- RaspberryPi Model 3B+
- 16 Gbyte microSD card (32 Gbyte recommended)
- Micro-USB 5V 3A power-supply and cable
- USB SSD drive (optional)
- Balena Etcher GUI application for Windows, macOS, LINUX
Perform the following in the order listed to setup the RPi3B+ with appropriate hardware and software to run Open Horizon patterns and services.
Download Raspbian for RaspberryPi Model 3B+ and copy the the uncompressed image to the SD card using Etcher (n.b. unset option Auto un-mount on success
Create ssh
file in root directory of flashed SD card, e.g. on macOS it is typically /Volume/boot
sudo touch /Volume/boot/ssh
Create wpa_supplicant.conf
file in root directory of flashed SD card with appropriate %%SSID%%
and %%PASSWORD%%
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev
Eject SD card:
diskutil eject /Volume/boot
Insert flashed and configured SD card into RPi3B+ and attach optional external SSD storage device. Connect micro-USB cable and power-supply. RPi3B+ will boot and the device will register with the local DHCP server using the name raspberrypi
. To identify the RPi3B+ on the LAN, run the following command to scan the network for all devices matching raspberry
sudo nmap -sn -T5 | egrep -B 2 -i raspberry
Example output:
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.21s latency).
MAC Address: B8:27:EB:14:51:15 (Raspberry Pi Foundation)
Nmap scan report for
Host is up (0.21s latency).
MAC Address: B8:27:EB:ED:F0:55 (Raspberry Pi Foundation)
Record the IP address of the target device; it will be referenced in later commands:
export IP=
Copy SSH keys from the host to the default pi
account; if SSH keys do not exist, use the ssh-keygen
command to create.
ssh-copy-id pi@${IP}
And change the default password for the pi
ssh pi@${IP} 'sudo passwd pi'
And set the hostname:
export DEVICE=test-sdr-4
ssh pi@${IP} "sudo sed -i /etc/hostname s/raspberrypi/${DEVICE}/"
ssh pi@${IP} "sudo sed -i /etc/hosts -e s/raspberrypi/${DEVICE}/"
ssh pi@${IP} "sudo hostname ${DEVICE}"
And reboot:
ssh pi@${IP} "sudo reboot"
Update and upgrade:
ssh pi@${IP} 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -qq -y'
then install Docker latest release directly from Docker:
ssh pi@${IP} 'wget -qO - get.docker.com | sudo bash'
Install Open Horizon packages
ssh pi@${IP} 'wget -qO - ibm.biz/get-horizon | sudo bash'
Once SSH access has been enabled properly, restrictions on access should then be applied. If SSH has been configured properly, no input or password should be required; check ~/.ssh/known_hosts
for name conflicts). Login to the device as root:
ssh pi@${IP} sudo -s
and execute the following commands to disable password-based login:
cat > /etc/ssh/ssh_config << EOF
Host *
SendEnv LANG LC_*
HashKnownHosts yes
GSSAPIAuthentication yes
cat > /etc/ssh/sshd_config << EOF
ChallengeResponseAuthentication no
PasswordAuthentication no
PubkeyAuthentication yes
UsePAM no
At this point the device is configured with Docker and Open Horizon and can be registered for a pattern.
Create development account for current user:
ssh pi@${IP} sudo adduser ${USER}
Enter account specifics, including new password, and then copy host SSH credentials to account:
ssh-copy-id ${USER}@${IP}
Enable account for automated sudo
(i.e. no password required); sequence prompts for password:
ssh pi@${IP} "echo ${USER} 'ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL' > /tmp/010_${USER}-nopasswd"
ssh pi@${IP} "sudo mv /tmp/010_${USER}-nopasswd /etc/sudoers.d/"
ssh pi@${IP} "sudo chmod 400 /etc/sudoers.d/010_${USER}-nopasswd"
ssh pi@${IP} "sudo chown root /etc/sudoers.d/010_${USER}-nopasswd"
Configure account for access to Docker commands; logout and login to take effect.
ssh pi@${IP} "sudo addgroup ${USER} docker"
ssh pi@${IP} "sudo addgroup ${USER} sudo"
Add external SSD storage device and copy Docker and user home directories from SD card to external SSD. ; use the lsblk
command to identify the actual identifier.
sudo lsblk
Example output:
loop0 7:0 0 16M 1 loop
sda 8:0 0 223.6G 0 disk /media/dcmartin/336fb189-d569-46ce-b271-02cb8e46d27d
mtdblock0 31:0 0 4M 0 disk
mmcblk0 179:0 0 29.8G 0 disk
├─mmcblk0p1 179:1 0 29.8G 0 part /
├─mmcblk0p2 179:2 0 128K 0 part
├─mmcblk0p3 179:3 0 448K 0 part
├─mmcblk0p4 179:4 0 576K 0 part
├─mmcblk0p5 179:5 0 64K 0 part
├─mmcblk0p6 179:6 0 192K 0 part
├─mmcblk0p7 179:7 0 576K 0 part
├─mmcblk0p8 179:8 0 64K 0 part
├─mmcblk0p9 179:9 0 640K 0 part
├─mmcblk0p10 179:10 0 448K 0 part
├─mmcblk0p11 179:11 0 128K 0 part
└─mmcblk0p12 179:12 0 80K 0 part
The following commands presume sda
as the device for the external drive
sudo -s
mkdir /sda
echo '/dev/sda /sda ext4' >> /etc/fstab
mount -a
Install rsync
to copy files from SD card to SSD
sudo apt install -y rsync
Relocate /var/lib/docker
to SSD:
sudo -s
systemctl stop docker
rsync -a /var/lib/docker /sda
rm -fr /var/lib/docker
ln -s /sda/docker /var/lib
systemctl start docker
Relocate /home
to SSD:
sudo -s
rsync -a /home /sda
rm -fr /home
ln -s /sda/home /
Logout and login to complete relocation to new home directory.