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File metadata and controls

276 lines (229 loc) · 12.5 KB


DAOS object stores user's data, it is identified by object ID which is unique within the DAOS container it belongs to. Objects can be distributed across any target of the pool for both performance and resilience. DAOS object in DAOS storage model is shown in the diagram - /docs/graph/Fig_002.png The object module implements the object I/O stack.

KV store, dkey and akey

Each DAOS object is a Key-Value store with locality feature. The key is split into a dkey (distribution key) and an akey (attribute key). All entries with the same dkey are guaranteed to be collocated on the same targets. Enumeration of the akeys of a dkey is provided.

The value can be either atomic single value (i.e. value replaced on update) or a byte array (i.e. arbitrary extent fetch/update).

Object Class

To avoid scaling problems and overhead common to traditional storage stack, DAOS objects are intentionally very simple. No default object metadata beyond the object class is provided. This means that the system does not maintain time, size, owner, permissions and opener tracking attributes.

The DAOS object class describes the definitions for object types, data protection methods, and data distribution strategies. An object class has a unique class ID, which is a 16-bit value, and can represent a category of objects that use the same schema(data protection, distribution). DAOS provides some pre-defined object class for the most common use (see daos_obj_classes). In addition user can register customized object class by daos_obj_register_class() (not implemented yet). A successfully registered object class is stored as container metadata; it is valid in the lifetime of the container.

The object class ID is embedded in object ID. By daos_obj_generate_oid() user can generate an object ID for the specific object class ID. DAOS uses this class ID to find the corresponding object class, and then distribute and protect object data based on algorithm descriptions of this class.

Users can select the object class manually when generating the oid from the list of all object classes in [/src/include/daos_obj_class.h]. However manually selecting the object class is not encouraged for regular users and should be done by advanced users only who understand all the different object classes and the redundancy factor of the container. For most users, passing an OC_UNKNOWN (0) object class to daos_obj_generate_oid() would allow DAOS to automatically select an object class based on the container properties where that object is being accessed such as the redundancy factor (RF), the number of domain (server engines) of the pool, and on the type of object being accessed (determined by the feats flag).

The following details how the object class is chosen when no default or hints are provided:

  • RF:0
    • Array, Byte Array, Flat KV object: OC_SX
    • no feats type: OC_S1
  • RF:1
    • Array, Byte Array:
      • domain_nr >= 10 : OC_EC_8P1GX
      • domain_nr >= 6 : OC_EC_4P1GX
      • OC_EC_2P1GX
    • Flat KV object: OC_RP_2GX
    • no feats type: OC_RP_2G1
  • RF:2
    • Array, Byte Array:
      • domain_nr >= 10 : OC_EC_8P2GX
      • domain_nr >= 6 : OC_EC_4P2GX
      • OC_EC_2P2GX
    • Flat KV object: OC_RP_3GX
    • no feats type: OC_RP_3G1
  • RF:3
    • Array, Byte Array, Flat KV object: OC_RP_4GX
    • no feats type: OC_RP_4G1
  • RF:4
    • Array, Byte Array, Flat KV object: OC_RP_6GX
    • no feats type: OC_RP_6G1

In addition, the oid generation API provides an optional mechanism for users to provide hints to the DAOS library to control what redundancy method is chosen and what scale of groups to use for the oclass without needing to specify the oclass itself. Those hints will override the auto class selection for that particular setting. For example, one could set a redundancy hint for replication on an Array object, and DAOS in this case will select the proper replicated object class instead of the default EC one.

The user can specify any of the following redundancy hints:

  • DAOS_OCH_RDD_DEF - Use RF prop (default)
  • DAOS_OCH_RDD_NO - No redundancy
  • DAOS_OCH_RDD_RP - Replication
  • DAOS_OCH_RDD_EC - Erasure Code

and any of the following sharding hints (percentage based on number of targets):

  • DAOS_OCH_SHD_DEF - use 1 grp (default)
  • DAOS_OCH_SHD_TINY - <= 4 grps
  • DAOS_OCH_SHD_REG - max(128, 25%)
  • DAOS_OCH_SHD_HI - max(256, 50%)
  • DAOS_OCH_SHD_EXT - max(1024, 80%)
  • DAOS_OCH_SHD_MAX - 100%

Data Protection Method

Two types data protection methods supported by DAOS - replication and erasure coding. In addition, checksums can be used with both methods to ensure end-to-end data integrity. If checksums discovers silent data corruption, the data protection method (replication or erasure codes) might be able to recover the data.


Replication ensures high availability of object data because objects are accessible while any replica exists. Replication can also increase read bandwidth by allowing concurrent reads from different replicas.

Server-side Replication

DAOS supports server replication, which has stronger consistency of replicas with a trade-off in performance and latency. In server replication mode DAOS client selects a leader shard to send the IO request with the need-to- forward shards embedded in the RPC request, when the leader shard gets that IO request it handles it as below steps:

  • firstly forwards the IO request to others shards For the request forwarding, it is offload to the vos target's offload xstream to release the main IO service xstream from IO request sending and reply receiving (see shard_req_forward).
  • then serves the IO request locally
  • waits the forwarded IO's completion and reply client IO request.

In server replication mode, the DAOS client-side IO error handling is relative simpler because all operations only sent to only one server shard target, so need not to compare replied pool map version from multiple shard targets, other error handing is same as client replication mode described above.

In this mode the conflict writes can be detected and serialized by the leader shard server. Now both modes are supported by DAOS, it can be dynamically configured by environment variable DAOS_IO_SRV_DISPATCH before loading DAOS server. By default DAOS works in server replication mode, and if the ENV set as zero then will work in client replication mode.

Client-side Replication

Client replication is the mode that it is synchronous and fully in the client stack, to provide high concurrency and low latency I/O for the upper layer. This mode is not default and is only provided for testing purposes, consistency between replicas of this mode is not guaranteed when failure occurs.

  • I/O requests against replicas are directly issued via DAOS client; there is no sequential guarantee on writes in the same epoch, and concurrent writes for a same object can arrive at different replicas in an arbitrary order.

  • Because there is no communication between servers in this way, there is no consistent guarantee if there are overlapped writes or KV updates in the same epoch. The DAOS server should detect overlapped updates in the same epoch, and return errors or warnings for the updates to the client. The only exception is multiple updates to the same extent or KV having the exactly same data. In this case, it is allowed because these updates could potentially be the resending requests.

Erasure Code

In the case of replicating a whole object, the storage overhead would be 100% for each replica. This is unaffordable in some cases, so DAOS also provides erasure code as another option of data protection, with better storage efficiency.

Erasure codes may be used to improve resilience, with lower space overhead. This feature is still working in progress.


The checksum feature attempts to provide end-to-end data integrity. On an update, the DAOS client calculates checksums for user data and sends with the RPC to the DAOS server. The DAOS server returns the checksum with the data on a fetch so the DAOS client can verify the integrity of the data. See End-to-end Data Integrity Overiew for more information.

Checksums are configured at the container level and when a client opens a container, the checksum properties will be queried automatically, and, if enabled, both the server and client will init and hold a reference to a daos_csummer in ds_cont_hdl and dc_cont respectively.

For Array Value Types, the DAOS server might need to calculate new checksums for requested extents. After extents are fetched by the server object layer, the checksums srv_csum

Object Update

On an object update (dc_obj_update) the client will calculate checksums using the data in the sgl as described by an iod (daos_csummer_calc_iod). Memory will be allocated for the checksums and the iod checksum structures that represent the checksums (dcs_iod_csums). The checksums will be sent to the server as part of the IOD and the server will store in [VOS] (src/vos/

Object Fetch - Server

On handling an object fetch (ds_obj_rw_handler), the server will allocate memory for the checksums and iod checksum structures. Then during the vos_fetch_begin stage, the checksums will be fetched from VOS. For Array Value Types, the extents fetched will need to be compared to the requested extent and new checksums might need to be calculated. ds_csum_add2iod will look at the fetched bio_sglist and the iod request to determine if the stored checksums for the request are sufficient or if new ones need to be calculated.

cc_need_new_csum Logic

The following are some examples of when checksums are copied and when new checksums are needed. There are more examples in the unit tests for this logic( ./src/object/tests/srv_checksum_tests.c)

     Request  |----|----|----|----|
     Extent 2           |----|----|
     Extent 1 |----|----|

Chunk length is 4. Extent 1 is bytes 0-7, extent 2 is bytes 8-15. Request is bytes 0-15. There is no overlap of extents and each extent is completely requested. Therefore, the checksum for each chunk of each extent is copied.

     Request  |----|----|----
     Extent 2 |    |----|----
     Extent 1 |----|----|

Chunk length is 4. Extent 1 is bytes 0-7. Extent 2 is bytes 8-11. Request is bytes 0-1. Even though there is overlap, the extents are aligned to chunks, therefore each chunk's checksum is copied. The checksum for the first chunk will come from extent 1, the second and third checksums come from extent 2, just like the data does.

     Request  |  ----  |
     Extent 1 |--------|

Chunk length is 8. Extent 1 is bytes 0-7. Request is bytes 2-5. Because the request is only part of the stored extent, a new checksum will need to be created

     Request  |--------|--------|
     Extent 2 |   -----|--------|
     Extent 1 |------  |        |

Chunk length is 8. Extent 1 is bytes 0-5. Extent 2 is bytes 3-15. Request is bytes 0-15. The first chunk needs a new checksum because it will be made up of data from extent 1 and extent 2. The checksum for the second chunk is copied.

Note: Anytime the server calculates a new checksum; it will use the stored checksum to verify the original chunks.

Object Fetch - Client

In the client RPC callback, the client will calculate checksums for the data fetched and compare to the checksums fetched (daos_csummer_verify).

Object Sharding

DAOS supports different data distribution strategies.

Single (unstriped) Object

For replication, single (unstriped) object always has one stripe and each shard of it is a full replica, for Erasure code, single object only has one parity group and a shard of it can either be a data chunk or parity chunk of the parity group. A single (unstriped) object can be either a byte-array or a KV.

Fixed Stripe Object

A fixed stripe object has a constant number of stripes and each stripe has a fixed stripe size. These stripe attributes are predefined by object class, DAOS uses these attributes to compute object layout.

Dynamically Striped Object (Not implemented)

A fixed stripe object always has the same number of stripes since it was created. In contrast, a dynamically stripped object could be created with a single stripe. It will increase its stripe count as its size grows to some boundary, to achieve more storage space and better concurrent I/O performance.

Now the dynamically Striped Object is not implemented yet.