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Armbian Software Center

According to the user's demand feedback in the Issue, gradually integrate commonly used software to achieve one-click install/update/uninstall and other shortcut operations. Including docker images, desktop software, application services, etc.

Software introduction

ID SoftwareName Home DockerHub:Port Software introduction
101 Docker Home Docker Docker is an open platform for developing, shipping, and running applications.
102 Portainer Home Docker :9443 The most popular container management platform in the world.
103 Yacht Home Docker :8001 A container management UI with a focus on templates and 1-click deployments.
104 Transmission Home Docker :9091 Transmission is a cross-platform BitTorrent client.
105 qBittorrent Home Docker :8080 qBittorrent is a BitTorrent client.
106 NextCloud Home Docker :8088 Nextcloud offers an on-premise Universal File Access and sync platform with powerful collaboration capabilities and desktop, mobile and web interfaces.
107 Jellyfin Home Docker :8096 Jellyfin is a Free Software Media System that puts you in control of managing and streaming your media.
108 HomeAssistant Home Docker :8123 Home Assistant integrates with over a thousand different devices and services, Has powerful automation features.
109 Kodbox Home Docker :8081 Private cloud online document management solution.
110 CouchPotato Home Docker :5050 Couchpotato is an automatic NZB and torrent downloader, Automatically find movies you want to watch.
111 Sonarr Home Docker :8989 Sonarr is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users.
112 Radarr Home Docker :7878 Radarr is a movie collection manager for Usenet and BitTorrent users.
113 Syncthing Home Docker :8384 Syncthing is a continuous file synchronization program.
114 FileBrowser Home Docker :8002 File Browser provides a file managing interface within a specified directory and it can be used to upload, delete, preview, rename and edit your files.
115 Heimdall Home Docker :8003 Heimdall is a way to organise all those links to your most used web sites and web applications in a simple way.
116 Node-RED Home Docker :1880 Node-RED is a programming tool. It provides a browser-based editor that makes it easy to wire together flows using the wide range of nodes in the palette that can be deployed to its runtime in a single-click.
117 Mosquitto Home Docker :1883 The MQTT protocol provides a lightweight method of carrying out messaging using a publish/subscribe model. Eclipse Mosquitto is an open source implementation of a server for versions 5, 3.1.1, and 3.1 of the MQTT protocol.
118 OpenWrt Home Docker :80 The OpenWrt Project is a Linux operating system targeting embedded devices, it has more than 3000+ standardized application packages and a very rich third-party plug-in support.
119 Netdata Home Docker :19999 Netdata is distributed, real-time, performance and health monitoring for systems and applications.
120 XunLei Home Docker :2345 The Thunder remote download service program extracted from the Thunder Synology suite.
121 Docker-Headless Home Docker :10081 Remote Desktop with Audio/Locale/IBus Support. Multi Desktop (Gnome, Plasma, Mate, Xfce, Cinnamon)
122 Navidrome Home Docker :4533 Navidrome is a self-hosted, open source music server and streamer. It gives you freedom to listen to your music collection from any browser or mobile device.
123 Alist Home Docker :5244 A file list program that supports multiple storage, powered by Gin and Solidjs.
124 QingLong Home Docker :5700 A timed task management panel that supports typescript, javaScript, python3, and shell.
201 Desktop:GNOME Home - GNOME provides a focused desktop working environment that helps you get things done.
202 Firefox Home - An excellent web browser.
203 VLC Home - VLC is a free, open source, cross-platform multimedia player and framework that can play most multimedia files.
204 MPV Home - A free, open source, and cross-platform media player.
205 GIMP Home - GIMP is a cross-platform image editor.
206 Krita Home - Krita is a professional FREE and open source painting program.
207 LibreOffice Home - LibreOffice is a free and powerful office suite, Its clean interface and feature-rich tools help you unleash your creativity and enhance your productivity.
208 Shotcut Home - Shotcut is a free, open source, cross-platform video editor.
209 Kdenlive Home - Kdenlive is Free and Open Source Video Editor.
210 Thunderbird Home - Thunderbird makes email better for you, bringing together speed, privacy and the latest technologies.
211 Evolution Home - Evolution is a personal information management application that provides integrated mail, calendaring and address book functionality.
212 Gwenview Home - Gwenview is a fast and easy to use image viewer by KDE, ideal for browsing and displaying a collection of images.
213 Eog Home - Eye of GNOME(eog) is a image viewer program. It is meant to be a fast and functional image viewer.
214 VisualStudioCode Home - Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor.
215 Gedit Home - Gedit is a full-featured text editor for the GNOME desktop environment. You can use it to prepare simple notes and documents, or you can use some of its advanced features, making it your own software development environment.
216 Flameshot Home - Powerful, yet simple to use open-source screenshot software.
301 Frps Home - A fast reverse proxy to help you expose a local server behind a NAT or firewall to the internet.
302 Frpc Home - Frp is a high-performance reverse proxy application focusing on intranet penetration, supporting TCP, UDP, HTTP, HTTPS and other protocols.
303 NPS Home - NPS is a lightweight, high-performance, powerful intranet penetration proxy server, with a powerful web management terminal.
304 NPC Home - NPCs are clients of NPS.
305 Plex Home - From personal media on your own server, to free and on-demand Movies & Shows, live TV, podcasts, and web shows, to streaming music, you can enjoy it all in one app, on any device.
306 Emby-Server Home - Sync your personal media to the cloud for easy backup, archiving, and converting. Store your content in multiple resolutions to enable direct streaming from any device.
307 KVM Home - KVM (for Kernel-Based Virtual Machines) is a complete virtualization solution for Linux with virtualization extensions. The virt-manager application is a desktop user interface for managing virtual machines through libvirt. It primarily targets KVM VMs, but also manages Xen and LXC (linux containers). KVM virtual machine can install OpenWrt, Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE, ArchLinux, Centos, Gentoo, KyLin, UOS, etc.

Software Center Instructions

Login in to armbian → input command:


A list of currently integrated software quick installation/management will be displayed, such as:

root@armbian:~# armbian-software
[ STEPS ] Start selecting software [ Current system: debian/bullseye ]...
ID    NAME                STATE           MANAGE
102   Portainer           installed       update/remove
202   Firefox             installed       update/remove
302   Frpc                not-installed   install
[ OPTIONS ] Please Input Software ID:
  • Uninstalled software: The status is displayed as not-installed, enter the ID corresponding to the software to install.
  • Installed software: The status is displayed as installed, enter the ID corresponding to the software, and select update or delete according to the prompts.

Software Center Development Instructions

Software Center scripts/commands are centrally stored in the /usr/share/ophub/armbian-software directory, use the armbian-software -u command to synchronously download this directory to the local and update the local software center list. The file starting with a number is the one-click installation script of the corresponding software, and the file is the unified command file for installing/updating/deleting operations using commands. software-list.conf is the software list configuration file, described as follows:

# 1.ID     2.Software Name     3.AuthMethod@Package      4.Execute Selection     5.Supported Release
102        :Portainer          :docker@portainer      :jammy@focal@bullseye
202        :Firefox            :dpkg@firefox        :jammy@focal@bullseye
302        :Frpc               :which@frpc                 :jammy@focal@bullseye
303        :NPS                :which@nps           :jammy@focal@bullseye
  • ID: The unique serial number of the software.
  • Software Name: Software name (Name length requirement is less than 40 characters).
  • AuthMethod@Package: The check method of the software installation status, and the corresponding package, separated by the @ symbol.
    • Use docker to check the image installed in the docker container. For example, to check whether the portainer image is installed, use docker@portainer to check;
    • Packages installed by apt are checked by dpkg. For example, to check whether the firefox package is installed, use dpkg@firefox to check;
    • Use wget to download and install the binary executable file, and use which to check. For example, to check whether the frpc service is installed, use which@frpc to check.
  • Execute Selection: Set the software to be managed using a unified command file or stand-alone script.
    • For reduced operation commands, according to the software classification, they are written in the / / files and named after the software serial number. For example, the serial number of portainer is 102, and its operation is written in software_203();
    • For complex operations with long instruction contents, independent script file management is performed. For example, the stand-alone script for installing frpc is named starting with the serial number.
  • Supported Release: Set the supported Armbian System Release. Use the @ symbol to separate.

Welcome to add more software. Support requests are welcome in Issue.

Armbian 软件中心

根据用户在 Issue 中的需求反馈,逐步整合常用软件,实现一键安装/更新/卸载等快捷操作。包括 docker 镜像桌面软件应用服务 等。


ID 软件名称 Home DockerHub:Port 软件介绍
101 Docker Home Docker Docker 是一个用于开发、发布和运行应用程序的开放平台。
102 Portainer Home Docker :9443 全球最受欢迎的容器管理平台。
103 Yacht Home Docker :8001 容器管理 UI,侧重于模板和一键式部署。
104 Transmission Home Docker :9091 Transmission 是一个跨平台的 BitTorrent 客户端。
105 qBittorrent Home Docker :8080 qBittorrent 是一个 BitTorrent 客户端。
106 NextCloud Home Docker :8088 Nextcloud 提供了一个本地通用文件访问和同步平台,具有强大的协作功能以及桌面,移动和 Web 界面。
107 Jellyfin Home Docker :8096 Jellyfin 是一个自由软件媒体系统,让你控制管理和流媒体你的媒体。
108 HomeAssistant Home Docker :8123 Home Assistant 集成了一千多种不同的设备和服务,具有强大的自动化功能。
109 Kodbox Home Docker :8081 私有云在线文档管理解决方案。
110 CouchPotato Home Docker :5050 Couchpotato 是一个自动 NZB 和 torrent 下载器,自动查找要观看的电影。
111 Sonarr Home Docker :8989 Sonarr 是 Usenet 和 BitTorrent 用户的个人视频录像机。
112 Radarr Home Docker :7878 Radarr 是 Usenet 和 BitTorrent 用户的电影收藏管理器。
113 Syncthing Home Docker :8384 Syncthing 是一个连续的文件同步程序。
114 FileBrowser Home Docker :8002 File Browser 在指定目录中提供文件管理界面,可用于上传,删除,预览,重命名和编辑文件。
115 Heimdall Home Docker :8003 Heimdall 是一种以简单的方式组织所有这些链接到您最常用的网站和 Web 应用程序的方法。
116 Node-RED Home Docker :1880 Node-RED 是一种编程工具。它提供了一个基于浏览器的编辑器,使得使用调色板中的各种节点轻松地将流连接在一起,只需单击一下即可部署运行。
117 Mosquitto Home Docker :1883 MQTT 协议提供了一种使用发布/订阅模型执行消息传递的轻量级方法。Eclipse Mosquitto 是 MQTT 协议版本 5、3.1.1 和 3.1 的服务器的开源实现。
118 OpenWrt Home Docker :80 OpenWrt 项目是一个针对嵌入式设备的 Linux 操作系统,它拥有超过 3000+ 个标准化应用软件包和非常丰富的第三方插件支持。
119 Netdata Home Docker :19999 Netdata 是针对系统和应用程序的分布式实时性能和运行状况监控。
120 XunLei Home Docker :2345 从迅雷群晖套件中提取出来的迅雷远程下载服务程序。
121 Docker-Headless Home Docker :10081 具有音频/区域设置/IBus 支持的远程桌面。 支持多桌面(Gnome、Plasma、Mate、Xfce、Cinnamon)
122 Navidrome Home Docker :4533 Navidrome 是一个自托管的开源音乐服务器和流媒体。 它使您可以自由地从任何浏览器或移动设备收听音乐收藏。
123 Alist Home Docker :5244 一个支持多种存储的文件列表程序,使用 Gin 和 Solidjs。
124 QingLong Home Docker :5700 支持 python3、javaScript、shell、typescript 的定时任务管理面板。
201 Desktop:GNOME Home - GNOME 提供了一个专注的桌面工作环境,可帮助您完成工作。
202 Firefox Home - 一款优秀的网页浏览器。
203 VLC Home - VLC 是一款自由、开源的跨平台多媒体播放器及框架,可播放大多数多媒体文件。
204 MPV Home - 一个免费的、开源的、跨平台的媒体播放器。
205 GIMP Home - GIMP 是一个跨平台的图像编辑器。
206 Krita Home - Krita 是一个专业的免费和开源绘画程序。
207 LibreOffice Home - LibreOffice 是一个免费且功能强大的办公套件,其简洁的界面和功能丰富的工具可帮助您释放创造力并提高生产力。
208 Shotcut Home - Shotcut 是一个免费的,开源的,跨平台的视频编辑器。
209 Kdenlive Home - Kdenlive 是一个免费和开源视频编辑器。
210 Thunderbird Home - Thunderbird 将速度、隐私和最新技术结合在一起,让您更好地利用电子邮件。
211 Evolution Home - Evolution 是一个个人信息管理应用程序,提供集成的邮件、日历和地址簿功能。
212 Gwenview Home - Gwenview 是 KDE 出品的一款轻便易用的图像查看器,是浏览、显示多张图像时的理想工具。
213 Eog Home - Eye of GNOME(eog)一个图像查看器程序。它旨在成为一个快速且功能强大的图像查看器。
214 VisualStudioCode Home - Visual Studio Code 是一个轻量级但功能强大的源代码编辑器。
215 Gedit Home - Gedit 是一个用于 GNOME 桌面环境的全功能文本编辑器。您可以使用它来准备简单的笔记和文档,也可以使用它的一些高级功能,使其成为您自己的软件开发环境。
216 Flameshot Home - 功能强大,但易于使用的开源屏幕截图软件。
301 Frps Home - Frp 是一种快速反向代理,可帮助您将 NAT 或防火墙后面的本地服务器暴露给互联网。
302 Frpc Home - Frp 是一个专注于内网穿透的高性能的反向代理应用,支持 TCP、UDP、HTTP、HTTPS 等多种协议。
303 NPS Home - NPS 服务端。一款轻量级、高性能、功能强大的内网渗透代理服务器,具有强大的 Web 管理终端。
304 NPC Home - NPC 是 NPS 的客户端。
305 Plex Home - 从您自己服务器上的个人媒体,到免费和点播的电影和节目,直播电视,播客和网络节目,再到流媒体音乐,您可以在任何设备上的一个应用程序中享受所有这些内容。
306 Emby-Server Home - 将您的个人媒体同步到云,以便轻松备份、存档和转换。以多种分辨率存储您的内容,以便从任何设备直接流式传输。
307 KVM Home - KVM(用于基于内核的虚拟机)是包含虚拟化扩展适用于 Linux 的完整虚拟化解决方案。virt-manager 应用程序是一个桌面用户界面,用于通过 libvirt 管理虚拟机。它主要针对 KVM VM,但也管理 Xen 和 LXC(Linux 容器)。KVM 虚拟机可以安装 OpenWrt、Debian、Ubuntu、OpenSUSE、ArchLinux、Centos、Gentoo、KyLin、UOS 等等。


登录 Armbian 系统 → 输入命令:



root@armbian:~# armbian-software
[ STEPS ] Start selecting software [ Current system: debian/bullseye ]...
ID    NAME                STATE           MANAGE
102   Portainer           installed       update/remove
202   Firefox             installed       update/remove
302   Frpc                not-installed   install
[ OPTIONS ] Please Input Software ID:
  • 未安装的软件:状态显示为 not-installed,输入软件对应的 ID 即可 安装
  • 已安装的软件:状态显示为 installed,输入软件对应的 ID ,根据提示选择 更新删除


软件中心的脚本/命令集中存放在 /usr/share/ophub/armbian-software 目录下,使用 armbian-software -u 命令可以同步下载此目录至本地,更新本地的软件中心列表。其中以数字开头的文件是对应软件的 一键安装脚本 文件。 是使用命令安装/更新/删除操作的统一指令文件software-list.conf 是软件列表配置文件,说明如下:

# 1.ID     2.Software Name     3.AuthMethod@Package      4.Execute Selection     5.Supported Release
102        :Portainer          :docker@portainer      :jammy@focal@bullseye
202        :Firefox            :dpkg@firefox        :jammy@focal@bullseye
302        :Frpc               :which@frpc                 :jammy@focal@bullseye
303        :NPS                :which@nps           :jammy@focal@bullseye
  • ID: 软件的 唯一序号
  • Software Name软件名称(名称长度要求小于 40 个字符)。
  • AuthMethod@Package:软件安装状态的检查方法,与对应的软件包,使用 @ 符号分割。
    • 使用 docker 容器安装的镜像,采用 docker 方式检查,如检查是否安装了 portainer 镜像,使用 docker@portainer 进行检查;
    • 使用 apt 方式安装的软件包采用 dpkg 方式检查,如检查是否安装了 firefox 软件包,使用 dpkg@firefox 进行检查;
    • 使用 wget 等方式下载安装的二进制执行文件,采用 which 方式检查,如检查是否安装了 frpc 服务,使用 which@frpc 进行检查。
  • Execute Selection:设置软件使用 统一指令文件独立脚本 进行管理。
    • 对于 比较精简 的操作命令,按照软件分类,集中写在 / / 文件中,以软件序号进行命名。如 portainer 的序号是 102,他的操作写在 software_203() 中;
    • 对于 比较复杂、指令内容较长 的操作,进行独立脚本文件管理。如安装 frpc 的独立脚本,以序号开头,命名为
  • Supported Release:设置支持的 Armbian 系统版本。使用 @ 符号分割。

欢迎大家补充更多软件。欢迎在 Issue 中提交支持需求。