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402 lines (323 loc) · 11.2 KB

😃 hello - The "hello-world" example


As with all software systems a simple example is required to on-board new users; this service is that example.

In this example a new service, hello, will be created, built, tested, published, and run.

The hello service emits a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) response when it receives a request for its status; the make program is used to build, run, test, publish, and deploy; for example:

% make
{ "hello": "world" }


Using a  macOS computer with the following software installed:

  • Open Horizon - the hzn command-line-interface (CLI) and (optional) local agent
  • Docker - the docker command-line-interface and service
  • make - build automation
  • jq - JSON query processor
  • ssh - secure shell
  • envsubst - GNU gettext package command for environment variable substitution
  • curl - retrieve resources identified by universal resource locators (URL)

Please refer to for more information.

❗ Default exchange & registry

The Open Horizon exchange and Docker registry defaults are utilized.


✋ Development host

It is expected that the development host has been configured as an Open Horizon node with the hzn command-line-interface (CLI) and local agent installed. To utilize the localhost as a pattern test node, the user must have both sudo and ssh privileges for the development host.

 macOS computer

Install Open Horizon for the  mac using the following commands:

curl -sSL -o
sudo bash ./

Start Open Horizon, create & copy SSH credentials to test devices, and check node status.

horizon-container start
ssh-copy-id localhost
ssh localhost hzn node list

The ssh command to the device (i.e. localhost) runs the hzn command-line to output the node's status, for example:

  "id": "",
  "organization": null,
  "pattern": null,
  "name": null,
  "token_last_valid_time": "",
  "token_valid": null,
  "ha": null,
  "configstate": {
    "state": "unconfigured",
    "last_update_time": ""
  "configuration": {
    "exchange_api": "",
    "exchange_version": "1.96.0",
    "required_minimum_exchange_version": "1.91.0",
    "preferred_exchange_version": "1.91.0",
    "architecture": "amd64",
    "horizon_version": "2.23.11"
  "connectivity": {
    "": true,
    "": true

Step 1

Create a new directory, and clone this repository

mkdir -p ~/gitdir/open-horizon
cd ~/gitdir/open-horizon
git clone .

Step 2

Download an IBM Cloud Platform API key file from IAM, for example apiKey.json; the API key is required for authentication with the Open Horizon exchange. Put the file into current directory; the file will be used to automatically acquire the API key. Credentials for the IBM Edge Fabric alpha may be requested on the #edge-fabric-users channel in the IBM Edge Fabric Slack. Set environment variables for Open Horizon organization and Docker namespace and copy those values into files of the same name to ensure persistence across shells; these and other parameters files are ignored by Git.

mv ~/Downloads/apiKey.json .
export HZN_ORG_ID=
echo "${HZN_ORG_ID}" > HZN_ORG_ID

Step 3

Create signing keys used when publishing services and patterns; either set the USER and HOST environment variable or use the defaults: whoami and hostname

hzn key create ${HZN_ORG_ID} ${USER:-$(whoami)}@${HOST:-(hostname)}
mv -f *.key ${HZN_ORG_ID}.key
mv -f *.pem ${HZN_ORG_ID}.pem

Step 4

Create a new directory for the new service hello and link repository scripts (sh) and service makefile to hello directory:

mkdir hello
cd hello
ln -s ../sh .
ln -s ../service.makefile Makefile

Step 5

Create the ./Dockerfile with the following contents

RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -qq -y socat curl
COPY rootfs /
CMD ["/usr/bin/"]

Step 6

Create build.json configuration file; specify FROM targets for Docker build; provide base container images for all supported architectures.


    "arm": "arm32v7/ubuntu:bionic",
    "arm64": "arm64v8/ubuntu:bionic"

Step 7

Create rootfs/ directory to store files that will be copied to the / directory of the container:

% mkdir rootfs

Then make the subdirectory for what will become/usr/bin on the container; scripts for this service will be stored there.

mkdir -p rootfs/usr/bin

Step 8

Create the following scripts.

The script is called when the container is launched (n.b. CMD instruction in `Dockerfile).


# listen to port 80 forever, fork a new process executing script /usr/bin/ to return response
socat TCP4-LISTEN:80,fork EXEC:/usr/bin/

The script is called by the script every time it receives a status request.


# generate an HTTP response containing a JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) payload
echo "HTTP/1.1 200 OK"
echo '{"hello":"world"}'

Change the scripts' permissions to enable execution:

chmod 755 rootfs/usr/bin/
chmod 755 rootfs/usr/bin/

Step 9

Create JSON configuration files; the variable values will be substituted during the build process. Specify a value for url or use default with USER environment variable.

The service.json file contains the label of the service which will be used for service identification.


  "label": "hello",
  "org": "${HZN_ORG_ID}",
  "url": "hello-${USER}",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "arch": "${BUILD_ARCH}",
  "sharable": "singleton",
  "deployment": {
    "services": {
      "hello": {
        "image": null

Create userinput.json configuration file; this file will be used for testing the service in a pattern.


  "services": [
      "org": "${HZN_ORG_ID}",
      "url": "${SERVICE_URL}",
      "versionRange": "[0.0.0,INFINITY)",
      "variables": {}

Step 10

To map the container's service port to the local network, set the environment variable DOCKER_PORT to any open port on the localhost or a random port from range (32000,64000) will be chosen.

export DOCKER_PORT=12345

Step 11

Build, run, and check the service container locally using the native (i.e. amd64) architecture.

% make
>>> MAKE -- 11:44:37 -- hello building: hello; tag: dcmartin/amd64_dcmartin.hello:0.0.1
>>> MAKE -- 11:44:38 -- removing container named: amd64_dcmartin.hello
>>> MAKE -- 11:44:38 -- running container: dcmartin/amd64_dcmartin.hello:0.0.1; name: amd64_dcmartin.hello
>>> MAKE -- 11:44:41 -- checking container: dcmartin/amd64_dcmartin.hello:0.0.1; URL: http://localhost:12345
  "hello": "world"

Step 12

Build all service containers for all supported architectures (n.b. use build-service for single architecture).

% make service-build

Then publish service; publishing requires building all supported architectures, privileges for the container registry (e.g. Docker Hub), and credentials for the IBM Open Horizon (alpha) exchange service.

make service-publish

Step 13

Create pattern configuration file to test the hello service. The variables will have values substituted during the build process.


  "label": "hello-${USER}",
  "services": [
      "serviceUrl": "${SERVICE_URL}",
      "serviceOrgid": "${HZN_ORG_ID}",
      "serviceArch": "amd64",
      "serviceVersions": [
          "version": "${SERVICE_VERSION}"
      "serviceUrl": "${SERVICE_URL}",
      "serviceOrgid": "${HZN_ORG_ID}",
      "serviceArch": "arm",
      "serviceVersions": [
          "version": "${SERVICE_VERSION}"
      "serviceUrl": "${SERVICE_URL}",
      "serviceOrgid": "${HZN_ORG_ID}",
      "serviceArch": "arm64",
      "serviceVersions": [
          "version": "${SERVICE_VERSION}"

Step 14

Publish pattern for hello service.

% make pattern-publish
>>> MAKE -- 19:51:13 -- publishing: hello; organization: [email protected]; exchange:
Updating hello in the exchange...
Storing [email protected] with the pattern in the exchange...

Step 15

The development host is presumed to be the default test device if no TEST_TMP_MACHINES file exists; multiple devices may be listed, one per line. For example, to create a test pool of three devices, including the localhost and two other devices identified by DNS name and IP address, respectively.

% echo 'localhost' >> ./TEST_TMP_MACHINES
% echo 'my-test-rpi3.local' >> ./TEST_TMP_MACHINES
% echo '' >> ./TEST_TMP_MACHINES

Ensure remote access to test devices; copy SSH credentials from the the development host to all test devices; for example:

% ssh-copy-id localhost

Step 16

Register test device(s) with hello pattern:

% make nodes
>>> MAKE -- 19:51:17 -- registering nodes: localhost
>>> MAKE -- 19:51:17 -- registering localhost 
+++ WARN -- ./sh/ 41808 -- missing service organization; using [email protected]/hello
--- INFO -- ./sh/ 41808 -- localhost at IP:
--- INFO -- ./sh/ 41808 -- localhost -- configured with [email protected]/hello
--- INFO -- ./sh/ 41808 -- localhost -- version: ; url: 

Step 17

Inspect nodes until fully configured; device output is collected from executing the following commands.

  • hzn node list
  • hzn agreement list
  • hzn service list
  • docker ps
% make nodes-list
>>> MAKE -- 19:51:15 -- listing nodes: localhost
>>> MAKE -- 19:51:15 -- listing localhost
{"agreements":[{"url":"hello-dcmartin","org":"[email protected]","version":"0.0.1","arch":"amd64"}]}

Step 18

Test nodes for correct output.

% make nodes-test
>>> MAKE -- 19:51:22 -- testing: hello; node: localhost; port: 80; date: Wed Apr 10 19:51:22 PDT 2019

Step 19

Clean nodes; unregister device from Open Horizon and remove all containers and images.

% make nodes-clean

Step 20

Clean service; remove all running containers and images for all architectures from the development host.

% make service-clean