To implement a plugin, start by creating a simple package and create a class
that is a subclass of ServerPlugin
. This class will need to implement a
constructor, three getters, and two methods. The getters provide some basic
information about your plugin: the name and version, both of which are included
in error messages if there is a problem encountered, and a list of glob patterns
for the files that the plugin cares about. The methods ...
Here's an example of what a minimal plugin might look like.
class MyPlugin extends ServerPlugin {
MyPlugin(ResourceProvider provider) : super(provider);
List<String> get fileGlobsToAnalyze => <String>['**/*.dart'];
String get name => 'My fantastic plugin';
String get version => '1.0.0';
AnalysisDriverGeneric createAnalysisDriver(ContextRoot contextRoot) {
// TODO: implement createAnalysisDriver
return null;
void sendNotificationsForSubscriptions(
Map<String, List<AnalysisService>> subscriptions) {
// TODO: implement sendNotificationsForSubscriptions