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2017;
+ break;
+ case "es2018":
+ out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2018;
+ break;
+ case "es2019":
+ out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2019;
+ break;
+ case "es2020":
+ out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ES2020;
+ break;
+ case "esnext":
+ out[key] = ts.ScriptTarget.ESNext;
+ break;
+ default:
+ throw new TypeError("Unexpected emit target.");
+ }
+ default:
+ out[key] = options[key];
+ }
+ }
+ return out as ts.CompilerOptions;
+/** An array of TypeScript diagnostic types we ignore. */
+export const ignoredDiagnostics = [
+ // TS1103: 'for-await-of' statement is only allowed within an async function
+ // or async generator.
+ 1103,
+ // TS1308: 'await' expression is only allowed within an async function.
+ 1308,
+ // TS2691: An import path cannot end with a '.ts' extension. Consider
+ // importing 'bad-module' instead.
+ 2691,
+ // TS5009: Cannot find the common subdirectory path for the input files.
+ 5009,
+ // TS5055: Cannot write file
+ // 'http://localhost:4545/tests/subdir/mt_application_x_javascript.j4.js'
+ // because it would overwrite input file.
+ 5055,
+ // TypeScript is overly opinionated that only CommonJS modules kinds can
+ // support JSON imports. Allegedly this was fixed in
+ // Microsoft/TypeScript#26825 but that doesn't seem to be working here,
+ // so we will ignore complaints about this compiler setting.
+ 5070
+/** When doing a host configuration, processing the response and logging out
+ * and options which were ignored. */
+export function processConfigureResponse(
+ configResult: ConfigureResponse,
+ configPath: string
+): ts.Diagnostic[] | undefined {
+ const { ignoredOptions, diagnostics } = configResult;
+ if (ignoredOptions) {
+ console.warn(
+ yellow(`Unsupported compiler options in "${configPath}"\n`) +
+ cyan(` The following options were ignored:\n`) +
+ ` ${ignoredOptions.map((value): string => bold(value)).join(", ")}`
+ );
+ }
+ return diagnostics;
diff --git a/cli/js/globals.ts b/cli/js/globals.ts
index 3027d60aa9504b..68cdaec4a65b46 100644
--- a/cli/js/globals.ts
+++ b/cli/js/globals.ts
@@ -62,6 +62,8 @@ declare global {
interface Object {
[consoleTypes.customInspect]?(): string;
+ const console: consoleTypes.Console;
// A self reference to the global object.
diff --git a/cli/tests/compiler_api_test.ts b/cli/tests/compiler_api_test.ts
index c7af466fb5f54e..7cb5029f6f58df 100644
--- a/cli/tests/compiler_api_test.ts
+++ b/cli/tests/compiler_api_test.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
-const result = await Deno.bundle("/foo/index.ts", {
- "/foo/index.ts": `import * as bar from "../bar.ts";\n\nconsole.log(bar);\n`,
+const [diagnostics, actual] = await Deno.compile("/foo.ts", {
+ "/foo.ts": `import * as bar from "./bar.ts";\n\nconsole.log(bar);\n`,
"/bar.ts": `export const bar = "bar";\n`
-console.log(JSON.stringify(result, undefined, " "));
+console.log(diagnostics, actual);
diff --git a/cli/tests/error_011_bad_module_specifier.ts.out b/cli/tests/error_011_bad_module_specifier.ts.out
index 5f1418c26a8d38..7c100db13ad2cf 100644
--- a/cli/tests/error_011_bad_module_specifier.ts.out
+++ b/cli/tests/error_011_bad_module_specifier.ts.out
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
at DenoError ($deno$/errors.ts:[WILDCARD])
at unwrapResponse ($deno$/dispatch_json.ts:[WILDCARD])
at sendSync ($deno$/dispatch_json.ts:[WILDCARD])
- at resolveModules ($deno$/compiler.ts:[WILDCARD])
- at processImports ($deno$/compiler.ts:[WILDCARD])
- at processImports ($deno$/compiler.ts:[WILDCARD])
+ at resolveModules ($deno$/compiler_imports.ts:[WILDCARD])
+ at processImports ($deno$/compiler_imports.ts:[WILDCARD])
+ at processImports ($deno$/compiler_imports.ts:[WILDCARD])
diff --git a/cli/tests/error_012_bad_dynamic_import_specifier.ts.out b/cli/tests/error_012_bad_dynamic_import_specifier.ts.out
index bdd08245128db9..095ca497bfc2c6 100644
--- a/cli/tests/error_012_bad_dynamic_import_specifier.ts.out
+++ b/cli/tests/error_012_bad_dynamic_import_specifier.ts.out
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
at DenoError ($deno$/errors.ts:[WILDCARD])
at unwrapResponse ($deno$/dispatch_json.ts:[WILDCARD])
at sendSync ($deno$/dispatch_json.ts:[WILDCARD])
- at resolveModules ($deno$/compiler.ts:[WILDCARD])
- at processImports ($deno$/compiler.ts:[WILDCARD])
- at processImports ($deno$/compiler.ts:[WILDCARD])
+ at resolveModules ($deno$/compiler_imports.ts:[WILDCARD])
+ at processImports ($deno$/compiler_imports.ts:[WILDCARD])
+ at processImports ($deno$/compiler_imports.ts:[WILDCARD])
diff --git a/cli/tests/error_type_definitions.ts.out b/cli/tests/error_type_definitions.ts.out
index f613a7e2f66619..d2c6096aced33c 100644
--- a/cli/tests/error_type_definitions.ts.out
+++ b/cli/tests/error_type_definitions.ts.out
@@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
at DenoError ($deno$/errors.ts:[WILDCARD])
at unwrapResponse ($deno$/dispatch_json.ts:[WILDCARD])
at sendSync ($deno$/dispatch_json.ts:[WILDCARD])
- at resolveModules ($deno$/compiler.ts:[WILDCARD])
- at processImports ($deno$/compiler.ts:[WILDCARD])
- at processImports ($deno$/compiler.ts:[WILDCARD])
+ at resolveModules ($deno$/compiler_imports.ts:[WILDCARD])
+ at processImports ($deno$/compiler_imports.ts:[WILDCARD])
+ at processImports ($deno$/compiler_imports.ts:[WILDCARD])