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AWS Databricks Unity Catalog - One apply

Using this template, you can deploy all the necessary resources in order to have a simple Databricks AWS workspace with Unity Catalog enabled.

This is a one apply template, you will create the base aws resources for a workspace (VPC, subnets, VPC endpoints, S3 Bucket and cross account IAM role) and the unity catalog metastore and cross account role.

In order to run this template, you need to have an account admin identity, preferably with a service principal. Running with a user account also works, but one should not include the account owner in the terraform UC admin or databricks users list as you cannot destroy yourself from the admin list.

When running tf configs for UC resources, due to sometimes requires a few minutes to be ready and you may encounter errors along the way, so you can either wait for the UI to be updated before you apply and patch the next changes; or specifically add depends_on to account level resources. We tried to add the necessary wait times but should you encounter an error just apply again and you should be good to go.

Get Started

Step 1: Fill in values in terraform.tfvars; also configure env necessary variables for AWS provider authentication.

Step 2: Run terraform init and terraform apply to deploy the resources. This will deploy both AWS resources that Unity Catalog requires and Databricks Account Level resources.


Name Version
aws ~> 5.0
databricks >= 1.2.0, < 2.0.0
random =3.4.1
time =0.9.1


Name Version
aws ~> 5.0
databricks.mws >= 1.2.0, < 2.0.0
databricks.workspace >= 1.2.0, < 2.0.0
random =3.4.1
time =0.9.1


Name Type
databricks_catalog.demo_catalog resource
databricks_cluster.unity_catalog_cluster resource
databricks_grants.unity_catalog_grants resource
databricks_group.admin_group resource
databricks_group.users resource
databricks_group_member.admin_group_member resource
databricks_group_member.my_service_principal resource
databricks_group_member.users_group_members resource
databricks_mws_permission_assignment.add_admin_group resource
databricks_mws_permission_assignment.add_user_group resource
databricks_user.unity_users resource
random_string.naming resource
time_sleep.wait_for_permission_apis resource
aws_caller_identity.current data source
databricks_node_type.smallest data source
databricks_service_principal.admin_service_principal data source
databricks_spark_version.latest_version data source


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_access_services_role_name (Optional) Name for the AWS Services role by this module string null no
aws_profile (Required) AWS cli profile to be used for authentication with AWS string n/a yes
cidr_block (Required) CIDR block to be used to create the Databricks VPC string n/a yes
databricks_account_id (Required) Databricks Account ID string n/a yes
databricks_client_id (Required) Client ID to authenticate the Databricks provider at the account level string n/a yes
databricks_client_secret (Required) Client secret to authenticate the Databricks provider at the account level string n/a yes
databricks_metastore_admins List of Admins to be added at account-level for Unity Catalog.
Enter with square brackets and double quotes
e.g ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
list(string) n/a yes
databricks_users List of Databricks users to be added at account-level for Unity Catalog.
Enter with square brackets and double quotes
e.g ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
list(string) n/a yes
my_username (Required) Username in the form of an email to be added to the tags and be declared as owner of the assets string n/a yes
region (Required) AWS region where the assets will be deployed string n/a yes
tags (Optional) List of tags to be propagated accross all assets in this demo map(string) n/a yes
unity_admin_group (Required) Name of the admin group. This group will be set as the owner of the Unity Catalog metastore string n/a yes
workspace_name (Required) Databricks workspace name to be used for deployment string n/a yes


Name Description
databricks_workspace_id Databricks workspace ID
databricks_workspace_url Databricks workspace URL