This is a skin for Midnight Commander using the Solarized palette.
It is designed to be used with terminal emulators that use Solarized palette as
their ANSI colors.
It is a fork from nkulikov/mc-solarized-skin however it was rewriten from
scratch based on GoTaR MC skin. The file highliting was adjusted to be as
close as possible to the Solarized dircolors.ansi-universal.
Some info on skin writing is available on MC wiki,
yet it's usually takes a PHD to understand what's going on.
And since I'm senile and lazy, I don't want to keep going to external references.
Also, it seems it's bloody scattered all over the place, and one has to collect tiny,
and I do mean TINY, and sometimes outdated, pieces of information to form something complete.
That's why I took the libery to comment EVERYTHING, just in case.
Note you might need mc > 4.7.5 for this scheme to work
See MC install script on how to compile from source.
Clone the repostiry into $HOME/.config/mc/
and define MC_SKIN
in .bashrc
, .zshrc
or .whatnotrc
mkdir -p $HOME/.config/mc/
git clone $HOME/.config/mc/
echo "MC_SKIN=$HOME/.config/mc/mc-solarized-skin/solarized.ini" >> .zshrc
base03 | #002b36 | brightblack |
base02 | #073642 | black |
base01 | #586e75 | brightgreen |
base00 | #657b83 | brightyellow |
base0 | #839496 | brightblue |
base1 | #93a1a1 | brightcyan |
base2 | #eee8d5 | white |
base3 | #fdf6e3 | brightwhite |
yellow | #b58900 | brown |
orange | #cb4b16 | brightred |
red | #dc322f | red |
magenta | #d33682 | magenta |
violet | #6c71c4 | brightmageta |
blue | #268bd2 | blue |
cyan | #2aa198 | cyan |
green | #859900 | green |