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Usage: new Address(data, network, type)
Description: Instantiate an address from an address String or Buffer, a public key or script hash Buffer.


parameters type required Description
data String/Buffer yes The encoded data in various format (PublicKey, PublicKeyHash, ScriptHash, Script, Buffer, Object or String)
network Network/String no[=livenet] The network as a Network instance or a string
type string no The type of address (script or pubkey)

Returns : A new valid and frozen instance of an Address

Address.createMultisig(publicKeys, threshold, network)

Description: Creates a P2SH address from a set of public keys and a threshold.

The addresses will be sorted lexicographically.
To create an address from unsorted public keys, use the Script#buildMultisigOut


parameters type required Description
publicKeys Array yes a set of public keys to create an address
threshold number yes the number of signatures needed to release the funds
network Network/String no[=livenet] The network as a Network instance or a string
const public1 =
const public2 =
const public3 =
const publics = [public1, public2, public3];
const address = Address.createMultisig(publics, 2, Networks.livenet);

Returns :{Address} A new valid and frozen instance of an Address

Address.fromPublicKey(data, network)

Description: Instantiate an address from a PublicKey instance.


parameter type required Description
data PublicKey yes
network Network/String no[=livenet] The network as a Network instance or a string

Returns : {Address} A new valid and frozen instance of an Address

const pubkey = new PublicKey(
const address = Address.fromPublicKey(pubkey);

Address.fromPublicKeyHash(data, network)

Description: Instantiate an address from a PublicKey hash.


parameter type required Description
data Buffer yes An instance of buffer of the hash
network Network/String no[=livenet] The network as a Network instance or a string

Returns : {Address} A new valid and frozen instance of an Address

const pubkeyhash = Buffer.from(
const address = Address.fromPublicKeyHash(pubkeyhash, 'livenet');

Address.fromScriptHash(hash, network)

Description: Instantiate an address from a ripemd160 script hash


parameter type required Description
data Buffer yes An instance of buffer of the hash
network Network/String no[=livenet] The network as a Network instance or a string

Returns : {Address} A new valid and frozen instance of an Address

const scriptHash = Buffer.from(
const address = Address.fromScriptHash(scriptHash, 'livenet');

Address.fromScript(hash, network)

Description: Extract address from a Script. The script must be of one of the following types: p2pkh input, p2pkh output, p2sh input or p2sh output. This will analyze the script and extract address information from it. If you want to transform any script to a p2sh Address paying to that script's hash instead, use Address.payingTo()


parameter type required Description
script Script yes An instance of Script
network Network/String no[=livenet] The network as a Network instance or a string

Returns : {Address} A new valid and frozen instance of an Address

const script = new Script(
  'OP_DUP OP_HASH160 20 0xc8e11b0eb0d2ad5362d894f048908341fa61b6e1 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG'
const address = Address.fromScript(script);


Description: Instantiate an address from an Object


parameter type required Description
json String/Object yes An JSON string or Object with keys: hash, network and type

Returns : {Address} A new valid and frozen instance of an Address

Address.payingTo(script, network)

Description: Builds a p2sh address paying to script. This will hash the script and use that to create the address.


parameter type required Description
script Script yes An instance of Script
network Network/String no[=livenet] The network as a Network instance or a string

Returns : {Address} A new valid and frozen instance of an Address

Address.isValid(data, network, type)

Description: Will return a boolean if an address is valid


parameter type required Description
data Script yes The encoded data
network Network/String no[=livenet] The network as a Network instance or a string
type String no The type of address: 'script' or 'pubkey'

Returns : {Boolean|String} if valid a boolean, else the corresponding error message

Address.getValidationError(data, network, type)

Description: Will return a validation error if exists


parameter type required Description
data Script yes The encoded data
network Network/String no[=livenet] The network as a Network instance or a string
type String no The type of address: 'script' or 'pubkey'

Returns: {null|Error} An error if exists


Description: Returns true if an address is of pay to public key hash type

Parameters: None.

Returns : {boolean} - if it's a pay to public key hash type address


Description: Returns true if an address is of pay to script hash type

Parameters: None.

Returns : {boolean} - if it's a pay to script hash type address


Description: Will return a buffer representation of the address

Parameters: None.

Returns: {Buffer} Dash address buffer


Description:Will return a string representation of the address

Parameters: None.

Returns: {string} Dash address

const address = new Address(...);
address.toString() // XgBQcYbKff4q7cEs7AaxoPN2CAiBbFc2JT

.toJSON() / .toObject()

Description: Will return an object representation of the address

Parameters: None.

Returns: {Object} A plain object with the address information


Description: Will return a string formatted for the console

Parameters: None.

Returns: {string} Dash address

const address = new Address(...);
address.toInspect() // <Address: XgBQcYbKff4q7cEs7AaxoPN2CAiBbFc2JT, type: pubkeyhash, network: livenet>