All notable changes to this project are documented in this file.
- Move to Python 3.6 (PR #270)
- move to only python 3.6+ support
- use new version of compiler ( neo-boa==0.3.3 ) based on python 3.6 wordcode
- full testing of VM and all compiled smart contracts
- adds new command TestBuild for running tests of compiled contracts
- Add Notification REST URL prefix (PR #274)
- Add
(PR #271) - Fixed script value returned by JSON-RPC invokes (PR #268)
- Added support for additional JSON-RPC "type" parameters (PR #267)
- Updating of almost all dependencies (PR #261)
- Fixed bug with transactions consuming between 9 and 10 GAS (PR #260)
- Updated Notification REST API URLs with
prefix, and some with/v1/notifications
(PR #274) - Fixed inconsistencies with JSON-RPC output values (PR #272)
- wallet sync error and password fixes related to encryption changes (PR #245)
- import contract_addr and build ... test fixes (PR #237)
- Easy Coznet support(PR #239)
- ContractParameterContext fix (PR #242)
- Zero length bytearray in VM fix (PR #244)
- Wallet Encryption changes (PR #232)
- Close wallet on quit (PR #226)
- Bugfix for smart contract storage events (PR #228)
- Fix Gas Cost Calculation (PR #220)
- Clarify message for token mint command (PR #212)
- Troubleshooting osx script (PR #208)
- Make Contract Search case insensitive (PR #207)
- implement a more robust CLI command parser
- added peristence to NotificationDB for NEP5 Tokens
- upstream neocore update
- Added support for StateTransaction and StateDescriptors (PR #193)
- Allow multiple open wallets (PR #185)
- Added ability to include transaction attributes with the send command. example:
send neo APRgMZHZubii29UXF9uFa6sohrsYupNAvx 10 --tx-attr={'usage':241,'data':'My Remark'}
(PR #184) - Notification REST API (PR #177, examples/
- Minor cleanups and documentation updates
- updated
, added support for arrayREMOVE
VM opcodes - moved core functions to neocore
- better LevelDB support for OSX
- dependency udates
- Makefile with some useful commands
- ability to claim GAS from SC address
- lots of documentation
- various small bugfixes
- updated
- added support for array
VM opcodes
- updated
- added support for array
VM opcodes
- updated
- added support for debug storage
- added support for runtime notifications from verification contracts
- added support for checking verification during
invoke - updated prompt help
- added additional SC Api (
) - added support for dynamically defined smart contract execution
- added ability to alias an address in the wallet